HEY! You beat up my son! So what? He's 5! Meh. U knocked his teef out! (GGT 29)

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Damn this thread is moving fast. Not even 24 hrs old, and already up to 300.

Yeah, I'm definatly not going to work tonight. I think I'm just gonna drink a couple bottles of Nyquil, go back to bed, and play some Fire Emblem until I pass out.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'm very FFVII hardcore, liking Advent Children and even Dirge of Cerberus (once I adjusted the controls). ;) Yeah, I noticed the anime look of Crisis Core a little, but I do not mind (being kind of an anime fan myself). ;)[/quote]
If you like Advent Children you'll probably like this.
I'm only saying that because Advent Children put me to sleep =) Oh yeah, and if you're a fan of Tifa she looks smokin' hot in CC, but she's not my girl of choice in this game. :D
I dunno about the "anime look" but I was thinking how some events definitely had that ridiculous over-the-top anime-style that made me wanna throw the PSP across the room. =P

[quote name='blueshinra']I'm very much a hardcore FFVII fan, and fairly active in the fandom. I too have come to believe that the original game's overrated, but it's still very near and dear to my heart, so I can understand others' fervor for it. As for the Compilation and canon, it seems like casual FFVII fans and fandom n00bs are a bit more forgiving of the retconning than us oldbies are. I did like much of Advent Children, though.

And I love the Front Mission series; it's one of the best things Square Enix has going for them right now. Seems like Front Mission's a love-it-or-don't-care-for-it series, though. Currently playing through the UCS campaign on the hardest setting; it's kicking my ass, but I'm making progress.[/quote]
Yea, I wish I knew what you were talking about with the story altering, but I don't really know. I think they actually messed some dates up but I didn't really care.

Actually some people on the FM team liked FM3, 4 (and one even played and liked 5) but they all hated FM1. I think only one guy did a 10x difficulty run and he got pretty far. We had some great stories, like how Driscoll is the only character who doesn't have a last name in the game, so we started calling him Driscoll Sanchez, and the S-Device became the Sanchez device...

Anyway, I don't work at Square anymore. That just held me over till I was able to get a real job with my college degree;) But now I got mad hookups whenever I want to buy a Square game :D
Wow, this chicken sandwich is fucking terrible.

In addition, I want to get the rest of the Gamerscore hidden within Oblivion. I'm at 930.
Have you ever told yourself that you weren't going to write a DMC4 review coz you just didn't care to, and then you're bored and write like 2 sentences, and then you find out you wrote the whole thing? That's where I am now.

[quote name='kainzero']Yea, I wish I knew what you were talking about with the story altering, but I don't really know. I think they actually messed some dates up but I didn't really care.

Actually some people on the FM team liked FM3, 4 (and one even played and liked 5) but they all hated FM1. I think only one guy did a 10x difficulty run and he got pretty far. We had some great stories, like how Driscoll is the only character who doesn't have a last name in the game, so we started calling him Driscoll Sanchez, and the S-Device became the Sanchez device...[/QUOTE]
Here's one thing that was brought to our attention over at the forums of an FFVII site I run. I've heard a few other, smaller retcons as well.

The only thing I didn't much like about FM1 was that they gave you so many wanzers for your party. I like wanzer customization, but it takes forever in that game.

There's some theory out there that good guys in RPGs usually only have a first name, and bad guys only have a last name. So maybe it's more like Simon Driscoll, or something. I do like the idea of the Sanchez Device, though :lol:

Still wish S-E would localize FM5 D:

[quote name='kainzero']Anyway, I don't work at Square anymore. That just held me over till I was able to get a real job with my college degree;) But now I got mad hookups whenever I want to buy a Square game :D[/QUOTE]Sounds like a nice perk :D
*Sigh* if I didn't have young 'uns to pass it down to, I'd sell my Wii. I just don't play the damn thing.

If I had to give a reason, I'd just simply say that the Wiimote annoys me. I wonder if I would feel this way if the console was just GCN2 w/o the waggle?

'Cause for me, when the game is only about the waggle, the gameplay tends to suffer--at least for the majority of games currently out now.
The thing you speak of about retconning in CC isn't true, in FF7 we're told that entire part of the story through Cloud's memories. His memories are both fragmented and altered. Also, he wasn't even there for a good deal of it so part of it is just him filling in the blanks.
[quote name='linkpwns']Man, I haven't posted in a while. What's goin' on with everybody.?[/QUOTE]My day hasn't been too great and I have a massive headache right now after soldering wires to a board (Headache comes from the high concentration factor).

Game playing has been quite slow, only Burnout Paradise this morning, with 8 more wins left to an A license. I'm about to play a video game shortly, although I honestly just want to sleep right now.
I've rediscovered the glory of FRoot Loops cereal straws, but I only got 2 left. Might have to go to the store and get more.

I feel silly from all teh sugar now!

In a non-gay way, of course.
Kane and Lynch is not as bad as people make it out to be.

Im playing on the PC the graphics look fine, and the controls are good.

Why does everyone hate this game(besides the gerstmann-gate thing)?
[quote name='InuFaye']Kane and Lynch is not as bad as people make it out to be.

Im playing on the PC the graphics look fine, and the controls are good.

Why does everyone hate this game(besides the gerstmann-gate thing)?[/QUOTE]

Well it's no Turok.
[quote name='InuFaye']Kane and Lynch is not as bad as people make it out to be.

Im playing on the PC the graphics look fine, and the controls are good.

Why does everyone hate this game(besides the gerstmann-gate thing)?[/QUOTE]

Because the game is mediocre for the first half and then just gets fucking terrible once they're not in america no more.
[quote name='InuFaye']I wish Turok would be japanese.

People would like it.

Japanese Dinosaurs FTW.[/QUOTE]
Colorful purple and blue Japanese dinosaurs wearing sunglasses attacking you with giant toothbrushes and have the game titled "Dinosaur Quest: The Mystical Dinosaurs"

Everyone would love it.
[quote name='jer7583']Because the game is mediocre for the first half and then just gets fucking terrible once they're not in america no more.[/QUOTE]


I probably could have looked over a lot of problems with the game if it had included online co-op, instead of rushing into the Christmas market.
I seem to lose my enjoyment-momentum on games pretty quickly nowadays. Everything I start now is great for a couple days, but then I can't wait for it to be over so I can get to the next game. Sucks.
[quote name='whoknows']Colorful purple and blue Japanese dinosaurs wearing sunglasses attacking you with giant toothbrushes and have the game titled "Dinosaur Quest: The Mystical Dinosaurs"

Everyone would love it.[/QUOTE]

Day one!

So...I got this Ps2 off of ebay because I cracked my other one (tripping over cords ftw). First, it's silver--it looked black in the pic. Kinda ugly, but whatever. It was $65 because it only came with a power supply. but this is where the fun begins--

I open it up to mod it (tape mod) and the inside is covered with dead bugs and what I think is dried up chewing tobacco. Not just a few flakes and some small gnats-- there were some big fucking bugs in there, too big for the vent holes and the dried up crap was covering EVERYTHING! Everything except all the important parts, curiously enough. I wish I would've taken pics before I cleaned it up.

The thing works perfectly, the laser looks practically new, but some fucked up shit happened to this thing. Of course, opening it up involved breaking the seal, so a refund is out of the question :bomb: I hope it lasts.
[quote name='seanr1221']Everytime I watch House (like now) I want to go out and buy a trauma center game.[/QUOTE]

I wish the doctors in TC were half as cool as House. They're all too nice and concerned.
How the fuck do bugs bigger than the vents end up inside something? Must've been some tasty unnecessary shit in there...maybe more of that tobacco-like gunk.
[quote name='heavyd853']The thing you speak of about retconning in CC isn't true, in FF7 we're told that entire part of the story through Cloud's memories. His memories are both fragmented and altered. Also, he wasn't even there for a good deal of it so part of it is just him filling in the blanks.[/QUOTE]
So where was Genesis in the original FFVII, then?

Also, the "true" Nibelheim flashback can be seen in FFVII, when Cloud and Tifa are in the Lifestream.
[quote name='gunm']How the fuck do bugs bigger than the vents end up inside something? Must've been some tasty unnecessary shit in there...maybe more of that tobacco-like gunk.[/QUOTE]

my best guess is that they spilled stuff in there, then somehow took the top off without ruining the seal (probably with a blow dryer), let it dry outside where the bugs got in it, and put the top back on.

but that sounds too far fetched. Maybe the bugs were able to squeeze in there. It did look physically impossible though.
I got my slim PS2 for $50 when I was working at a game store off a customer who I'm pretty sure was a teenage amateur drug dealer, who forgot to remove his pornography from the disc drive and had to come back to get it, and it wasn't even that dirty.

I threw away the controller and Lysoled that shit down though.
[quote name='jer7583']I got my slim PS2 for $50 when I was working at a game store off a customer who I'm pretty sure was a teenage amateur drug dealer, who forgot to remove his pornography from the disc drive and had to come back to get it, and it wasn't even that dirty.

I threw away the controller and Lysoled that shit down though.[/QUOTE]

I wish mine had porn in it. :(

Two of the bugs were close to each other...they may have been having sex before they died.
That wasn't the only case of someone selling/bringing back a system with porn inside. People in that area were really trashy.
[quote name='whoknows']Colorful purple and blue Japanese dinosaurs wearing sunglasses attacking you with giant toothbrushes and have the game titled "Dinosaur Quest: The Mystical Dinosaurs"

Everyone would love it.[/quote]


Dragon Quest:The Mystical Dinosaurs.

It would sell millions.

Put it in First Person and people would tell you how innovative it is for the DQ franchise.

Wait they did this, and they put it on the wii.
Just for fun I guess :p

And I have to say that special ending is pretty hilarious due to how cheesy it is. I mean, if I was standing in the streets and saw a guy kick down his own door with two chicks behind him then they all just posed right there...I'd like to say I'd laugh, but I'd probably run away scared. :lol:
[quote name='InuFaye']why are you playing human?[/QUOTE]
For the achievements/accomplishments.

You want a bug inside console story? At work this kid brings in a Gamecube to trade. It looked like he just pulled it out of a gutter, I so didn't want to touch that thing. So I of course pretended like another customer was asking for help, and let someone else do it. Anyway, I head back over there when he's hooking up the system to test it out. My co-worker plugs it in, turns it on, and we hear this though grinding noise followed by a screeching sound. He opens that shit up, and roaches pour out.

Needless to say, I was done for the day.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']For the achievements/accomplishments.

You want a bug inside console story? At work this kid brings in a Gamecube to trade. It looked like he just pulled it out of a gutter, I so didn't want to touch that thing. So I of course pretended like another customer was asking for help, and let someone else do it. Anyway, I head back over there when he's hooking up the system to test it out. My co-worker plugs it in, turns it on, and we hear this though grinding noise followed by a screeching sound. He opens that shit up, and roaches pour out.

Needless to say, I was done for the day.[/quote]

Wait, what the fuck?

This is truth?

I played some Yaris today...

It's just like Rez, if you could control Rez horribly and play with Truck-Van crossovers, and have a horrid sense of speed, and a shitty soundtrack...

Yep... Just like RezHD, right Hurr.
[quote name='InuFaye']NO NO.

Dragon Quest:The Mystical Dinosaurs.

It would sell millions.

Put it in First Person and people would tell you how innovative it is for the DQ franchise.

Wait they did this, and they put it on the wii.[/QUOTE]

It's just too innovative for the reviewers to understand.

Oddly enough it has a 66.6% at gamerankings.
[quote name='pete5883']I seem to lose my enjoyment-momentum on games pretty quickly nowadays. Everything I start now is great for a couple days, but then I can't wait for it to be over so I can get to the next game. Sucks.[/quote]For the most part, that's how I've been lately, hence I've been staying away from my RPGs to avoid hating them unnecessarily.

Today I gave up on Phantom Hourglass. Once I decided I needed to use a guide to get through the fifth visit to the Ocean King temple, I was either going to use the guide for the rest of the game or just be bored with it. So I stopped. And Roufuss told me the ending, so I'm good to go. If they had ditched the Ocean King temple, it would have been a great game.

Revenant Wings gets awfully tough at the end. Not sure about the last story chapters yet, but the side quests and free fights after Chapter 9 are insane! I'm at 85% now, so I can't give up on those yet if I want to finish it off at 100%.

And daroga, there's no NSMB sequel because it's still one of the better selling DS games everywhere (same with Animal Crossing). Some of the new continuous sellers (Mario Party, Mario & Sonic) might start pushing it down the list enough for a sequel to be somewhat expected though.
My internet's been out since last weekend. I've been "borrowing" my aunt's internet. She lives next door, and she doesn't have any protection on her wireless router. It snowed a bunch, and now I can't see it. I've been planning on getting my own plan, and this has accelerated that plan. So I may not be on that often for a week or so. So this is a shout out to everyone here.

I haven't received DMC4 yet. It should be here tomorrow. I can't wait.
[quote name='jer7583']Because the game is mediocre fun in co-op for the first half and then just gets fucking terrible once they're not in america no more.[/quote]


fuck you, Havana.
I played more Burnout Paradise (just 5-6 more wins until I'm an A license) and played some DDR SuperNOVA 2 on PS2.

I think I'm about done with my sell list. A few who want to see it I'll show them. It's mostly RPGs, fighters, some platformers, some Action or Adventure, etc. (some stuff people won't even believe I'm selling, such as one popular PS2 game to the hardcore beginning with the letter I). ;)
I'm thinking about using my $10 CC giftcard from DMC4 for it along with the 10% off gamers card, but I don't know...I rarely beat RPG's anymore (although I am still making my way through Wild Arms :D ) Plus I remembered I still want Pursuit Force Extreme Justice as well as Wipeout Pulse and Patapon later this month
Is it just me or does Motorstorm start out really freaking difficult? It took me like 6 tries to get just to 2nd place on the first race. Most racing games you could get a AAA+++ rank by driving backwards on the first race. Maybe the concept of how to drive a rally race hasn't gotten through to my brain yet.

While we're on the subject, who the heck designed the SIXAXIS? I have issues with the analog placement, but far worse than that are those triggers. The triggers are the only way I play racing games on the 360; I have to use face buttons on the PS3 since my fingers cramp up and slip off those idiotic convex buttons. Ugh.

Let's see... what else to complain about. Oh, is there a way to turn off the music part of the XMB? I'm getting really irritated turning on the machine to watch a movie and having whatever the top demo on my list is blaring its stupid little tune (seemingly 10x louder than anything else on the system).

botticus, I feel for ya. I really liked Phantom Hourglass, but I will never, ever replay it. The Ocean King temple was really just a poor idea. Which is sad because overall the control was good and the story was fun. It just seemed odd that everything else in the game was Zelda "lite" and then you get these horrendously tedious, repeating stealth and time missions. What the heck?
[quote name='daroga']Let's see... what else to complain about. Oh, is there a way to turn off the music part of the XMB? I'm getting really irritated turning on the machine to watch a movie and having whatever the top demo on my list is blaring its stupid little tune (seemingly 10x louder than anything else on the system).[/QUOTE]

Push square I think and it'll put the demos and stuff into folders.
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