Heroes, Volume 5: Redemption - Season 4 airs Mondays at 8pm, starting Fall 2009

I was actually cautiously optimistic following the premiere. Of course, Heroes has teased me before, but I liked the episode.

Robert Knepper was fantastic, but that's no surprise to anyone who watched Prison Break. Other than the Claire scenes there wasn't anything too boring for my taste, and the Parkman/Sylar scenes in particular were gold.

The product placement was a bit much though. I mean, I understand the reality of the situation and that they are a necessary evil, but it was particularly pathetic in this episode:

1) Guitar Hero III? Really? That game came out in 2007.

2) Peter making a big deal about getting Legal Seafoods clam chowder saying it's in Boston and he "knows a guy".
(har har, I have super speed again)
Umm, if you want Legal Seafoods you don't need to go all the way to Boston. They're all over the East coast. There's one in White Plains.
Not that it was a terrible episode, but I am glad that I watched it on DVR vs watching live. Nothing really "important" happened.

OMG Claire "died" and someone saw her come back
OMG Peter has his power back and uses it as an EMT. Come on, atleast be a doctor
HRG and Stacy (or whatever Nikki 2 is named) are going to hook up over Chowder
Ando is hitting Hiro's sister
Hiro is a tool, writing wise
"Nathan" is discovering that he isn't himself.
Parkman is weak and will fix Sylar
Angella, well get rid of her already

Did I miss anything "major"?

Season will end with the Haitian erasing everyone's mind, including ours, and make a reboot of the series for the cliffhanger
why must the tattoo girl be naked while telling the future. and why must he only insert the ink in her back. i can think of other places.
[quote name='HuBu']why must the tattoo girl be naked while telling the future. and why must he only insert the ink in her back. i can think of other places.[/QUOTE]

forget where. WHY. why on earth does a carnival tattoo artist with telekenesis have to inject ink into her in order for her to tell the future. they are both very lame at this point. but not quite claire at college lame.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']forget where. WHY. why on earth does a carnival tattoo artist with telekenesis have to inject ink into her in order for her to tell the future. they are both very lame at this point. but not quite claire at college lame.[/QUOTE]

Isn't it at all possible that you've simply misinterpreted what Samuel's power is?

His power is not telekinesis, it's terrakinesis, which is the ability to manipulate minerals like dirt and rock. I believe the intent is that his manipulation of the tattoos is also a manifestation of this ability. I'm assuming he uses an ink laced with some kind of mineral, which is why he was able to make tattoos move and do other things (the spinning compass tattoo, the choking hand).

My feeling is that Lydia is simply empathic, and the tattoos are just a way for Samuel to interpret her visions. After all, she knows more things about the people she sees than just what they look like.
Only 5 million viewers last night, if that is the season's trend, the show won't have a 5th season...

Which would actually make me happy... I used to love this show, now I only watch it because I have been from the beginning, I'd rather not waste the time really.

went downhill so fast.
[quote name='DestroVega']Only 5 million viewers last night, if that is the season's trend, the show won't have a 5th season...

Which would actually make me happy... I used to love this show, now I only watch it because I have been from the beginning, I'd rather not waste the time really.

went downhill so fast.[/QUOTE]

People expect the worst from it now. It's my opinion that no show was hurt more by the writer's strike. It basically destroyed their entire second season, and it took them a while to recover. I actually felt the latter half of season three was very decent and the premiere was strong. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think the general meme of "Heroes sucks now" is what's driving a lot of the negative feedback, even if it's not all merited (some of it certainly is).

I agree with you the audience will probably never recover, but I for one think that's a shame, since I honestly still think this show has the potential to be great at times if it doesn't get in its own way.
The Carnival gang is just another excuse for this show to add yet another group of characters to a new season.

That being said, based on first impressions, the Carnival gang do seem pretty cool.

I look forward to Claire and Gretchen (hopefully) gettin' it on.
[quote name='MisterModest']
That being said, based on first impressions, the Carnival gang do seem pretty cool.

Robert Knepper (Samuel) is a fantastic character actor, as anyone who watched him in Prison Break can attest. I think he will be great.

Ray Park is a very credible action star, despite being best known as Darth Maul (surely we can't blame him for Episode I).
Heroes still disappoints. Lame Parkman, lame Hiro, lame Claire. Blah. Only thing I enjoyed was the fight with Peter and the knife dood.
Well, after watching the season premier, I'm glad to see that Heroes still managed to retain its #1 spot for "Worst Show on TV". Actually, Heroes and Two and a Half Men are probably tied for that honor...

Sigh. Oh well, at least the first season was pretty darn good.
I agree that the Writer's strike really killed this show. but what can you do? they led it down the wrong path numerous times.

Once it bites the dust, I will probably buy season 1 on Blu-Ray and treat it as the only season.
[quote name='DestroVega']I agree that the Writer's strike really killed this show. but what can you do? they led it down the wrong path numerous times.[/QUOTE]

I think that's a cop-out. Season two was terrible right from the first episode, long before the writer's strike hit. Nor does it excuse every subsequent season.
^ I did say they then led it down the wrong path numerous times.

I'm not sticking up for them. The show doesn't even show new promise.

The main problem in my mind NO CONSEQUENCES... no one can die, just put them in another body or rewind time or do something else... it's stupid as hell.
I was also disappointed with the premiere, but I didn't expect much to begin with.

The product placement really ruined it for me: Guitar Hero, the big Sprint logo on "Dial a Hero", the Nissan Qube commercial with the funky music (they kept the camera on the car instead of the girl walking away from it), Legal Seafoods... any others??

I'm also tired of Ando getting shit on by Hiro all the time.
I thought the episode was ok. Nothing great but I'll keep watching. I was ok with season 2 and 3 as well--not great but enjoyable. It's time for some of you to just stop watching I think.

And for anyone curious who hasn't checked, the episodes are popping up on Netflix instant watch on Wednesdays after they are again. I'll keep watching them that way as it's easier than DVRing and fast forwarding commercials.
[quote name='dmaul1114']It's time for some of you to just stop watching I think.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that'll definitely get it renewed for another season...
[quote name='MisterModest']Yeah, that'll definitely get it renewed for another season...[/QUOTE]

The goal is to *prevent* that. At all costs.
[quote name='DestroVega']^ I did say they then led it down the wrong path numerous times.

I'm not sticking up for them. The show doesn't even show new promise.

The main problem in my mind NO CONSEQUENCES... no one can die, just put them in another body or rewind time or do something else... it's stupid as hell.[/QUOTE]

A good show can make that work and still keep it suspenseful. It's just that Heroes isn't a good show anymore.
[quote name='MisterModest']Yeah, that'll definitely get it renewed for another season...[/QUOTE]

I never liked the show enough to care if it came back--even Season 1 was overhyped.

It's entertaining enough to keep watching, but nothing I'd miss. These threads just get old as it's been the same people bitching about it for 3 seasons now, yet they keep watching and keep bitching.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']The goal is to *prevent* that. At all costs.[/QUOTE]

It's comments like this that make me wonder if people realize there are other channels. Heroes airs on a single channel -- you have options.

It's ridiculous that people despise a show (yet keep watching) so much that they want it taken off the air, so people who do enjoy it get screwed.
I've watched the first half of the premiere. I have so much threadcrap ready, but I want to watch the whole episode. I hope I don't rupture my threadcolon before I watch the rest of the episode.
It was not as bad as season 2 but it seems the show will never get close to Season 1 again. However, I like the carnies and I'm interested in their purpose.

It seems the carnies relate to other heroes we have seen in the past like "telepathic chick" is similar to "the painter" from the first season. The old guy is a time traveler like Hiro. Ray Park's character could be Daphne with the super speed possibly?

Claire's new roommate seems "off", now that she knows the truth about Claire she could end up being evil

I think somehow Sylar is going to take over Parkman. It seems he keeps getting more prevalent as Parkman keeps uses his powers.
[quote name='PR Mega X']It's comments like this that make me wonder if people realize there are other channels. Heroes airs on a single channel -- you have options.

It's ridiculous that people despise a show (yet keep watching) so much that they want it taken off the air, so people who do enjoy it get screwed.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly how I feel. Hating on Heroes is practically a cliche at this point. While I certainly agree that Season 1 was by far the best, IMO only Season 2 was truly horrendous television. It's actually to the point now where I feel people who used to like it bash it so much that it's actually become underrated.

There are still plenty of bright spots, Sylar for one continues to be one of the best characters on TV (he carried the first half of season 3).
[quote name='HuBu']I can't believe Peter traded super agility and strength for speed.[/QUOTE]

I suppose his rationale for it - that it would help him to save people faster - made at least some sense. He'll have trouble pulling doors off of cars now though.
[quote name='bvharris']I suppose his rationale for it - that it would help him to save people faster - made at least some sense. He'll have trouble pulling doors off of cars now though.[/QUOTE]

exactly! its going to be hard lifting cars out of the way. if he really wants to help people, go get sylar's power.
[quote name='PR Mega X']

It's ridiculous that people despise a show (yet keep watching) so much that they want it taken off the air, so people who do enjoy it get screwed.[/QUOTE]

i dont want it to to get taken off the air, i want it to get better. its gone down hill a little bit each season. yes, season 2 was screwed over by the writers strike. but season 3 continued the downward trend. i still watch because i want it to to get better, and i hope it does. but as long as its bad im going to continue to bash it.

i think a big part of the problem is the gimmick characters they introduce every season. thers a long list of them, they pop up for a few episodes and disappear or die. itd be nice to have a stable cast and just focus on them. think about how many have come and gone since season 1...

claude, molly, ted, candice, maya, alejandro, west, daphne, elle, knox, flint, eric, meredith, aurthur, maury, usutu and more

these character have done little to nothing besides trying ot move the plot along. theyve been killed off for seemingly no reason (some with seamingly no reason) or just flat out disapeared. its not a good way to build the story. i mean think how much of season 3 was spent hyping up the petrellis dad, man hes bad ass, more powerful than peter, behind the company etc etc. oh wait, hes dead, lets move on.
I don't know why people raise season 1 up so much. I liked it, but it was far from a decent show on tv. For a show about superhero's, there was very little fights and all the big showdowns they billed in the teasers were weak. The writting for the dialog was just as bad as it is now. The storyline was better then it has been since, but god it was drawn out a long ass time. I enjoyed it because I am interested in those types of tv shows, but I never thought it held a candle to 24.
[quote name='bvharris']There are still plenty of bright spots, Sylar for one continues to be one of the best characters on TV (he carried the first half of season 3).[/QUOTE]

Really? It's way past the point where his character needs to die, honestly. Every single plot he's been involved in after the first season has been god-awful terrible. His stint without powers from season two, the preposterous and retarded "I'm a good guy now, and a Petrelli!" from the first half of season three, and then his quest for his real father that went absolutely *nowhere* and had nothing to do with anything from the second half... ugh, IT'S ALL SO BAD!!

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']yes, season 2 was screwed over by the writers strike.[/QUOTE]
Again, season two was terrible from the very first episode, well before the writer's strike.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Really? It's way past the point where his character needs to die, honestly. Every single plot he's been involved in after the first season has been god-awful terrible. His stint without powers from season two, the preposterous and retarded "I'm a good guy now, and a Petrelli!" from the first half of season three, and then his quest for his real father that went absolutely *nowhere* and had nothing to do with anything from the second half... ugh, IT'S ALL SO BAD!!

I think we're probably just watching different shows. I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, I just happen to disagree with it, especially on Sylar.
[quote name='bvharris']This is exactly how I feel. Hating on Heroes is practically a cliche at this point. While I certainly agree that Season 1 was by far the best, IMO only Season 2 was truly horrendous television. It's actually to the point now where I feel people who used to like it bash it so much that it's actually become underrated.

There are still plenty of bright spots, Sylar for one continues to be one of the best characters on TV (he carried the first half of season 3).[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Oh well. I'll just keep watching and not bother with this thread since it's the same haters bitching about the same problems they have with the show over and over rather than moving on.
I actually agree with Kirin, Sylar should've been killed off a long time ago. He certainly shouldn't have made it past the second season, and the only reason I say that he shouldn't have died in the first season is because they made it seem like Sylar was saved by that boogie man Molly or whatever her name was afraid of.

If season 2 would have gone with Sylar being rescued by the guy Molly was afraid of, and them teaming up against the heroes, and Sylar having some lasting injury from the season 1 ending then it would've at least been better.

The other terrible thing about the show is all the continuity errors.
Tonight's episode was fantastic. The Claire moments were still meh, but the rest was great.

I particular loved the new character. The abilities on the show have become far too commonplace, the show has lost its sense of wonder, which is one of its big problems. To see a character discovering their abilities and being in awe of them again was quite something, that was a very beautiful scene. She has a lot of potential.
I'm still curious if other people can see it or not, if people were crowding around because she was really good at playing or because they saw the lights.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']I'm still curious if other people can see it or not, if people were crowding around because she was really good at playing or because they saw the lights.[/QUOTE]

She was very good at playing. It simply came naturally to her when she saw the lights. If people had seen the lights, they would have been a lot more awestruck than applause I'd wager.
[quote name='bvharris']She was very good at playing. It simply came naturally to her when she saw the lights. If people had seen the lights, they would have been a lot more awestruck than applause I'd wager.[/QUOTE]

Probably, plus Peter would have definitely run after her, but then her power doesn't seem particularly interesting.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Probably, plus Peter would have definitely run after her, but then her power doesn't seem particularly interesting.[/QUOTE]

I think that's kind of the point. They've tried big, flashy powers, it gets stale. Someone with a simple power who actually behaves like a human being would when discovering these abilities seems like a breath of fresh air.
[quote name='JolietJake']Claire and that girl were so close to a lesbian moment.#-o[/QUOTE]

As annoying as she was, I had hoped the kiss was going to be with Claire's first roommate. This Gretchen chick is not doing it for me.

Anyway, really good episode last night. Sylar fucking with Matt with his own powers was pretty bad ass. I think the complete lack of Hiro also helped my opinion of it.
I turned to my wife last night and asked, "Can we stop watching this show?"

She replied, "You can stop. I'll continue."

I guess I'll just go to bed 45 minutes earlier. Even though the episode was OK, that gimmicky Sprint tie-in was disgusting.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']
I guess I'll just go to bed 45 minutes earlier. Even though the episode was OK, that gimmicky Sprint tie-in was disgusting.[/QUOTE]

That wasn't actually part of the episode, it was supposed to be one of those online extension things. The annoying part was that they faded to black for the commercial break and then came right back up on that, which would certainly lead most to believe it was in fact part of the episode. I guarantee if you go watch it online or later on the DVD that wouldn't be in (at least I pray it wouldn't).
Like how people take a complete crap on the show but STILL watch it. If you dont like it, dont watch it. If you do, youre only setting yourself up for a waste of your time. Or maybe you just like having a reason to get online and bitch about it.
I still enjoy watching the show. It's more interesting than 99% of the network shows.

It is funny to me that they got rid of Mohinder's voice over. I guess he's done for good.
Yeah has Mohinder even been seen so far? I don't remember him being killed off. They ruined the character by giving him powers anyway.
bread's done