Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - Nobody Wants This Game To End... Ever...

Ugh, same guy answering the phone at Best Buy, same "hotel desk" conversation.

Maybe Walmart will just have it and I'll eat the $5 I could save.
Got one at my local Best Buy this afternoon. They had around 10 copies which really surprised me. One of the employees was stocking them as I walked up to the DS display.

Also, they had 3 Wiis in stock and I grabbed one for my in-laws! Target also had 5 Wiis. Maybe the supply is starting to ramp up?
[quote name='lebowsky']Got one at my local Best Buy this afternoon. They had around 10 copies which really surprised me. One of the employees was stocking them as I walked up to the DS display.

Also, they had 3 Wiis in stock and I grabbed one for my in-laws! Target also had 5 Wiis. Maybe the supply is starting to ramp up?[/quote]leb, you've given me hope. Maybe the wife and I will head to Best Buy this evening. :)

Awesome to hear that Wiis are becoming more available. I hope before mid-Feb. they'll be everywhere.
I'm one of the idiots for paying $5 above MSRP. I picked up my copy at GameStop (it's within walking distance from work) after striking out at Best Buy, Circuit City and a different GameStop yesterday. It was worth the extra $5 to avoid any further hassles.
Maybe people are afraid this will be like Phoenix Wright 1 which had a limited first run and the price skyrocketed. No idea, guess we're just psyched lol.
[quote name='Chacrana']So... why're we acting like these games are going to be gone forever after this first print run?[/quote]
"Why're" ?

Typically niche games like this have a very short print run, and I think we're also just excited because this game looks fucking awesome.
I hope that I can find it tonight before school.

If Walmart doesn't have it, I might have to suck it up and pay the extra $5 at Gamestop, just to save the trouble of finding it.
I can confirm the awesomeness of this game. It's really cool - it screams for real voice acting though.... maybe next time...
[quote name='javeryh']I can confirm the awesomeness of this game. It's really cool - it screams for real voice acting though.... maybe next time...[/QUOTE]

I can see that happening with a sequal... here's hoping it's not a single game without sequals.
Don't think this one will become super scarce as it is Nintendo published. Probably have the same rarity of Trace Memory.
Oh... wow!

I only played the beginning with tehe clerk and man... I'm already blown away. The visual style (complimented by some of the best use of animation and emotion in a while) and gameplay is already something great. Even with the slow pacing text, as reviewers complained about, the text is a perfect pace for the mood.

Instant classic in my book even with only 10 min of play time.
Man, that's lame.

Just called Best Buy again and got a really, really nice girl on the phone, she went digging in the back saying "We've got 6 of them! Where are they?!" Evidently the store is sticking to the 29th "street date." I told her that they're in other stores all over the place, but to no avail. I guess I'll just get it on Monday. :p
If you buy it from using Google Checkout (first time only), you'd be getting it for $22.39. I think that price has convinced me its probably worth it.
[quote name='clockworkgreen']Has anyone that ordered with Amazon had it ship? Wondering what they're considering the street date.[/quote]
Yep, mine shipped today (ordered it two days ago). :applause:
Went to a local Best Buy, and they had 4 in stock, though the associate helping me kept saying that they had to stick to their Jan 29 release date or risk getting in deep trouble. Though, after I mentioned that everyone else had the date as January 22 and asked if by chance a manager would okay it -- he confirmed the Jan 22 date online, wondered why Best Buy's offices would put that date, checked with the Assistant Store Manager and he too thought something wasn't right -- and after they both checked Nintendo's website, they went to the stock room, searched for it, handed me a copy, and put the other three on the shelves.

So, it might take a bit of talking here and there. Your mileage may vary.
[quote name='Warg']Went to a local Best Buy, and they had 4 in stock, though the associate helping me kept saying that they had to stick to their Jan 29 release date or risk getting in deep trouble. Though, after I mentioned that everyone else had the date as January 22 and asked if by chance a manager would okay it -- he confirmed the Jan 22 date online, wondered why Best Buy's offices would put that date, checked with the Assistant Store Manager and he too thought something wasn't right -- and after they both checked Nintendo's website, they went to the stock room, searched for it, handed me a copy, and put the other three on the shelves.

So, it might take a bit of talking here and there. Your mileage may vary.[/QUOTE]

Further confirmation on why I still think BB has some weird policys at times with their sofware and games.
My Best Buy said it comes out on the 29th, and to expect it on Tuesday...

I really want to use a GGC on it, so I guess I'm stuck waiting.
After playing this a bit more, I realize I need a longer stylus. I never thought I would get annoyed by it, but it's getting too uncomfortable with such a short stylus.
I've just bought it (I'm glad that I traded in my Wario for it, because I started to get extremely bored with its mini-games).

I like this game way better than Trace Memory (maybe its theme that attracts me) and the way that we can jot down the note is extremely cool too (too bad it has only 3 pages to write). :cry:

About the voice acting, I don't think it's possible if the cartridge space is still 128M, but it may be possible if Nintendo expands its storage space to 256 or 512MB (or even more!).

P.s. Please don't mistake GB (Gigabyte) for Gb (Gigabit), since I heard many people said that the storage space of the DS's cartridge is 1Gigabyte, which is NOT ture.

The truth is that its storage space is 1Gigabit which is equal to 128Megabyte, period.

If you want the proof, the easiest way to prove it is finding any illegal website that provides the NDS rom, and take a look at the size of each game; you'll see that nothing is bigger than 128MB.
Ugh, I checked my local Game Crazy again. And they still haven't gotten the game in yet. I guess I'll give them another call tomorrow to see if they got it in yet. And if they still don't have it I'll cancel my pre-order and get it at EB or something...
[quote name='javeryh']I can confirm the awesomeness of this game. It's really cool - it screams for real voice acting though.... maybe next time...[/QUOTE]

I haven't played too much of this one yet, but from what I have played (and after going through Trace Memory more than a few times), I'd have to say "NO!"... These games are meant to be played like a book - a good mystery novel or such. I, personally, feel voice acting would remove this aspect from them.

I dunno if this would be too much of a good thing or not, but I'd almost *love* for Cinq to make a basic engine for this type of game and get some big-name authors (King, Clancy, etc...) together (not that the Cinq stories are bad, but the name recognition would be great for sales) and make these types of games a monthly (or bi-monthly) thing, although perhaps at a $20 price tag.

If you think non-gamers flock to the DS for Brain Age, wait until the newest Dean Koontz thriller is "Only For Nintendo DS"...
as Scorch mentioned, add TRU to the list of stores that are carrying this game.

Picked up mine from TRU tonight. Looks like all TRU's should've got them today, with a maximum of 8 copies shipped.
Don't know if this got posted yet (it's not within the last few pages).

IGN review, 7.9/10:

Biggest complaints: Lots o' bookreading and slow pace.

I'm not sure how I'm going to get this one. It appears the two places I preordered it at are not going to get it (GR and GC). I guess I could pick it up at Target and with their 90 day return policy worry about where to get it cheaper later ;).
[quote name='Nelo Ice']i just saw 6 copies of this at my best buy in the area where they keep them behind a locked case[/QUOTE]

I wish my Best Buy was still open this late in the evening.
I was in a good mood coming home today, only to find an email from Amazon telling me they'd shipped it out (which was great, since their email yesterday said the 29th). I can't wait.

I wonder if an upgrade to Wii for a sequel would be cool or not (what with the possibility of voice acting and the potin-and-click gameplay potentially being awesome with the Remote). I guess I'll come back and answer this question once I get the game in my hands.
Played this for review. I'm kind of torn. It's got all the adventure-game requirements, but the dialog drags on far too long, and the actual adventure stuff seems a little too hand-holding. I like the puzzles, though, and the notebook you actually write stuff in. I haven't played Trace Memory to compare the two.
[quote name='UncleBob']I haven't played too much of this one yet, but from what I have played (and after going through Trace Memory more than a few times), I'd have to say "NO!"... These games are meant to be played like a book - a good mystery novel or such. I, personally, feel voice acting would remove this aspect from them.

I dunno if this would be too much of a good thing or not, but I'd almost *love* for Cinq to make a basic engine for this type of game and get some big-name authors (King, Clancy, etc...) together (not that the Cinq stories are bad, but the name recognition would be great for sales) and make these types of games a monthly (or bi-monthly) thing, although perhaps at a $20 price tag.

If you think non-gamers flock to the DS for Brain Age, wait until the newest Dean Koontz thriller is "Only For Nintendo DS"...[/quote]

That's an awesome idea! Imagine "legitimate" authors releasing $10 games/chapters that take 2-3 hours to play through and make up a whole story... :drool:

Also, about the voice thing - I think it would add a lot if it was done right. Not having to read would remove the slower pace and add even more personality. Video games are interactive - unlike books - and I think a ton of reading drags down any game. That's just me though...

Oh yeah - clicking the shoulder button where your thumb rests behind the system will advance the text instead of having to hit the touch screen with the stylus all the time.
Ahhh. UB had said over at PGC/NWR that he'd posted something about authors writing games here, but I didn't see that it was in this thread. So here's my response to it:

Stephen King sucks.

Get real horror writers for the material. I'm talking Lovecraft and Poe. Shirley Jackson alone would be incredible. THAT is the kind of stuff I'd buy in a second.

And if you want weird postmodern contemporary stuff, get Murakami to pen some scripts. He's weird as hell, but quite delicious in his bizarre stuff. Neil Gaiman would be great as well. Danielewski might work as well.

Or how about something more comedic? Terry Pratchett, maybe a little Douglass Adams.

He did point out that he meant living authors. That still leaves Murakami at least. And being Japanese, he might be down for DS stuff.
Paul Auster's stories would work great...City of Glass anyone? Post-modern detective novels ftw
[quote name='Strell']Or how about something more comedic? Terry Pratchett, maybe a little Douglass Adams.[/quote]

Strell, you are brill!!! Now I'll be dreaming about a Hitchhiker's game... sort of an upgrade to that old text based HGttG game... :drool:

I think I like your idea of authors like Poe and Adams better than I do the living authors... but then I don't read much contemporary fiction.

Tom Clancy would freakin rock, though... I might actually be able to get my husband to play DS then :lol:
I'm having a hard time believing people don't like the text speed. The story is so compelling, along with he people, that I always ok forward to talking. I say the pacing is fine, if it went faster it wold ruin the mood for me.
Wow today was fate for me.

My wife found a Walmart Giftcard on the ground at her work and brought it home. I took it to Walmart and it had $15 on it and they had HD in stock!

$15 for the game is a good deal.
Going to my local Best Buy(s) after work tonight to see if they have it in, I've got a GGC with $20 on it that's burning a hole in my wallet.
[quote name='mickeyp']Best buy said they would not put it out till 1/29. I bought it at Toys rus with a gift card. Michel[/quote]

Same experience. Said their "Street Date" is 1/29 and they can't sell it until then. Wasted trip.
bread's done