I'm bored, let's talk fighters.

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Hopefully this will spark some conversation with youy 250+ CAGers on here right now.

I'll start it off by saying some statements/asking some questions and you can reply how you see fit. Hell, ask your own questions!

First things first, what's this whole business about "This isn't arcade perfect, the button lag is attrocious" kind of stuff? I've heard this said about SFIII 3rd Strike for DC. I see nothing wrong with it, but I've never played 3rd Strike in the arcade and I'm not a really a arcade kinda guy, so maybe I'm missing some stuff.

Another things I would like to know is what's up with people not liking the DC/PS2/Xbox pads for fighting games? My theory this that they hold it a different way I do (which they probably do). I can see the Controller S not being so popular among people because it's well....fat.

the street fighter controllers are great... i have two extras, maybe a contest is in order.... i use them for alpha 3 and virtua fighter
[quote name='iheartmetal']the street fighter controllers are great... i have two extras, maybe a contest is in order.... i use them for alpha 3 and virtua fighter[/QUOTE]

I want the Akuma one for Xbox.

[quote name='evilmax17']I can't play without a stick. I just can't.[/QUOTE]

I guess I can see where you're coming from. Personally I dislike them. The only time I don't use the D-Pad is when I'm doing half circles for specials.
[quote name='THe VGM']First things first, what's this whole business about "This isn't arcade perfect, the button lag is attrocious" kind of stuff? I've heard this said about SFIII 3rd Strike for DC. I see nothing wrong with it, but I've never played 3rd Strike in the arcade and I'm not a really a arcade kinda guy, so maybe I'm missing some stuff.[/QUOTE]
Of course you won't notice the differences if you haven't played the arcade originals. Obviously you're missing something. ;)

Don't worry though...I'm not really the type that complains about that.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Of course you won't notice the differences if you haven't played the arcade originals. Obviously you're missing something. ;)

Don't worry though...I'm not really the type that complains about that.[/QUOTE]

I've really only played 2 fighters in the arcade for over 5 minutes. 1 was SF3 (the 1st version) and Marvel vs Capcom 1.
[quote name='THe VGM']I've really only played 2 fighters in the arcade for over 5 minutes. 1 was SF3 (the 1st version) and Marvel vs Capcom 1.[/QUOTE]

Ah, if you ever go to Japan, you'll find you'll spend way more time on fighting games. I fought this one gay in Samurai Spirits Zero special for over an hour, yes the same guy. Then when he finally beat me, I left, poor guy musta spent 30 bucks.
the people in japan will beat your ass in SFIII:TS. they're so damn good at that game.
[quote name='Jrunt20x']Ah, if you ever go to Japan, you'll find you'll spend way more time on fighting games. I fought this one gay in Samurai Spirits Zero special for over an hour, yes the same guy. Then when he finally beat me, I left, poor guy musta spent 30 bucks.[/QUOTE]
How did you know what he was? ;) :lol:
I would play fighting games a lot now if there were any arcades! The one at the mall I went to the most closed and now there is a carosel (spelled that wrong). Hopefully Six Flags has some 2d fighters still. Last one they had was Marvel vs Capcom one. I really would like a SFIII machine of my own but that won't happen for awhile.
I love fighting games. I usually prefer a stick, but I have no problem with a standard controller. I dig the Street Fighter contollers and pretty much anything with that Saturn-style layout. They rock. The only game that I use the analog stick (and am actually better with) is for Soul Calibur II. Side stepping is so much easier that way.
[quote name='Friedle']I love fighting games. I usually prefer a stick, but I have no problem with a standard controller. I dig the Street Fighter contollers and pretty much anything with that Saturn-style layout. They rock. The only game that I use the analog stick (and am actually better with) is for Soul Calibur II. Side stepping is so much easier that way.[/QUOTE]

Most people like the style with 6 buttons on the front (for controllers). I don't really like it that much...
My Japanese friend is crazy good at SSBM (I can't hardly get a hit in on ihm), but he also bragged about being "very strong" at SFII (those of you who know Japanese culture know that that really means something). Well, we played SFII Turbo on my SNES a few times. We always had long matches that were so close, but I usually won in the end (about 60% of the time). But I kind of felt bad because I could tell that he was a bit embarassed that he had bragged to one who was his equal. After that, he always bragged me up to people over how I beat him at SFII.

Speaking of 2D fighters, has anyone had experience with this controller?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
[quote name='MorPhiend']My Japanese friend is crazy good at SSBM (I can't hardly get a hit in on ihm), but he also bragged about being "very strong" at SFII (those of you who know Japanese culture know that that really means something). Well, we played SFII Turbo on my SNES a few times. We always had long matches that were so close, but I usually won in the end (about 60% of the time). But I kind of felt bad because I could tell that he was a bit embarassed that he had bragged to one who was his equal. After that, he always bragged me up to people over how I beat him at SFII.

Speaking of 2D fighters, has anyone had experience with this controller?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

How much was it (at the store you saw it at)? Depending on what you say you might have a PM..... :)

On SF2. I think it's overrated. I find it to be one of the worst 2D fighters ever. Maybe it's because I got into the genre too late.
SF2 is what pioneered the genre of 2D fighting games. it's one of the best fighting games of all time.
[quote name='THe VGM']Hopefully this will spark some conversation with youy 250+ CAGers on here right now.

I can see the Controller S not being so popular among people because it's well....fat.


dont u mean duke?
[quote name='2poor']SF2 is what pioneered the genre of 2D fighting games. it's one of the best fighting games of all time.[/QUOTE]

I can't argue with the pioneered part....
[quote name='THe VGM']How much was it (at the store you saw it at)? Depending on what you say you might have a PM..... :)

On SF2. I think it's overrated. I find it to be one of the worst 2D fighters ever. Maybe it's because I got into the genre too late.[/QUOTE]

there is no greater fighter than SFII. None.
A few things...

The controller S is HORRIBLE for 2D fighters. The d-pad is just BAD... The lack of segments or 'grooves' makes it hell difficult to use specials, and forgot about using the analog.

The face buttons aren't bad at all, but the triggers' sensitivity is a bit on the iffy side with fighters, and forget about dropping down the the black and white buttons during a match.

The PS2 controller is great for 2D fighters, it's a great controller all around, but NOTHING, and I do mean NOTHING beats the Saturn pads (not the analog one). I own both the Japanese and American pad and they are both so beautifully designed. They're comfortable, and the d-pad is both smooth and functional. Also, six face buttons rocks the house.

Lately I've been playing a lot of MAME. Garou: Mark of the Wolves is a wonderful game, and thanks to my controller converters, it's made even more wonderful by my Saturn controller haha.

Anyone who wants to get a game on, PM me.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']there is no greater fighter than SFII. None.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. But this coming from one who hates the Alpha series... I'm just a purist I guess. I love everything up to SSFII. And I also like SFIII a bit. But I can't ever get enough of the original (II), Turbo or the Rainbow Edition. Those are the greatest fighters ever.

Oh, and VGM: It is $7.99 used (pretty mint looking in it's shrink wrap). But I just wanted to know if anyone knew that it was lame before I grabbed it for myself. I didn't want to waste money on it. Like I said, I usualy hold my traditional SNES controller in that fashion when playing SFII (makes a lot of things better, but pretty much eliminates full effectiveness of a kick button). Sorry.
well the Dreamcast version of SF3.3, as well as Last Blade 2 and Garou are not arcade prefect and have some minor glithes. But they dont really matter that mcuh for most people.
As for controller preference, I like using arcade sticks if possible, otherwise I'm a PS2 pad fan.
The XBOX controller (Duke) is ridiculous for fighting games and the DC pad always ended up hurting my thumb.

On a related note to 2D gaming, let me be the first to say fuck YEAH about this:

- UNCONFIRMED: Sega announced Guilty Gear Judgment for Nintendo DS, the latest work of the popular weapon fighting game from Arc System Works. Majesco will publish the US version of the game.


- UNCONFIRMED: Sega Sammy will release Guilty Gear Dust Strikers for PSP in Japan later this year. Majesco will release the US version of the game.

My favorite fighting series has TWO new games coming out? HELLS YEAH! (assuming they're both real ;) )

(btw, I got those quotes from here: http://www.the-magicbox.com/gaming.htm)
I dunno. I really like SFIII: Third Strike. I've been playing that more than Alpha 3 lately because of the Live play.

It's amazing how Live makes you realize that you're not nearly as good as you thought you were. :p
[quote name='MorPhiend']Agreed. But this coming from one who hates the Alpha series... I'm just a purist I guess. I love everything up to SSFII. And I also like SFIII a bit. But I can't ever get enough of the original (II), Turbo or the Rainbow Edition. Those are the greatest fighters ever.

Oh, and VGM: It is $7.99 used (pretty mint looking in it's shrink wrap). But I just wanted to know if anyone knew that it was lame before I grabbed it for myself. I didn't want to waste money on it. Like I said, I usualy hold my traditional SNES controller in that fashion when playing SFII (makes a lot of things better, but pretty much eliminates full effectiveness of a kick button). Sorry.[/QUOTE]

I don't like the Alpha series either, but the early Marvel vs. games are really good. I love X-Men vs. Street Fighter
I remember playing the first street fighter beating the crap out of those pads. That game was a major pain but amazingly fun. When SF2 came out with all it's incarnations I have to agree that if blew open the doors on 2D fighters, even set the ground work for all the 3D fighters. I'm a huge Alpha fan though, when those came out it was a plus, didn't seem like it built too much on the franchise.

Nothing will ever beat SF though, it's the Pac Man of the fighting games.

The original Mortal Combat and Killer Instinct rank right up there though, they were two very unique and original games out there that I blew money on.

I agree with the use of arcade sticks too, it's just a feeling that all of the joysticks out there just can't compete with. You had to be there around a crowded machine playing and watching others for hours on a saturday way back in the day.

Arcades are something that's gone the way of the dinosaurs and will be missed. Only thing still keeping them alive anymore are those DDR games.
my roommate and i played 100 games of SF II Turbo a day for two terms. I think it has its own unique flow and rhythm to it that is apealling for me.

but you can really only be Ryu, Ken or Blanka in that game.
[quote name='Sleepkyng']my roommate and i played 100 games of SF II Turbo a day for two terms. I think it has its own unique flow and rhythm to it that is apealling for me.

but you can really only be Ryu, Ken or Blanka in that game.[/QUOTE]

I can school most anyone with just about any character. But when it gets down to my Japanese friends or other friends with crazy mad skills, I almost always end up settling on Ken. Although, I can still cope with Ryu (yes, he is very different from Ken), Blanka, Guile or even Chun Li. But with those, my win rate usually drops a bit to 50%. But when I use Ken with my nearly equally matched friends, I always get the majority of wins. Ken is definitely my strongest character.

And speaking of control pads, nothing beats the SNES control pad. If I can get a nice arcade stick, those are good. I have yet to test out these ASCII ones I got. And I will probably pick up that used CP Soldier and weigh in on that later.

And Casey, I also loved X-Men vs. SF. Awe, the good old pure SFII days. *tear*
I was one of the few ppl that were hooked on Primal Rage and Killer Instinct :p SF series was never too much of my thing, I tend to get hooked on eye candy games instead.
[quote name='THe VGM']First things first, what's this whole business about "This isn't arcade perfect, the button lag is attrocious" kind of stuff? I've heard this said about SFIII 3rd Strike for DC. I see nothing wrong with it, but I've never played 3rd Strike in the arcade and I'm not a really a arcade kinda guy, so maybe I'm missing some stuff.[/QUOTE]
arcade perfect has basically to do with certain glitches in the game.

The game that americans are best at compared to other countries is MVC2, and one arcade discrepancy I kno of is the placement of characters on the select screen (due to a way of unlocking them). I believe there re other glitches but I dont play dat game.

for 3S, there are 2 different arcade versions, and the major difference has to do with some kinda combos Urien can do with his Gigas shield, like they took it out in one of the versions. I donno which version the home version is...

finally GGXX, they screwed up may's air dust for the console. she's already the bottom tier and since most of her air comboes were reliant on air dust it really hurt her even more.
[quote name='62t']hmm so far no one mention KoF series. Worldwide it could be more popular than SF.[/QUOTE]

I really wouldn't think so. I haven't even had many Asian friends who play a lot of SNK games, much less play them more than the SF series. But that's just me.

Does anyone play the Rainbow Edition of SFII? I haven't heard anyone mention that. I still love that one.
Lot of SF2 love in this thread, but it'll get none from me.I love X-Men vs Street Fighter, especially since the beams are so huge:


Street Fighter Alpha 3 got a lot of gametime from me, great game. Then Marvel vs. Capsom 2 came along. That game kicks ass. I'd say it's the best VS. game and one of the best 2D fighters ever. KoF was never that good IMO, especially when compared to Capcom fighters. I haven't played Darkstalkers 3 in awhile, I probably will when I get home.
[quote name='MorPhiend']I really wouldn't think so. I haven't even had many Asian friends who play a lot of SNK games, much less play them more than the SF series. But that's just me.

Does anyone play the Rainbow Edition of SFII? I haven't heard anyone mention that. I still love that one.[/QUOTE]

Rainbow Edition was a hack, I alway heard about people playing it at some magical arcae I could never find (it was mistaken for SFIII) but never played it outside of emulation.
i had the import version of SF: Alpha 3, then got Capcom Vs. Snk 2, and now im playing a lot of SF:3S when i'm not playing Halo 2. I got a pelican arcade stick, but i rarely use it compared to the beloved PS2 controller, it just seems easier for me. I generally use the shoto fighters, like ken and ryu; akuma sucks. Alex and Urien are also some of my favorites, but when it's time to get serious i go with ken.
[quote name='THe VGM']Hopefully this will spark some conversation with youy 250+ CAGers on here right now.

I'll start it off by saying some statements/asking some questions and you can reply how you see fit. Hell, ask your own questions!

First things first, what's this whole business about "This isn't arcade perfect, the button lag is attrocious" kind of stuff? I've heard this said about SFIII 3rd Strike for DC. I see nothing wrong with it, but I've never played 3rd Strike in the arcade and I'm not a really a arcade kinda guy, so maybe I'm missing some stuff.

Another things I would like to know is what's up with people not liking the DC/PS2/Xbox pads for fighting games? My theory this that they hold it a different way I do (which they probably do). I can see the Controller S not being so popular among people because it's well....fat.


I have agree with ratedpeej, the circular D-Pad of the Xbox SUCKS. It is more difficult to do moves with. The PS2 and DC pad don't bother me because the D-pad is just shaped like a plus with nothing in the diagonals. I prefer using my PS2 pad on my Xbox with a controller converter.
in SFII turbo, Ken's uppercut is mighty nasty, especially with the quasi juggling you can do, but Ryu's hurricane kick, when timed right, is basically an anti-everything move. Nothing breaks your opponent's rhythm like it. It is definitley the bane of Blanka's existence.

They're pretty equal in my book, but I go with Ryu because he's not the poser American.
I really wish Samurai Shodown IV or V would come to Xbox. I loved IV. I only played an emulated version of V but I want the real thing.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I really wish Samurai Shodown IV or V would come to Xbox. I loved IV. I only played an emulated version of V but I want the real thing.[/QUOTE]

V is coming to XB (with live). Check around IGN, it's listen under SNK's E3 lineup.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I really wish Samurai Shodown IV or V would come to Xbox. I loved IV. I only played an emulated version of V but I want the real thing.[/QUOTE]

V is coming to XB (with live). Check around IGN, it's listen under SNK's E3 lineup.
[quote name='evilmax17']V is coming to XB (with live). Check around IGN, it's listen under SNK's E3 lineup.[/QUOTE]

:drool: :drool: :drool:

As Quagmire would say......awwwwwwriiiiiiiiiiight!

I knew it was rumored for the US but I hadn't heard anything definitive yet.
[quote name='62t']hmm so far no one mention KoF series. Worldwide it could be more popular than SF.[/QUOTE]

KOF is the one series I wish SNK would put into the vault and never let it see the light of day again. The games are good, but almost every game they make is a KOF, and they have so many series that could use updates.

and I hope we don't end up getting the butchered SSV
I have always enjoyed the sega pads the most as well. I loved playing in the arcades with a stick but at home I'm fine with a pad. Unless I get an arcade machine someday.

Question: A lot of people seem to like the PS2 pads for these games. How do you do half circles when you can't do the full motion on the pad itself? I never found these comfortable for fighters.

I like the Street Fighter Controllers.
... The onyl 2d fighters that really have gotten me hooked over the years are Alpha 3, Darkstalkers 3, and Marvel Vs. Capcom (the original)...

In my opinion, Mvs.C2 was good, except it was just too much of everything. The older capcom vs. series games made you feel like you were doing massive damage wheras MvsC2 felt like a long strained out fight (to me at least). Also, the music in that game was a huge turn off for me... although original, it did not fit well with the on-screen action.

The major wish I have is that Capcom puts its 2d fighters on the backburner and work on a new generation of 2d fighters... same for SNK. the people over at sammy seem to be doing this very well with both Guilty Gear and Rumble Fish (unless i am misteken about whoever's making this game). Oh... and to SNK and Capcom again: I know it takes alot time to work on new sprites, but if you put the time into redoing all the characters sprites in higher detail and animation, your fans will be very very happy.

as for contollers, the worst for 2d fighters is by far the Xbox controller... bleh! the DC contoller was great, but after long periods of time it tends to hurt playing. The Ps2 contorller works the best in my opinion, especialy if the D-pad is worn out from constant use (like most of my Ps2 controllers) as it makes some smooth movement for when hadu-kens and shoryukens are needed!

I play alot of 3d fighters, and 2d fighters less, but fighters has to be my favorite genre mainly due to its pull: the competition.
Played Capcom vs SNK 2 today. Was getting my ass beat my friend (and he's not very good) because I didn't know what any of the styles were. I've found out though and I'm going to go play it soon.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I consistently get my ass handed to me in Capom vs. Snk 2. Still fun though.[/QUOTE]

I was for about 4 fights. Had to get everything worked out. That EO thing is utter crap IMO.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']How did you know what he was? ;) :lol:[/QUOTE]

All the ass-grabbing between matches must have tipped him off. ;)
Anyone else play Gundam Battle Assault (1 or 2)? Not a fan on the Gundam stuff, but those games kick ass.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']and I hope we don't end up getting the butchered SSV[/QUOTE]

Too late, SSV is a joke and easily the worst of the series.
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