Last Movie You Saw Strikes Back

[quote name='Ledhed']I really dug it too. Paul Newman's character is hysterical. The only thing I was put-off by was the school scene in the second half. The "thing" (trying not to ruin it for anyone) itself didn't bother me; it just seemed like a ham-fisted way to resolve that part of the story. Otherwise, good stuff all around.[/QUOTE]
I agree that the school scene was cliché and unoriginal that is what kept it from getting a 5/5. Paul Newman is king shit.
[quote name='modium']Amadeus (Director's Cut)

I'll have more to say once I get some sleep under my belt :p[/QUOTE]
So, Amadeus was great, a real masterpiece. Although, at 3 hours, it was very long. In my opinion, however, it wasn't 'too long' because it was just the right length to tell the story, and hit on all the points that it wanted to. It wouldn't have been nearly as good had it been compressed into a couple of hours. The character of Salieri was a total bastard, and I loved him. Mozart was good too, with a fucking awesome laugh. Now I see what all the fuss is about.
American Psycho

Awesome, but i'm a bit confused at the ending, maybe someone can help me?


What I got from the ending (with his lawyer saying Allen was alive), was that he actually didn't kill anyone, and it was all just one massive hallucination, played out in his schedule book and his mind.
Notebook - 1.5/5 Same 'Ol Same 'Ol. I'm waiting for "Love/Romance movies" to break the same trend of: Love at first site, Tragedy, Back together, Then end it with a happy then sad ending.
I have seen this movie 30 other times with only a few minor changes and different characters.
The Cooler

Really enjoyed it. Baldwin is so good at being an asshole. Glengary, The Edge, this... He's the asshole archetype, and I love him for it. And of course, Macy rocked the house.
Grosse Pointe Blank(A masterpiece)
Way of the Gun(Underrated little movie)
Pulp Fiction(What can I say about it that already hasn't been said? AWESOME)
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I'm going to watch Closer as soon as my hearing returns. Hopefully that's tonight, but I wouldn't bet the farm. :lol:[/QUOTE]

My hearing has yet to improve, so instead I watched From Dusk 'til Dawn w/ commentary. Tarantino sounded like a fucking chipmunk in my state. :lol:
[quote name='evilmregg']Just watched Oldboy. That's kind of a a fucked up movie.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't agree more. Saw it a couple of months ago and like it a lot. If you liked it I would suggest watching Infernal Affairs. It one of my fav. movies of all time.
[quote name='thehuskerfan']The Longest Yard... not a bad flick.[/QUOTE]

The old one was great...hows the new one (i take it thats the one).

Back to the Future II
House of the Dead - My God the torture. I was over at my friend's and he wanted to see this movie so I decided I'd just stick it out with him and watch it again since I was tired. The movie is god awful. Nothing is good in it. I hate it; from the bullet time, to the crazy 360 degree camera in the middle of things, to the flashes/flash backs/ clips of the game (which make absolutely no sense). What utter garbage. It just shows that Hollywood is happy to green light anything. Maybe they'd make some money and stop turning into the RIAA if they stop allowing this BS to happen. I'm now going to torture my friend for torturing me with this movie and for not listening to me when I warned him.
Coach Carter. Greatest...Sports...Movie...I...Have...Ever...Seen! Next to Friday Night Lights that is :D

:EDIT: I forgot I watched Ong Bak last night. Ong Bak is a krazy ass movie!
[quote name='RiCeBo1']Coach Carter. Greatest...Sports...Movie...I...Have...Ever...Seen! Next to Friday Night Lights that is :D

:EDIT: I forgot I watched Ong Bak last night. Ong Bak is a krazy ass movie![/QUOTE]

Coach Carter was great. Sam Jackson is awesome, isn't he?

I didn't like Friday Night Lights, but then again, I'm not really into high school football.

Ong Bak has some great choreography, doesn't it?

"Come on! Fight me now! fuck Muay Thai!"
[quote name='Baseball2g']Just saw Dead Alive on IFC the other night.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Awesome zombie movie fest.
I saw a preview showing of Bewitched on Tuesday night, and I LOVED it. Perfect casting and I love what they did with the plot (the whole 're-creating' the Bewitched series thing). Nicole Kidman was particuarly hot and just BEYOND cute. I can't imagine anyone playing the role as well as she did, really. And Will Ferrell was Will Ferrell...hilarious, just the typical Will comedy. They let him do his thing, it was really funny. The supporting cast worked too.

Basically, it was just a perfect feel-good hilarious and sweet romantic comedy. Some people might think it's a bit too sappy and predictable, but what do ya expect with movies like this? It's actually not as sappy as one might expect or fear. One of the most fun movies I've seen in a long, long time.
bread's done