I'm just writing to point you to two related news stories. Maybe if you read them back to back you will see what I see.
News Story 1:
Let me highlight something:
UPDATE: It appears that this rumor story could be CAG throwing their credibility out the window as part of a contest. Kotaku''s decision to run rumors is always based on the credibility of the site and the information contained within it. In the past CAG has proven to be a reliable site, having broken a number of stories through apt reporting. It appears that may no longer be the case.
News Story 2:
Another highlight for you:
A poster on the VGChartz forums (yes, I know) has posted alleged details of a rumored Xbox 360 "relaunch," the specifics of which even the author writes are "batshit crazy."
Do you see how these two stories are related? No? I'll help you out a little bit.
News Story 1:
Kotaku''s decision to run rumors is always based on the credibility of the site and the information contained within it.
News Story 2:
A poster on the VGChartz forums (yes, I know) has posted alleged details of a rumored Xbox 360 "relaunch," the specifics of which even the author writes are "batshit crazy."
You're a smart guy. I know you see it now. Maybe the truth is that credibility means little to Kotaku when it comes to pageviews and you're just as little pissed that you fell for it?
Well, anyways, I do love the site man. Keep up the excellent gaming "journalism" you do.
-- Jack