League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='hustletron']Lmao @ insecure. When wasn't I calm? I'm just saying, I don't come in your room and tell you how to blow your boyfriend. I'll play legends the way I want. :applause:[/QUOTE]


Please tell me how to blow my boyfriend, i need good techniques.

go to ww.mobafire.com and read some Mundo guides...mobafire is #1 for people like you that want to get better!
[quote name='hustletron']Lmao @ insecure. When wasn't I calm? I'm just saying, I don't come in your room and tell you how to blow your boyfriend. [/QUOTE]

Are you suggesting you have mad boyfriend blowing skills?

But yeah, Mundo isnt a DPS champion. He's really there to just soak up damage for your team. I'm sure you COULD build him as a DPS, but he wont be very effective as one unless you are playing against beginners, and even then it's not likely. Like Flip said, go read some guides or check some videos on playing as him.
ya, if you want, next time i can jungle as him and you can watch what i do and how i gank, or watch one of my many support/roaming naut games :)

Oh, I played Orianna and stole baron with her. Im gonna put it online :D
I had a couple games last night, none went well. The one was very even all game though. Both teams were tied on kills and towers, but their Brand had most of their kills. Our big problem was that Duck was playing Nasus, and spent all his time farming. Actually our team was bad at staying together in general. Once we saw them all go in a bush, and we surrounded them to get the jump on them. But then 2 of our guys went for dragon instead, like right when we initiated. So 3 of us die almost instantly, then the other two rush in afterwards and die. Then at the end the other team was all around Baron. I kept them from doing it by tossing in E's so they knew we were around, so instead they came into our jungle. We tried to surprise them at blue, but Nasus was farming bot. 3 die, our Cait barely makes it back to base, and they are all alive. So we surrender. I hate losing games because one person NEEDS to farm the other side of the map during team fights.
So I played a game with some friends, and our last match my one friend shows up drunk. So we decide to add him to our group since we only had 3 and we were on a 4 game losing streak. It was one of the most hilarious, entertaining experiences I have witnessed hearing him on Skype chat.

Sad part is he probably played one of his best games if not the best game as Miss Fortune he ever played :lol:. We dominated that game and I went 2/0/16 as Soraka. So I guess league can be played drunk.
We got 5 together last night and Dusk wanted to play Galio. I've been wanting to play Kat, and she goes good with Galio, so we decide to try it. Then one of us decides Fiddle would be fun with that, and another goes Alistar. CK took Corki so we have an AD. I think the team would have worked fine, except the other team had another Galio and a Nocturn. Once it all worked perfectly, the enemy Galio ulted but Fiddle's Dark Wind was already cast and ruined his ult, then we all ulted and got like 4 of them. After that though, their Galio did really good at landing his ults. I would always jump in when the other team got low, but Noc waited outside the fight for me every time. He'd ult to me, fear me, then they'd all focus me. They had a Jarven too who did well, once thier Galio landed his ult Jarven would use his so everyone is still trapped. We lost but at least it was fun.
Ugh, we had a random Noc last night, so annoying... I'm against LeBlanc mid, which is hard enough as it is, but I'm beating her. I kept getting her pretty low, but their jungle Cho would come gank so I'd have to get back and LeBlanc could recall. He fail ganks the other lanes a few times, but then i get LeBlanc really really low, and I'm too low to fight and am out of mana. But LB is away from her tower and Noc is like right at wolves. Does he ult her? Nope, goes into the bush in river. It's warded, so she gets back. He waits till she's behind her tower to ult. He does kill her, but he dies too. Then later he's at wraiths. Graves bumps into one of them in river, right next to wraiths. I goto help, Noc doesnt, he recalls instead. We almost kill the guy, but then half their team shows up and we gotta run. Then every team fight he jumps the first person who is low, even though he's smack in the middle of 4 full health enemies, and Noc dies instantly. He fed LB and Ashe so hard we couldnt stop them.

Then I did a Rumble top game vs Jax. Early game I had him, but of course their jungle panth shows up just in time to save him every time. The the other lanes are doing bad, so i goto help. Jax free farms and gets too beefy. We cant stop him the rest of the game.

Finally won one. Other team took Lux, so I couldnt. I took Ziggs and one of our guys was jungle blitz. He owned that game so hard. Got like 3 or 4 ganks in on Lux, and several everywhere else. Plus the rest of us were doing well too. But Blitz was really winning it for us, he had great initiations and was pulling someone like every time.
Hehe, I never land them damn things. Thats why I kill em with my E instead.

But now you can watch my pro shields saving Flip's ass.
Just played a game where in champ select, the top two picks (Jarvan and Shyv) told my friend and I (Twitch and Nid) that we better not feed bot. Guess who fed? Yup, 4-7 Shyv and 6-12 Jarv. Every fucking time someone tells someone else not to feed, they're always the feeder.
[quote name='icedrake523']I just got a 10 win IP boost for no raisin.[/QUOTE]
Oh good, I logged on to see which champs were on sale because I forgot yesterday and I saw the IP Boost on my account. I was wondering how and if anyone else got it.
Riot gave everyone who has played within the past 30 days the 10 IP boosts as compensation for the glitches and problems the Hecarim patch has caused.
I switched over to the new Recruiter Rewards thingy. I got 500 ip for every account that has reached lvl 5 I recruited... even though I've already claimed and used the IP boosts from those rewards :)
[quote name='Waughoo']I switched over to the new Recruiter Rewards thingy. I got 500 ip for every account that has reached lvl 5 I recruited... even though I've already claimed and used the IP boosts from those rewards :)[/QUOTE]

You get 250 for every account that hit level five. You get 500 for every account that hit 10. That said, I had 16 accounts at level five, so I got 4000 free IP. More than enough to buy Varus now.
Good games last night. Went mid against a Kat who apparently didnt realize that once you use Shumpo, you're screwed on escape methods. Not cool when we have a roaming Eve and I've got a laser. She should have destroyed us because we only had LuLu to stop her Ult. Had one really good fight where Duck (Nasus) was in their jungle. He just stole blue and ran into Kat and Jarven. I lasered them, but by the time I got there Duck had like no health left. I tossed a shield and snare in. Shield saved him, the snare almost killed Kat and got Jarven low. So I threw a E, killed Jarv and Kat shumpo'd away. I started to go back to base and was like "Wait, ults up in 6..." So I headed back towards their tower. Once I got in range of their towers, our minions got there and gave me sight on Kat. Lasered her right when she was about to recall :)
I got an early Zhonya's. So if I got Kat ulted I'd just pop it and she was screwed. Ended up with me and our MF not dying at all. I had like 6 or 7 kills, and MF had like 11 I think.
[quote name='Luxuria']Riot gave everyone who has played within the past 30 days the 10 IP boosts as compensation for the glitches and problems the Hecarim patch has caused.[/QUOTE]

That's awesome!

[quote name='SEH']You get 250 for every account that hit level five. You get 500 for every account that hit 10. That said, I had 16 accounts at level five, so I got 4000 free IP. More than enough to buy Varus now.[/QUOTE]

! Amazing, I'll have quite a bit more IP thanks to this.

For the new rewards, does this also mean that I'll no longer receive the Gray Warwick skin? I was just shy of about 10 referrals for that.

Edit -- NM, I'm an idiot.

25 Friends
Exclusive Grey Warwick Skin, Warwick Champion and Senior Recruiter Forum Title

...and despite having 35+ accounts referred, only six of them are past lvl 10. Great, just great.
So yeah, spectator mode. Is there any kind of delay at all? So far I haven't seen any delay, which means everyone will now be ghosting like crazy. Got six players? No need to play ARAM or split into different groups anymore. Just have the 6th guy go spec and call out enemy positions. No need for wards.



Nevermind, there appears to be roughly a two minute delay.
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[quote name='SEH']So yeah, spectator mode. Is there any kind of delay at all? So far I haven't seen any delay, which means everyone will now be ghosting like crazy. Got six players? No need to play ARAM or split into different groups anymore. Just have the 6th guy go spec and call out enemy positions. No need for wards.



Nevermind, there appears to be roughly a two minute delay.[/QUOTE]
They said it was about 3 minutes in the patch video which is fair. I kinda enjoy spectator mode because if my friends are playing league and I don't have the time to play a full game, I could spectate their games and learn stuff.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']They said it was about 3 minutes in the patch video which is fair. I kinda enjoy spectator mode because if my friends are playing league and I don't have the time to play a full game, I could spectate their games and learn stuff.[/QUOTE]

Ahh, I don't watch the videos Riot puts out. Good on them for actually getting it right. I thought for sure they'd be dumb and not put a delay at first until people started raging about it.

Anyways, yeah, I like spectator mode too. Gives me something to do when I jump online and have friends already in a game. I can watch them and talk shit. I do wish I was able to see the in-game chat though. You can actually hear when a new chat response comes up, but I've not found a way to actually see it.
Spectator mode is so effing amazing. Except that you can creep and watch your friends' games without an option to block that "feature".

And yeah, seeing chat would be nice but I'm sure Riot doesn't need the community thinking trash talking is the norm.
[quote name='Waughoo']Eh, I dont like Imperial Lux. Spelltheif is her only skin I do like.[/QUOTE]

You need more variety!

Played 2 games with Duck and his friends. First game our pug called mid and picked Brand (free this week). He died within the first 3 min and proceeded to feed, ended up 3/9. Their Annie was like 11/0 at the end, final score was like 6-27.

The game after was much better. I was Yorick top against a Rumble he got 2 BS kills on me. But late game we did well and ended up winning. We were in draft, they picked a Yi and we didn't have any hard CC except Maokai's root. I told our pug to pick Ashe since she's really the only AD carry with a stun. He ended up with 24 kills, I like to think I'm partially responsible for that.
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[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Spectator mode is so effing amazing. Except that you can creep and watch your friends' games without an option to block that "feature".

And yeah, seeing chat would be nice but I'm sure Riot doesn't need the community thinking trash talking is the norm.[/QUOTE]

Anyone that plays the game, whether they've played 1000 games or one game, knows that the community sucks and is full of dumbasses. Seeing this in chat while spectating would be nothing new.
[quote name='SEH']

Anyways, yeah, I like spectator mode too. Gives me something to do when I jump online and have friends already in a game. I can watch them and talk shit. I do wish I was able to see the in-game chat though. You can actually hear when a new chat response comes up, but I've not found a way to actually see it.[/QUOTE]
Oh I so want chat. Well it should be an option to turn on/off anyway. There are some games you get some idiot going balls out yelling at everyone and well that right there is quality entertainment if your not actually playing the game :lol:.

I mean I get these tribunal cases and sometimes I almost die of laughter because players are so crazy sometimes.
Hehe, I watched Duck play a game last night. He later described it as "the worst game he's every played". The whole time I'm watching I'm like "NO! DONT GO IN THERE! THEIR WHOLE TEAM IS... SEE?? TOLD YOU NOT TO GO IN THERE!"

I then played one with Duck and his friends. I was mid vs Vlad, and made him go back to base twice before he hit 6. By the time I finally went back I had 2300 gold :) The other team just plain sucked to be honest. They had a jungle Noc who only ulted 1 time in 20 minutes, and bot owned hard enough that their Alistar rage quit at like 13 minutes. At 19 we tried to hurry and win before they surrendered. Took mid's 2nd and inhib tower, and almost got the inhib before they gave up.
I love AD carries who bitch about their support sucking when they push the lane to the fucking tower with two champs near full health and then they die because they get stunned and could not escape and as a support you can only do so much:lol:.

Yeah I was support Soraka and we had a Caitlyn who could not last hit. So every time she pushes the lane next to a tower and their bot (Alistar and Teemo), would pretty much just wreck her and well yeah. Then she got bitchy with our jungler because he would not come for a gank but she always pushed the lane to where it;s ungankable:roll:.
My absolute favorite is when I jungle and have a teammate(s) who push their lane all the way to the enemy tower. Then they get ganked and it's MY fault for either not being there (usually protecting my jungle/warding/covering a lane) or never ganking.

I also like it when I cover a lane, last hit a minion or 2, and they yell "Omg stop pushing my lane asshole." It's not YOUR lane, it's OUR lane.
[quote name='icedrake523']My absolute favorite is when I jungle and have a teammate(s) who push their lane all the way to the enemy tower. Then they get ganked and it's MY fault for either not being there (usually protecting my jungle/warding/covering a lane) or never ganking.

I also like it when I cover a lane, last hit a minion or 2, and they yell "Omg stop pushing my lane asshole." It's not YOUR lane, it's OUR lane.[/QUOTE]
I just hate idiots who don't understand how junglers and gankers work. I see way too often, the carries or top start raging when they die to being overpushed or stupid, yet they are too stupid to actually think, ok why did I die, how can I fix this. Like that last game, that Caitlyn called me a bad support but when you go balls deep into a teemo and alistar combo right next to the wall, and I use both my heals and my infuse to help stop the death you brought onto yourself (which failed because they were at full health right next to their tower). Now if I was to actually just moved back and let her die because I knew there was no way she could win to save me and the turrent's ass, then I would be getting an report against me or some shit. Just this fucking community sometimes...
if your team is pushed onto their side, if the other team's jungler has any idea what they are doing, they will be looking to gank. its a great time to counter-gank.
I've pretty much stopped jungling. It's by far the worst position to play when pubbing, with support in second. People are way to dependent on the jungler. I love when the bot lane gets dominated and then blame me. "WHY NO GANK". Newsflash, their jungler didn't gank either, you just suck and gave up a double kill to your lane. That's not my fault. Don't even get me started on the people that push their lane all the way to the tower then call for ganks.
[quote name='crystalklear64']if your team is pushed onto their side, if the other team's jungler has any idea what they are doing, they will be looking to gank. its a great time to counter-gank.[/QUOTE]
I'm not camping top hoping the enemy jungler comes to gank so you can carelessly push.

I played a game earlier today where Janna went AD and refused to go support (I was Ashe). Kept stealing my last hits so I just went around with our Lee Sin and Renekton killing things.
Public jungling also brings the typical "need ganks!" when they have their enemy to their towers.

Edit: auto correct on phone hanged ganks to tanks, then again to ganja. Apple, you so crazy!
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[quote name='Morphx2']i was watching waughoo play for a few min and their mid Annie sucked big time.

did you end up winning?[/QUOTE]

Oh hell no. All my team did was kill chase the other team (usually Maokai), and sometimes get a couple kills out of it. Then Orianna would show up, and get a triple kill out of my team. When we were all pushing mid, or setting up for teamfights, our team all focused the tank except me and Dusk. We'd go after Ashe because Orianna was smart enough to hide till the fight was already going. We'd ALMOST kill her, our guys would kill Maokai, but then be almost dead. Then Orianna would finish everyone off. Nothing we could do really. SO glad we got grouped with those idiots. They all called top and jungle (like all of them called both of those positions) so I called Mid. One of them is like "lol, no way dude I'm mid". He fed mid, and Dusk and I were bot. Dusk was a pro at taking Nid's spears to the face all game. He probably died like 3 times to her tossing a spear from max range.
I hate the five minute penalty for dodging. Why should I be penalized because someone else is an asshole? I'm second pick, tell the team I'm going to do AP Yi mid. Nobody says anything. Our last two people go to pick (we need AD bot and support), last guy grabs MF, fourth pick grabs TF and insta-locks. I ask if they're doing a kill lane bot and he says "IM MID". I tell him to read chat and he says "You aint going mid with Yi bitch". Uhhh...okay. "I'm mid with TF or I feed".

Cool, now I have to dodge because of this fucking moron and get to wait five minutes because according to Riot, I'm in the wrong. Ugh.

12 days to D3.


Wow, cool, just had another one. I'm second pick again. Third pick calls top. I lock in Alistar, tell them I'm jungling. Top then decides they want mid, despite fourth pick asking politely if they could have it. So he says fuck it, locks in Nocturne, then says he is jungling. I've been locked in Alistar for like a full minute. This guy is like, "You're supporting now Ali, I'm jungling". Excuse me? Who made you the boss of everyone? Wind up having to dodge once again due to fucking assholes. Done with this shit for the night.
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i honestly hate having a jungler on my team but unless i'm playing with my two homies everyone insists on doing the standard lanes.

i could also complain about always banning the same heroes in draft, but i don't play it often enough since it takes like 2 hours to start a game, so i'll let it slide.
bread's done