Indie Gala Group Buy Thread

[quote name='stupidproz1']Ill host a group buy if someone will show me how to during the first happy hour. I don't mind putting up money and trying to trade the extras, I just wanna get the best discount if anyone could explain to me how. I'm pretty sure it says you get like 4x off the price if you have already purchased or something? Not quite sure of happy hour rules.[/QUOTE]

The first thing you need to do is buy a current bundle for $1 asap. You'll just get the 4 base games. After that, I'm in a bit of the same boat as you. Once Happy Hour hits, you should be able to buy gift bundles at the BTA price. The more you buy, the better the discount. As I understand it, the max you can buy at a time is 5. Since you bought during the first week initially, each gift bundle gets quadrupled, turning it into 20 bundles.

Then, take the price of those gift bundles, add in the initial dollar, divide by 20 and you'll have your price per bundle. Since this is a group buy and not a sale/trade thread, you should ask to be paid via Paypal gift instead of just Paypal as you'd have to pay fees on regular Paypal and end up losing money instead of breaking even and helping out fellow CAGs. You also need to pay for your own bundle as part of this. At least I do.

I'm sure CheapLikeAFox can correct anything I got wrong. Thanks for stepping up. Had I not just picked up some silver age comics, I'd volunteer to do a second group buy. I still might once I get the first group taken care of.
Ok purchased 1 bundle for a dollar.
If you would like in on a group buy shoot me a PM with how many bundles you want, price should be between 1 and 2 dollars I'm guessing not exactly sure.
Can only be paid with paypal, sorry if that's a problem >
[quote name='stupidproz1']Ill host a group buy if someone will show me how to during the first happy hour. I don't mind putting up money and trying to trade the extras, I just wanna get the best discount if anyone could explain to me how. I'm pretty sure it says you get like 4x off the price if you have already purchased or something? Not quite sure of happy hour rules.[/QUOTE]

the OP of the IG deal thread explains it a bit. seems like its 4 bundles at a time if you buy in the first week and checking some box "its a gift" or something.

oh and i sent you a pm
Getting a indie gala group buy together for the first happy hour. Can only be paid via paypal and price will be $1-$2 not exactly sure how much til it happens. These are the spots so far:

01. Me
02. Me
03. Me
04. Me
05. NoRainNoRainbow
06. d1nonly2on
07. Homme Crabe
08. Carlmundo
09. Meeza
10. watcauthon
11. menewbe
12. Hunter_Silver
13. djghost
14. djghost
15. djghost
16. Umair56
17. evildeadjedi
18. Honeybaked Ham
19. Honeybaked Ham
20. trogoldito

Full for now unless someone backs out
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I'm not sure if this is allowed here, but I have some leftovers of IndieGala bundle 7 (king's bounty: armored princess) and 8 (sacred: gold). Can I sell them here?

IndieGala bundle 7 (2x) - $2.60 (kinda messed up on my first happy hour buy hence the high price) [$13.00/5]

IndieGala bundle 8 (1x) - $1.75 [$7.00/4]

Also, I can gift this out straight forward right, without worrying about other users getting access to the other keys right? Just by adding in the email below "Send the gift to a Friend!!! Insert email here and push the button!"?
Here's the info I gave Mr. Crabe:

Alright, here's the run down:

Right now go buy an Indie Gala bundle for yourself (NOT A GIFT) and remember the email address you use.

During happy hour go to your Indie Gala URL or the main Indie Gala page and buy 5 gift packs using the same email address. The instructions on how to buy gift packs are listed on the main Indie Gala page as follows:
Give a Gala to your friends! And enjoy our Gift PACKS!

Click the "Is it a gift?" checkbox!
Give 2 gifts for more than: $8.77
Give 3 gifts for more than: $12.52
Give 4 gifts for more than: $16.28
Give 5 gifts for more than: $18.79

All gift packs ( Gift packs are listed on the left, when you buy in a single purchase more than 1 gift! ) are FULL BUNDLES!
It means they contain all bonuses!
Just remember to check the "Is it a gift?" checkbox!


This is important since they often times RAISE the amount needed to purchase 5 gift packs during happy hour and you have to be sure you enter the right amount.

DO NOT enter any emails in the "Gift Email" section, leave all those blank.

After purchase check your Indie Gala URL registered to that email and there should be 20 Gift Bundle URLs listed on that page.

What I do is add the amount I paid for the gifts, plus the initial dollar I paid to be an early buyer and I divide that amount by 20. I then PM everyone with my paypal email and ask them to GIFT me that amount and tell me what email they want me to send their URL to. I also take Amazon gift cards as payment, but you do not have to. Paypal gifts will not incur any fees to you.

I then email them their Indie Gala URL once I receive payment. I use an excel spreadsheet to keep track of who gets what URL by number. I usually reserve number 1 for myself and then the rest go in chronological order of payment. Good to keep the spreadsheet for future reference. I also prefer to email URLs as gmail has unlimited storage basically so I have proof I emailed whereas CAG PM system is very limited. You can also use the Indie Gala system to email them their URLs (This is a new feature I believe as previous bundles I did were missing that option on my URL page).
I'm looking for a copy of IG9 BTA when it's on happy hour, if you accept amazon GC please leave a copy for me, it's not easy to find someone accept amazon GC :)

Having a hard time finding a group buy host for this one (9) for some reason, and I really want this bundle. If you're hosting one and you read this, please just PM me how much to PP and where and I'll send it right away. (Will edit when I find someone.)
So far we have 3 different group buys full. I don't know if anyone else is up for a second round, but once I get the first round set up, I might be up for a second. Keep an eye on the thread. If myself or anyone else ends up hosting, I think it's only fair to make it first come first served via PM as putting the money up front for the group buy, as well as organizing and distributing the keys is enough work as it is. I know I won't be watching the thread.

Actually, anybody mind if I make that an official rule and put it in the OP?
Please do. Although my friendly suggestion obviously went ignored, judging by the last dozen or so posts, and I imagine the change to the OP will as well.
Please don't take this proposal as any kind of slight. I just think it's fair to let people know up front what is expected. If I were just hosting a 5 person group buy, I'd have no problem grabbing people out of the thread. When you have to juggle 20 slots, however, there's a lot of work involved with that. With me having recently found gainful employment again, I just don't have the time to hunt down who does or doesn't need to be in a bundle. It's not like we're getting rich off this. We're doing it as a service to the CAG community. I know I've been hooked up big time through various threads over the years and I see this as a way to give back some.
[quote name='mink-e']Please don't take this proposal as any kind of slight. I just think it's fair to let people know up front what is expected. If I were just hosting a 5 person group buy, I'd have no problem grabbing people out of the thread. When you have to juggle 20 slots, however, there's a lot of work involved with that. With me having recently found gainful employment again, I just don't have the time to hunt down who does or doesn't need to be in a bundle. It's not like we're getting rich off this. We're doing it as a service to the CAG community. I know I've been hooked up big time through various threads over the years and I see this as a way to give back some.[/QUOTE]

Did someone criticize you for hosting a hosting a gala group buy? If so, ignore them. Its the Internet and you are bound to get ungrateful SOBs. As long as you're honest and not trying to rip anyone off, the majority of CAGs here understand.
[quote name='mink-e']Please don't take this proposal as any kind of slight. I just think it's fair to let people know up front what is expected. If I were just hosting a 5 person group buy, I'd have no problem grabbing people out of the thread. When you have to juggle 20 slots, however, there's a lot of work involved with that. With me having recently found gainful employment again, I just don't have the time to hunt down who does or doesn't need to be in a bundle. It's not like we're getting rich off this. We're doing it as a service to the CAG community. I know I've been hooked up big time through various threads over the years and I see this as a way to give back some.[/QUOTE]

The OP is a wiki right? What about this idea:

  • In the OP, we have each hosters of the bundle edit the OP with a list (1 to 20) of available indie gala bundle spot
  • Each person who wants to buy a gift edits the OP themselves to put their names on an available spot

  • In the case of no available host, a list of 1 to 20 will be on the OP. Any one interested in a spot edits the OP and adds their name (& profile link) to the list.
  • A CAG who wants to host can use the list to PM each interested person.


1) If you take a spot, you must PM that hoster you signed up for to arrange payment and etc.

2) Do NOT send PMs to other hosters which did not sign up for a spot.

  • Hosters may have an easier time looking for people who want a bundle (as oppose to having to look through individual posts)

  • Maybe too confusing?
  • People who don't follow rules and PMs every hoster

The Goal is the make it easier for the host. Don't know if this will work but its a thought.
I too made my post because there are no groups currently available and I wanted to express interest for more. I did PM someone but was too late. Please don't make assumptions about us ignoring anything.

Anyway... I think voken's idea is great.
Ok, I edited the OP to have a list of indie gala spots.

Those interested in buying up a bundle, please add yourself to the OP list in the format [Username (Profile link)].

There's no host yet but hopefully this makes things easier for someone to host. (not having to browse through posts for interested buyers)
I'm all for seeing how it works out. My one big concern is that since the wiki can be edited by anyone, we all know that at some point, somebody will screw with the list and someone will end up getting removed from the list.

That said, if I end up doing a second group buy, I'm willing to give it a shot once and see how it goes. I'll end up just taking down the user names, sending one group PM and go from there.

As an aside to people hosting, if you take a group of 20 people for a group buy, delete all the usernames so we don't get any overlapping.

For people wanting to get on a group buy, only put your name on the list if you're ready to send funds immediately. If you get a PM saying your bundle is ready but don't respond within two days, the hoster has the right to move on to someone else.
Okay since people seems not to follow the current conversation or the OP. Here the note:

If you are interested in a bundle spot, go to the OP and add yourself on the list to let potential hosts know.


1) If you take a spot, you must PM that hoster you signed up for to arrange payment and etc.

2) Do NOT send PMs to other hosters which did not sign up for a spot.
[quote name='Outinthedark']That is ridiculous. Co-ordination is fine the way it is within the thread.[/QUOTE]

1) When you are dealing with 20-pack group buy, anything that can potentially make things easier for the host is welcomed.

2) Things are obviously not as fine as you think they are, otherwise mink-e wouldn't have to suggest a easier way to hunt for interested buyers for a 2nd group buy. I, for example, have hosted group buys and have either had the trouble of finding buyers OR had tons of PMs in my inbox and having to go to the trouble of replying to people. (only to find some people having already bought it from another host).

3) Its takes little work to edit the OP to add yourself to a list so when a host is available, he already has a organized list of buyers.

4) If you want to host, you can always implement your own rules. Its a suggestion, not law obviously.
It's not a perfect solution, certainly. It still depends on people being courteous and committing. But I'm all for doing anything I can do to help the person hosting.
If 20 people fill in the OP showing they want to do a group buy I will go ahead and host another, but ONLY if 20 people fill up the list. Otherwise I just don't want to be stuck with leftover bundles.
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1. Do your own micro management. I've hosted plenty in the past and have had no issues what-so-ever. Having EVERYONE edit the OP is ridiculous. The OP should be updated only with pertinent information. So if you have bundles to sell, feel free to post that info to the OP. On another note, no one should edit it with someone else's information.

2. They are plenty fine. This thread is only around to cut down on these posts within the sale discussion thread. If you have had trouble finding buyers, that is an issue you need to look inwardly regarding unsold bundles. Your PM box should be empty if you plan on hosting a bundle.

3. It takes little work for HOSTS to do as such. Having BUYERS do that is ridiculous.

4. Your SUGGESTIONS are not RULES either. For those who do use this thread, you imply we all feel the same regarding your suggestions.

As it is right now the OP is terrible. Here is my suggestion...clean it up to be more useful. Remove old, outdated information, remove the redundant info that is already within the discussion thread. If you want the OP to be what you suggested, remove all of that clutter and make it easier to find a host. For those that do host, make it easier to find buyers, play it out like the XBLA trade thread with one post and edit it. Get your 20 and edit it as a numbered list. Rather than put that info in the OP, keep it within the thread and update. It is not impossible or difficult if you have organization. I've never had a "pre-order" for any bundle or Steam 4 Pack. Take the initiative and sell your product. Don't take the lackadaisical route.

TL;DR - Hosts should have more organization and initiative. OP needs a clean slate.
Having hosted multiple 20 packs in the past, it's a pain in the ass having to keep everyone else's information in order, especially when you get the inevitable person who backs out or takes 2-3 days to respond. Making it easier for people to host large bundles makes it more likely that we'll have large bundle hosts in the future. If you want to do it your own way, no one's forcing you to grab a group from the OP.
I like the new idea since people have to edit the OP and PM anyone who is hosting. Once the first 3-4 group buys get settled it really starts becoming shaky as to whether you will get a full 20 person commitment to the group buy. I do this as a favor to people so I don't really want to buy another 20 pack and then get stuck with 10 unsold bundles. So seeing a 20 person list of people committed to the bundle would fix that even if a few still drop out. Still, for the first few bundles, just getting PMs in my inbox is the easiest way for me to do it since I don't like sifting through threads/posts and tracking people down. Already hard enough to coordinate a group buy without me having to do all that extra work.
[quote name='Outinthedark']3. It takes little work for HOSTS to do as such. Having BUYERS do that is ridiculous.[/quote]

If we were talking about hosing a 5 person bundle, I'd agree completely. To keep track of 20 people, though, is definitely more work. The idea of people posting to the OP was made by someone not hosting who is trying to make life easier for everyone involved. I don't know if it'll work, but I appreciate the sentiment and idea immensely.

[quote name='Outinthedark']4. Your SUGGESTIONS are not RULES either. For those who do use this thread, you imply we all feel the same regarding your suggestions.[/quote]

I'm not trying to set up some kind of dictatorship here. I'm trying to set up a way for people to be on the same page as to how communication should go. CheapLikeAFox and myself both said that we only take people who PM us, but we still had a ton of people posting that they want to be in the bundle after we were full. Initially, my thought was if I host a second bundle I'm only going by PM again and wanted to make that clear so people wouldn't get butthurt if they didn't get in on something I'm hosting.

[quote name='Outinthedark']As it is right now the OP is terrible. Here is my suggestion...clean it up to be more useful. Remove old, outdated information, remove the redundant info that is already within the discussion thread. If you want the OP to be what you suggested, remove all of that clutter and make it easier to find a host. For those that do host, make it easier to find buyers, play it out like the XBLA trade thread with one post and edit it. Get your 20 and edit it as a numbered list. Rather than put that info in the OP, keep it within the thread and update. It is not impossible or difficult if you have organization. I've never had a "pre-order" for any bundle or Steam 4 Pack. Take the initiative and sell your product. Don't take the lackadaisical route.[/quote]

I happen to disagree wholeheartedly with this statement. All that's in that thread is the current bundle, who's hosing, who wants in and a record of previous bundles to have one spot for people to connect with someone who might still have copies of an old bundle available.

Also, I'm not selling anything. I'm not making a dime on hosting these bundles. I'm still paying for my own bundle. I'm doing this to help out fellow CAGs, so there's no product to sell. So yeah, I'm going to ask people to commit to buying a bundle before I shell out my precious expendable income. Is that really such a tough concept to grasp?

I don't know where the rage post came from, but by all means do better, sir. I'm just trying to help out.
[quote name='Outinthedark']1. Do your own micro management. I've hosted plenty in the past and have had no issues what-so-ever. Having EVERYONE edit the OP is ridiculous. The OP should be updated only with pertinent information. So if you have bundles to sell, feel free to post that info to the OP. On another note, no one should edit it with someone else's information.

2. They are plenty fine. This thread is only around to cut down on these posts within the sale discussion thread. If you have had trouble finding buyers, that is an issue you need to look inwardly regarding unsold bundles. Your PM box should be empty if you plan on hosting a bundle.

3. It takes little work for HOSTS to do as such. Having BUYERS do that is ridiculous.

4. Your SUGGESTIONS are not RULES either. For those who do use this thread, you imply we all feel the same regarding your suggestions.

As it is right now the OP is terrible. Here is my suggestion...clean it up to be more useful. Remove old, outdated information, remove the redundant info that is already within the discussion thread. If you want the OP to be what you suggested, remove all of that clutter and make it easier to find a host. For those that do host, make it easier to find buyers, play it out like the XBLA trade thread with one post and edit it. Get your 20 and edit it as a numbered list. Rather than put that info in the OP, keep it within the thread and update. It is not impossible or difficult if you have organization. I've never had a "pre-order" for any bundle or Steam 4 Pack. Take the initiative and sell your product. Don't take the lackadaisical route.

TL;DR - Hosts should have more organization and initiative. OP needs a clean slate.[/QUOTE]

Geez, if posts have emotions, this one would sound PISSED which I find funny for something so trivial. :rofl:

How about this? if you don't like the Op. Why not follow your own suggestion and take the time to edit it yourself. CAG is a community forum and the OP is a wiki, instead of whining of how you don't like the OP, take the initiative to improve it (if you can).

Take the initiative and sell your product. Don't take the lackadaisical route.

Listen well, none of us work at Indie Gala and we are NOT selling their products. This whole concept of this CAG forum is to buy games cheap and we are just organizing 20-pack group buys. It takes work for the host and anything to make that work easier is probably appreciated.
The OP is a crapshoot. This thread has served it's uselessness.

You adding my info to the OP without my knowledge was also not acceptable.

Apparently you both neither can discern tone or "emotion" at all if you both consider my "rant" an attack that you must defend. That says more about yourselves than my "raging".
[quote name='Outinthedark']The OP is a crapshoot. This thread has served it's uselessness.

You adding my info to the OP without my knowledge was also not acceptable.

Apparently you both neither can discern tone or "emotion" at all if you both consider my "rant" an attack that you must defend. That says more about yourselves than my "raging".[/QUOTE]

If someone added you to the OP without your consent, then that's completely uncalled for and I will remove it immediately.

If your post wasn't an attack, then you really need some help in writing constructive criticism. It definitely read to me like I had taken a dump in your Cheerios or something. I was responding to your post in a thought out manner and was trying not to start any kind of flamewar. You have an opinion about the OP and I disagree. I never called you any names and I corrected your assertion that we have something to sell. Did I miss something?
Dude, chill out.

Apparently you both neither can discern tone or "emotion" at all if you both consider my "rant" an attack that you must defend. That says more about yourselves than my "raging".

First, I never took your post as an "attack," just a "rant" as you said and responded as such. Did you want me to ignore you (like a crazy racist uncle at the family thanksgiving dinner) b/c that'll be fine by me.

" You adding my info to the OP without my knowledge was also not acceptable."
What in world are you talking about?

"the OP is a crapshoot. This thread has served it's uselessness."
Okay so edit it yourself to make it more useful. Or stop visiting the thread b/c each time you post here it bumps it up to the top.
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[quote name='Outinthedark']Apparently you both neither can discern tone or "emotion" at all if you both consider my "rant" an attack that you must defend. That says more about yourselves than my "raging".[/QUOTE]
Is this a troll? I'll bite but I don't think I'll involve myself any further beyond this post.

Read your words. If anyone else had written them, would you not consider them douchey and/or rage-induced? As an impartial third party, I certainly do. I don't understand why you would go on the offensive about how the OP isn't organized instead of doing a wiki edit and "fixing" it yourself. Instead you use your efforts to just attack for no real valid reason. Pretty lackadaisical.

I for one appreciate the efforts made by these people who give their time to better this community and help people, while receiving no compensation whatsoever. We should praise this, not bash it.

Your own personal feelings on how the thread should be run is your own business, and you're entitled to your own opinion, but don't come in here preaching telling everyone what they should and shouldn't do.

What you think the buyer's duties and the seller's duties include is irrelevant, we aren't here to listen to you try to dictate. We're here for the deals, take your frustration out elsewhere.

The bottom line is, this will increase the efficiency and success of doing large groups like this.
What happened to this thread? Everyone here has their
panties in a wad.
Consider them unbunched now :D

Let's get back to the thread...even though there really isn't anything to report as of now. Still waiting for Happy Hour to kick in.
[quote name='mink-e']Consider them unbunched now :D

Let's get back to the thread...even though there really isn't anything to report as of now. Still waiting for Happy Hour to kick in.[/QUOTE]

I wish it kicked in earlier, like the good ol' days... =/
[quote name='Severose']I wish it kicked in earlier, like the good ol' days... =/[/QUOTE]

Yeah, me too, but this bundle is almost at 10,000 with no Happy Hour, so this might be the better selling Indie Gala in probably a year. We'll have to be ready like hawks to pounce on Happy Hour when it happens.
Add me to a Happy Hour when the times comes, please. I have one or two of these games, but that's it. It's one of their best bundles so far.
[quote name='Blade']Add me to a Happy Hour when the times comes, please. I have one or two of these games, but that's it. It's one of their best bundles so far.[/QUOTE]
You probably want to go add your name and profile link to the OP (anyone can edit it). Just add your name/profile link to the first unused number.
Another thing to add, is that the host will PM people once Happy Hour happens. We already have enough to do, please don't PM us with questions as to whether you missed or were not included, etc. etc. Check the IG thread at least to see if Happy Hour has actually happened before PMing about it.
Add me to the tentative list of interested buyers. Normally I buy my own but I'm on vacation and can't check as easily.
bread's done