I thOughTT we agreed to nOTT use "otta" in the title of the OTT

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Strell, this is for you -


Just found out this guy is an internet celebrity.
So I'm youtube hopping, and I found this... wtf. Pirates are cool though.

Lazytown kicks ass. I would have watched that every day as a kid.

I mean I still try to as an adult. It is that awesome.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Anyways... Ruffles.... any WoW stories for us tonight?[/QUOTE]

I haven't played in a few days, been way too busy with Ebay. Shipped out something like 25 games today, as well as two local deliviries, and I've got about 10 more games to ship tomorrow it looks like. And 25 packages is alot when I'm a one person operation, at least for me, cause I also had to go cash a huge money order.

Please, I like WoW, but I'm not going to let it get in the way of making me some money. I think I cleared $1,000 on just the low end stuff I listed this week... I haven't even begun to put my rare stuff up yet.

I stopped at level 18 for awhile, RvB... I'm almost done in the Ghostlands, something like two quests left.
[quote name='XchikaXchikaX']OMG it's the horse from Rainbow Brite! That was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid!!![/quote]Starlite. And he isn't a horse but a unicorn.

[quote name='Eviltude']Can I be Moses and when we're talking about me, can I be refered to as "The Magician", like in the bible? Yeah...they say that.[/quote]Translated from greek, hebrew and aramaic it would be Sorcerer. Not magician.

"Hey Rahab, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!"
[quote name='DT778']time to give mfdoom a rest and set up ghostbusters as the new ringtone.[/QUOTE]
I changed my MF DOOM ringtone to Talib/Madlib - Funny Money today.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']I find any post in which Kayden quotes someone to be amazingly confusing.[/QUOTE]
Is that just because he bucks the societal norms and quotes above the source? If so...it confuses the heck out of me too. :)

[quote name='zionoverfire']That's what you get for living in the Mitten, you know in the pennisula they don't have those fancy internets, or running water, or working automobiles or hell much of anything.[/QUOTE]
Living in a dorm makes it worse, since our "fancy internets" are FAST. That said, the northern part of UofM's campus is still woodland in part, so I'm not completely spoiled over here... ;)

Homework done, and now it's time to sleep, get up at 8AM, and go to three hours straight of lecture which I'll probably have issues staying awake in. I love how they schedule our required classes... :roll:
Waaaay to early for this shit. Nothing like bieng woken up for some ungodly reason at 4 or 5 am.

I'm serously not gonna make it through the fuckin' day. :puke:
[quote name='senorwoohoo']Five classes + two internships = one tired woohoo.[/quote]


Dunno why, but that made snort-laugh. The 'one tired woohoo' part. :lol:

fuck I wish I could draw dragon heads. I got the body down, bu the head is killin' me. :/
[quote name='senorwoohoo']This semester, which also happens to be my last, is going to be insane.

Five classes + two internships[/QUOTE]

Uh, how...?

I guess it depends on the major, but accounting internships are like full-time jobs...
EDIT: You also get paid like $20/hr. :lol:
[quote name='Strell']Yay.

Got a tech support job. Starting Monday.[/QUOTE]
Do you actually enjoy that as a job? Everyone I have known that has done that HATED it with a passion.

In other news, I woke up at 9:30 and it was still 23 degrees outside, making it easily the coldest it has been here in a great while.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']Maybe it made you laugh because you pictured someone all tired saying "woohoo?"

I dunno.

I just wish this new DVD burner worked.[/quote]


Still, that shit sux.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Uh, how...?

I guess it depends on the major, but accounting internships are like full-time jobs...
EDIT: You also get paid like $20/hr. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I'm going to be interning at a newspaper in Newport 10 hours a week, with no pay. The other internship will be at www.hiphopdx.com and my job is to write news stories, with no pay as well. The website one will probably be about 5 hours a week, but I think I can handle it as long as I schedule my time right.

I can allow my GPA to take a little hit as long as I'm getting more experience.

I wish I could get paid for my work, but journalism ain't the easiest profession to get into these days.
I could stand to buy an external DVD burner, but I don't really have the funds available at the moment.

And how the fuck is a 50 car pile up on I-90 hours ago considered "BREAKING NEWS"? Seriously, everything they report is considered breaking news now.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']This semester, which also happens to be my last, is going to be insane.

Five classes + two internships = one tired woohoo.[/quote]
that SUCKS. My senior year I had a full time job, plus 5 classes and an internship. with my college, you are PROHIBITED from being paid as an intern. If the school finds out that your internship was paid, you lose. You get no credit for it and are barred from doing another internship. Its even bolded in the paperwork that goes to the internship site. The only thing you're allowed is mileage/travel/parking reimbursement.

Thankfully, I was able to get an internship at the place where I worked, some 100 miles away from my college (oh, did i mention I commuted 100 miles each way 3-4 days a week my last semester?). I'd go in like 2 hours early, do internship stuff. Work from 8am-12, do internship during lunch from 12-1, back to work from 1-4:30, and then do more internship until 7pm or so on the days i didnt have class, otherwise i'd have to leave by 4pm to make a 6:30-9:30 class. it sucked. Thankfully, my internship coordinator was a family friend who didn't care when I put my hours in as long as they got done.
[quote name='Eviltude']Do you actually enjoy that as a job? Everyone I have known that has done that HATED it with a passion.

In other news, I woke up at 9:30 and it was still 23 degrees outside, making it easily the coldest it has been here in a great while.[/quote]

When I started my car this morning it was 7 degrees without windchill factored in.

Part of my job responsibilities include tech support. But it's not the call center type of deal. It's troubleshooting/tech support in person and I know all of my "customers". Thus the "enjoyment" of the tech support portion of my job depends on my customer.
[quote name='XchikaXchikaX']that SUCKS. My senior year I had a full time job, plus 5 classes and an internship. with my college, you are PROHIBITED from being paid as an intern. If the school finds out that your internship was paid, you lose. You get no credit for it and are barred from doing another internship. Its even bolded in the paperwork that goes to the internship site. The only thing you're allowed is mileage/travel/parking reimbursement.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty crazy. With my major, you're pretty much guaranteed no pay, but there are a few that pay. However, I'm not interested in those that offer an hourly wage because I don't want to write sports or business news.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']That's pretty crazy. With my major, you're pretty much guaranteed no pay, but there are a few that pay. However, I'm not interested in those that offer an hourly wage because I don't want to write sports or business news.[/QUOTE]
I decided that if I want to have an exciting life, I should be a journalist. Then I can go to war torn areas and live on the brink of being blown to pieces every second. If that isn't exciting enough, I don't know what could be.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']That's pretty crazy. With my major, you're pretty much guaranteed no pay, but there are a few that pay. However, I'm not interested in those that offer an hourly wage because I don't want to write sports or business news.[/quote]

thankfully my internship had minimal writing, or I would've needed to put in a lot more effort. i was coordinating quality control initiatives for a hospital. the only writing i had to do was write an annual report and evaluate the programs' effectiveness based on surveys and incidence rates.
[quote name='Eviltude']I decided that if I want to have an exciting life, I should be a journalist. Then I can go to war torn areas and live on the brink of being blown to pieces every second. If that isn't exciting enough, I don't know what could be.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure that sort of experience is only for the privileged few. :lol: You'd likely be stuck behind a laptop in Seattle before sent out to Iraq, I think.
[quote name='Hex']I'm pretty sure that sort of experience is only for the privileged few. :lol: You'd likely be stuck behind a laptop in Seattle before sent out to Iraq, I think.[/QUOTE]
Probably. Well there is only two options remaining. Mercenary or Iraeli Military >_
[quote name='Hex']I've heard horror stories about being a Contractor, especially with Blackwater, so you'd probably wanna steer clear of them. :lol: Plus they only want ex-Rangers/Delta/Seals/Etc.

Israeli military would be crazy on account you have the Xbox-Hueg boot of the Rag he- Islam world about to step on your tiny country.[/QUOTE]
That was fucked up.

And chicka, I don't think you have to be Israeli, but you most certainly have to be a citizen, and probably have to speak Hebrew or whatever, which both rule me out. Was more of a joke >_
that blows that your colleges don't let you guys get paid for internships. Actually, I find that's just straight bullshit. What's their reasoning for that? (With my major, they seem to flaunt the fact that you'll get paid and that you could end up working for these people full time)
[quote name='Eviltude']:rofl:
That was fucked up.[/quote]

You remember those pictures of the people who were killed, cut up, set on fire and hung from bridges in Fallujah back in like 2003 or 2004?

They were Blackwater employees. ;)
[quote name='Apossum']that blows that your colleges don't let you guys get paid for internships. Actually, I find that's just straight bullshit. What's their reasoning for that? (With my major, they seem to flaunt the fact that you'll get paid and that you could end up working for these people full time)[/quote]

the reasoning was that if you're paid, it's not an "internship", you have financial incentives and their goal is educational incentives or something like that. i dunno. it sucked.
[quote name='Hex']You remember those pictures of the people who were killed, cut up, set on fire and hung from bridges in Fallujah back in like 2003 or 2004?

They were Blackwater employees. ;)[/QUOTE]
Yeah but those dudes at Blackwater are fucking hardcore man. At the printshop I was at, we printed their handbook, and they aren't allowed to smoke, drink, or even look at naked women other than their wife. That's obviously just a few of the regulations, but I found the naked women thing to be a bit excessive.
[quote name='XchikaXchikaX']the reasoning was that if you're paid, it's not an "internship", you have financial incentives and their goal is educational incentives or something like that. i dunno. it sucked.[/QUOTE]

those bastards. you aren't going to learn less if you're paid.
[quote name='Apossum']those bastards. you aren't going to learn less if you're paid.[/quote]

they think that if you aren't paid, it will weed out the people who don't care about the educational experience, and leave only the people that really want to be there. or something.
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']SWAT/ATF [/quote]
I'll kill you right now. ATF is the worst fucking government group in existance. Constitution? fuck that shit, we're the ATF!

To find out if your semi-auto rifles can be converted to full auto, they by law have 20 minutes and access to any number of machine tools to make your gun automatic and thus get you into shit.

Dumbass motherfuckers. Hate the BATFE.

No offense, Lionheart. :D
[quote name='Apossum']that blows that your colleges don't let you guys get paid for internships. Actually, I find that's just straight bullshit. What's their reasoning for that? (With my major, they seem to flaunt the fact that you'll get paid and that you could end up working for these people full time)[/quote]

Couldn't agree more. My college had a "co-op" program where you weren't getting any credits, but you were still considered enrolled full time and could be paid whatever was a fair wage for your skills. It usually lasted for a summer plus a semester, so most people did summer+fall. Because of educational needs, I was unable to start in the summer and delayed the start til fall semester. I spent four months in the industry, I learned a lot, while making $28 or so an hour, and the company ended up giving me an "internship" the following summer for the same payrate. Said company ended up employing me full-time when I graduated. (My only offer in a crashing job market, nonetheless.) Been there for almost 5 years now.
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