Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Anyone seen the (nsfw) Neptunia figure up for pre-order?

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Just when I thought I was done with the figure market, they pull me back in.

Ok so I just started fire emblem and I actually really like it. What's the best/fastest way to redraw characters? Also, who's the best girl?
I have one final figure coming in I ordered around December (Alter - Ignis from Jingai Makyo, also got the black version of the Capcom nurse Morrigan which is amaaazing) then I think I'm out. I have my one IKEA Detolf and have sort of made it a rule that I can't collect beyond what will fit in there. I have a friend that I feel like every month is buying another $500+ Sideshow something or other @_@

I'm really surprised they haven't made an Iris Heart figure, because that would pull me back in immediately.

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Or just wait for one of us with an open copy to chime in.

Anyone seen the (nsfw) Neptunia figure up for pre-order?
Cute and sexy nep.

Just when I thought I was done with the figure market, they pull me back in.

Ok so I just started fire emblem and I actually really like it. What's the best/fastest way to redraw characters? Also, who's the best girl?
If you haven't linked it to your nintendo account yet, you can reroll the first set of summons by clearing the app data and re-opening it. You have to go through the tutorial part again and download that 500mb of data each time though.

Just when I thought I was done with the figure market, they pull me back in.

Ok so I just started fire emblem and I actually really like it. What's the best/fastest way to redraw characters? Also, who's the best girl?
Here is a reroll guide. I'd recommend using an emulator if you can. All the redownloading probably isn't good for phones.

I have one final figure coming in I ordered around December (Alter - Ignis from Jingai Makyo, also got the black version of the Capcom nurse Morrigan which is amaaazing) then I think I'm out. I have my one IKEA Detolf and have sort of made it a rule that I can't collect beyond what will fit in there. I have a friend that I feel like every month is buying another $500+ Sideshow something or other @_@

I'm really surprised they haven't made an Iris Heart figure, because that would pull me back in immediately.
Where did you order the black Nurse Morrigan?

Where did you order the black Nurse Morrigan?
A reseller, unfortunately, at an inflated price. It was exclusive to Capcom Japan's online store, so that's the only option now. I had some extra from selling off chunks of my game collection, and also feel a bit better about having an expensive figure to display than an expensive game I enjoyed, but don't want to play again.

And now I get to have a themed shelf..


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I don't know if anyone still cares about these Da Capo 3 impressions, but i'm still giving them.

I did one of the side stories....ugg that story was even better the full route I did! I started another route and so far it seems to be a lot better than my previous route. I'm waiting for a big reveal (which I can almost guess....) but it is going slowly but smoothly. Every route is pretty long. At least you really get to know the main people. Getting better at least and I'll give even more impressions after the next route. That will likely be my last until I finish the game. I just wanted to let people know that just that route was garbage.
I'm not surprised since this happens alot with some VNs. I know I felt this way with Grisaia with Amane route being awesome but was barely able to get through Makina route. Rewrite was also similar especially with the different writers for the routes (Lucia route mostly).

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Sorry I've been out for awhile; been kinda living sorta under a rock for a month. Okay not quite: I did mingle fun with a lot of crazy B.S. happening in life. Oh...since we're talking figures I wound up with one of these:

All people who are quoted (and yes, posted these things) will remain anonymous...



"Miku on the General Lee. I am done with the internets."


"First Beau and Luke and now Captain Kirk. She must be stopped!"



Then some people dared me to get some more Miku figures and "weeb up." I bought a few. But...where did they go? That's coming up next post!

Sorry I've been out for awhile; been kinda living sorta under a rock for a month. Okay not quite: I did mingle fun with a lot of crazy B.S. happening in life. Oh...since we're talking figures I wound up with one of these:

All people who are quoted (and yes, posted these things) will remain anonymous...



"Miku on the General Lee. I am done with the internets."


"First Beau and Luke and now Captain Kirk. She must be stopped!"



Then some people dared me to get some more Miku figures and "weeb up." I bought a few. But...where did they go? That's coming up next post!
I have a few figurines, but my wife doesn't like the price of them, so I don't buy them anymore. More than likely I'll collect a few more here and there. I snagged some Sword Art Online figures before the show changed arcs mid-season 1. Not much of a fan of the show anymore, but I do like the games.Here's Asuna, and Sinon.



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I'd like a nice Morrigan figure but they're either expensive or shit. I wish Max Factory made one.

Edit: Oh they did make one. It's like $500 on ebay. None sold so I don't know what they're actually worth.

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I have a few figurines, but my wife doesn't like the price of them, so I don't buy them anymore.
Trump is president now. You tell your wife to get back in the kitchen and make you a sammich jk

Seriously though, when the exchange dropped and the price of figures skyrocketed, my collecting habits basically died. Now I only pick up a few here and there. I've noticed that Anime Island is the best place to buy lately when you factor in their rare 18% off preorder sales and free shipping.

Trump is president now. You tell your wife to get back in the kitchen and make you a sammich jk

Seriously though, when the exchange dropped and the price of figures skyrocketed, my collecting habits basically died. Now I only pick up a few here and there. I've noticed that Anime Island is the best place to buy lately when you factor in their rare 18% off preorder sales and free shipping.
Lol, I'm pretty sure it would be the last time anyone would hear from me. I would love to have a large collection of figurines, but I can't justify spending $100+ on something when that needs to go to my kids, or bills. At this time, my game budget is $0 with the impending birth of my son. So 2017 is my year of the backlog. I honestly will probably only buy Trails in the Sky 3rd and maybe some on sale games if they're worth the money.

Still, I can't say I won't resume buying figurines once the kiddo is older, lol.

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Here's my thoughts on Tales of Berseria:

For a Tales game, Berseria is in a bit of a weird position. Being the latest entry in the series, it falls under a lot of scrutiny as the series hasn't been particularly great for quite some time. It has had some good points, but also a lot of bad points. While Berseria probably is indeed the best Tales game since Vesperia, it still has a multitude of problems that shouldn't be ignored.

Berseria's story unfortunately still follows the same formula as the latest games in the series. In other words, it picks a particular emotion or feeling, in this case revenge and builds a story around it. Despite this, I felt that it had a fairly competent beginning and ending for the series. However the middle section falters a bit since it still strongly uses Japanese common tropes and really hammers them in way too hard. I believe that if the mid-section was more subtle to the lead-up, it would have been a much more satisfying story. Instead they like to constantly reiterate the problems the character has over and over in an overly blatent manner.

Characters however felt fairly good for me. There weren't any sickeningly overwhelming positive personalities this time in my opinion. Two characters come close to that, but not nearly as overwhelming oppressive as Graces was. Though none of the characters felt particarly close to one another outside of Velvet and another character, they formed a fairly decent chemistry the longer they were together. Skits are much better this time around as they put forth some more animation/images for emotion which really livens things up. Skits are also fully voiced as are "conversations" which are optional speech bubbles that initiate a conversation with a character in the world. There are a ton of both skits and conversations in Berseria.

I want to say I clocked in around 50 to 65 hours to finish the game, including side quests which I believe I earned all achievements for. The difficulty of the game is probably the easiest in the series by far with you unlocking Intense difficulty 6 to 10 hours in and then Chaos at the end of the game. I tried Chaos but it was a bit too tedius for my liking and stuck with intense after I eventually switched to it. There are upsides to choosing higher difficulties as potencites will sometimes only work with higher difficulties as well as things like better loot and more frequent dire foe encounters. I usually play normal, but I found it way too easy and ended up turning up the difficulty to hard and eventually intense.

The battle system feels like a cross between some light Graces and Zestiria. You have no standard attacks like old Tales games, which I sorely miss. Instead you have 4 sets of 4 combos. Usually it's best to make each button combo strong against something and changing them out for bosses as needed. Though for the most part I found myself spamming the same combo as it felt like stuns and other status effects were more common on that combo due to it being higher level. Whether or not arte levels have any effect on how frequently its effects take hold I'm not sure as the attribute Focus does increase the chance to cause and resist status effects.

Now besides combos, you also have an SG gauge that artes drain SP from. When you use artes, it drains the gauge. Higher focus will naturally refill the SG gauge quicker. On the other hand if you cause a status effect to an enemy during your combo, it will refill the SG gauge by 1 crystal. There are a couple other ways to refill this bar as well, such as getting a perfect dodge against an enemy targeting you and a SG gauge crystal will fly out onto the field for you or your AI allies to grab. Likewise if you get hit by a stun or status effect, you will lose an SG crystal.

One thing I do want to say is that I really do miss the old battle systems where you had normal attacks. It allows me to better create combos and continually hit the enemy I was fighting. Having only the ability to use artes, while it looks fancy, it doesn't allow me to connects hits frequently as I would be able to otherwise. The game also lacks large healing spell artes like Nurse which are present in older games that I miss as well.

At first I wasn't too sold on the battle system, but as I started learning new passives from mastering equipment, it started feeling a lot better. That doesn't mean I thought it was terrible either. Besides all those, every character also has the ability to Burst and each one is unique. It costs 1 SG crystal to use the Burst mode and Velvet, the main character, has Therion mode that she's invincible in. Her health starts draining and either by the end of a full combo or her health reaches 1 she will use a Therion specific ability and then exit the mode. Now if you're good at gaining back SG while attacking, you can literally go right back into Therion mode with next to zero downtime in between bursts.

I mentioned equipment mastery, which yes, it's back again. Equipment now has a unique trait that that can be mastered via earning grade. However equipment will also have 2 other non-random skills attached to them as well and as you progress through the game, you will gain more potencite that will also give equipment up to 3 random skills too. All this equipment will drop from enemies, which means you don't have to buy new gear that often. The extra gear can be sold or broken down into materials. These materials can then in turn be used to upgrade equipment up to +10 after you've unlocked the ability to get that far via potencite. Unfortunately there's no easy way to mass break down equipment like you can in say, Nioh, so it becomes a very tedious task to perform. Though this leaves you with a ton of gald to use towards other things. I will say that grade is significantly easier to obtain now thanks to dire foes.

Vanity equipment is still in full throttle, much of which is locked behind mini-game rewards and purchasing them with Tales coins. You have quite a few to unlock, including non-DLC swimsuits but they are far more modest than what the DLC swimsuits show. Besides that, you have default looking costumes that can change the battle music as well if you liked a particular battle track.

The music in general was pretty decent. Unfortunately I'm probably the last person one should ask to give their input on music, so I can't really give good input. There was a nice variety of tracks and a few tracks did manage to stand out during times that were more tense to help solidify the feeling of upcoming conflict. Sound is pretty much the same, it sounds good, although there was nothing amazing about it.

On the other hand graphics were alright. The designs of environments were fairly decent. Although there were plenty of textures that were complete ass and really contrasted against the rest of the environment where textures were alright, but not great. What was particularly nice about the environments though was if you played Zestiria and haven't erased it from your mind, you'll be going through areas that were in that game but are now completely different. That's not to say you need to play Zestiria prior to this as it's just a lore bonus.

In the end, I feel that Berseria is one of the better Tales games. Not up to par with Vesperia or Symphonia, but still a decently solid entry. Even though I feel this way, I believe they need to change a lot of things to really create an optimal Tales games going down the road. Unfortunately I feel that will never happen because Japan tends to develop with Japan only in mind and that often detracts from it being something I could really enjoy across the board. I do recommend the game and if I were to assign a price tag to purchasing, I'd say $40 max.

My mind is a little floaty today, so I've probably left some things out that I can't think of right now. This should be good enough though.

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Lol, I'm pretty sure it would be the last time anyone would hear from me. I would love to have a large collection of figurines, but I can't justify spending $100+ on something when that needs to go to my kids, or bills. At this time, my game budget is $0 with the impending birth of my son. So 2017 is my year of the backlog. I honestly will probably only buy Trails in the Sky 3rd and maybe some on sale games if they're worth the money.

Still, I can't say I won't resume buying figurines once the kiddo is older, lol.
Speaking of that, I can't wait for Sora 3rd to come out.

Seriously though, when the exchange dropped and the price of figures skyrocketed, my collecting habits basically died. Now I only pick up a few here and there. I've noticed that Anime Island is the best place to buy lately when you factor in their rare 18% off preorder sales and free shipping.
I have a few figurines, but my wife doesn't like the price of them, so I don't buy them anymore.
Amazon credits kinda made paying $52 for that Snow Miku figma that much easier.

Forgot where I preordered it but I saw a Kat Figma for Gravity Rush/Daze 2 and was like, shut up and take my gems I'm not missing it out like I did last year. Prices on any Kat figure these days are INSANE.

Pretty much when the Yen became a lot better I stopped collecting regularly. The online shops, which before reduced prices off because of the weak Yen never really reverted prices after that. Now it's just too expensive when even Figmas are around $60ish, which is too expensive for what they are. I'm likely going to sell a decent amount for any character or figures that just don't resonate with me anymore. When I first started collecting I ordered a lot, and well a lot of that stuff is just relegated to boxes now.

Also more Da Capo 3 impressions. One more route down and I actually enjoyed this one. It was somewhat silly and childish at times, but it was a good and not badly written route. I'm not liking as much with the routes that you get something done in them and then bam it's all over. I think there is a true end after all the main routes, so hopefully it will tie everything together. I wont give impressions again until i'm officially done with all the major routes at least. Not a bad game overall though I feel the story is a bit on the weak side sometimes.

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Wow, that Nep figure is nice.

I'm simply running out of space for figures, so I told myself that I would stop getting figures except the Racing Ikaruga and Racing Saber that come out later this year. But it looks like I might add this Nep figure to that list.

Current status as of one week ago:


+ Hatsuu (of XSeed) thoughts:

Unless they delay Persona 5 again. I can't believe how many times they kept pushing that back.

Xseed has come a long way from being stuck on a game for five + years.

BTW did you see that Joyoland took down their company page and their Steam Greenlight page? That's interesting.

BTW did you see that Joyoland took down their company page and their Steam Greenlight page? That's interesting.
Interesting sure, but unfortunately it doesn't really say anything as to why. Without that all we have is baseless speculation that doesn't amount to much. I just hope that they don't somehow end up being the ones to translate it into English. It would be disjointed from the XSeed translation that I wouldn't be able to connect things because they'd translate stuff as something entirely different. I've played a little bit of one of their two Steam games and it doesn't give me hope if they somehow got the rights for that.

To be fair though, XSeed wasn't translating Trails in the Sky SC. That was Carpe Fulgor or whatever the name of the guys company was. They just edited what he translated. It that translation hadn't taken so long, I'd almost be willing to bet that 3rd would've come out on the PSP too.

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Persona 5 was supposed to come out next Tuesday.

Heartbreaker Edition indeed. </3
Luckily I paid it all off with a GC, so I don't have to wait for the surprise payment so many months later on a game that I've been waiting for.

Somehow it doesn't feel as bad waiting when there isn't that extra hit you take once it does come out. :D

I stopped buying new figures a while back near when the yen started trending down and the major sites started to give less discount.  I mostly only buy if it's from Alter and only if it's something I really like.  GSC/MF basically forego there scaled figures for milking there Nendos and Figmas constantly.  Other brands, besides Kotobukiya, I try to avoid since most of the time the quality is nowhere near the promo pictures that they put out. 

Sorry I've been out for awhile; been kinda living sorta under a rock for a month. Okay not quite: I did mingle fun with a lot of crazy B.S. happening in life. Oh...since we're talking figures I wound up with one of these:
Do you play Line Rangers btw? Your avatar is the Miku promo.

Also buying less figures. I actually got a couple models (tachikoma and a frame arms girl), not that I've build any in awhile. I need to figure out what I have in boxes that I don't really want any more, so I'll have less overall. Especially since a lot of the ones I really like nowadays are large cause it's usually a girl with a big ass weapon, like Gate/Bahamut/Tera.

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I stopped buying new figures a while back near when the yen started trending down and the major sites started to give less discount. I mostly only buy if it's from Alter and only if it's something I really like. GSC/MF basically forego there scaled figures for milking there Nendos and Figmas constantly. Other brands, besides Kotobukiya, I try to avoid since most of the time the quality is nowhere near the promo pictures that they put out.
I've preordered more figures than I ever had before because TOM offered such great deals. (And because lots of great sabers suddenly coming out) With the right promos stacking and a good coupon my preorders on TOM are generally like $50 cheaper than amiami when including shipping costs.
TOM is slowly raising their prices and weakening their promos, but is still pretty much the best place to shop for US customers right now. That is unless they go absolutely nuts with their upcharge.
It's ok to trust other figure companies. Ques q's remilia scarlet won mfc's best figure of 2016 poll. ;)

On another note I rolled 2 5*s in feh :eek:
Abel and hinoka.
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes:

I got Sharena, Anna, and Alfonse to 3* lvl 23.  It's actually fun and easy taking your characters from 1->20 in the Training Tower.  Just need 6000 feathers now in order to unlock their 4* potential.  Arena dueling resets in 2 hours and that'll give me 1200 feathers.   It's going to take probably 4 arena resets to get enough feathers, or else I need a few more 20 orb character pulls.   (each character you dismiss gives feathers if you didn't know, 150 feathers for a 3* or 300 for a 4*). 

Make sure you do both 'Launch Celebration' Special Maps today to get 6 orbs before the daily reset. 

The real slog is not being able to farm orbs once you've beaten most of the story and the earlier hard mode missions.  In four total 20 orb 5 char. pulls I only have two 5*s.
Sakura is an interesting 5* healer though.   At first glance she sucks and I was bummed.  She is rated poorly on most sites because she is only a poor-mediocre healer that heals for 10hp with single target Mend.  (Imbue is very important to have as a special. big heal every second turn.)  But then I realized wow, she's a healer with attack that scales quite high. 


She hits pretty hard from two spaces away with Assault and that 30 attack power.  Some of the crappy healers are dps hybrids. 

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I were to assign a price tag to purchasing, I'd say $40 max.
I finished the game yesterday & for the most part I can agree with most of what you said except that.

This game gave me 72h worth of AMAZING content which is WAY MORE than most recent games I've played recently.

(I'm looking at you The Last Guardian) It's worth the full price by far. Not only that but the story never wavers,

I was expecting something to make me hate the last part of the game and they managed to avoid that.

For the most part everyones who's finished it agrees with what happens & that's hard to do in todays

whinny/entitled game scene.

I finished the game yesterday & for the most part I can agree with most of what you said except that.

This game gave me 72h worth of AMAZING content which is WAY MORE than most recent games I've played recently.

(I'm looking at you The Last Guardian) It's worth the full price by far. Not only that but the story never wavers,

I was expecting something to make me hate the last part of the game and they managed to avoid that.

For the most part everyones who's finished it agrees with what happens & that's hard to do in todays

whinny/entitled game scene.
I really loved what I've watched and read on the game thus far, but I know most "Tales of" games fall in price, so I'll be waiting for that $25 threshold before I pull the trigger. Of course I have Xillia 2, Graces f, Symphonia, and Zestiria all sitting on my shelf so perhaps I should play them before adding to the collection.

I finished the game yesterday & for the most part I can agree with most of what you said except that.

This game gave me 72h worth of AMAZING content which is WAY MORE than most recent games I've played recently.

(I'm looking at you The Last Guardian) It's worth the full price by far. Not only that but the story never wavers,

I was expecting something to make me hate the last part of the game and they managed to avoid that.

For the most part everyones who's finished it agrees with what happens & that's hard to do in todays

whinny/entitled game scene.
I don't view anything worth it at the full $60 price tag anymore since you can get games at $48 at the very least on launch easily enough. I wouldn't call it amazing either, but pretty good. $40 tends to be my max recommendation because of that. My copy was $44 I believe. If someone didn't buy it at launch, then what's the point of saying "Buy this at full price!"?

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I really loved what I've watched and read on the game thus far, but I know most "Tales of" games fall in price, so I'll be waiting for that $25 threshold before I pull the trigger. Of course I have Xillia 2, Graces f, Symphonia, and Zestiria all sitting on my shelf so perhaps I should play them before adding to the collection.
Yeah I get all my Tales games at $19.99 or less. Course i'm so backlogged on them it's not even funny. Buy games close to full price if you will play them of course or it will be hard to get later (only applies to really LRG games and those can easily be had digitally). I haven't played a Tales games a lot since Graces F and Hearts R.

I've preordered more figures than I ever had before because TOM offered such great deals. (And because lots of great sabers suddenly coming out) With the right promos stacking and a good coupon my preorders on TOM are generally like $50 cheaper than amiami when including shipping costs.
TOM is slowly raising their prices and weakening their promos, but is still pretty much the best place to shop for US customers right now. That is unless they go absolutely nuts with their upcharge.
It's ok to trust other figure companies. Ques q's remilia scarlet won mfc's best figure of 2016 poll. ;)
Never used TOM before, unless you count my Muv-Luv Alternative stuff from KS being handle by them. :p From what I can see the figures that have promos on + coupon would be cheaper but the other figures is either about or expensiver then say from Amiami or Hobby Search. Might give them a try later.

I will keep to Alter to keep my sanity + my wallet in check. :)

Yeah I get all my Tales games at $19.99 or less. Course i'm so backlogged on them it's not even funny. Buy games close to full price if you will play them of course or it will be hard to get later (only applies to really LRG games and those can easily be had digitally). I haven't played a Tales games a lot since Graces F and Hearts R.
Ya, I think the last time I payed full price on a Tales game was Graces F. They always drop to $20 way fast so I don't ever feel the need to grab it at launch.

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I wouldn't call it amazing either, but pretty good. $40 tends to be my max recommendation because of that.
This is where we differ, I think that If the content is there then I think it's worth it.

It's not solely based on whether it jumps from Good to Great to Amazing,

70+ hours is a value proposition not alot of games offer now a days when we both agree the game is good.

I brought up TLG because I think it's worth $30-40 based on content not because I think the game is alright or subpar.

Btw I wasn't talking about discounts, If you use Prime/GCU or even credit then by all means go for it.

Also I know I'm talking to people with huge backlogs so they're in no rush to buy a game. That wasn't my point either.

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Never used TOM before, unless you count my Muv-Luv Alternative stuff from KS being handle by them. :p From what I can see the figures that have promos on + coupon would be cheaper but the other figures is either about or expensiver then say from Amiami or Hobby Search. Might give them a try later.
I will keep to Alter to keep my sanity + my wallet in check. :)
I usually order from TOM when they have stacking promos with discounts greater than 30% off their listed price, which happens surprisingly often(voting contests, Black Friday, events like TGS, or just a random 20x points promo) It's all about being patient for that great promo, and when it happens, buying enough to get free shipping. Finding the good coupons (like 10% off) is the hard part since they are in the wild but hard to find and keep track of.
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Hey, I made a thread for people who stream, basically just promote your stream and such, and you can post when you go live. I've seen Vic_x51 and Neomonk stream, and I know Texan and Draekon mentioned they streamed before, so just check it out if you are interested, would love to follow others, and get something going.


Stupid lucky Dogoo... Look at that stupidly adorable face...

Then some people dared me to get some more Miku figures and "weeb up." I bought a few. But...where did they go? That's coming up next post!
Lol, this should be a thing. Just have a comic/web series with figures (Miku) on other random figures and objects, with a subtitle included. Would love to see Miku in a Delorean or on the Death Star.

3rd big pull in FE: Heroes and now I have Camilla 5 star. I'm currently leveling her up and hope to finally beat 9-5. I pulled a healer as well...though it's a low star bad one. With Camilla I have the weapon triangle complete for my main team, and a Tharja...cause she's awesome.

Anyone want to roll new characters for me, i want Tharja and Camilla. Can't seem to get an android emulator and macro working
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i want camilla, dammit! i rerolled til i got my first 5*, which ended up being my waifu, lyn. i've done a bunch of pulls with orbs getting majority 3 stars. then today i snag raven and azura 5*s in the same pull. currently leveling them, and hoping it helps with the same place everyone else is stuck at. i'm getting really bad stat rolls on my characters though. raven went 8 levels before he gained one attack point.

I beat 9-5 in FeH yesterday. My team was Camilla 5* at level 25, Cordelia 5* at 26, corrin 4* at 28 and Lissa 4* at 30. The ability to heal was absolutely necessary for the last few chapters in my opinion.
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Interesting sure, but unfortunately it doesn't really say anything as to why. Without that all we have is baseless speculation that doesn't amount to much. I just hope that they don't somehow end up being the ones to translate it into English. It would be disjointed from the XSeed translation that I wouldn't be able to connect things because they'd translate stuff as something entirely different. I've played a little bit of one of their two Steam games and it doesn't give me hope if they somehow got the rights for that.

To be fair though, XSeed wasn't translating Trails in the Sky SC. That was Carpe Fulgor or whatever the name of the guys company was. They just edited what he translated. It that translation hadn't taken so long, I'd almost be willing to bet that 3rd would've come out on the PSP too.
Hmm I still doubt it would of come out on psp. Barring they went a gaijinworks route and did a limited physical print.

Yeah I get all my Tales games at $19.99 or less. Course i'm so backlogged on them it's not even funny. Buy games close to full price if you will play them of course or it will be hard to get later (only applies to really LRG games and those can easily be had digitally). I haven't played a Tales games a lot since Graces F and Hearts R.
yeah most tales of games in recent years hit 20$ fast due to releasing near black friday. berseria I don't think it will drop below 40 for the time being.

I beat 9-5 in FeH yesterday. My team was Camilla 5* at level 25, Cordelia 5* at 26, corrin 4* at 28 and Lissa 4* at 30. The ability to heal was absolutely necessary for the last few chapters in my opinion.
I beat 9-3 to 9-5 tonight, each on the first try, after days of not trying. I used 5* Lucina lvl 26, 3* Alphonse lvl 25, 3* Anna lvl 25, and 5* Sakura lvl 25. It turned out to be a cinch once you use the weapon wheel colors to take out the first two guys.

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