John's big thread of site news, fixes, updates, and more! Something broken? Report it here.


Staff member
10 (100%)
The recent hack gave us a good opportunity to make a lot of improvements to the site that would have been impractical otherwise, as well as a complete overhaul of CAG's servers and infrastructure. In short, the downtime let me knock a lot of big stuff off the todo list relatively quickly, which has freed up time to get cracking on some of the long outstanding site issues. 
In an effort to keep all information related to site updates in one place, I'm starting this thread to keep a log of updates - as well as a place to report outstanding site problems of any kind. By posting in this thread you're guaranteed to get my attention quickly, so please only try to post if you're reporting a problem. Beer conversation is also welcome. 
Site Update Changelog
23 Jan 2016 - User galleries back online. Minor CSS tweaks to prevent oversized images breaking the layout.
23 Jan 2016 - Game moderation improvements. Fixed a issue where changes made to a game (or the addition of a new game) wouldn't be reflected in the search index. Now sorting platforms by alphabetical order. 
23 Jan 2016 - Fixed issues with searching for game titles containing apostrophes. 
23 Jan 2016 - Added a trade list link when you hover over someone's username.
23 Jan 2016 - Moderator and administrator usernames are now colourised in PMs and forum posts.
23 Jan 2016 - Popup menu fixes in responsive style.
23 Jan 2016 - Twitch stream integration fixes. Now if you're streaming on Twitch, a link to your stream appears in all your posts for the duration of the stream.
23 Jan 2016 - Fixed collection/wishlist/played list totals to the left of the avatar in a post.
24 Jan 2016 - Moderator tools. Temporary user group changes now automatically revert at the appropriate time.
24 Jan 2016 - Uploaded a substantial update to the community moderation system, including queue viewing - a searchable and sortable list of all pending changes in the system, as well as all changes you've personally submitted. (More community moderation improvements are incoming.)
25 Jan 2016 - You can now hide (soft delete) your posts when using the mobile style.
25 Jan 2016 - Overhauled mobile popup windows for small tablets and phone users. (Including a larger close button for all screen sizes.)
25 Jan 2016 - Fixed issues with community moderation changes being hidden once you've voted on them.
25 Jan 2016 - Improved profile menu (the one that appears when you mouse over your avatar in the top right corner).
25 Jan 2016 - Implemented a fix for users experiencing problems being logged out. 
25 Jan 2016 - BB code now parses correctly in Wiki posts. 
26 Jan 2016 - The "show posts" popup that appears when there are new replies (while you're typing a post) now actually loads in the new posts.
26 Jan 2016 - Various improvements to the user wishlist system in preparation for the app release and marketplace. When populating your wishlist, you can now specify price alert methods, digital/physical preferences, as well as toggle whether or not other CAGs can see what you're willing to pay (and make offers).
27 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: People's voting choices are now visible.
27 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: Null votes no longer count as a denial.
27 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: The number of votes required needed to approve/deny a change is now displayed.
27 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: A link to the associated product is now provided.
27 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: You can now flag products for deletion.
28 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: Fixed janky comment styling.
28 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: Fixed issue where uploading images over 2MB would cause an error.
28 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: Fixed the image crop tool.
29 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: Approve/decline toggles are now the default focus when the page loads (for keyboard moderating).
29 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: Fixed an issue where tags could be added to the moderation queue without a product ID.
29 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: Fixed an issue where voting on tag changes under certain conditions would automatically deny the submission. 
1 Feb 2016 - Community moderation: Fixed a bug where users to submit the last vote on a change get a bunch more points. (A recaching of all the mod point totals is incoming.)
1 Feb 2016 - Support for DLC in the product database.
7 Feb 2016 - Fixed an issue where pages randomly redirect to the CAG front page.
12 Feb 2016 - Overhaul of the caching system. Threads should now load much more quickly.
12 Feb 2016 - Steam and GameStop prices added to game pages/price tracker.
13 Feb 2016 - Walmart prices added to game pages/price tracker.
15 Feb 2016 - Added Green Man Gaming to game pages/price tracker.

-- Took a break from minor updates to fix URL routing issues, improve server reliability and work on some major new upcoming features --
- Ignore button in username popup overlay.
- General menu improvements.
- Occasional missing images.

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Will we ever get the tradelist link working in our profile page?

I know the CML button is obviously gone now, but it would be nice to have the link work for the tradelists in our profile.

Also, after the site got put back up, my link that was in there originally became all wonky, and when I tried to enter the address there it said "Invalid APB Path", which was odd since it always worked when I copy and pasted it in the past.

So I tried to relink my post, but now it doesn't give the address like it did before where it just gave a showthread number for the post, and instead gives the full title of the forum post for the address, which doesn't work if your title is too long because of character limits, and other issues related to it since title changes happen from time to time, which would mean you'd have to keep changing it back and forth.

I guess to summarize, when will we be able to have a clickable link for our tradelists again on our profile.
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Will we ever get the tradelist link working in our profile page?

I know the CML button is obviously gone now, but it would be nice to have the link work for the tradelists in our profile.

Also, after the site got put back up, my link that was in there originally became all wonky, and when I tried to enter the address there it said "Invalid APB Path", which was odd since it always worked when I copy and pasted it in the past.

So I tried to relink my post, but now it doesn't give the address like it did before where it just gave a showthread number for the post, and instead gives the full title of the forum post for the address, which doesn't work if your title is too long because of character limits, and other issues related to it since title changes happen from time to time, which would mean you'd have to keep changing it back and forth.

I guess to summarize, when will we be able to have a clickable link for our tradelists again on our profile.
23 Jan 2016 - Added a trade list link when you hover over someone's username.

If anyone wants to suggest one of these icons that might be a good fit to represent trade lists, let me know and I'll add it in the post template too.

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I guess first on my list is to get the "Content I Follow" link under your profile pic's hover drop down list in the upper right of any page. A quick link to personal galleries there would be helpful too. Also, maybe remove the "profile" link in that drop down and make it so that when you click on your profile pic, it navigates to the profile page (much like it acts when you click on anyone's profile pic elsewhere). :)

I guess first on my list is to get the "Content I Follow" link under your profile pic's hover drop down list in the upper right of any page. A quick link to personal galleries there would be helpful too. Also, maybe remove the "profile" link in that drop down and make it so that when you click on your profile pic, it navigates to the profile page (much like it acts when you click on anyone's profile pic elsewhere). :)
Noted. Have actually had an improved version of this in the works for a while now, I'll dig out what I've got from my archives.

On mobile, my notifications remain unread even after going into the thread and seeing all the posts. Happens on both mobile version and desktop-on-mobile.
23 Jan 2016 - Moderator and administrator usernames are now colourised in PMs and forum posts.
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I guess I post this here.  Since the new version, I have to re-sign in to CAG nearly every time I revisit the page even if I never closed the tab.

I have my user name and password saved and have the Remember Me box checked.  

Is this a new bad feature or something I need to fix on my end? Running Chrome and I know nothing about settings.

23 Jan 2016 - Popup menu fixes in responsive style.
23 Jan 2016 - Twitch stream integration fixes. Now if you're streaming on Twitch, a link to your stream appears in all your posts for the duration of the stream.
23 Jan 2016 - Fixed collection/wishlist/played list totals to the left of the avatar in a post.
The PM notification pop-up is really hard to close when on mobile
Looking into it. Will first have to figure out why I've never seen a PM notification popup. :/

I guess I post this here. Since the new version, I have to re-sign in to CAG nearly every time I revisit the page even if I never closed the tab.
I have my user name and password saved and have the Remember Me box checked.

Is this a new bad feature or something I need to fix on my end? Running Chrome and I know nothing about settings.
Noted, looking into it.
It seems that everytime I leave the site I get logged out even though I have "remember me" checked when I log in. If this could somehow be fixed it would be much appreciated 

23 Jan 2016 - Added a trade list link when you hover over someone's username.

If anyone wants to suggest one of these icons that might be a good fit to represent trade lists, let me know and I'll add it in the post template too.
Omg, that is awesome. I didn't think I'd see the day the tradelist button would come back. *tears of joy*

As for the icon, I can only think of that would fit from that list is the shopping cart.

I was hoping to find a handshake one, but then I realized it wouldn't be very clear to see anyways since it's so small.


I'm currently experiencing an issue with the message system.

While the issue is not on my end, but one of the bidders in my lowball is unable to receive messages from me because it keeps telling me his account status is "Validating".

They have been logging in still just the same, so are they not receiving any alerts (assuming it's not turned off to begin with) from post quotes while they are still in that status?

What do they need to do to get out of this status since it appears they can still log on and be on the site while in this status, but can't seem to do any messaging?

Like a couple others mentioned: I have to login (both mobile and Mac) everytime I come back to CAG. (With credentials saved, of course.)
Aside from the constant logging out, checking the site from a mobile browser doesn't clear your notifications when you check them.
I guess I post this here. Since the new version, I have to re-sign in to CAG nearly every time I revisit the page even if I never closed the tab.

I have my user name and password saved and have the Remember Me box checked.

Is this a new bad feature or something I need to fix on my end? Running Chrome and I know nothing about settings.
It seems that everytime I leave the site I get logged out even though I have "remember me" checked when I log in. If this could somehow be fixed it would be much appreciated
Like a couple others mentioned: I have to login (both mobile and Mac) everytime I come back to CAG. (With credentials saved, of course.)
Aside from the constant logging out, checking the site from a mobile browser doesn't clear your notifications when you check them.
Fix for Chrome (possibly on mobile also):

  1. Go to settings
  2. Click "Show Advanced Settings" at the bottom.
  3. Click "Content Settings..." in the Privacy section.
  4. Click "All cookies and site data..."
  5. In the search bar type in "cheapassgamer" and delete everything that pops up.
  6. Type in your username and password on this website one last time.
  7. Set it and forget it. </Popeil>
I was being logged out all the time, but I just clicked the bookmark in my browser (Chrome, Android) and I was still logged in after many hours. First time since the hack.

Edit, I did the steps in the post above this morning before I last logged on.
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24 Jan 2016 - Moderator tools. Temporary user group changes now automatically revert at the appropriate time.
24 Jan 2016 - Uploaded a substantial update to the community moderation system, including queue viewing - a searchable and sortable list of all pending changes in the system, as well as all changes you've personally submitted. (More community moderation improvements are incoming.)
Just wanted to chime in that I'm also running into the issue where I have to log in every time I access the site.  Previously it remembered my info.  Thanks!

24 Jan 2016 - Uploaded a substantial update to the community moderation system, including queue viewing - a searchable and sortable list of all pending changes in the system, as well as all changes you've personally submitted. (More community moderation improvements are incoming.)
The "Pending" tab does not populate with any listings when I'm signed it, but does when I'm logged off. Thought I'd just post again for reference.

EDIT: Figured out that the "Pending" tab does not list global pending edits, but edits awaiting my personal approval.

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I temporarily noticed the floating nav bar earlier on all or most CAG pages. So far, I've only noticed it on the community moderation pages. Is this in the works site wide? I know some users said they prefer not to have it, but I liked it. Not sure if I prefer it there at all times, but might I suggest that it disappear when scrolling down, and reappear when scrolling up? Or give us the option to choose our preference?

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How about the ability to add people to the ignore list with that menu that pops up when you hover over somebody's username like it currently allows adding friends?

The PM notification pop-up is really hard to close when on mobile
25 Jan 2016 - Overhauled mobile popup windows for small tablets and phone users. (Including a larger close button for all screen sizes.)


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25 Jan 2016 - Improved profile menu (the one that appears when you mouse over your avatar in the top right corner).
25 Jan 2016 - Implemented a fix for users experiencing problems being logged out. If you find yourself having to log in regularly, please manually log out (hover over your avatar in the top right corner, click "Log Out"), and sign in again. (Make sure you check the "Remember me" checkbox.)

I'm currently experiencing an issue with the message system.

While the issue is not on my end, but one of the bidders in my lowball is unable to receive messages from me because it keeps telling me his account status is "Validating".

They have been logging in still just the same, so are they not receiving any alerts (assuming it's not turned off to begin with) from post quotes while they are still in that status?

What do they need to do to get out of this status since it appears they can still log on and be on the site while in this status, but can't seem to do any messaging?
It sounds like they shouldn't have been able to post in the first place. PM me with the thread and the name of the person you're talking about and I'll take a look.

I temporarily noticed the floating nav bar earlier on all or most CAG pages. So far, I've only noticed it on the community moderation pages. Is this in the works site wide? I know some users said they prefer not to have it, but I liked it. Not sure if I prefer it there at all times, but might I suggest that it disappear when scrolling down, and reappear when scrolling up? Or give us the option to choose our preference?
If there's enough demand for it we'll make it an option.

How about the ability to add people to the ignore list with that menu that pops up when you hover over somebody's username like it currently allows adding friends?

Any chance of fixing spoiler tags in the wiki?
25 Jan 2016 - BB code now parses correctly in Wiki posts.

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I am unable to sign in on chrome anymore. I had a little trouble trying to change my password but managed it finally. 

I am logged out on chrome, I enter my details it says i'm signing in then returns to homepage with "login / sign up".

Before this the "remember me" setting wasn't working either.

I am unable to sign in on chrome anymore. I had a little trouble trying to change my password but managed it finally.

I am logged out on chrome, I enter my details it says i'm signing in then returns to homepage with "login / sign up".

Before this the "remember me" setting wasn't working either.
Could you visit, then see if that fixes the problem? (It'll completely log you out, but you should be able to log in once you've been there.)

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I temporarily noticed the floating nav bar earlier on all or most CAG pages. So far, I've only noticed it on the community moderation pages. Is this in the works site wide? I know some users said they prefer not to have it, but I liked it. Not sure if I prefer it there at all times, but might I suggest that it disappear when scrolling down, and reappear when scrolling up? Or give us the option to choose our preference?
If there's enough demand for it we'll make it an option.
Where do I sign on the petition?!?

I am unable to sign in on chrome anymore. I had a little trouble trying to change my password but managed it finally.

I am logged out on chrome, I enter my details it says i'm signing in then returns to homepage with "login / sign up".

Before this the "remember me" setting wasn't working either.
Could you visit, then see if that fixes the problem? (It'll completely log you out, but you should be able to log in once you've been there.)
I am having the exact same problem and that link did not solve the problem.

I am typing this using Internet Explorer where everything is working. Any other ideas?

23 Jan 2016 - Added a trade list link when you hover over someone's username.

If anyone wants to suggest one of these icons that might be a good fit to represent trade lists, let me know and I'll add it in the post template too.
If the emphasis is on the trade, then maybe the exchange or map-signs icon. I prefer exchange. If the emphasis is on the list, then maybe file-text, file-text-o, or any of the lists under the text editor icons. My list preference is list-alt (but it's kinda small), then list-ul.

25 Jan 2016 - Improved profile menu (the one that appears when you mouse over your avatar in the top right corner).
Great! Is there anything that can be done about traversing, and therefore highlighting the messenger icon (and possibly notification icon) when moving the cursor to click on a profile menu link? Happens on other nav bar icons/menus as well, and can be annoying since it can require a cursor movement that deliberately avoids activating another menu. I've noticed that if your cursor is in the nav bar, highlighting another nav menu will instantly make it's drop down appear. If your cursor comes from anywhere else, it takes a small amount of time. So, could I suggest a similar hold for nav menu to nav menu movement? It wouldn't even need to be as long as the non-nav hold, but long enough to quickly move the cursor across undesired menus.

Also galleries, please? :)

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When you're typing in the reply box and you get the pop-up that there are new replies and to click to see them, it would be nice if they actually showed when you clicked on it.

When you're typing in the reply box and you get the pop-up that there are new replies and to click to see them, it would be nice if they actually showed when you clicked on it.
You know what? That would be nice.

26 Jan 2016 - The "show posts" popup that appears when there are new replies (while you're typing a post) now actually loads in the new posts.

Okay when on the main CAG page the icons are missing (stars and dots) to represent unread content in a forum (now it just says unread forum) this is on mobile

Also In the past with community moderation I have gone to the section and switched to full version (again on mobile) and could proceed with edits. Now when I do that it doesnt switch over and in the corner of the page a little "loading" pops up real quick

I will add that I noticed the icons missing after I attempted to switch to full version on the community moderation.
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If the emphasis is on the trade, then maybe the exchange or map-signs icon. I prefer exchange. If the emphasis is on the list, then maybe file-text, file-text-o, or any of the lists under the text editor icons. My list preference is list-alt (but it's kinda small), then list-ul.

Great! Is there anything that can be done about traversing, and therefore highlighting the messenger icon (and possibly notification icon) when moving the cursor to click on a profile menu link? Happens on other nav bar icons/menus as well, and can be annoying since it can require a cursor movement that deliberately avoids activating another menu. I've noticed that if your cursor is in the nav bar, highlighting another nav menu will instantly make it's drop down appear. If your cursor comes from anywhere else, it takes a small amount of time. So, could I suggest a similar hold for nav menu to nav menu movement? It wouldn't even need to be as long as the non-nav hold, but long enough to quickly move the cursor across undesired menus.

Also galleries, please? :)
Elaborate on galleries? (They've been up for a few days.) Did I miss something?

Yeah, going to be making more menu changes shortly.

Elaborate on galleries? (They've been up for a few days.) Did I miss something?
I just mean a "My Gallery" link in the profile menu, like was in the last CAG version. But while you are asking, I did have trouble uploading images earlier, in that I couldn't. Just tested again and am getting a "The server returned an error during upload" message.

I just mean a "My Gallery" link in the profile menu, like was in the last CAG version. But while you are asking, I did have trouble uploading images earlier, in that I couldn't. Just tested again and am getting a "The server returned an error during upload" message.
What was the image filesize?

26 Jan 2016 - Various improvements to the user wishlist system in preparation for the app release and marketplace. When populating your wishlist, you can now specify price alert methods, digital/physical preferences, as well as toggle whether or not other CAGs can see what you're willing to pay (and make offers).

[attachment=19803:Screenshot 2016-01-26 23.43.51.png]

It sounds like they shouldn't have been able to post in the first place. PM me with the thread and the name of the person you're talking about and I'll take a look.
Sent you a pm yesterday, but doesn't look like you had time to get to it yet.

Also added another case to pm.

27 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: People's voting choices are now visible.

27 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: Null votes no longer count as a denial.
27 Jan 2016 - Community moderation: The number of votes required needed to approve/deny a change is now displayed.
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bread's done