Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

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No it's not April fools... I checked the calendar.

but will it be cheap like the regular 2ds? As if so and it has better battery life then I want it.

I like the 2ds more than the 3ds outside it being unable to fold and lacking the wifi button. It being able to fold would have protected it from getting caught in a door in my coat pocket last week ;_; Nintendo just finished repairing it today for 80+ bucks plus 6$ tax and like 10$ shipping. If I had known this was gonna happen I would have just waited. Or bought another 2ds since best buy sells them for like 70$

Only trade off I see is that it has the standard 3ds buttons and triggers. I prefer the buttons on the 2ds since they are more like a controllers size/response wise.

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Seriously, I love Makoto in this game. Top waifu for sure. Her character and backstory are done very well and makes you feel for her. She's also quirky and nerdy which is cute. I found her to be a real bitch in the beginning, but then grew to like her a lot, so I guess it's like an opposite momentum thing that gets you attached to her. She also has Mcree's High Noon which is sick.
Fully agree with you here. There are a lot more girls I like in this game in general than in P4 though, it makes it super tempting to do the harem.
WOW! MSRP Should be $119.99- $124.99 instead $149.99. You all should waits till Black Friday for $99.99 ;)

Honestly, it shouldn't even be $120. Most of the hardware is still ancient. Even when the 3ds initially came out in 2011 it was using old tech. And a lot of the hardware this new model has is the same. Sure it has new screens and a nub, but the meat and bones of the system is roughly the same outside of the processor, which itself isn't that great. It's still not anymore powerful than its competitor the vita - which is still running with the same tech it had since launch.

In my opinion this is hopefully the last revision of the system. Its time for new systems. These 3ds revisions are the definition of milking. Most 3ds games don't even use the N3ds processor and nub.

/End rant.

I started the game knowing that I would stick with Makoto.

But after going through both her and Futaba's confidant ranks, I ended up spending Christmas and Valentines Day with Futaba. Now I prefer her over Makoto, but it's still pretty close.

I'm sorry Makoto, I have forsaken you. 

It's $149.99.
Damn that's a deal breaker. Unless its compatible with the new 3ds exclusives.

Oh and someone else noticed it wont have the screen scratching since the bottom touch screen doesn't have the raised box thing apparently.

We are all in agreement then. Makoto best girl.
I think we all may just be. "looks out window to see if its raining blue fire"

Edit I see we have 2 futaba's here so cancel the forecast of flaming hail.

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Oh, you poor deluded soul. That would require Capcom to do work, or care. It's probably a PC release of the new version of Street Fighter 2, Maximum Disappointment Edition.
Capcom will alter the Deep Down engine into Dragons Dogma 2. They already have the starting letters to match.
I have a legit complaint. Spent like 5 hours farming 7 aluminum plates and 1 liquid mercury. The last plate took 2-3 hours because of Ryuji's confidant.

Couldn't ambush, and on hard, that equates to those mobs being faster than you and capable of one-shotting the MC before you can act. That's some serious oversight with not being able to turn it off.
I have a legit complaint. Spent like 5 hours farming 7 aluminum plates and 1 liquid mercury. The last plate took 2-3 hours because of Ryuji's confidant.

Couldn't ambush, and on hard, that equates to those mobs being faster than you and capable of one-shotting the MC before you can act. That's some serious oversight with not being able to turn it off.
That shit drove me nuts too. I wish it could be disabled as I never saw a way to do it. However I did my farming in 5th palace for liquid mercury because I had enough aluminum plates from natural progression. Liquid mercury was a pain in the ass for me, but there was a fight after a (slow as hell) transition between areas that gave a group of 3-4 physical weak enemies in a specific fight.

I don't even want to imagine farming it in the side dungeon. I thought about it but decided against it unless I had no other choice.

I have a legit complaint. Spent like 5 hours farming 7 aluminum plates and 1 liquid mercury. The last plate took 2-3 hours because of Ryuji's confidant.

Couldn't ambush, and on hard, that equates to those mobs being faster than you and capable of one-shotting the MC before you can act. That's some serious oversight with not being able to turn it off.
Thanks for giving me a reason to put off leveling Ryuji to that rank. :???:

That would require Capcom to do work, or care.
This is sad, but true. At the moment Capcom is leaning REAL hard on their older work. It's been a long string of re-masters/re-releases. I don't blame them for wanting to cash-in on their older titles, and they have at least been pricing them correctly. But the debacle that was Street Fighter V's release does not inspire confidence for the future. I'm not planning on getting MvsC Infinite at launch.

Capcom seems a little too focused on short-term gains right now, and has not adapted properly to the modern game market. Street Fighter V was a chance for them to start experimenting with their business model, and they botched it.

Is there a need to farm aluminum plates and liquid mercury? I'm assuming for the lockpick? I just made it when I had enough matierals, which I did after the 5th dungeon
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Is there a need to farm aluminum plates and liquid mercury? I'm assuming for the lockpick? I just made it when I had enough matierals, which I did after the 5th dungeon
I was still short by like 6 Mercury at the end of the 5th dungeon. That shit wouldn't drop for me at all. Had almost double what I needed on aluminum though. That dropped like candy for me. Now if it was my friend, he'd have gotten them all from casually going through the side dungeon before even reaching the 5th dungeon without any actual grinding for it. Some people just have more luck than others with RNG drops.

Technically I had enough normal lockpicks made at that point to cover me for the rest of the game. However I ended up crafting everything with the bench, so I guess it helped me gain a useless trophy?

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So you can romance every girl in confidant persona 5 without any consequence right? Or does that affect the ending? Hehe!
Anyone know if there are any plans for a Western/English friendly re-release of Yakuza 2? I am aware that the PS2 version got a reprint, but I'm curious to know if the HD version that came out in Japan is headed stateside.
The HD 1&2 version was for the PS3 so that's not ever coming, but it's likely they'll announce a 2 remake this year for Japan, which we could see at the end of next year possibly. 2 is tied with 0 for my favorite entry so it'd be great to have
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe came in!

At the risk of saying something edgy, This game is alot of fun.  :whistle2:

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Damn that's a deal breaker. Unless its compatible with the new 3ds exclusives.

Oh and someone else noticed it wont have the screen scratching since the bottom touch screen doesn't have the raised box thing apparently.
This seems to be a 2D version of the New 3DS, so I don't see why it wouldn't play the N3DS exclusives.

I have a legit complaint. Spent like 5 hours farming 7 aluminum plates and 1 liquid mercury. The last plate took 2-3 hours because of Ryuji's confidant.

Couldn't ambush, and on hard, that equates to those mobs being faster than you and capable of one-shotting the MC before you can act. That's some serious oversight with not being able to turn it off.
I figured farming for those might be a pain so I got all that I needed when I started to see them drop, which was in the fourth palace. In that location at least, Anzu drops the aluminum sheet, and Anubis drops the liquid mercury.

I started to get overleveled a little bit in that dungeon to the point that I was auto-ending battles with that Ryuji ability, but thankfully not so overleveled that the Anubis encounters were auto-ending for me.
Is there a need to farm aluminum plates and liquid mercury? I'm assuming for the lockpick? I just made it when I had enough matierals, which I did after the 5th dungeon
I didn't have enough materials, obviously. I went back after what I thought was the end, and farmed them for all yesterday evening.

I had something like 14 plates and 7 liquid mercury. Got 2 more liquid mercury immediately, and the last one took forever to drop. Last plate took like 15 extra fights.

Of course, it was complicated by life drain doing 50%+ hp damage, mudon hitting 100% of the time even when strong against curse, and none of my characters being fast enough to act before the enemy without ambush.
bread's done