I've been having trouble with site thread notifications for a long time now. Don't know if this affects all users or just me. I can't easily stop thread notifications on the "
content I follow" page. When I select to do so, I continue to receive notifications, even though the threads will indicate "no notification."
Windows 10 Firefox 56.0.2
Since we don't know when CAG 4.0 is coming and I don't know if notifications will be a thing or work similarly, I figure I'll post what I've experienced, especially since it has become quite annoying recently. I think I've figured a fix, but it's quite inconvenient.
From what I can tell, you supposedly should be able to enable/disable thread notifications:
- overall on the "notification options" [customspoiler=page][sharedmedia=core:attachments:28451][/customspoiler] or
- individually, selectively, or by full page on the "content I follow" page.
Disabling on the options page seems to overrule any notification toggles you may have on the following page. This makes sense and seems to work properly, but may cause confusion when a user believes they should be receiving notifications for threads as indicated on their "content I follow" page, but is unaware that the "notifications options" page is deselected for receiving them.
Now, let's assume notifications are enabled overall for topics (i.e. threads) on the "notification options" page. If
- notifications are (re)enabled in some way via the "content I follow" page's "toggle edit options" or "change" buttons, or
- if a thread is followed through the "follow this topic" button on any of the thread's pages and chosen to receive notifications,
then when any of those threads are set to "stop notifying me of updates" through the toggle, notifications are still received for those threads. Choosing to NOT receive notifications at the time of following a topic works properly, but becomes faulty once notifications are enabled. I believe "auto follow topics upon reply" notifications will work similarly with their respective notification frequencies.
Followed w/ Notifications? Step 1 Step 2 Result (expected/unexpected)
via topic, immediate - - receive notifications
via topic, immediate notify me stop notifying me still receive notifications
via topic, immediate notify me - receive notifications
via topic, immediate - stop notifying me still receive notifications
via topic, NO - - NO notifications
via topic, NO notify me stop notifying me still receive notifications
via topic, NO notify me - receive notifications
via topic, NO - stop notifying me NO notifications
So, once any thread has been set to receive notifications in any fashion, notifications can't be stopped unless the thread is unfollowed and followed again while choosing to receive no notifications.
Also, what's the difference between the "notify me of updates" and "change notifications to immediate" options? And what's the difference between the "X" vs. the stopwatch(?) accompanying the "no notification"? And is there any easy way to make tables?