I've been diagnosed with testicular cancer

Glad it went so smoothly. Treasure that DS - it's the only thing that kept me sane the last time I was in the hospital/laid up.
[quote name='Tybee']I didn't want my junk to look like Two-Face, so I said both.[/quote]


[quote name='Tybee']It looks like a naked mole rat down there...[/quote]

Pics please...or not.;)
Hey man I'm really sorry to hear that. Please keep us all updated and I know you'll be fine. You'll be up and running around town for deals like a true cheap ass in no time haha :)

I do have a question if you don't mind me asking? How exactly was the cancer found? By that I mean, did you feel any pain or discomfort in the region, notice the lump(s) yourself, etc? I'm asking so other people can have a good idea of what they're looking for.

If it means anything to you, I'm a huge hockey fan and one of my favorite up and coming young players named Phil Kessel was diagnosed with TC a few years ago. Let me tell you, he battled it out and is now a prominent player on the Boston Bruins. Hell of story and very inspiring if you ever want to look it up. Again, the best of luck to you and here's hoping you get all better!
Glad to hear things went so well, Tybee! I guess if you have to get diagnosed with cancer, or some other life-altering condition, this kind of news is always the best.

Surgeries suck. Drugs are good. Better living through chemistry, I say. ;)

[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'm very glad to hear the surgery went well.

I'll be perfectly honest your post made me think, and how I should probably get myself checked out every once in a while (to assure nothing is wrong).[/quote]

That's great. Honestly, my primary goal in sharing all of this with you guys was to help raise awareness amongst the folks most likely to be affected by TC. So if I get one guy here to check his junk who wouldn't have otherwise, I've done my job.

[quote name='Pck21']I do have a question if you don't mind me asking? How exactly was the cancer found? By that I mean, did you feel any pain or discomfort in the region, notice the lump(s) yourself, etc? I'm asking so other people can have a good idea of what they're looking for.[/quote]

If you read back, I've included most of the history of how it was discovered. There was no pain initially, and pain is really not an indicator (as they say, "cancer doesn't hurt") so DO NOT wait until it feels bad down there to go see a doc. A lump, a change in size, or a hardening of the testicle are your most likely warning signs.
[quote name='neocisco']How's the recovery? Doing well?[/quote]

Yup! Back in the office today. Tried to come in Friday, but pain was still kinda bad so I decided to give myself the benefit of the weekend to recover a little more. Mainly it's just mild pain around the incision site and a little soreness on the left side of my junk. Have mostly weened myself off the prescription painkillers at this point, sticking to ice packs and Tylenol.

We got the final pathology report last week, and everything looks good. They confirmed the 100% pure seminoma diagnosis from the time of the surgery. The small size of the tumor, lack of lymphovascular spread, and other indicators are all great signs. I have to get a follow-up CT scan sometime in the next couple weeks to confirm the cancer has not popped up elsewhere in my body and to determine "staging" (it's how they label your cancer to indicate how far it has progressed). Since they caught it early and looks like no spread, I'll probably be Stage I.

If that is the case, I only have a 5 - 10% chance of reoccurence (the chance that the testicular cancer would return down the road). Standard course of action would simply be surveillance, meaning a CT scan and blood test every few months. However, I can shave maybe 5 or 6 more percentage points off that chance of reoccurance by doing a preemptive course of radiation or modified chemo.

Radiation can be risky, because your body can only endure so much radiation over the course of your life, and this would make it harder or impossible for me to be treated with radiation down the road if I get an unrelated cancer. It would also almost surely eliminate any chance of sperm production returning to the right testicle (which may not happen anyway, but we'd like to give it a chance).

Normal chemotherapy is comprised of three components, refered to as BEP. The P stands for carboplatin, and I would just be given that once or twice. Wouldn't be nearly as physically trying as regular chemo. However, this is a fairly new course of treatment, and there have been no studies to see what long-term effects the carboplatin has on the body. Could also hamper our fertility chances.

Don't forget the "suspicious area" in the right testicle. They want me to get ultrasounds of it at 1, 3, and 6 months from now to watch it (and they want me to fly to NYC to get them each time, which may be tough).

We'll be meeting with an oncologist very soon to decide what to do. I'm leaning toward surveillance, but we'll see. I know this all sounds unpleasant, but it's not nearly as scary as it could have been. So far, I'm living the best case scenario, and I am thankful.
I don't know ya man, but glad to hear you're doing okay. I have a friend who had testicular cancer as well in his very early 20s and had to have a testicle removed as well. Luckily, he was in the armed forces at the time and they footed the entire bill right before his enlistment was over. If you didn't have a wife, you could totally get a ton of action based on this. My friend always tells girls at clubs that he only has one testicle, one thing leads to another, and the cycloptic pimp has the girls back at his place for a private show.

He's a special fella ...
Was hoping I wouldn't have to update this thread again...or at least not like this.

Got the report from my post surgical CT scan today and the news is not great. Both of my lymph nodes are showing significant swelling and there are (hopefully benign, but not sure) cysts on my liver and near my heart.

That makes me probably Stage IIB, and means I'm facing the full-court press: either radiation or the full four courses of BEP (chemo). Obviously, this was not welcome news. My prognosis is still good -- 95% chance of survival. But things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

Feeling pretty down at the moment.
I am really bored, and just saw this thread for the first time and read through it. Talk about up and down.

I don't know if me reading it all at once just made more of impact, but I definitely wish you a speedy recovery.
Sorry to read about the bad news, but I'm sure its just a matter of time before you will be able to give us an update with some good news.

Hang in there!
[quote name='Tybee']Obviously, this was not welcome news. My prognosis is still good -- 95% chance of survival. But things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.[/QUOTE]

That's the important thing, though - things WILL get better.

I've seen friends go through chemo, and I've seen the hell that comes with it. It's going to be awful, and it's going to be magnitudes worse than what you're feeling now. But you've made it this far, and you've got the best light at the end of the tunnel imaginable to look forward to: life without cancer.

Best of luck, man, and just remember that this thread is here if you need to vent. We'll still be here to cheer you on. :D
[quote name='Tybee']Was hoping I wouldn't have to update this thread again...or at least not like this.

Got the report from my post surgical CT scan today and the news is not great. Both of my lymph nodes are showing significant swelling and there are (hopefully benign, but not sure) cysts on my liver and near my heart.

That makes me probably Stage IIB, and means I'm facing the full-court press: either radiation or the full four courses of BEP (chemo). Obviously, this was not welcome news. My prognosis is still good -- 95% chance of survival. But things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

Feeling pretty down at the moment.[/QUOTE]

we are all pulling and praying for you.
[quote name='help1']You can do eet![/quote]



Seriously though, good luck Tybee
After reading the two words dissection and testies it just gives me a chill down in my spine. Though anyways, yeah take it one day at a time and with that great attitude. It shall die!!! Take care!
CheapyDad and I wish you all the best. We hope your teatment goes smoothly and results in a fast and complete return to good health!
Dammit, i was really hoping your next update was going to say all was well with the exception of being a little lighter in the ol' nugget pouch. My wife and I are praying for you.
I don't know how I missed this thread. I read your ATL posts regularly.
The way oncology has advanced in just the past decade amazes me, I am confident in your success.
My wife works in oncology she always says that people who keep their spirits up fair the best. We are all pulling for you and you will be better.
Hey folks,

Started chemo on Monday. Full week of infusions, all day. First two or three days I was okay. But it's getting harder. Constant low-level nausea (despite the fact that I'm on like 6-7 anti-nausea meds), feel really weak, got the shakes. Was having a problem with bad heartburn and, believe it or not, wicked hiccups, but got that under control with more meds. Also, I still seem to have an appetite, and my digestive tract seems to be working properly (severe constipation is often a problem side effect with the anti-nausea meds), so I'm thankful for that.

I'm more or less off for the next two weeks (just have to get a quick infusion on each of the following Mondays. Then it will be two more cycles like this. I'm fighting as hard as I can. Not gonna give up. Not going to whine. I'm thankful for this chance God has given me to get better, and I'm pouring every bit of my energy into it. Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming, especially for my wife, parents, and nurses, who have been saints keeping me as comfortable and cared for as possible.

Now to see if I can distract myself with some college football, which I've been focusing on all week. GO DAWGS!!!
bread's done