Jimmy Snuka's wrestling topic

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[quote name='JJSP']Any chance of a CAG Death Pool?[/QUOTE]
I'm calling Undertaker. He can only be blown up or run over or beaten to death so many times and still come back.
[quote name='JJSP']ECW - Heatwave 98, Wrestlepalooza, Cyberslam 99[/quote]

If they are the original versions.. original case, disc and artwork.. i'm definately interested
[quote name='CaseyRyback']My friend got me the 50 greatest TNA moments for Christmas. Even though I know number one sucks it is going to be great to see a lot of stuff I hadn't before and relive stuff I have.

Hopefully the DVD is fairly good.[/QUOTE]

My aunt-and-uncle-in-law gave me the Lipstick and Dynamite documentary (and a bottle of Jameson).

Reports soon, but so far, the whiskey is good. ;)
[quote name='Scorch']If they are the original versions.. original case, disc and artwork.. i'm definately interested[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure which version they are - if there's more than one, I don't know about them. Mine are from Pioneer Entertainment and are marked "uncensored" on the spine. Wrestlepalooza and Cyberslam don't come with inserts (I don't recall buying them with it), but Heatwave includes the inner flier/chapter list. They were released before WWE bought the tape library - I think the only Pioneer ECW DVD's I'm missing are Guilty As Charged, Barely Legal (the debut PPV) and the "best of" compilations they did. I actually owned the Dudley Boys one, but have no idea what happened to it.

Heatwave '98 Cover
Wrestlepalooza '97 Cover - not exact, as it doesn't have the logos right
Cyberslam '99 Cover, without DVD logos

EDIT - After Googling for images to compare, there's a few cheesy looking DVD covers for these events. I -believe- they're from the UK releases though.
Terrible news about Konnan, from today's Observer update -
--Regarding stories that have come out of Mexico on Konnan, he did not have the scheduled hip replacement surgery on Wednesday because when they opened him up, they found his kidneys in terrible shape and didn't want to risk surgery. Konnan is back in the U.S. undergoing kidney dialysis regularly until next week. He is scheduled for surgery late next week, but the bad news is his kidneys are so damaged he needs a kidney transplant.
Hopefully he gets the transplant he needs quickly so he can then get his damaged hip replaced. He's got to be in a living Hell right now.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Terrible news about Konnan, from today's Observer update -
Hopefully he gets the transplant he needs quickly so he can then get his damaged hip replaced. He's got to be in a living Hell right now.[/quote]

I wonder why his kidneys are so messed up?
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I wonder why his kidneys are so messed up?[/quote]

Probably because of "The Man" sabotaging his kidneys.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I wonder why his kidneys are so messed up?[/QUOTE]
They can get fucked from wrestling (backdrops, etc.), but it might be drinking?
you guys have to fucking see this..im going nuts over here.. fucking amazing.. psp related

i couldnt find my smackdown games so this will have to do

I know I've asked before, but since the Smackdown thing doesn't seem to be taking off would you guys be interested in a smaller group getting a No Mercy thing going?
[quote name='guyver2077']you guys have to fucking see this..im going nuts over here.. fucking amazing.. psp related

i couldnt find my smackdown games so this will have to do

Seriously, that game sucked massive amounts of cock.
[quote name='Brak']Seriously, that game sucked massive amounts of cock.[/quote]

lol to this day i think mayhem had one of the best crowd ever audio wise... shit it even had dolby surround at the time..

i still enjoyed the game though
[quote name='guyver2077']lol to this day i think mayhem had one of the best crowd ever audio wise... shit it even had dolby surround at the time..

i still enjoyed the game though[/QUOTE]
Around the time that game came out, I was a devout WCW fan... So, if the game sucked cock, I'd be there to cup the testicles.

I actually had three copies of Mayhem -- bought one, and won two from Coca~Cola, via the Surge "under the cap" give-away, on the same damn day.

Suffice it to say, I had my mom return the two sealed copies to Target. So, technically, I got $100 from Coca~Cola.

WCW Backstage Assault was another sack of complete shit gem. At least you could be Norman Smiley, though.
yea backstage assault was the shit..

it had 3 count!!! so yea and those quick entrance videos..

i dont know who was the brains at ea that decided to make that game.. they should of built on mayhem
Good troops show. Really strange to see a show with everything being a straight-up match with a clean finish. Too bad it takes a show for armed forces or someone dying in order to get a show like that. Enough crowd pleasing stuff with 'Taker and Cena being there, and enough smarky-appeal with the Shelton vs. Punk match. Poor Jeff Hardy.

No Vince speech this year, not even an appearance during the show. I'm not complaining, since people would just find a way to needlessly nitpick it like they do every year. BUT PLEASE STOP PLAYING CREED. THANKS.

The still photos were awesome, the little guy with his hand around 'Taker's throat, and best of all UMAGA IN FULL GIMMICK WITH A BIG SMILE RAISING HIS ARMS WITH DOZENS OF TROOPS AROUND HIM! Yeah! FOR SAMOAHBRBAARHHRHRHAGHHH!

THAT little guy gets to be the one to break the masterlock? Great! Maybe they can fly in some Special Olympics competitor to end 'Taker's Wrestlemania streak as well. :roll:
[quote name='KaneRobot']THAT little guy gets to be the one to break the masterlock? Great! Maybe they can fly in some Special Olympics competitor to end 'Taker's Wrestlemania streak as well. :roll:[/QUOTE]
WrestleCrap, HO!
[quote name='KaneRobot']THAT little guy gets to be the one to break the masterlock? Great! Maybe they can fly in some Special Olympics competitor to end 'Taker's Wrestlemania streak as well. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Batista will fit that need quite nicely. I wonder if he will get any shit for not being on the show (he wasn't there, was he?). Since RVD is evidently a hated man now for it, why wouldn't your other champ go?
I was walking by the fantabulously alternative Hot Topic, today... And what did I see in the window? Kurt Angle's big, red face. (The WWE shirt.)

I had to get that shit...
They didn't play Creed on last night's troops show - that was Scott Stapp's solo music, and the lyrics are pretty fitting for them. I enjoyed last night's show, since the matches were given time, and the show opened with an exceptional Cena-Edge match, but didn't have anything to top it later. The audio mix was weird for it - J.R. and King's voice overs drowned out everything, making it hard to hear Lillian. Not every wrestler has to go - HHH didn't go because Steph wanted him at home with her and the kid, and Batista not going shouldn't warrant any heat as long as he didn't make a big deal out of not going, like RVD.

I'm listening to the 12/23 Bryan and Vinny show, and it is awesome. They've got a friend on and his reaction to some TNA stuff was "THAT WAS STUPID!" and "I would not pay to see this.", and "How is Angle a face?". There's a great bit where they all discuss how awesome is, and how he looks like he could legit kill anyone at any time.

Tazz and Joey have been hilarious on this best-of show. Tazz holds up a barb wire bat and asks "Can I just hit you with this once?" and Joey's deadpan reaction of "Please don't" made it great.

It's a Battle Royal extravaganza on Heat this week. You've probably seen the WM2 and WM2000 battle royals, but this week also has one from Saturday Night's Main Event as well as a never before aired 40-man battle royal from 1992. I'll be sure to check out those last two tomorrow.

EDIT: The McMahons are Democrats, apparently. Now I can say I've seen it all: http://www.courant.com/news/politics/hc-joemoney1226.artdec26,0,3329931.story?coll=hc-headlines-home
[quote name='mykevermin']http://www.wwe.com/shows/webshows/heat/

It's a Battle Royal extravaganza on Heat this week. You've probably seen the WM2 and WM2000 battle royals, but this week also has one from Saturday Night's Main Event as well as a never before aired 40-man battle royal from 1992. I'll be sure to check out those last two tomorrow.

EDIT: The McMahons are Democrats, apparently. Now I can say I've seen it all: http://www.courant.com/news/politics/hc-joemoney1226.artdec26,0,3329931.story?coll=hc-headlines-home[/QUOTE]

ROFL @ getting hit with a "shiny, new trashcan."

Lieberman was the Democratic champion of the Right Wing last year. I guess it shouldn't be too surprising that they would donate to him.
Thought this years Troops shows was probably the best they've done. One criticism, though. Well...not really a criticism so much as a visual I personally found amusing. I know the troop shows are completely non storyline and have nothing to do with the other 51 Raws aired every year, but really...how the *hell* did the Umaga character make it to Iraq? Armando wasn't there, so who kept him on a leash? That particular flight would have been more entertaining than anything on Raw this year. Heh.

Kayfabe-wise, they could have just turned him loose when the plane landed and by the time the trip was over, the troops could have come home and terrorism would have ceased to exist. :lol:

Also, gotta love the crowd booing the Camel Clutch by...Edge, was it? Shame that JR had to explain the spot, though. In-jokes are never as funny after you explain them.
This was mentioned in one of the older threads I believe, but the Christmas edition of the Observer goes into more detail about Amy Zidain's release a couple weeks back. Not only did the hilarious "didn't know who Stephanie was" thing happen, but she also:

1. Made fun of Krystal's hair extensions
2. Asked Layla if she was mad because she was featured on Smackdown, while Layla just "collected dust"

And most ridiculous:

3. Asked Vickie Guerrero why she was a diva, saying the seemed too old and too fat.

She was going to be fired after that, but Johnny Ace went to bat for her and saved her job. Thanks a lot, dickhead. Of course, then the Steph thing happened and she was fired anyway.

What's sad is, aside from her clearly shitty attitude, I wouldn't blame her for not knowing who Steph or Vickie are. They hire these people in the first place, then push them out on TV way before they're ready, then act surprised when they get fired.

Batista not being on the troops show wasn't mentioned. However, DX was explained as not being on it "due to the attack by Edge and Orton."

...yeah. This is after on LAST WEEK'S RAW they said "Cena just returned from our Iraq show."

WWE make time asplode!!
[quote name='mykevermin']http://www.wwe.com/shows/webshows/heat/

It's a Battle Royal extravaganza on Heat this week. You've probably seen the WM2 and WM2000 battle royals, but this week also has one from Saturday Night's Main Event as well as a never before aired 40-man battle royal from 1992. I'll be sure to check out those last two tomorrow.

EDIT: The McMahons are Democrats, apparently. Now I can say I've seen it all: http://www.courant.com/news/politics/hc-joemoney1226.artdec26,0,3329931.story?coll=hc-headlines-home[/QUOTE]

Didn't a lot of Republicans vote for Lieberman? I still don't see them as being Democrats. Really hard to fathom IMO.
Vince is on the current episode of "Money Matters Today", on the Comcast network ("CN8" for me), on right now.

So if you have Comcast, I think they're doing an interview with him or something. His segment isn't on yet.

Edit: It's over. Nothing major.
source: f4wonline, Wrestling Observer

-- David Lagana, the head writer for ECW, is pushing for Chris Masters to be moved to the brand. With ECW’s recent roster cuts Lagana is looking for more draws.
[quote name='coolcolt']source: f4wonline, Wrestling Observer

-- David Lagana, the head writer for ECW, is pushing for Chris Masters to be moved to the brand. With ECW’s recent roster cuts Lagana is looking for more draws.


i think that would be a stupid move...
[quote name='coolcolt']source: f4wonline, Wrestling Observer

-- David Lagana, the head writer for ECW, is pushing for Chris Masters to be moved to the brand. With ECW’s recent roster cuts Lagana is looking for more draws.
They've already killed his character's credibility numerous times, so why not?
[quote name='coolcolt']source: f4wonline, Wrestling Observer

-- David Lagana, the head writer for ECW, is pushing for Chris Masters to be moved to the brand. With ECW’s recent roster cuts Lagana is looking for more draws.
if Chris Masters can't draw for ECW, no one can.
[quote name='coolcolt']source: f4wonline, Wrestling Observer

-- David Lagana, the head writer for ECW, is pushing for Chris Masters to be moved to the brand. With ECW’s recent roster cuts Lagana is looking for more draws.

The ironic part of this is that, I believe Lagana was an ECW groupie (like those front row knobs from all the classic ECW shows, but not someone you'd recognize by seeing him) and somehow managed to get involved in ECW and eventually (duh) WWE. Either he's completely removed from being a fan of ECW that he doesn't know what he's doing, or he's secretly trying to kill ECW so it can be remembered for what it was. Putting Masters on Tuesday nights would certainly fulfill that task.

The thing about ECW was that it was, first and foremost, a wrestling show. Classic mat wrestling, lucha libre, hardcore blood-n-guts fests, every (most, anyway) match was fun to watch. With the influx of Lashley, Mike Knox, Chris Masters, and others, they keep pumping the show full of "sports entertainers" instead. Guys with "the look" (save Knox), but no ability to talk on the mic or wrestle a match. These guys have nothing except for what it takes to give McMahon a hard-on, apparently. I guess that's enough these days (remember this cat tried to build a whole company, the WBF, around Lex Goddamn Luger).


I know they say Heyman could hide weaknesses and emphasize strengths...but how can you do that when everybody you have can't wrestle for shit? They can't talk for shit? What can they do to get these guys over? The answer, of course, is nothing. They're resting on their steroid-enhanced laurels (try telling me they're regularly testing the newly-rebuffed Chris Masters), and the only thing that can improve WWE programming is TNA. Word on the street says Jim Cornette and Vince Russo are working together on the creative side of TNA right now, they have a primetime time slot, and some of the best fucking wrestling buried in the middle of some substandard talent and storylines. TNA is pretty close to waking up the WWE monster, I believe, and the sooner they improve the better. I can't wait until RVD hits TNA, because you and I know it's inevitable.

Here's hoping guys like RVD and Sandman didn't sign contracts that gave WWE IP right over their names. The Dudleys learned that lesson the hard way.

And, for the record, let me say this now, and get it out of the way: the feud with Mike Knox will be CM Punk's most prominent moment in his WWE tenure. He's too popular with the wrong people (read: us), and I'm sure the McMahons don't think he has a great look. Seeing as how that's all that matters, I'm willing to go on record and say CM Punk is going to be a lower-mid-card worker in a very short period of time. Think Super Crazy.
[quote name='mykevermin']The ironic part of this is that, I believe Lagana was an ECW groupie (like those front row knobs from all the classic ECW shows, but not someone you'd recognize by seeing him) and somehow managed to get involved in ECW and eventually (duh) WWE. Either he's completely removed from being a fan of ECW that he doesn't know what he's doing, or he's secretly trying to kill ECW so it can be remembered for what it was. Putting Masters on Tuesday nights would certainly fulfill that task.

The thing about ECW was that it was, first and foremost, a wrestling show. Classic mat wrestling, lucha libre, hardcore blood-n-guts fests, every (most, anyway) match was fun to watch. With the influx of Lashley, Mike Knox, Chris Masters, and others, they keep pumping the show full of "sports entertainers" instead. Guys with "the look" (save Knox), but no ability to talk on the mic or wrestle a match. These guys have nothing except for what it takes to give McMahon a hard-on, apparently. I guess that's enough these days (remember this cat tried to build a whole company, the WBF, around Lex Goddamn Luger).


I know they say Heyman could hide weaknesses and emphasize strengths...but how can you do that when everybody you have can't wrestle for shit? They can't talk for shit? What can they do to get these guys over? The answer, of course, is nothing. They're resting on their steroid-enhanced laurels (try telling me they're regularly testing the newly-rebuffed Chris Masters), and the only thing that can improve WWE programming is TNA. Word on the street says Jim Cornette and Vince Russo are working together on the creative side of TNA right now, they have a primetime time slot, and some of the best fucking wrestling buried in the middle of some substandard talent and storylines. TNA is pretty close to waking up the WWE monster, I believe, and the sooner they improve the better. I can't wait until RVD hits TNA, because you and I know it's inevitable.

Here's hoping guys like RVD and Sandman didn't sign contracts that gave WWE IP right over their names. The Dudleys learned that lesson the hard way.

And, for the record, let me say this now, and get it out of the way: the feud with Mike Knox will be CM Punk's most prominent moment in his WWE tenure. He's too popular with the wrong people (read: us), and I'm sure the McMahons don't think he has a great look. Seeing as how that's all that matters, I'm willing to go on record and say CM Punk is going to be a lower-mid-card worker in a very short period of time. Think Super Crazy.[/quote]
I think CM Punk's greatest asset is that his first big WWE (ECW) match was in front of a crowd of smarks. He got crazy cheers and the casual fans all bandwaggoned it... Punk's really been boring me as of late... Even RVD, who's had the same gimmick/move set for years and who's pretty bad on the mic has been more entertaining. There's a lot of guys I wanna see in TNA... RVD, Sabu, Punk, Heyman.. etc.. However, I lost respect for Sabu after he went to ECW.. If I had to bet, I would say he only did it for the money. Also, I don't blame Punk for choosing WWE over TNA. But I don't think he deserves any respect for it. He could have been one of the biggest stars in a rising company (like Joe) instead of someone who WWE will probably bury in the next year or so.

Btw, on gamefaqs, this is my signature: Not changing my sig until I see RVD vs. Samoa Joe. Started 07/06/06. :D Looks like it might actually happen!
[quote name='PhrostByte']I think CM Punk's greatest asset is that his first big WWE (ECW) match was in front of a crowd of smarks. He got crazy cheers and the casual fans all bandwaggoned it... Punk's really been boring me as of late... Even RVD, who's had the same gimmick/move set for years and who's pretty bad on the mic has been more entertaining. There's a lot of guys I wanna see in TNA... RVD, Sabu, Punk, Heyman.. etc.. However, I lost respect for Sabu after he went to ECW.. If I had to bet, I would say he only did it for the money. Also, I don't blame Punk for choosing WWE over TNA. But I don't think he deserves any respect for it. He could have been one of the biggest stars in a rising company (like Joe) instead of someone who WWE will probably bury in the next year or so.

Btw, on gamefaqs, this is my signature: Not changing my sig until I see RVD vs. Samoa Joe. Started 07/06/06. :D Looks like it might actually happen![/QUOTE]

:lol: at your sig.

Sabu may have given up scruples to go to ECW, but after years in the business, he both needs and deserves the money. Remember, you're talking about a guy who was so "old-school" that he never gave interviews or talked on screen; he finally opened up and did a shoot interview and the ECW doc "Forever Hardcore," but that was after he had (tens of?) thousands of dollars in hospital bills to cover. I don't begrudge him that. Besides, the WWE made their money back because of that awesome video clip of him legdropping Cena on the Raw announce table. They use that a great deal, and it's still awesome to see.

I don't begrudge Punk either, because TNA blew their chance with him. He was one of Raven's lackeys in TNA in 2003-4(?), tagging mostly with Julio Dinero (who could have used a name change at that point). Nothing was done with him, and WWE snatched him up after TNA stopped using him. They had their chance. I think Punk made the right decision, but that comes at the expense of not being able to see him have any amazing 30-minute matches. His and RVD's early sacrifice in the Elimination Chamber match at the PPV only serve to reinforce where the WWE thinks he and RVD stand in the ECW food chain. Let Punk make his money, I say...and then let's see him fucking wrestle.
I believe that Cena is going to drop the title at New Year's Revolution to Umaga (not clean), run the gauntlet at RR, bury some SD guy (Kennedy?) at No Way Out and then finally overcome the odds by not only defeating but making Umaga tap out to win his title back.

What do you guys think? :whistle2:#
Umaga in the WrestleMania main event? Wow. I haven't not ordered three consecutive WrestleManias since before I had cable, which was before WM9.

I didn't buy 21 or 22, and if they even think of putting Umaga in the main event, I won't buy 23. I hope they aren't that foolish. It'll be HHH again, I'm sure.
[quote name='mykevermin']:lol: at your sig.

Sabu may have given up scruples to go to ECW, but after years in the business, he both needs and deserves the money. Remember, you're talking about a guy who was so "old-school" that he never gave interviews or talked on screen; he finally opened up and did a shoot interview and the ECW doc "Forever Hardcore," but that was after he had (tens of?) thousands of dollars in hospital bills to cover. I don't begrudge him that. Besides, the WWE made their money back because of that awesome video clip of him legdropping Cena on the Raw announce table. They use that a great deal, and it's still awesome to see.

I don't begrudge Punk either, because TNA blew their chance with him. He was one of Raven's lackeys in TNA in 2003-4(?), tagging mostly with Julio Dinero (who could have used a name change at that point). Nothing was done with him, and WWE snatched him up after TNA stopped using him. They had their chance. I think Punk made the right decision, but that comes at the expense of not being able to see him have any amazing 30-minute matches. His and RVD's early sacrifice in the Elimination Chamber match at the PPV only serve to reinforce where the WWE thinks he and RVD stand in the ECW food chain. Let Punk make his money, I say...and then let's see him fucking wrestle.[/quote]
Yea man... I mean I definitely understand why they did what they did... In Punk's case, I probably would have done the same thing.. maybe not. I've been a TNA mark ever since I first laid eyes on the product.. and I always thought they were going to get big one day, but, if I was a wrestler, and an indy one not making much money, it would be difficult to turn down a WWE contract. As a fan, I'd much rather have Punk in in TNA. Sabu on the other hand, I always thought he was a prostitute type of wrestler.. you know, getting hurt for money. I thought the reason he never did interviews was either 1] part of the gimmick or 2] he didn't care. Also, that leg drop to Cena was awesome. ECW was actually pretty exciting during the second RAW invasion, right before they got the Sci-Fi show. The thing is, Sabu was doing just fine in TNA booking wise. He had some great matches with Abyss, Rhyno, Jeff Hardy, etc. Maybe he wasn't making WWE-type money... (maybe he was, I wonder...) but that's why I can't respect his jump. He wasn't like Punk... lingering in the undercard, people knew Sabu and he was putting on good matches.
[quote name='Sporadic']I believe that Cena is going to drop the title at New Year's Revolution to Umaga (not clean), run the gauntlet at RR, bury some SD guy (Kennedy?) at No Way Out and then finally overcome the odds by not only defeating but making Umaga tap out to win his title back.

What do you guys think? :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

They will never give Umaga the title...ever.
The thing with Sabu is that WWE offered him a bigger contract when his deal with TNA ran out. TNA did what they could to match it but ultimately the WWE just flatout beat them.

I suspect within 6 months we'll see Sabu back in TNA. Just a hunch.
[quote name='Demolition Man']The thing with Sabu is that WWE offered him a bigger contract when his deal with TNA ran out. TNA did what they could to match it but ultimately the WWE just flatout beat them.

I suspect within 6 months we'll see Sabu back in TNA. Just a hunch.[/QUOTE]

I also have a feeling Sabu went to WWE to finally make it to the big time... I mean, he was easily the most over guy in the whole ECW invasion, and the fans loved him.

If he didn't fuck it up with that whole incident, I think he would have gone on to be the top person on ECW.
I read somewhere they might move Gene Snitsky to ECW. I guess the bookers got confused and think ECW really does mean Extremly Crappy Wrestling.
If Umaga takes the belt from Cena, it'll be a quick transition to Hunter. We'd likely see Cena turn heel at some point to wrestle a face HHH at Wrestlemania.

Will it happen? Doubtful. I've got a feeling the winner of the Rumble is wrestling for the Smackdown belt this year - they're gonna need something to build on for a Smackdown main event.
Someone tell me I just didn't see this....

TNA insinuating that Eric Young got it on with Traci Brooks in the bathroom... afterwards EY saying that his resolution for the new year is to go crazy or something like that. W.. T.. F.

I'm going to pretend I didn't see this and move along.
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