Jimmy Snuka's wrestling topic

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[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I love it. Now this doesn't apply to all of you, but at least half of you bitch about Vince never pushing anyone new.

Now HHH gets hurt, and apparently Khali has been picked to take his spot at the top of the card to start a feud with Cena, yet that same group of people continues to bitch.

What will shut you guys up, Cena vs Kenny? Or maybe one of WWE's rejects (save Angle) in TNA, like Billy Gunn, Road Dogg or Double J :roll:[/QUOTE]

Please be joking.

Khali is the last person on the roster that need to be pushed especially in a live environment.
[quote name='Sporadic']Please be joking.

Khali is the last person on the roster that need to be pushed especially in a live environment.[/quote]

I know, I know, Khali obviously is a poor choice to replace the H's. But so many people said they wanted someone different. Well here you go, someone new, enjoy!

What all these people knocking HHH fail to realize is the real reason he was in the top spot was because he was the best guy for the job. Since Austin went down to injuries and Rock left for Hollywood no one outside of Angle (TNA/injuries), Brock(NFL) and Eddie (RIP) have been as qualified to hold the top spot. And all 3 of those other guys actually got title runs before they were gone.

Orton and Edge have the combined maturity of a 6 year old, and Orton has already proven incompetent as champion and the only way I ever saw Edge having a successful title run was as a face, but he fucked that up when he fucked Lita.

So go on knocking HHH if you must, but know that there's no one more qualified on the current roster to take his place. Enjoy your Khali/Cena feud now, it's not HHH afterall!
I'm only 99% sure that the reason Khali is getting this push is because someone in creative suggested WWE try to do Hogan vs Andre 20 years later with Cena playing the role of Hogan and Khali playing the role of Andre.

The only problems are:

First, Khali doesn't have the credibility that Andre did. Remember, Andre was *undefeated* (at least in the USA) for 15 years prior to his loss to Hogan.

Second, comparing Cena to Hogan is like giving someone the Denver Broncos when they really wanted to own the Dallas Cowboys.

Third, Khali has little in-ring experience at all, this match has disaster written all over it! Could possibly be as bad as LT vs Bam Bam in the main event. Fortunately, I have tickets to this one!
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']

Second, comparing Cena to Hogan is like giving someone the Denver Broncos when they really wanted to own the Dallas Cowboys.


Vince is gonna show up in a Tom Landry hat...
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I'm only 99% sure that the reason Khali is getting this push is because someone in creative suggested WWE try to do Hogan vs Andre 20 years later with Cena playing the role of Hogan and Khali playing the role of Andre.

The only problems are:

First, Khali doesn't have the credibility that Andre did. Remember, Andre was *undefeated* (at least in the USA) for 15 years prior to his loss to Hogan.

Second, comparing Cena to Hogan is like giving someone the Denver Broncos when they really wanted to own the Dallas Cowboys.

Third, Khali has little in-ring experience at all, this match has disaster written all over it! Could possibly be as bad as LT vs Bam Bam in the main event. Fortunately, I have tickets to this one![/QUOTE]

First, Who in the WWE has the credibility like Andre had? Only the Undertaker now.

second, nice simpsons reference.
I got an easy solution to this problem....


King Booker T is an established credible heel and easily can be put in place to fued with Cena. Now come on WWE.... get this going will ya.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']First, Who in the WWE has the credibility like Andre had? Only the Undertaker now.

second, nice simpsons reference.[/quote]

Touche! Taker probably is on par with Andre, and at the very least is close, where as Khali is just starting out. I hope everyone understood what I meant.

Either way I was watching the WM3 dvd with my buddy last night and he commented on how sad it was at how far WWE had fallen from having a match like that to Cena vs whoever/Umaga (Khali now) at WM23.

We could play the, what would you book game, but I think I'll save it for the next topic.

Course, everyone knows I'm in favor of Batista vs Cena. I'd even take a triple threat with Cena vs Batista vs Orton, it'd be like O vs V vs W.
[quote name='Demolition Man']I got an easy solution to this problem....


King Booker T is an established credible heel and easily can be put in place to fued with Cena. Now come on WWE.... get this going will ya.[/QUOTE]
That would be awesome. What the hell is booker going on Smackdown right now anyway? Fighting Batista for the 15th time?
I'm all for anything that ends the Batista-Booker feud. Batista has no chemistry now with anyone who isn't named Finlay, and it's slowly killing his drawing power. Tonight's Raw was horrid, especially after a month of at least decent shows. Rosie-Donald made me embarassed to be a wrestling fan at times.
During Monday Night RAW last when Todd Grishman was interviewing the Great Khali last night, He was speaking Hindi. This is what he was saying during his interview, "I am not scared of John Cena, I first used to wrestle Smackdown, I defeated everyone in smackdown. Then I defeated everyone in ECW. Now I am RAW, I will defeat all the wrestlers here. I am not scared of John Cena. I am the Great Khali.


I think Khali is good as a monster, but he's just not ready to headline WM yet. WWE was apparently hoping to continue pushing him in ECW to build him up and then have him face Lashley at WM. However, with the H's injury, Khali was moved to Raw sooner than originally planned. So, assuming Khali doesn't kill anyone else, he's probably going to be facing Cena at WM in a match certain to be billed as a second coming of Hogan and Andre. Surely, Andre is rolling over in his grave.

This leaves the ECW title picture for WM a blur. With RVD probably leaving, CM Punk's chance could come sooner than expected. Unless WWE opts to just turn the ECW title match into a big clusterfuck match, which would probably be for the best at this point.

SD is still supposedly going to be Batista vs Undertaker, with Taker finally losing a match at WM. I'm all for that match, but only if Taker is going to win the title, probably for the last time.

Both Raw and SD are so weak at this point, I really think WWE should consider reuniting the Raw & SD titles. Doing so would make the WWE Title and individual holding it look stronger as there'd be one primary champion again.

If I were booking WM (and had to keep the current planned matches) I'd go ahead with Cena over Khali and Batista over Taker, with the winners facing each other at the end of the night in a title unification match. Putting Cena or Batista back on both shows isn't going to burn either one out, and would probably help ratings. Won't happen though.
I personally am aganist uniting the titles unless Michael Hayes ends up booking both shows. He actually gives the fans what they want (good wrestling), even though he has a depleted roster and his talent at the top is stale. I would have been all for brand reuniting before, but Raw has been so bad that it would end up dragging down Smackdown.

All the WWE shows do need to work on getting some more talent who can go for the title and look like a legit threat. One thing TNA has over WWE big time is that there are multiple people who could make a title run and look legit.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I love it. Now this doesn't apply to all of you, but at least half of you bitch about Vince never pushing anyone new.

Now HHH gets hurt, and apparently Khali has been picked to take his spot at the top of the card to start a feud with Cena, yet that same group of people continues to bitch.

What will shut you guys up, Cena vs Kenny? Or maybe one of WWE's rejects (save Angle) in TNA, like Billy Gunn, Road Dogg or Double J :roll:[/QUOTE]

Now, I'd already posted on this already, but they're pushing a guy up there who is *so* bad they pulled him out of his gimmick PPV match (Punjabi Prison Match). This is a recipe for disaster, since they can't do anything with him in the long term.

Now, if they had tried cycling through talent at the top of the card, which involves building up new guys to main event status as well as pulling guys out of the main event (something TNA has actually done quite well, IMO, disregarding the length and frequency of Jarrett's reigns). Why is Rob Conway still on Raw if he's nothing more than a nobody comedy act, to be mocked and not taken seriously? What about Cade and Murdoch? Nobody believes they'll ever do anything. If guys on the bottom of the show can't get the job done, fire them, because they're occupying space that could be occupied by new talent.

They've done nothing to build up new talent anyone will take seriously at the top of the card - the WWE's hands are tied, but they're also the ones tying that knot. Not anybody else.
Khali wasn't pulled from the Prison match because he was terrible, he was pulled from that show (along with Crazy and Lashley) due to "elevated liver enzymes" which were discovered during a day of testing where the SD crew was basically used as a way to let the Raw guys know that their testing was coming up - he was pulled from any live TV shows because he was so horrible, which they've gone back on by putting him on ECW and now Raw. WWE (well, Steph) have big plans for Daniel Rodimer, so he'll probably get the next "hot new prospect" push on Raw while HHH is out.
Rodimer, the same guy that those in the know are saying won't be ready to be brought up until 2008 at the earliest, yet Steph wants to push him NOW. Typical McMahon.

You know, of all the guys on ECW, why not move over Test? Hate to say it but he's actually looked pretty good since his return, is a legit big man and would fit in nicely with Orton and Edge. Just a thought. Heaven forbid WWE actually start a new faction without guys from previously successful factions leading the group. Course... Orton was in Evolution :whistle2:k then again Rated RKO isn't really like Evolution. Let me start over, heaven forbid WWE actually start a new faction without guys from DX or the NWO. I would laugh, however, if Farooq re-formed the Nation of *Damn*ination.

And am I mistaken and I am the only one that wants to see Batista vs Cena finally happen at WM?
They may only be pushing khali for a rumble match and possibly include umage in some way. For the most part i always like khali but i dont think te should of jumped him to raw since he was in the middle of a feud in ecw and this leaves daivari alone.

Whether they planned it or not it looks like undertaker should get a title match at wm...

Undertaker vs cena (we've seen this before and i loved the feud back then) would be interesting as well as booker vs cena (they had some run ins this year)

I think most probably a smackdown superstar will win the rumble this year..

On the ecw side it could be a little tricky.. who to face lashley.... hey how about tommy dreamer or sandman.. the fans want to see ecw originals and rvd may not be around.. cm punk may be the only one..

fucking sign lesnar back already dammit..
[quote name='guyver2077']fucking sign lesnar back already dammit..[/QUOTE]

Not THAT is a guy who would be a instant heel for Cena to face.

I have to agree with ZL on Test. I may not like the guy, but he looks great and he's put 100% effort into his comeback.
I really hope someone realizes that and starts disbursing the Raw talent that isn't being used. First thing I would do would be to send the WGTT to SD and Super Crazy to ECW.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Super Crazy to ECW.[/quote]

i still dont understand why they havent done this....

heck throw jamie noble over there too... him and kash would of fit in
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I love it. Now this doesn't apply to all of you, but at least half of you bitch about Vince never pushing anyone new.

Now HHH gets hurt, and apparently Khali has been picked to take his spot at the top of the card to start a feud with Cena, yet that same group of people continues to bitch.

What will shut you guys up, Cena vs Kenny? Or maybe one of WWE's rejects (save Angle) in TNA, like Billy Gunn, Road Dogg or Double J :roll:[/quote]

I think there's a lot of guys that have the potential to play heel compliment to Cena.

Let's start with the obvious choice. Johnny Nitro. This guy was fueding with Cena a week ago and he gets replaced by The Grape Kiwi? O...k... that makes sense.

Others: Heel HBK, Heel Flair, Carlito, Masters, Heel Benoit, Finlay, King Booker, Mr. Kennedy, Heel Mysterio (Is he still injured?), is it too early for a heel CM Punk?, Test, maybe others.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Let's start with the obvious choice. Johnny Nitro. This guy was fueding with Cena a week ago and he gets replaced by The Grape Kiwi? O...k... that makes sense.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't Nitro fueding with Jeff Hardy?
[quote name='Demolition Man']Wasn't Nitro fueding with Jeff Hardy?[/quote]

Well I guess the Hardy'z and MnM had a bit of a fued... at the same time, K-Fed and his "Crew" were fueding with Cena.
[quote name='guyver2077']i cant believe wwe wrote a topic on tye dye guy... ive seen this fucker everywhere since my first ecw show in ft lauderdale to tna...

ive always thought to myself this guy has no fucking life and must be rich. he comes out all the damn time on camera flexing and shit

I've seen that guy at two WCW house shows in Detroit.

That guy gets around.
[quote name='WrestlingObserver.com']One of the New England Patriot coaches gave a quote that said, "You wanna be the best, you gotta beat the best. Just like Lex Luger used to say." But that did remind me of one of the funniest lines ever, in 1989. Luger was doing a promo for a match with Ricky Steamboat and said, "The one is, a good big man always beats a good little man." A few minutes later, Ric Flair was out doing a promo, and he had nothing to do with the match, and just said, "Luger, who ever told you that you were a good big man?"[/quote] :rofl: Classic Flair, it's a shame that in the past year he's gone from an intense feud with HHH and a few title shots to curtain-jerking jobber. Unrelated, I wonder if there have been talks of bringing in X-Pac short term or plugging someone into tagging with Michaels to get the DX rub and keep the group alive until HHH is back.
[quote name='Genocidal']:rofl: Classic Flair, it's a shame that in the past year he's gone from an intense feud with HHH and a few title shots to curtain-jerking jobber.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. I kinda wish he was in the General Manager seat, or something. I don't really find Coachman that entertaining. At all.
[quote name='Genocidal']I can see why there wasn't interest in bringing Scott Hall back. Dude's let him self go over the past few years, it seems.[/QUOTE]

For being in his mid-40's, he looks just fine. Compare him to Piper during the "Age in the Cage" feud with Hogan, and after that, his early 2000's WWE stint.

Cut him some slack; I think he looks alright. I wouldn't bring him back because he's an unreliable drunk, not because I think he looks out of shape. He looks like he's 2-3 months of hard cardio and lifting away from being in decent shape, which isn't that bad when you think about it.
[quote name='guyver2077']im also wondering how they were able to use dx song etc[/QUOTE]
They just do it. It's as simple as that, really.

A local "federation" around here uses all kind of music that they don't have licenses to.

In fact, "Nacho Libre" wrestles 'round these parts. :roll:
[quote name='guyver2077']a video[/quote]

Speaking of X-Pac... MTV has announced through promos that WSX will premiere Tuesday, January 30, 2007, at 10:30 pm. On the promos it seems that weapons will be used often.

I think I'll check it out.
[quote name='Brak']They just do it. It's as simple as that, really.

A local "federation" around here uses all kind of music that they don't have licenses to.

In fact, "Nacho Libre" wrestles 'round these parts. :roll:[/quote]

i know indy's do it but this video looks like it was edited for sale or something...
[quote name='guyver2077']i know indy's do it but this video looks like it was edited for sale or something...[/QUOTE]

I blame iMacs.
[quote name='guyver2077']i know indy's do it but this video looks like it was edited for sale or something...[/QUOTE]
Yeah. They just don't give a shit on that front, either.

I'm sure if WWE found out, their legal team would storm them.

A funny story about that:

I used to have a website where I reviewed things -- weird things. One of those things I'd review would be bootleg action figures. I reviewed some bootleg WWE action figures.

On the cardboard backing of those figures, there were photos of HHH hitting The Rock over the head with a folding chair, and some other photos from the same match. One of the figures was a straight-up Kane bootleg, and the others were just generic men (although one looked exactly like William Regal, which - coincidentally - is the same action figure Napoleon Dynamite dangles from his school bus window).

Anyway, a WWE attorney emailed me, requesting the company that made the figures.
[quote name='Brak']WWE attorney[/QUOTE]

Ah, the deepest roster in wrestling today. I wonder what WWE legal would look like if they hired attorneys the way they bring up talent? :lol:

Anyway, someone start a new thread before I start a "Fabulous Rougeau Brother's Wrestling Topic" and piss off the horse.
[quote name='mykevermin']Ah, the deepest roster in wrestling today. I wonder what WWE legal would look like if they hired attorneys the way they bring up talent? :lol:


WWE legal would look like this...

[quote name='mykevermin']For being in his mid-40's, he looks just fine. Compare him to Piper during the "Age in the Cage" feud with Hogan, and after that, his early 2000's WWE stint.

Cut him some slack; I think he looks alright. I wouldn't bring him back because he's an unreliable drunk, not because I think he looks out of shape. He looks like he's 2-3 months of hard cardio and lifting away from being in decent shape, which isn't that bad when you think about it.[/quote] I guess I worded that a bit wrong, but was in a hurry and didn't really care to fix it. From the video he really looked like he was having some trouble moving or just didn't care to be there.
[quote name='Brak']

On the cardboard backing of those figures, there were photos of HHH hitting The Rock over the head with a folding chair, and some other photos from the same match. One of the figures was a straight-up Kane bootleg, and the others were just generic men (although one looked exactly like William Regal, which - coincidentally - is the same action figure Napoleon Dynamite dangles from his school bus window).

Anyway, a WWE attorney emailed me, requesting the company that made the figures.[/QUOTE]

Do you have any pictures of the figures? Or would posting them violate WWE's regulations?

I'd love to see the bootleg Kane.
[quote name='terribledeli']Do you have any pictures of the figures? Or would posting them violate WWE's regulations?

I'd love to see the bootleg Kane.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. I have them somewhere on my harddrive.

I'll post them when I get home.
[quote name='guyver2077']punk loses? wow[/QUOTE]

was it cleanly? To Bob fucking Holly?

Hmph. Guess I was right about Punk's status in the WWE.
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