Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

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P5 talk: It felt really satisfying to earn 1.5 million yen in 2 Mementos boss battles last night over the span of 1 hour thanks to the confusion trick. I could have gotten a lot more, but dumb work forced me to go to bed.
I have yet to try this out. But im barely starting the 3rd palace tonight. Running out of money sucks. Cant deck out with characters with the best avavilable gears at the shop.
You run your Vita down 1-2 times daily for the last 2-3 years?

Batteries only have so many charge cycles. It doesn't matter if it's quality or not, there's a limit. If they're good for ~500 charge cycles and you charge your Switch twice a day for 4 hours of play, you'll have a greatly depleted capacity after a year.

On a Vita, after 4 hours, you're really only maybe doing half a charge cycle at most. Meaning 4 years of daily 4 hour use will be roughly equivalent to the 1 year of similar Switch use.
I use the OG Vita, not the Slim. The battery life is shorter on those, about the same as the Switch IME. I am doing full charge cycles when I charge, I go out of my way to not charge the Vita until the charge indicator is in the red.

I am estimating the length of time I've been playing the Vita daily. Might be closer to 2 years than 3. Either way I have definitely done more than 500 cycles on that battery. Is 500 cycles supposed to be a hard limit?
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You run your Vita down 1-2 times daily for the last 2-3 years?

Batteries only have so many charge cycles. It doesn't matter if it's quality or not, there's a limit. If they're good for ~500 charge cycles and you charge your Switch twice a day for 4 hours of play, you'll have a greatly depleted capacity after a year.

On a Vita, after 4 hours, you're really only maybe doing half a charge cycle at most. Meaning 4 years of daily 4 hour use will be roughly equivalent to the 1 year of similar Switch use.
Keeping lithium ions fully charged all the time is also sort of bad for them, too. Optimal charge is 67-80% for longevity. I've seen a few laptops offer the option to only charge to 70-80% while plugged in to increase the battery's lifespan too. I wonder if it could be valuable to add something like that to handhelds, or if you'd just lose money from all the support tickets of 'my device only charges to 80%!' if you enabled it by default. :p

But this is Nintendo. There will be a 'New Switch', 'Switch Mini' or something fairly soon I bet. Just buy into the Nintendo handheld upgrade cycle and then you'll have no battery worries xP

Keeping lithium ions fully charged all the time is also sort of bad for them, too. Optimal charge is 67-80% for longevity. I've seen a few laptops offer the option to only charge to 70-80% while plugged in to increase the battery's lifespan too. I wonder if it could be valuable to add something like that to handhelds, or if you'd just lose money from all the support tickets of 'my device only charges to 80%!' if you enabled it by default. [emoji14]

But this is Nintendo. There will be a 'New Switch', 'Switch Mini' or something fairly soon I bet. Just buy into the Nintendo handheld upgrade cycle and then you'll have no battery worries xP
You're thinking of storage, probably. There's no issue with fully charged batteries unless the charger keeps draining the battery while plugged in, which equates to constantly using up a little bit of the charge cycle.
I use the OG Vita, not the Slim. The battery life is shorter on those, about the same as the Switch IME. I am doing full charge cycles when I charge, I go out of my way to not charge the Vita until the charge indicator is in the red.

I am estimating the length of time I've been playing the Vita daily. Might be closer to 2 years than 3. Either way I have definitely done more than 500 cycles on that battery. Is 500 cycles supposed to be a hard limit?
Do you keep the wifi option on? As turning that off could help a little. If your vita drains too quickly it might be from that one update a while back or a defective battery. I got my battery replaced 2 years ago and it lasts usually a day or 2 before I need to charge it again. Granted it depends on what you do with it. I use mine to browse the internet at work alot or watch stuff on hulu/crunchyroll so that more than likely eats the battery faster than just playing a game.

These figures are from March 3rd to March 31st. That's 28 days
April is not included, we don't know how many they have sold All thru April.

Pretty much this. It's been amazing to see some people get really bitter over the "competition" doing well.
If anything I welcome it. Someone needs to go up against Sony, Looking at the PS+ "Free" months is a perfect example of how comfortable they've become not giving a shit. Ever since XBOX shit the bed Sony gets more and more complacent.
Just look how they're treating VR, no advertisement noone knows what's coming out weekly. I'd be pissed If I shelled out $400 for that shit and see how poorly they support it.
If the numbers are for March only, then that's definitely better. The next 6-12 months will be more important than launch sales anyway, that's where the Wii U died.

I blame the crappiness of PS+ "free" games on PS Now. Even when Sony was leading the market again, the selection of the bonus PS+ games was pretty decent. Once PS Now launched, that's when everything went downhill.
Do you keep the wifi option on? As turning that off could help a little. If your vita drains too quickly it might be from that one update a while back or a defective battery. I got my battery replaced 2 years ago and it lasts usually a day or 2 before I need to charge it again. Granted it depends on what you do with it. I use mine to browse the internet at work alot or watch stuff on hulu/crunchyroll so that more than likely eats the battery faster than just playing a game.
I play at work in airplane mode, and I play at home with the wifi on. As far as I can tell, the battery life is about the same either way. It's probably not a defective battery, my wife's OG Vita is about the same.

I do also have a slim Vita, and the battery life is about 3 times as long on that as on the original.
I would rate Persona 5 a 12/10 for my personal enjoyment. But I said it was a 9/10 though because objectively speaking that's about what it is.

Regarding Switch charge cycles, I don't see how that's any different from investing in something like a $200 Vita. You could use the same argument for anything that has a lithium battery. Yeah it's going to wear out eventually. But the AC adapter is a nice option. You can keep it charged if you're on the couch or in bed near an outlet.

I blame the crappiness of PS+ "free" games on PS Now. Even when Sony was leading the market again, the selection of the bonus PS+ games was pretty decent. Once PS Now launched, that's when everything went downhill.
Yeah PS+ has really gone to crap. I haven't had it in over two months, and although I feel naked without it, I'm not missing it at all. Basically just needed it to play Destiny. The games they offer these days are a shame.

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You're thinking of storage, probably. There's no issue with fully charged batteries unless the charger keeps draining the battery while plugged in, which equates to constantly using up a little bit of the charge cycle.
Hmm possibly. That also sounds familiar. I think it's a combination of the two, like if you're going to keep it charged it should always be in that range to longevity, but that's not to say cycles aren't important. I'm a bit fuzzy on the details. I remember solving for the value in a Physics class years ago or something. This is the best source I could find on a quick google if you're interested. It even mentions that it's rarely offered in consumer devices due to planned obsolescence.


"Lower charge voltages prolong battery life and electric vehicles and satellites take advantage of this. Similar provisions could also be made for consumer devices, but these are seldom offered; planned obsolescence takes care of this.

A laptop battery could be prolonged by lowering the charge voltage when connected to the AC grid. To make this feature user-friendly, a device should feature a “Long Life” mode that keeps the battery at 4.05V/cell and offers a capacity of about 80 percent. One hour before traveling, the user requests the “Full Capacity” mode to bring the charge to 4.20V/cell."


Regarding Switch charge cycles, I don't see how that's any different from investing in something like a $200 Vita. You could use the same argument for anything that has a lithium battery. Yeah it's going to wear out eventually. But the AC adapter is a nice option. You can keep it charged if you're on the couch or in bed near an outlet.
The issue isn't that it'll never wear out. The issue comes from how little time you get from a charge. Playing 8 hours and having to recharge 4 times versus once will cause you to rack up the number of charges really fast. So after a year, the battery will be like what you'd expect most 4 year old batteries to do, and it will get progressively worse when the max capacity drops.
Sure, I guess that's a concern for someone like you.  I think the hardcore handheld-only niche is a small group of people though, and that more Switch owners are going to be gaming on their television most of the time.  The Switch wasn't marketed as a handheld-first device.  It's a home television console first.  And for someone like you, the remedy is to buy and play games on a handheld device.  Which you already do obviously. 

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I've never understood the point of having a 10 point scale if nothing could ever reach that tenth point. Of course nothing is perfect, but nothing is perfect about the number 10 either. Seems silly to me. Really, what's the difference between 9, 9.5, 9.75 and 10 when it comes to a video game? Texture pop-in? ;)

Though there was an obvious miss of not continuing the "Too Booty" theme of 2017 with Queen's AOA splash.

(Not quite ready to go all in on the 'Great Waifu War' but there are only 2 strong contenders so far...)
Another very good point! I guess the scoring scale being so close at the end is just a personal preference to how close to a perfect game it is. But like you said, not even the number 10 is perfect. For me, if a game is playable it'd give it a 5, if it's good a 7, amazing a 9 and above. I also don't like to judge games by the basis that every aspect needs to be perfect. As long as another element of the game exceeds expectations, it can make up for other flaws. Overwatch for example, doesn't have much of a story element, so there's points off for that, but more than makes up for it with gameplay being phenomenal. Consider it similar to bonus/extra credit points on an exam, and I think Persona 5 is similar as well.

Makoto's AOA look scares the shit out of me. But I love her regardless.

I've talked to EdJericho about starting a War of the Waifus poll soon, so be on the look out for that.

My complaints are not that it's too hard to max. My complaint is that it's hard to actually figure out yourself the first time without using a guide. I'm doing it without one, and without using google/poll the audience, so that's where my frustration comes from. Most of that is because of the unpredictable lock-outs. Often times, that's weeks of in-game time.
Hmm, I feel like reading the thread maybe dampens the experience a bit for you. Past Persona games never emphasized getting max links/stats by the end of the story. It'll unlock something extra, but usually a casual player can experience the complete story without stressing about it. Similar to how you don't need to complete the Pokedex before beating the Elite 4, or max all relationships in a Dragon Age/Mass Effect game before beating it. Or 100% all Fallout sidequests before beating the story.

So if that pressure and tension to get the best result possible was let off, would you enjoy the game more?

Another very good point! I guess the scoring scale being so close at the end is just a personal preference to how close to a perfect game it is. But like you said, not even the number 10 is perfect. For me, if a game is playable it'd give it a 5, if it's good a 7, amazing a 9 and above. I also don't like to judge games by the basis that every aspect needs to be perfect. As long as another element of the game exceeds expectations, it can make up for other flaws. Overwatch for example, doesn't have much of a story element, so there's points off for that, but more than makes up for it with gameplay being phenomenal. Consider it similar to bonus/extra credit points on an exam, and I think Persona 5 is similar as well.

Makoto's AOA look scares the shit out of me. But I love her regardless.

I've talked to EdJericho about starting a War of the Waifus poll soon, so be on the look out for that.

Hmm, I feel like reading the thread maybe dampens the experience a bit for you. Past Persona games never emphasized getting max links/stats by the end of the story. It'll unlock something extra, but usually a casual player can experience the complete story without stressing about it. Similar to how you don't need to complete the Pokedex before beating the Elite 4, or max all relationships in a Dragon Age/Mass Effect game before beating it. Or 100% all Fallout sidequests before beating the story.

So if that pressure and tension to get the best result possible was let off, would you enjoy the game more?
I'm not not enjoying the game, per se. I do enjoy SMT more, which I know for a fact now. The characters are likeable. I say frustrated, but not in a rage quit sort of way. More in a "I didn't bother taking detail notes on a calendar, so I can't analyze how to make the second play through better, which means I'd have to use a guide, which means I'm going to get nothing out of a second play through."

It's complicated.
I'm not not enjoying the game, per se. I do enjoy SMT more, which I know for a fact now. The characters are likeable. I say frustrated, but not in a rage quit sort of way. More in a "I didn't bother taking detail notes on a calendar, so I can't analyze how to make the second play through better, which means I'd have to use a guide, which means I'm going to get nothing out of a second play through."

It's complicated.
The amount of things that carry over into NG+ makes the game a complete breeze. You'd have to be actively doing the wrong things on purpose to fuck up a second playthrough.

I'm not not enjoying the game, per se. I do enjoy SMT more, which I know for a fact now. The characters are likeable. I say frustrated, but not in a rage quit sort of way. More in a "I didn't bother taking detail notes on a calendar, so I can't analyze how to make the second play through better, which means I'd have to use a guide, which means I'm going to get nothing out of a second play through."
It's complicated.
Actually it should be simple if you prioritize getting temperance to rank 5, get fortune to rank 7, and then get temperance to rank 10.

But I get it. It's overwhelming on a first playthrough. Especially with no prior experience with personaz
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Took everything that made Battlefield 1 great, threw it in the trash, dropped two nukes on it and remade it to be the newer greatest game of all time. It's like Activision saw what EA did with their World War game and decided to make that but double the amount of everything (hence the subtle name WWII), double the guns, double the explosions, double the fight for freedom. This game is truly the Donald Trump of Call of Duty in that just like America it's becoming great again and that is how it should always be.
Ha, this looks so awful. But, despite my dislike for COD, I'd probably play it before ever touching Persona. :whistle2:

I believe that was their intrinsic answer to not having a playable female main protagonist. Use an androgynous main character that appears rather feminine.
I saw a cutscene today that showed the protag's face more clearly and he really does look like a chick. Give him long hair and he might look better than Chie or Fuuka. Something about the eyes. And the P3 protag looks a little too emo for me.

Also, I'm fully invested in Ryuji x Ann now. Their chemistry together is so good. I wish you could pair characters up in this game and not just a harem for the MC.

Call of Duty is best Japanese niche game

The Switch is cool

People complain about the time limits in the Atelier games and then go and play Persona.
Also, I'm fully invested in Ryuji x Ann now. Their chemistry together is so good. I wish you could pair characters up in this game and not just a harem for the MC.
Speaking of harems, P5 is only game in the series where I didn't create a harem. Couldn't betray best waifu Makoto like that, though it was difficult. Too many other top tier waifus in P5.

Call of Booty Nier Automata is best Japanese niche game
Speaking of harems, P5 is only game in the series where I didn't create a harem. Couldn't betray best waifu Makoto like that, though it was difficult. Too many other top tier waifus in P5.
Seriously, I love Makoto in this game. Top waifu for sure. Her character and backstory are done very well and makes you feel for her. She's also quirky and nerdy which is cute. I found her to be a real bitch in the beginning, but then grew to like her a lot, so I guess it's like an opposite momentum thing that gets you attached to her. She also has Mcree's High Noon which is sick.


No it's not April fools... I checked the calendar. 


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The 2dsxl looks awesome.  I wonder if it is lighter than the new 3dsxl.  If so instabuy from me.  I ended up getting a regular new 3ds, since it was lighter, but I miss the bigger screens.

The 2dsxl looks awesome. I wonder if it is lighter than the new 3dsxl. If so instabuy from me. I ended up getting a regular new 3ds, since it was lighter, but I miss the bigger screens.
I must admit, those do look cool. I had several XL models before getting the standard N3DS here in the states, and while the XL screen size was OK to me, I do prefer the smaller form and lighter weight of that model over the XL. I also love the new improved 3D of the N3DS, so I would never trade off for this new 2DS XL, but it's cool to see other options and choices for different potential buyers.


No it's not April fools... I checked the calendar.

but will it be cheap like the regular 2ds? As if so and it has better battery life then I want it.

I like the 2ds more than the 3ds outside it being unable to fold and lacking the wifi button. It being able to fold would have protected it from getting caught in a door in my coat pocket last week ;_; Nintendo just finished repairing it today for 80+ bucks plus 6$ tax and like 10$ shipping. If I had known this was gonna happen I would have just waited. Or bought another 2ds since best buy sells them for like 70$

Only trade off I see is that it has the standard 3ds buttons and triggers. I prefer the buttons on the 2ds since they are more like a controllers size/response wise.

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Seriously, I love Makoto in this game. Top waifu for sure. Her character and backstory are done very well and makes you feel for her. She's also quirky and nerdy which is cute. I found her to be a real bitch in the beginning, but then grew to like her a lot, so I guess it's like an opposite momentum thing that gets you attached to her. She also has Mcree's High Noon which is sick.
Fully agree with you here. There are a lot more girls I like in this game in general than in P4 though, it makes it super tempting to do the harem.
bread's done