League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='WormFOODx']Public jungling also brings the typical "need ganks!" when they have their enemy to their towers.

Edit: auto correct on phone hanged ganks to tanks, then again to ganja. Apple, you so crazy![/QUOTE]
Sad thing is with the horrible state of this community, if you tell them about it. In my experiences they players will either bitch at you for some reason, whine about it, or start sucking because you don't help and then want to have you reported :roll:. It's always the jungler/support's fault that they die.

[quote name='SEH']I hate the five minute penalty for dodging. Why should I be penalized because someone else is an asshole? I'm second pick, tell the team I'm going to do AP Yi mid. Nobody says anything. Our last two people go to pick (we need AD bot and support), last guy grabs MF, fourth pick grabs TF and insta-locks. I ask if they're doing a kill lane bot and he says "IM MID". I tell him to read chat and he says "You aint going mid with Yi bitch". Uhhh...okay. "I'm mid with TF or I feed".

Cool, now I have to dodge because of this fucking moron and get to wait five minutes because according to Riot, I'm in the wrong. Ugh.

12 days to D3.


Wow, cool, just had another one. I'm second pick again. Third pick calls top. I lock in Alistar, tell them I'm jungling. Top then decides they want mid, despite fourth pick asking politely if they could have it. So he says fuck it, locks in Nocturne, then says he is jungling. I've been locked in Alistar for like a full minute. This guy is like, "You're supporting now Ali, I'm jungling". Excuse me? Who made you the boss of everyone? Wind up having to dodge once again due to fucking assholes. Done with this shit for the night.[/QUOTE]
I agree. It's really pointless when you have to queue dodge because of that or hey my game fucked up, I can't see champs or some random glitch.

Just played one of the worst games as jungler in a long while. We had a AP Kog Maw go mid be worthless the whole game. The rest of the team, every time I went for a gank, it was lol flash, get away the whole time (not to mention fucking Janna ult). Just blah, lol. Although I did finally get enough ip to buy Udyr tonight so that's a plus.
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I played a game last night with a Hecraim jungle on my team. As soon as the game starts, he chain d/c's. Apparently he queued with two others (our bot lane) because they remarked "omg this is the 3rd game in a row that you keep d/cing." Like d/cing before wasn't enough of a hint to STOP QUEUEING. Anyways... threw that game because he was level 3 12 minutes into the game and tried to chase after a lvl 12/10 Xin Zhao and Mundo both at 10% health and couldn't kill either.

I jungle in solo but only because no one else does. What's sad is when I ping our blue being stolen, and fight Shyvana 1v1 for a good 10 seconds at blue, retreat to wolves while spamming pings again, retreat to tier 1 mid tower all the while pinging, and Ahri mid just keeps farming creeps refusing to help me.

This same Ahri reset my initial blue leash not once, but twice and put me a good 30 seconds behind the enemy jungler. When I bitched at her the response was "clearly you don't take losing well."

Cannot handhold people enough in this game.

My friend and I had to queue dodge once too, because we had a a guy show jungle Mundo 5 seconds into champ select but not lock in. Then this other dude on the team doesn't pick anything until there's 10 seconds left on the timer and shows jungle Karma. Then he remarks to Mundo "you didn't call jungle". Real classy.
Botched leashes are the worst as a jungler. Unless I'm with them on Skype, I say hit it once. That's enough to help me and not screw it up. I hate when they try to do more.
[quote name='icedrake523']Botched leashes are the worst as a jungler. Unless I'm with them on Skype, I say hit it once. That's enough to help me and not screw it up. I hate when they try to do more.[/QUOTE]

Oh God, this. I hate the people that try to do the long leash by starting on the other side of blue, then walk down to the river to try and drag it or get it confused or whatever. My friend can hit it correctly like 80% of the time, but even then its annoying. Pubbers try it and fail constantly, so it takes me twice as long to get blue.

Stop trying to copy someone you saw on a stream, just hit the fucking thing and go back to middle.

Another pet peeve is when a jungler tells me to come get blue as mid. If you're the jungler and are holding the buff for someone else, JUST HIT "S". This Lee Sin the other night kept fucking running, went into the bush with the buff, then left the bush, caused me to lose sight on it, the buff starts to reset, and the enemy jungler comes and steals it. Our jungler starts raging on me, saying it was my fault, as if I'm the one that lost sight on the buff and caused it to reset.
If a jungler accidentally takes the buff, so be it. I'm not going to get angry over that, shit happens. But when they run around and reset buffs and shit because they're too stupid to press their S key, then I get frustrated.
After a bunch of stinkers after my first win today, I finally had a good game. Probably one of my best as Nautilus. The other team had Nunu, Kat, Amumu, Panth and Cait. They obviously were going for AoEs. So I picked Nautilus (who has 2 ways to disrupt their ults) and told Duskwraith to pick Janna. We wrecked them once we all got in team fights. I finished 10/1/12. So many times I got the kill b/c of my DoT.
I left it off because I don't care what the enemy team has to say. It's ever only one of two things. They either rage in all chat on their team members, or the worst person on their team talks trash the entire time while being like 1-8.
Just got out of a shit game. I picked Ashe since we needed an AD carry, Soraka was my support. My first few deaths they dove me since they had a Kass, Ez, and Trynd. Of course dying under tower is all my fault. Soraka was bitching at me the entire game, that I didn't have my Q on since she can give me mana. In team fights they were stupid, too, focusing Yorick when he had his ult up.
Tried 2 games later b/c I wanted to end the night on a good note. First game I'm Yorick top and owning Morde. Then Veigar feeds and quits, then Nautilus feeds and quits. GG there.

Next game I'm jungle Nocturne. Doing well at 4/1/1. I go to give our mid AP Kog blue, but golem resets so I keep attacking and my Wriggle's proc takes it. He gets mad, accusing me of smiting. So he feeds. Then later, I'm in mid being chased by Nunu and Lee Sin. Kog is at the 2nd mid tower (our first is down) and does NOTHING. No slime to slow them or ults to hit them or attacks of any kind (he has mana). All because I "stole" that blue. BTW, he finished 4/8 and rushed Archangel.
Played 2 games tonight. First game we had a Talon who was solo top against a Cho, push all the way to their tower, and then bitch at Cho when he died trying to fight Cho right at the tower. His excuse was it's his first time playing Talon. He also spammed the whole fucking game about everything, and wanted to surrender at 20. Thankfully it was me and my 3 friends and we carried the game.

Game number two had a Fizz mid against a Swain which was a bad matchup but he died 3 times and then rage quit I guess. We lost horribly.
Had a game tonight with a pub jungle GP on our team. He literally never used his ult the entire game (no, seriously, my friends and I all watched him like a hawk after we realized he wasnt ulting). Every time we'd call him on it, he'd say something along the lines of "Yeah, like it would've saved you anyways" or "Yeah, like it would've killed anyone".

D3 in six more days.


LOL shall be uninstalled for good.
I tried jungle Rammus in blind pick

Turned out I was against the anti-Rammus team

Sivir (Spell shield), Nidalee (pounce away), Shaco (poof), Kennen (vroooom), and a Cho'Gath

We lost, but my team sucked big balls anyway
[quote name='SEH']Had a game tonight with a pub jungle GP on our team. He literally never used his ult the entire game (no, seriously, my friends and I all watched him like a hawk after we realized he wasnt ulting). Every time we'd call him on it, he'd say something along the lines of "Yeah, like it would've saved you anyways" or "Yeah, like it would've killed anyone".

D3 in six more days.


LOL shall be uninstalled for good.[/QUOTE]

Will you promise to leave the thread and never come back?
[quote name='Morphx2']Will you promise to leave the thread and never come back?[/QUOTE]

Nope. I'll be sure to visit the thread just to piss you off.
I just started playing this game a couple weeks ago with a few friends and we're having a lot of fun with it, mostly. We had some weirdos last night in champ selection though. My 2 friends and I get into a selection. The 2 others on our team immediately started saying LEAVE OR WE TROLL, LEAVE OR WE FEED, LEAVE NOW. I don't know what the fuck their problem was but luckily someone from the opposing team left so we didn't have to wait the 5 minutes. I'm guessing they were just being dipshits on an alt account or something. There are so many retards and assholes that play this game, it's pretty unbelievable. I guess that's what I get for playing a free game, damn this game for being so fun and addicting.
[quote name='tcrash247']There are so many retards and assholes that play this game, it's pretty unbelievable. I guess that's what I get for playing a free game, damn this game for being so fun and addicting.[/QUOTE]
I been a WoW player for some good years and I can tell you, WoW has some of the same jackasses playing the game. It's not because the game is free although I could imagine that adds some extra people to the pot, but more so with every online game, the idiot to good people ratio is like 4 to 1, lol.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I been a WoW player for some good years and I can tell you, WoW has some of the same jackasses playing the game. It's not because the game is free although I could imagine that adds some extra people to the pot, but more so with every online game, the idiot to good people ratio is like 4 to 1, lol.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know how WoW is, I still play it. I usually run into a moronic LoL player every other game whereas WoW I get them about one every 3 or 4 dungeons.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I been a WoW player for some good years and I can tell you, WoW has some of the same jackasses playing the game. It's not because the game is free although I could imagine that adds some extra people to the pot, but more so with every online game, the idiot to good people ratio is like 4 to 1, lol.[/QUOTE]

Not true at all. The shear amount of morons/trolls/assholes is way greater in LOL than any online game I've ever played. I've played dozens of shooters, MMO's, strategy games, F2P's, etc... Never in my years of gaming have I seen a community as bad as LOL. It's beyond repair, and unless you're at like 1900+ ELO and play with pretty much the same people every game, you have to deal with it.

I enjoy the game despite it having its faults, but the player-base almost makes it unbearable.
[quote name='jaydepps']Is it too late for a new player to get involved in LoL or does it group you based on level?[/QUOTE]
Not at all. You can queue up with players of any level if your doing a group queue. So for example if you who would be level 1 wanted to queue up with 4 level 30's or 4 players of any other level you can. It will then match you with a team with the appropriate level.

If you solo queue, and by solo queue I mean just join a random game by yourself and get matched with 4 other people. It will match you with a team of players of your same skill level.

Actually I seen this happen a lot when I was still in my 20's. They would queue up with like 3-4 30's and a level 5. Then they would stomp us because the 4 30's were beasts and it was a 5 man premade queue.
[quote name='jaydepps']Is it too late for a new player to get involved in LoL or does it group you based on level?[/QUOTE]
pretty sure half the people i play against are new.
Thanks for the info guys. I'm downloading the game now. Maybe I'll see some of ya in the battlefield once I get the gist of things.
Wow, tonight players must have lost all common sense. Game one had a Xerath who was always pushed and also fed to an Ahri. So he would always feed and our Jungler could never actually get a gank to him and when he tried, Ahri was so fed he could not do shit. We lost that game bad. That game also had a AD Sona on their team.

Game two we had an Akali top against Olaf. Pushed to their tower and died. Did it again and died. The third time she died from being overpushed she rage quit. Luckily the Olaf that got fed had connection issues or something at the end and we won the game.

I seriously hate this 5 minute queue dodge penalty. I wanted to solo queue after I played with my friends. First game there was 4 Melee champs, all AD. So I had to to dodge it because no one could support. Second game the same fucking thing, and now I am at a 10 minute penalty because of it. I mean I am not the one who has to follow the meta but to have 4 AD Melee champs queued up on a team, none of them who are good to even support. Yeah that's just a recipe for disaster. I mean it I know it could be done but still kinda yeah, lol...
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All night I've literally had nothing but either a leaver, a bottom lane feeder, or some idiot who doesn't know how to properly help against wolves in jungle. I've never been so agitated at a video game and its community in my life :cry:.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Wow, tonight players must have lost all common sense. Game one had a Xerath who was always pushed and also fed to an Ahri. So he would always feed and our Jungler could never actually get a gank to him and when he tried, Ahri was so fed he could not do shit. We lost that game bad. That game also had a AD Sona on their team.

Ahri is the reason I dont play Xerath anymore. She rapes him so hard.

Had a couple games last night. Was Lux the first game, and was mid against Veigar. Damn he hits hard. He wasnt even that farmed and could almost kill me with one combo fairly early. Even after we had a couple kills on him. CK was Rammus, and had some good ganks. One gank was perfect because Veigar dropped his stun on me, but CK hit him right after that so Veigar couldnt do any other moves to me. He died before either of us took damage.

2nd game I tried Varus. I like him, but his ULT never works well for me. One fight I tried to use it 3 times, and each time it got interrupted. I couldnt do much with him that game other than right click people because either the enemy died to us too quick, or it was be me 1v1 Graves who spent most of the game farming... so he hurt. They had a Kennen who got really fed and would continually just tower dive like 2 or 3 of us, pop Zhonya's, and get at least a kill without dying.
[quote name='jaydepps']Thanks for the info guys. I'm downloading the game now. Maybe I'll see some of ya in the battlefield once I get the gist of things.[/QUOTE]

Definitely not too late to start. I just started a month or two ago and am really enjoying it, aside from having to ignore a large portion of the playerbase. Definitely play the tutorial and some games versus the AI just to get the basic hang of it before jumping in the queue against other players. I would suggest buying a few of the 450 IP champions and trying out whatever is on free rotation. Don't worry about buying runes, at least initially, and just try to have fun.
Varus is tough to use, but his kit is pretty good and he's a beast in laning phase. We tried Varus/Janna and that lane is dumb as hell. He needs an Ali/Nunu/Taric lane, not a passive support.

Ended up winning the game even though they 4man ganked us right off the bat. Getting premades left and right even when duo queueing, kind of frustrating.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Varus is tough to use, but his kit is pretty good and he's a beast in laning phase. We tried Varus/Janna and that lane is dumb as hell. He needs an Ali/Nunu/Taric lane, not a passive support.

To be fair. Every time I lane with a Janna as an AD carry I usually end up hating it. Usually the person playing Janna is too fucking stupid to time their whirlwinds to not hit my creep waves meaning my farm gets fucked up bad. It keeps happening about every time :bomb:.
So I've played my first couple matches of LoL. Great game, not sure why I didn't start sooner. I still need to find a character I like though.
[quote name='jaydepps']So I've played my first couple matches of LoL. Great game, not sure why I didn't start sooner. I still need to find a character I like though.[/QUOTE]
My suggestion is to buy the 450 ip champs. I recommend Poppy, Nunu, Ashe or Sivir, Annie or Ryze and Soraka.

Reason being is the thing with League is once you get good with how to play x type of champ it's easy to translate to x champ. Poppy is a good solo top character or top in general. Nunu is a great support/tank/jungler, Ashe/Sivir are good AD carries, Annie/Ryze are good mids, and Soraka is a good support. Plus 450 is only a few games so it's not too much of a worry if you don't like a champ/role. Most games usually have 2 bot, a ranged AD and Support where ranged AD gets all the farm, a AP mid, either 2 top or one top and 1 jungling. So if you can get used to the roles early on, it will make later higher level play much easier for you.
I've been using my PAX East Sivir. I actually like that character which is kinda surprising considering I usually like tanks.
AP Master Yi is a ton of fun. If you get good at chaining his ult/alpha strike, its relatively easy to rack up triple and quad kills. He's a pretty solid champ all around. Since he can be built either way, he is good in the jungle, and in some cases isn't a bad top lane. Pretty sure he is 450IP.
Yea I saw Master Ip for sale. I've seen a lot of people use him as well. He will likely be the first character I purchase.

Is there a glaring difference between the lanes? I've just always went with the bottom lane.
Top is usually a stronger/tankier lane, mid is usually the AP carry, and bot lane is the support/AD carry. Lower levels people tend to play all over the place though, so it doesnt really matter.
Here's an image breakdown of lanes for the hell of it as well.

They all kinda vary depending on whatever tournament folks are doing though. Before the AD-Support bottom, it wasn't uncommon to have a great solo lane champion like Morgana or Cho'gath down there while you had a roaming champion like Taric or Alistar just go around and gank lanes constantly. And before that it was a double tank lane.

Feel free to mess around for a long time though. You shouldn't have to worry about efficient lanes like that until level 16-ish when you start getting pared up against some lvl 30 players.

How does Sivir play now anyways? I heard that she was the new OP AD champion after they nerfed bounce, which made no sense at all.
Sivir is actually a really fun character. My only complaint is she gets owned by anything in close quarters. It is best to keep a decent range and let the minions take the hits. Sivir dies in a few seconds otherwise. Aside from that I just use the first boomerang ability to take out most of the minions in a row, then ricochet to pick off the survivors. Overall, I think Sivir is great at destroying minions, but not so great at taking out other champions. Of course my opinion doesn't matter much as I am only level 5.
bread's done