I'm selling these fine leather jackOTTs...

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[quote name='mr ryles']......Sweet?[/QUOTE]
It's mind-numbing.

Reminds me of the 100 lap races on Forza.
[quote name='AK85']I have been thinking about getting Test Drive, is it pretty good?[/QUOTE]
Yeah; it's great.

It's only $39.99, too.
The story Ryles posted sounded cool. I might have to look into buying this. Depending on how well I do at poker tonight.
prepare to be jealous. I get to do a stats problem set, read an ethnography and write a diary entry in spanish tonight. My night > yours.
[quote name='zewone']The story Ryles posted sounded cool. I might have to look into buying this. Depending on how well I do at poker tonight.[/QUOTE]
It didn't help that I had the classical music station playing in the car radio.

It made what was going on 10,000 times funnier.
[quote name='Brak']Yeah; it's great.

It's only $39.99, too.[/quote]
I have got $25 worth of reward zone coupons that I was thinking of putting towards it, so it would only end up being 14.99+tax, so maybe when I head out to go see Jackass 2 tonight I will swing in and pick it up.

Is there a CAG car club, or is there any interest in starting one? I know the OTT really isn't the place for this but maybe brak or ryles might know.
if you have a fry's near you, TD is $30

Just got back from seeing the Jet Li movie. fucken great movie. I also just got my copy of Dead Rising that I bought on ebay.
[quote name='AK85']I have got $25 worth of reward zone coupons that I was thinking of putting towards it, so it would only end up being 14.99+tax, so maybe when I head out to go see Jackass 2 tonight I will swing in and pick it up.

Is there a CAG car club, or is there any interest in starting one? I know the OTT really isn't the place for this but maybe brak or ryles might know.[/QUOTE]
There is a CAG car club. I think it's an off-shoot of the Hostile CAG ChromeHounds clan, so you'd have to ask LinkinPrime for an invite, I think...

I asked for one yesterday, but there's something weird with the servers where it takes a while for you to actually recieve the invite.
[quote name='Brak']There is a CAG car club. I think it's an off-shoot of the Hostile CAG ChromeHounds clan, so you'd have to ask LinkinPrime for an invite, I think...

I asked for one yesterday, but there's something weird with the servers where it takes a while for you to actually recieve the invite.[/QUOTE]

I sent you an invite, turns out the club house for our clan is in a different place than the regular club house.
ohh ya I also bought a new house up by that golf course so I can start closer to it rather than driving an hour across the map.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Just want to give a big fuck YOU to the people who have CaseyRyback and CaseyFnRyback as their gamertags.[/quote] I thought that was your name. What's a CaseyRyback?
[quote name='zewone']I thought that was your name. What's a CaseyRyback?[/QUOTE]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe a caseyryback is an old, old wooden ship.
[quote name='mr ryles']Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe a caseyryback is an old, old wooden ship.[/QUOTE]

Isn't that the name of the main character from final fight?
[quote name='zewone']I thought that was your name. What's a CaseyRyback?[/QUOTE]

It is the character played by Steven Seagal in the Under Siege movies. One summer the second one seemed to be on all the time and my sisters boyfriend and I would run lines from it constantly and annoy the hell out of my sister. They only owned one TV so we would force her to watch it and recite lines along with the movie just to rub it in even more. When I first thought of a screen name that was the first thing that popped in my mind and it has stuck for some reason.
[quote name='mr ryles']Anyone ever heard the slim shady LP? ;)

It is pretty good.[/QUOTE]

Yizzur. It's actually the cd that got me in to rap in the first place. Bought it in like 7th grade.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Just want to give a big fuck YOU to the people who have CaseyRyback and CaseyFnRyback as their gamertags.[/quote]
That sucks man. What screen-name/tag are you going to use?
During the summer of Halo 2, I beat some random douchebag, so to reclaim his digital state of manhood, he made fun of my gamertag, saying, "YOU HAD TO GET A ZERO IN YOUR NAME BECAUSE BRAXOR WAS TAKEN!!!!"

Yeah... taken after I registered Brax0r.
[quote name='Brak']Should have got CaseyRybread.[/QUOTE]

Yea I should have. I wish I would have thought of it, because that would have been great.
[quote name='Strell']If there's some fucker running around with Strell as a tag, I will have to hunt them down.[/QUOTE]

After a quick glance at mygamercard.net I can't find a Strell on there. So you're safe, for now.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Just want to give a big fuck YOU to the people who have CaseyRyback and CaseyFnRyback as their gamertags.[/quote]
Did you try CaseyRyback with and without a space in between?
[quote name='sevdustflyer']Damn you got him good

I didn't even bother explaining to him that satire of my gamertag. I just left it hanging.

I did, however, make fun of the "420" in his name.
[quote name='Strell']*cough*[/QUOTE] Bastard. :lol:

Tonight she's packing and cleaning up the old apartment, as she's moving into the new place this week. Hopefully that will take care of some of the stress, and then things might get back to normal. :lol:
God dammit im sweet at poker. Didn't have a hand all night still won 20 bucks. But now I have a killer case of the munchies, I'm about to go eat my entire kitchen in a minute....right after I listen to some Lupe muthafuckazzzzzzzzzzzz
It always pisses me off a bit when Uncle Joe pops the fuck up out of bed after 20 years. Besides the fact that he should be all atrophied, he could have been working all those years. Lazy fuck. :roll:

[quote name='beerguy961']I want the asexual Sub back. The idea of him actually happy with a woman scares me. Like old ladies...[/QUOTE] Hey, as of this coming Monday I will have gone 3 weeks without having ... relations.

Of course, I'm still happy. :lol:
Shit! I knew I shouldn't have read any info on Final Fantasy XII on Wikipedia... now I know too much, especially about the judges. :hot:
Woot! I just won $45 playing poker. It's going straight to the wii fund. That gives me $194 now. I'm hoping the rest will be pretty easy to come by.
Good to see that it doesn't look like I missed much in the OTT after staying the entire day in bed because of back pain. Thank god my friend/room mate has some Skelaxin that he gave me earlier. Muscle relaxers are a god send...
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bread's done