Kick! Punch! It’s all in the mind. GGT #54

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Rei, do you guys ever know how many copies of a game your store is getting in advance? Curious if I need to go to Amazon to avoid getting a gutted copy of Etrian Odyssey 2 or if the shipments will be bigger than the first game.
[quote name='botticus']Rei, do you guys ever know how many copies of a game your store is getting in advance? Curious if I need to go to Amazon to avoid getting a gutted copy of Etrian Odyssey 2 or if the shipments will be bigger than the first game.[/QUOTE]
We can find out. We just check the shipping logs when a game ships. So won't know about EO2 until the 17th.

Typically with Atlus games like that, unless there's preorders we tend to get 1-3 copies. Since it's not a big seller we usually only gut one copy.
So I didn't even plan on it at all, but after finishing MGS2, I started MS3... Granted, I only played like 30 minutes coz it was getting late, but yeah. It's weird... Snake Eater, while I loved it, was easily my least favorite of the MGS games due to the godawful camera... but with Subsistence, that changed a lot... I still like MGS2 better by a little bit, but Subsistence is sooo good.

Maybe I should watch that LE disc sometime...
I have a hard time choosing which MGS is my favorite. There's certain things each one does better.

MGS had the best boss battles by far. Psycho Mantis alone makes it so, but then you add in Sniper Wolf and the Ninja and it just gets epic.

MGS2 had a great story that made you think. It also had the best gameplay in the series. While MGS3 had similar gameplay, and added CQC, it also had the cumbersome camo and injury system.

MGS3 had the best story. The Boss is probably my favorite video game characters of all time. Especially when you find out what she went through her whole life. Also as we all know by now, the ending was amazing.
It will probably be years before I have a PS3 to play MGS 4. I doubt I'll be able to avoid spoilers for that long but when I think about it, I never really read spoilers about MGS 3's ending so maybe I can...
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I may cease living until release date just to be safe.

on a side note I'm watching Escape from NY for the first time right now... just wanted to see the movie kojima loves.[/QUOTE]

Escape from NY was a great movie. A bit corny at times but great nonetheless. John Carpenter's music score in the movie also fit the mode quite well (I especially like the intro/ending theme) and almost anything with Kurt Russel in it is full of win.

[quote name='joe2187']I thought Killzone had good story, the helghast were an intresting and sympathetic enemy...somewhat.

Bioshock had alot of great story elements, beside it's obvious Chinatown like convoluted side-story of the main character.

Max Payne is one of the best uses of story in a game I've seen to date, everything about the game and the writing fits in completely. I want more Max Payne.[/QUOTE]

I have killzone and played the first few stages but had problems really getting into the game. Maybe I should pick it back up and try again.

Max Payne did have a good story , with a fair bit of humor thrown in as well (how about the "is this just a game" sequence?). The third chapter got kinda convaluted though.

[quote name='Rei no Otaku'] Also as we all know by now, the ending was amazing.[/QUOTE]

I don't know cause I haven't played it yet.:whistle2:# The only one of the MGS games I actually played was the first one (and VR missions and the GBC game , which was great).
[quote name='Dark Slayer120']Jer you're a fucking asshole, I srsly want to punch you in the fucking face you curly hair mother fucker.[/QUOTE]

lol and mana says I'M the one who calls people names, and isn't nice in this thread.

You kids are hilarious.

Because I'm such a hater of Metal Gear Solid, I bought Daroga's MGS Collection from him this morning, even though I own the games already. Some sweet art and packaging there, though.
Stop sipping that Haterade.

I'm traveling to South Carolina next week so that means about 14 hours in a car each way. In other words, I need a new DS game to keep me from being bored! Suggestions? I've played PW(the 1st one), Castlevania: DoS, Mario and Luigi, Kirby: CC, Puzzle Quest, Yoshi's Island, Tetris DS, Meteos, Picross, Mario Kart, NSMB, Zelda, EBA, AW: DS.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I have a hard time choosing which MGS is my favorite. There's certain things each one does better.

MGS had the best boss battles by far. Psycho Mantis alone makes it so, but then you add in Sniper Wolf and the Ninja and it just gets epic.

MGS2 had a great story that made you think. It also had the best gameplay in the series. While MGS3 had similar gameplay, and added CQC, it also had the cumbersome camo and injury system.

MGS3 had the best story. The Boss is probably my favorite video game characters of all time. Especially when you find out what she went through her whole life. Also as we all know by now, the ending was amazing.[/quote]

Wow, your choices/reasons are the same as mine. Awesome *high five*
After thinking about it long and hard. I think MGS3 was my favorite. With 2 right behind it.

MGS3's later half was just so amazing. The character development was awesome(Boss mainly).
Oh yeah, I forgot that I owned Trauma Center for a short period of time. I hated it though so I sold it shortly after I bought it.
MGS2 was my favorite for sure. It then went MGS1 and MGS3.

I'll admit I even liked the Acid series a lot on PSP, but then again, I like turn-based strategy games.
I enjoyed the story for MGS PSOne, and agree the boss battles were epic.

Also, I've been trying to play my handhelds a little more recently. Been juggling FFIII DS and Jeanne D'arc PSP in between GTAIV.
Out of the 18 blu-ray movies I own I don't have a desire at the current moment to watch any of them. I have a big list of movies I haven't seen yet that are on blu-ray but I really want to get one movie this week. I narrowed it down to a smaller list of movies I haven't seen yet but I really want to see. PICK ONE FOR ME!

Donnie Brasco, Life of Brian, Layer Cake, National Treasure 2, Cloverfield, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Goodfellas, Patton, No Country for Old Men, Michael Clayton, 3:10 to Yuma, Blade Runner, There Will Be Blood, Dirty Harry.

---Oh yeah and I'm not going to try and beat anything from my backlog until I order the 5.1 speakers I want. (Logitech Z-5500's) My built-in TV speakers aren't cutting it.
[quote name='nyprimus4']Out of the 18 blu-ray movies I own I don't have a desire at the current moment to watch any of them. I have a big list of movies I haven't seen yet that are on blu-ray but I really want to get one movie this week. I narrowed it down to a smaller list of movies I haven't seen yet but I really want to see. PICK ONE FOR ME!

Donnie Brasco, Life of Brian, Layer Cake, National Treasure 2, Cloverfield, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Goodfellas, Patton, No Country for Old Men, Michael Clayton, 3:10 to Yuma, Blade Runner, There Will Be Blood, Dirty Harry.

---Oh yeah and I'm not going to try and beat anything from my backlog until I order the 5.1 speakers I want. (Logitech Z-5500's) My built-in TV speakers aren't cutting it.[/quote]
Goodfellas fo sho.
Shit just called my local Gamestop and they have no more room for MGS4 LE preorders. Then I called another one about 5 more minutes out of the way and they have exactly one LE preorder left. My brother will be home in 10 minutes. HURRY! HURRY!

Should have done this in advance but I waited to the last second and I just got really hyped in the past week.
Rei said even pre-orders might not get fulfilled.

I'm a little concerned, although my store has historically been pretty solid about that kind of thing so far.

I guess the alternative if you miss out is the MGS4 PS3 bundle @ lulz. :p
[quote name='MarkMan']I'm playing Metroid II: Return of Samus and Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel on my GBA SP. ;)[/quote]
Metroid II is DA BOMB! I loved playing that on my OG Gameboy, green screen and all ;)

Oh and Primus, I'd go with 3:10 to Yuma, that movie was friggin' awesome, things don't exactly go the way you'd expect it, and I like that ;)

I gotta stop by GS today and make sure I can get a hand on my LE in time, I know one of the dudes so hopefully he can just hold mine til' I get there -_-

But it's kinda secluded anyways so I doubt I'll have a problem :p
Anyone play the GBA version of Yggdra Union? I passed it over, but am considering the PSP version eventually:

Yggdra Union kicked my ass. Though long after I was stuck I found that I was actually hitting a trigger point in a particular stage, so one day I'll go back to it with FAQ in hand to avoid that impossible shit.
[quote name='MarkMan']Ok, these covers I like.

More than the US ones at least...

[quote name='botticus']Yggdra Union kicked my ass. Though long after I was stuck I found that I was actually hitting a trigger point in a particular stage, so one day I'll go back to it with FAQ in hand to avoid that impossible shit.[/quote]

Thanks for the impressions! I'm not really into hardcore "challenge", so the game might not be a good fit for me. I'll keep an eye on it, though.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']MGS2 was my favorite for sure. It then went MGS1 and MGS3.

I'll admit I even liked the Acid series a lot on PSP, but then again, I like turn-based strategy games.[/QUOTE]

Nothing wrong with liking the Ac!d games. The first one was ok IMO, but I absolutely loved the second game.
[quote name='MarkMan']I'm playing Metroid II: Return of Samus and Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel on my GBA SP. ;)[/quote]
All I can about MGS: Ghost Babel is...fuck the box puzzle! It's been like 4-5 years since I have played it and I still remember how much I hated it. I was on a Family camping trip so I had no access to the internet It took me atleast 2 hours to get past it. With that said it was still a fun game.

[quote name='whoknows']Nothing wrong with liking the Ac!d games. The first one was ok IMO, but I absolutely loved the second game.[/quote]
Something about the controls in the 1st game turned me off. But I LOVE the 2nd game, everything about that game was crazy. I mean one of your codec contacts was a Super hacker who was in 1st grade... and thats actually not nearly as crazy as the plot. Y'know Metal Gear ACID was a fitting title for the games in more ways then one...
MGS1 and 3 make 2 and 4 look like a children's saturday morning cartoon.
[quote name='whoknows']Nothing wrong with liking the Ac!d games. The first one was ok IMO, but I absolutely loved the second game.[/QUOTE]The 2nd one is the one I liked most. The first had some issues, but the 2nd one was terrific. I just wish it sold better.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']The 2nd one is the one I liked most. The first had some issues, but the 2nd one was terrific. I just wish it sold better.[/quote]
Same here, It would have been fun if a 3rd one was made with some online play.
I'm in the process of watching all the Metal Gear Retrospectives on Gametrailers to catch up with #4. I hope they have my preorder on Thursday.
I would say MGS 2 and Twin Snakes are tied for me.

3 I have not finished and 1 I can't play anymore (although I loved it 9 years ago).

I can't think of what to play next, I really suck at MGS 3 (I relied on radar in the old games), I have a bunch of decent RPGs halfway finished (P3, TotA) and I am only a few hours into Okami.

I love having too many good games to choose from.
[quote name='MarkMan']ripten reported MGS1 to XBLA. I'll try to see whether or not this is BS.[/QUOTE]

I'd prefer it on... not the 360, but if it's true, yeah, I'll buy it for sure if it's improved.
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