Humble Bundle Thread

Or they could institute a one candy per donation policy... or a minimum donation to qualify for a candy... but they don't because peppermint candy is cheap and shit and people would complain...
Yeah those bastards. I gave them a penny I should get whatever I want and the flavor I want. Hell, I don't even LIKE peppermint, they could have at least put some M&M's or something good in there.

LOL and some dude actually grabbed one for free before I drop my penny in and get the bowl, what a jerk! Didn't even put anything in. Glad I didn't steal like that a-hole. Some people have no shame. O:)

Why Charity?
[customspoiler=" Answer "]
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I mean it's really pointless to argue, but your comparisons don't work.  Peppermint is a trivial, cheap candy that they get for pennies a piece and that they budget into their annual budget as part of the cost of making money.  If they set up a candy store with different candy they sold you for different prices with the option of giving to charity or giving to them or giving to the candy maker, then your example would work.

But again, pointless.  You're set in your ways.  Since you have the option to donate to charity Humble is immune from criticism.  

Yeah those bastards. I gave them a penny I should get whatever I want and the flavor I want. Hell, I don't even LIKE peppermint, they could have at least put some M&M's or something good in there.

LOL and some dude actually grabbed one for free before I drop my penny in and get the bowl, what a jerk! Didn't even put anything in. Glad I didn't steal like that a-hole. Some people have no shame. O:)
Or you could sticky bandit them.

Bell ringers here don't give any candy away either, they just harass you until you pay up then glare at you because you only threw in a buck or two.

Charity sucks. 

Yeah those bastards. I gave them a penny I should get whatever I want and the flavor I want. Hell, I don't even LIKE peppermint, they could have at least put some M&M's or something good in there.

LOL and some dude actually grabbed one for free before I drop my penny in and get the bowl, what a jerk! Didn't even put anything in. Glad I didn't steal like that a-hole. Some people have no shame. O:)
This analogy doesn't hold up. Maybe if they used to offer peppermints, m&ms, and other things all for a penny, and offered double the amount if you paid more than the average donation, then suddenly started offering only peppermints, and only offered you double if the "average" donation was six dollars, or offered a cheeseburger to the first 1,000 people to donate a dollar then calculated the BTA price off of that, and also if the salvation army made it known that they make money off of your "donation," and that you could choose how much to give them or how much would be donated, the comparison would make a little bit of sense.

But they don't do any of that, so it doesn't.

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Yeah those bastards. I gave them a penny I should get whatever I want and the flavor I want.
Assuming they were marketing it as selling you candy (as opposed to offering free candy while asking for direct charity) then, yes, you absolutely have the right to complain about their quantities, service and selection. Whether or not anyone else will listen to you remains to be seen.

Assuming they were marketing it as selling you candy (as opposed to offering free candy while asking for direct charity) then, yes, you absolutely have the right to complain about their quantities, service and selection. Whether or not anyone else will listen to you remains to be seen.
Hopefully your crusade against this nefarious group known as the Humble Bundle is successful. Terrible selection of games where my pennies can be used elsewhere. Worst site ever.

I'm sorry I no longer have time to converse with you. I see a Slickdeals poster thought that paying $8.00 for this as a gift was a good idea and must be the first to register my disgust regarding the quality, service, and selection.


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Hopefully your crusade against this nefarious group known as the Humble Bundle is successful. Terrible selection of games where my pennies can be used elsewhere. Worst site ever.

I'm sorry I no longer have time to converse with you. I see a Slickdeals poster thought that paying $8.00 for this as a gift was a good idea and must be the first to register my disgust regarding the quality, service, and selection.

In all fairness you're the one who went against the majority opinion of the thread, opening yourself up to an argument, then made a poor argument and a crappy analogy. You're a piece of sh*t and a f*cking moron. *

* I'm going to sell this post and donate 20 percent of the proceeds toward charity, though, so you can't find anything about this offensive.

Do you see the flaw in your argument now?

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Hopefully your crusade against this nefarious group known as the Humble Bundle is successful. Terrible selection of games where my pennies can be used elsewhere. Worst site ever.
Were we reading different threads? I don't really care about Humble Bundle one way or the other. When they have a good sale, I buy it. When they don't, I don't. Maybe I crack a few jokes about it here 'cause, you know, internet forum and all.

What I don't do is enter some silly "But it's for charity!" state that causes me to make shitty consumer decisions.

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Fox has this on lockdown.  EFF is essentially the same type of organization as the ACLU or the NRA.  I don't consider them a charity as there are no starving orphans involved.  As far as Child's Play… yes, they're a charity but as the previously posted numbers show they already get massive amounts of donations (and serve as a nice little tax shelter for Penny Arcade).  For whatever reason it seems like Humble features them at least half of the time.  They've had other charities but it would be nice to cycle them in more often because they clearly need the funds a lot more than the EFF and Child's Play.

Anyway, the 'Humblez is good peeps' argument is played out.  They wouldn't have gotten backing from venture capitalists if this were a charity gig.  They make money.  Lots of money.  So much that you won't be seeing a release version of Overgrowth until 2018.  And, yes, the prices are generally insanely cheap but… that's how they make money.  Outside of a few outlier donors who give $1,000+ a bundle (who have tailed off in recent years) the bulk of their money comes from cheapos looking to get games for pennies.  They wouldn't be making the money they are if they charged an average of $25 per bundle.

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I am nothing to anybody.
Not to sound like a prick, but I'm pretty tired of you being so pessimistic all the time. Instead of constantly feeling sorry for yourself how about actually trying to make friends with people, or maybe just get to know some of the 144 you have on Steam. You're sending yourself down the crapper by putting yourself down all the time, and it's bumming me out so I'd prefer you stop and try being a social human being.

It's nothing personal, except it is. Don't hate me for being honest.

Not to sound like a prick, but I'm pretty tired of you being so pessimistic all the time. Instead of constantly feeling sorry for yourself how about actually trying to make friends with people, or maybe just get to know some of the 144 you have on Steam. You're sending yourself down the crapper by putting yourself down all the time, and it's bumming me out so I'd prefer you stop and try being a social human being.

It's nothing personal, except it is. Don't hate me for being honest.
MysterD has more steam friends than me?

Le sigh. Well, I don't really like bipeds anyway...

Bell ringers here don't give any candy away either, they just harass you until you pay up then glare at you because you only threw in a buck or two.

Charity sucks.
tell them you're a satanist, it works for me. :D

So that Humble Porno Bundle may still be coming.
future humble bundle headline

also with sunasun's new game Aj Lee's Ass Spanking Simulator

Tebow's Humble Spanky Aj Lee Porn Bundle XXX

Not until Humble 30.

Must've got the sweater from this guy:



Not to sound like a prick, but I'm pretty tired of you being so pessimistic all the time. Instead of constantly feeling sorry for yourself how about actually trying to make friends with people, or maybe just get to know some of the 144 you have on Steam. You're sending yourself down the crapper by putting yourself down all the time, and it's bumming me out so I'd prefer you stop and try being a social human being.

It's nothing personal, except it is. Don't hate me for being honest.
I don't hate you - so don't sweat it.



Most popular loner, ever.
Wo0t! :D

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Humble's down to $5.29 to BTA.  Come on, sub-$5!

Not that the $0.29 matters.  It's just the principle given surgeon simulator is a BTA game.  But I would like Reus.

bread's done