Last Movie You Saw Strikes Back

[quote name='bobo2k4']The Crow: Wicked Prayer
Much better than I expected. Lots better than City of Angels IMO[/QUOTE]

How the fuck, it's not even out yet.

edit: Oh, limited release in theatres.. or bootlegged.

"Hedwig And The Angry Inch".. the things girls will make me watch.. it's about a guy who's confused or something and is a crossdresser and eventually gets Mr. Winkie lopped off.. and he has an "angry inch". Once you get over the male/male stuff, it's actually a really good movie.. if you like indy-ish films that are actually about something, I definately recommend it.. so does rotten tomatoes..

but once again, I must stress: there is a male/male relationship sub-plot.. one of the males is actually played by a female, so that makes it a bit easier to watch, and what's funnier is that you sit and look at dude's face and it's kinda like wtf, but the music is actually great. It's a hundred and fifty shades of weird, but it's definately worth a watch. Check out the trailer here. :rofl: at the dude.. "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, Hansel.. I can't believe you're not a girl!"

And tomorrow, I'm going to watch Chasing Amy.
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

I really wanted to not like it, because I'm not a big Capra fan..but it's so damn charming, I couldn't help but love it.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']A Gibson/Simpson Joint? :lol:[/QUOTE]
You know, I'd forgotten about that one. I DID keep thinking about the episode where Lisa writes the essay and heads to Washington. Think I'll rewatch that one later tonight, heh.
Sideways - Very well done and very charming movie. Paul Giamatti is still the man. The movie seemed a little long and excessive though. i'd probably have cut 10-20 minutes of it, but still a great movie none the less.
Casque D'Or

I didn't particularly like Grisbi, so I was starting to think Becker was a one-trick pony with Le Trou. But, Casque D'Or proved me wrong by being a great movie. Also, if you haven't, go see Le Trou, it's one of the finest works ever put to celluloid.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Just started Lost in Translation yet again.[/QUOTE]

Goddamn I love this movie. It's the only movie I've seen that is so good I want to watch it again before it's even over. Fight Club and American Beauty (my #1 and #2) can't even claim that. It seems I may have to reevaluate "the list". :lol:
I saw most of Collateral yesterday - caught it somewhere in the middle while at a friends house... Enjoy it quite a bit - the night club scene towards the end was just awesome and really shows off the ability of Tom's character very well... I was a little dissapointed w/ the ending - wish it would have gone a different direction, but other than that it was good.

One thing I really liked, was that everything that Tom's character did (don't remember his name, I think it was Vincent) did in the movie was very believable unlike lots of the one man action movies.

Troy is playing in the other room right now - another great movie that I liked a lot. Especailly the Hector/Troy fight scene - although he yells Hector entirely too many times.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Goddamn I love this movie. It's the only movie I've seen that is so good I want to watch it again before it's even over. Fight Club and American Beauty (my #1 and #2) can't even claim that. It seems I may have to reevaluate "the list". :lol:[/QUOTE]

Sure... you only watch for Scarlett's ass. Admit it!!! :lol:
Surviving Christmas - All I can say is Bleh. Has a couple moments, but otherwise stunk. Only watched it because I was switching channels on HBO at my friend's house and the g/f decided she wanted to see it. The torture I saw, the torture. Affleck is the worst actor to grace this earth. I don't know of another as bad as he (probably just not thinking hard enough).
[quote name='jaykrue']Sure... you only watch for Scarlett's ass. Admit it!!! :lol:[/QUOTE]

Not true! :lol:

If you were to say I have a thing for Bill Murray, I wouldn't correct you. ;) :lol:
[quote name='KrazyKefka']The Life Aquatic[/QUOTE]

Just finished watching it for the first time. Pretty good; not Tenenbaum good, but good nonetheless.
The Longest Yard. It was ok. Ilike Chris Rock and Adam Sandler, but MTV sure knows how to ruin a movie.

It was Father's Day and my dad is obsessed with Chris Rock, but after the movie he was like, "We should've went to see Batman Begins" (which is what I originally wanted to see). It's alright though...I'm gonna see Batman later this week. ;)
[quote name='spoo']Empire Falls - 4.5/5 :applause:[/QUOTE]

I really dug it too. Paul Newman's character is hysterical. The only thing I was put-off by was the school scene in the second half. The "thing" (trying not to ruin it for anyone) itself didn't bother me; it just seemed like a ham-fisted way to resolve that part of the story. Otherwise, good stuff all around.
bread's done