Heroes, Volume 5: Redemption - Season 4 airs Mondays at 8pm, starting Fall 2009

[quote name='slickkill77']I still enjoy watching the show. It's more interesting than 99% of the network shows.

It is funny to me that they got rid of Mohinder's voice over. I guess he's done for good.[/QUOTE]

I realized that he wasn't in the season premiere. Didn't realize he was gone, Thank God!

Still need to watch last night's episode. I think I'll give it another week on the DVR, then start watching on Hulu or Net Flix, whichever shows up 1st. Hate missing How I Met Your Mother. That and the fact that House got moved to Mondays at 8, along with Heroes.
[quote name='JolietJake']Yeah has Mohinder even been seen so far? I don't remember him being killed off. They ruined the character by giving him powers anyway.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='slickkill77']Nope. He hasn't been mentioned, done a voice over....nothing. He is officially done I believe.[/QUOTE]

He mentioned at the end of the last season that he was leaving or something.
Peter did mention him in his conversation with Noah though. When he talked about his current power, he said something to the effect of "Thanks to Mohinder."
[quote name='slickkill77']Nope. He hasn't been mentioned, done a voice over....nothing. He is officially done I believe.[/QUOTE]

Did you hear that somewhere? I follow tv news pretty closely and never saw anything indicating he wouldn't be back, though I've found his absence odd as well.
[quote name='slickkill77']No. But he's done the voice overs for every single beginning as far as I can remember and now ....[/QUOTE]

I can't cite a specific example, but I'm pretty sure there are several he hasn't done.

Now that I think about it he said at the end of last season he was leaving to "seek redemption". I think he'll be back, I believe I would have heard it somewhere if he wasn't going to be.
Well, at the end of last season I swore I was out yet my DVR went ahead and recorded the first three episodes so the wife and I watched them. I can't ever remember a show that I hated so much but couldn't stop watching. There has to be something to that, right? I don't secretly love it like I secretly love (LOVE) Gossip Girl yet I've never missed an episode. WTF???
Peter's power sucks major balls now. The damn dude can be walking around and accidentally touch somebody that happens to have the crappiest power and get stuck with it.

try getting some clam chowder now bitch.
[quote name='HuBu']Peter's power sucks major balls now. The damn dude can be walking around and accidentally touch somebody that happens to have the crappiest power and get stuck with it.

try getting some clam chowder now bitch.[/QUOTE]

I think Peter has to consciously take the power. He didn't get the weird earth controlling power and he's still fast, when they shook hands, the guy just implanted the ink into Peter.
[quote name='javeryh']I thought Peter could have more than one power at a time.[/QUOTE]

Not since like early in the last season. His daddy took all his powers, and somehow when he managed to get anything back...it was "one at a time, swap in, swap out" BS.

Also, does anybody else find it ironic that this past episode was pretty damn good, and it didn't feature the likes of Mohinder or Hiro? (two of the crappier characters in my opinion) For that matter, it didn't have Nathan, Angela, Tracy, etc. either, but I think that lends to the fact that it felt like a much more focused and cohesive episode. It wasn't all over the place trying to tell eight stories at once.

I also like the new girl and her power. Yes, it may seem "simple" at this point, but there has to be more to it. A deaf girl just learned she could play music by seeing the sound waves. If that's not a beautiful example of self-discovery, I don't know what is. Amazing imagery too. Can't wait to see how her character develops. This is the track they need to keep the show on.
Has anyone read anything on how the season and volumes are going to work this year? I know NBC said this season they "plan to order 18 to 20 episodes", but does anyone know if they'll be broke up into two volumes like last season, or will all 18-20 episodes be kept as one big volume, like the first season?
I have to say that it seems the show is better when they focus on a few people instead of all of them. The deaf woman's power was interesting as well.
I wonder if she's like a siren? Yes she was playing very well but also everyone almost seemed in a trance.
I wonder how long the Sylar and Parkman thing is going to continue? Mohinder was ruined when they gave him powers he should have just stayed a scientist.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Not since like early in the last season. His daddy took all his powers, and somehow when he managed to get anything back...it was "one at a time, swap in, swap out" BS.[/QUOTE]

I thought that they kind of ignored that one-at-a-time thing and just had him start over with collecting powers. I could have sworn at some point between when he lost his powers and now that he had more than one power at a time. Also it is totally contradictory to what we knew last season about his powers (that he had to actively mimic someone) and the last episode where he unknowingly took someone's power. He flew with Parkman at the end of last season and didn't take his mind reading ability so I find it hard to believe that now someone could just give him an ability without Peter's knowledge. I don't even know why I bother trying to explain inconsistencies...
I don't ever remember him mimicing someone, just touching their skin and deciding if he wanted to use that power.
Where's the little boy and his cousin?
What happened to Ando's power being able to also accelerate others powers?
Why has Nathan(Sylar) yet to touch an object and remember everything?
Where is Mohindeer?
Why exactly is Hiro dying? WTH? Makes zero sense.
Ok, everyone's power in the show has evolved. Nikki, Sylar, Claire, Matt, most if not all the characters. Even those who had some if not all their powers removed, like Hiro.
So...why hasn't Peter's evolved yet? Shouldn't he now be at the point where he has his original power back?
Their powers evolved from how they once were in the beginning when we first met all of them. Sylar learning he has empathy and using his original ability to break the mind control, Claire not being able to be hurt, Matt's power turrning into what his dad had. And by Nikki I meant her sister. She went from ice to being able to turn into water.
[quote name='gamenlegend']Their powers evolved from how they once were in the beginning when we first met all of them. Sylar learning he has empathy and using his original ability to break the mind control, Claire not being able to be hurt, Matt's power turrning into what his dad had. And by Nikki I meant her sister. She went from ice to being able to turn into water.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't so much call it "evolved" as learning more about themselves. Peter seems to spend more time worrying about others/avoiding his power, so it's not really surprising that he hasn't enhanced his abilities at all.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I wouldn't so much call it "evolved" as learning more about themselves. Peter seems to spend more time worrying about others/avoiding his power, so it's not really surprising that he hasn't enhanced his abilities at all.[/QUOTE]

I miss Season 1 Peter. Heck, I miss season 1 everybody, maybe even season 2. Everything was so much more realistic and just overall amazing.
As much as people are complaining about powers...I think the show would have been worse had Peter kept his original ability to absorb everyone he ran across.

I really do think at one point Sylar is going to be collecting so much he will be too powerful to stop and we'll end up with a BS way of him getting killed off. Even then, I dont think theyll ever kill him off because he pretty much keeps the show going at this point.
Sooooo...when did Hiro become Dr. Sam Beckett? Is this going to be his part in the show now? Trying to fix things that are wrong in people's lives?
[quote name='JolietJake']Ho-ly shit. I guess that lesbian tease from last week wasn't just teasing.[/QUOTE]

My interest in the show has been rekindled.
[quote name='georox']My interest in the show has been rekindled.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? A troll-doll and a horse-face make out and that turns you on?
[quote name='pacifickarma']Seriously? A troll-doll and a horse-face make out and that turns you on?[/QUOTE]

Hell yes!
I doubt Ill come across the way I wanted but...

I only have a problem with the lesbo angle because theres so much more they could have done than go this route...to me its weak..its a easy cop-out for the fanboys etc etc...

Dont get me twisted...Im all about lesbo action...I just thought this show was better than that than having to rely on THAT being a plot twist....
[quote name='Will']I just thought this show was better than that than having to rely on THAT being a plot twist....[/QUOTE]

Believe me, it's not.

The last episode wasn't so horrible but I'm already sick of Hiro's story arc. It looks like they are building up to Noah restarting The Company with Tracey and Peter. I'd bet Mrs. Petrelli and Claire would be in on it too.
[quote name='javeryh']Believe me, it's not.

The last episode wasn't so horrible but I'm already sick of Hiro's story arc. It looks like they are building up to Noah restarting The Company with Tracey and Peter. I'd bet Mrs. Petrelli and Claire would be in on it too.[/QUOTE]

I think its safe to say by my sig Im in because of Hiro and Ive finally gotten to the point where Im taking a shit on his plot now and more interested in Parkman instead.

If his story doesnt come together in a good way when its all said and done....Im done...give me something I can live with and Ill keep watching.....Id like to kick the writers in the nuts and remind them of Future Hiro......
[quote name='Will']I doubt Ill come across the way I wanted but...

I only have a problem with the lesbo angle because theres so much more they could have done than go this route...to me its weak..its a easy cop-out for the fanboys etc etc...

Dont get me twisted...Im all about lesbo action...I just thought this show was better than that than having to rely on THAT being a plot twist....[/QUOTE]
At this point i don't even care. It may add nothing to the plot, but at least it's interesting.
Episode was ok. So far this year Claire and Hiro's stories suck. Show needs to focus more on the Carnies, and the Parkman/Silar story as those are the only interesting things so far this year.
For two weeks in a row now, this show hasn't completely sucked. I suppose that's a step in the right direction, but... the upcoming lesbian kiss? REALLY? Ugh, god fucking damnit, I take it back, this show still fucking sucks ass.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Episode was ok. So far this year Claire and Hiro's stories suck. Show needs to focus more on the Carnies, and the Parkman/Silar story as those are the only interesting things so far this year.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with the above statements. Very intrigued by the carnies especially(please don't waste Ray Park Jr).
Yep. I called it. Peters new love interest. Unfortunately, now Peter is stuck with this lame ass power and he won't be able to save people.
Well that kiss went nowhere. I hope they discover a use for this...whatever it is power. So far it just makes pretty colors from sound.
I knew it, when Grechen complained about a book just "flying" off her shelf, i knew it would be someone invisible doing it.
Well she did manage to slightly damage a wall there at the end. If they need someone to peel paint off walls, she's a shoe in.
So this Emma chick has powers similar to Dazzler, converting sound into light energy. At least it's more useful now than just seeing color. It's nice that Peter got to sample it, but I'm glad he's getting a more useful power (Hiro's) next week.

I thought this episode was really good. And Claire was looking extra hot tonight (maybe it was by comparison to that horse-face she hangs out with).
bread's done