League of Legends anyone?

I am starting to like Zilean. He's not a good tower killer with me at the helm but I was able to defend well against 3 players while my team destroyed their nexus.

I played with Garen also...he is quite a beast.
Signups for the usual Saturday Night Surrender (I dunno another funny name to name our Saturday night meetups) is going on.

When: Saturday night, Nov 20th.
Time: 6:00ish Mountain Time.

We dont have official signups, but just say you will be there if you want to play so we can wait for you :)
[quote name='Morphx2']Sounds like more fun than our first match of the night :p

This person was first time using Irelia, would NOT let me (Nidalee) go mid saying Nidalee sucks for mid and cant do it. 3 minutes later he said "TEEMO SWITCH WITH MEEE" I said I can do it. He says NO YOU CAN NOT, IF YOU COME MID I WILL STAY. So I went mid and then he went bottom and continued to complain, then fed Eve. As soon as it hit 25, we surrendered, never seen someone complain that much about a character that was built to solo a lane, but he wouldnt let me :p[/QUOTE]

I hate that jackass. Wish he had quit.

[quote name='Morphx2']In other news, Ice and I had some annoying people to lane against.

1) Morde + Sion in a lane

2) I forget the other match :\

But it was annoying. We defending good and they never pushed us[/QUOTE]

I hate Sion, his stun is 2 seconds even at level 1. Though I'm tempted to try him out.
^ Damn...I must be hitting good players. Everyone I have met has been very helpful giving me tips and tactics as I play.

The only sort of jack ass I have had was one dude that stated when the game started 'You're going to lose.'....When we made it to the Nexus his quit and his team surrendered.

Outside of that it's been groovy.

Jackwads pop up late in the game?
Definitely. Especially when you are new to the scene. If you are losing a jackass chooses a scapegoat and unloads. It happens though not as frequently as you'd think.
When you're later levels, you get guys who think they're great b/c they're level 30 but they only got there from playing a lot. So when things go bad, it's always someone else's fault.

I just played against a Rammus (in Bowser skin) who wrecked us. Fortunately, the rest of his team sucked (only 1 guy had over 4 kills. All died at least 10 times). I'd focus him and ignite+ult (Morde's) to just dwindle his health away while we wailed on him. I sucked early on b/c of his taunt but late game, we were all too powerful for him to carry his team who were all squishy AP.
Hehe, remember that crazy guy we had the other day? A Rammus I think. He kept going all suicidal and tower diving the enemies or initiating when it's like 4v1. Yet he kept blaming me on it.
I don't recall that guy.

Good games tonight. Also had one of the funniest kills ever. I was mid against Teemo. He was pretty careless so I got him low and then ignited him. he went back to turret and i was going to dive but i bailed, ended up dying anyway. So Flippr, as Zilean, goes through their jungle, comes out behind their turret, puts a bomb on Teemo, and boom he's dead.

I think I've definitely found my champion in Morde. Even when I suck, I don't suck a lot. I'll die maybe 6 times max, most of which are early game since my HP/level runes are less effective then.
I just died a WHOLE lot on my first 5 v 5 map. That map is too big for me and the match was getting too long.

Anything outside of 20 to 25 mins is too long for me when I play this. Zilean is great but I have to figure out some setups for him to do more dmg.
Heh, 5v5 games go on a long time. The shortest are usually 35 min. I've played some as long as 1 hr 7 min.

If you want to do more damage, try a different champion. Zilean isn't really an offensive caster. If you like casters, try Ryze.
[quote name='Megazell']I just died a WHOLE lot on my first 5 v 5 map. That map is too big for me and the match was getting too long.

Anything outside of 20 to 25 mins is too long for me when I play this. Zilean is great but I have to figure out some setups for him to do more dmg.[/QUOTE]

Zilean is one of the best support. You NEEED max cooldown on him or he isnt as effective. With max cooldown, basically, you can E yourself, rewind, E someone else at the same time and ZOOM you guys around the map in a split second.

Everytime R is down, keep W'ing it to make it come back faster.

You want to R your carry if he is about to die.

Q, W, Q on 1 person is the double bomb technique. First bomb, E, second bomb will detonate first bomb on contact. Then 2nd bomb will go off like normal. That is your nuke

E is your BEST support ability. In a teamfight, E the enemy trying to run away. He wont be able to move.

E SHUTS down rammus. That is what I did last night. Rammus coming to powerball? E him and he cant do anything
[quote name='Morphx2']Zilean is one of the best support. You NEEED max cooldown on him or he isnt as effective. With max cooldown, basically, you can E yourself, rewind, E someone else at the same time and ZOOM you guys around the map in a split second.

Everytime R is down, keep W'ing it to make it come back faster.

You want to R your carry if he is about to die.

Q, W, Q on 1 person is the double bomb technique. First bomb, E, second bomb will detonate first bomb on contact. Then 2nd bomb will go off like normal. That is your nuke

E is your BEST support ability. In a teamfight, E the enemy trying to run away. He wont be able to move.

E SHUTS down rammus. That is what I did last night. Rammus coming to powerball? E him and he cant do anything[/QUOTE]

Do I get max cool down from the recommended setup or doing something else?

I was taking one 3 people in my lane @ once and only 1 champ from my team came by but everything I put the clocks on him to rez he would run away...I then told him how they worked and he started charging. I destroyed a lot of turrets...which is most important thing for me but my team did not follow through...not because they were bad but I think they were engaged with other forces and the guys I was fighting were constantly roaming and kill all support characters.
Zilean does not kill turrets

Let me guide you to our own little CAG builds


Zilean is in there and is what I use all the time for my build and works wonderfully as long as you play smart. The build order is outstanding. If you get to deathfire grasp, its a long ass game :p After deathfire, you will have full 40% cooldown.

I dont follow that SKILL order really, but R>Q>then E or W. I usually do E since the slow/fast is beneficial to the team
3 victories in a row with Zilean.

I think he is my most constant champion in that I constantly do really well and rarely loose with a competent team
[quote name='Morphx2']Zilean does not kill turrets

Let me guide you to our own little CAG builds


Zilean is in there and is what I use all the time for my build and works wonderfully as long as you play smart. The build order is outstanding. If you get to deathfire grasp, its a long ass game :p After deathfire, you will have full 40% cooldown.

I dont follow that SKILL order really, but R>Q>then E or W. I usually do E since the slow/fast is beneficial to the team[/QUOTE]

I'm going to take a look at that later on tonight.

I LOVE to kill turrets. Zilean is usually overlooked by the other players and I have killed nexus(es) solo 4x now.
I'm hoping on but I only have 33 mins exactly. So hopefully it's a 3v3.
[quote name='huongnd']3v3 games go on a long time. The shortest are usually 35 min.


I did 2 last night one was 15 mins and the last one was shorter because players diss and we surrendered.
Good against squishies.

Bad if the enemy is smart enough to get thornmail to counter you.

Yi is pretty mobile and fast though, but kinda squishy too.

I never used him :)

Hey Ice, I did my first all mid all random game, and got GAREN! He was so boring to play :\

I also did 2 ranked games. 1st as Shen, 2nd as Zilean. Both games I had such bad teams/teamwork. the 2nd game, we had a Pantheon AND Xin and both of them couldnt even kill Fiddle. Fiddle got 12 kills super early and from there that was it. Of course my lane was fine and I dont think I died.
Yeah, Garen is good when you're new. But when you've played awhile, you really can't do much with him. I also find him bad at farming despite his spin.

Do you think we are good enough to always have a jungler? Now that you are morde, we usually have another person that can solo a lane.

Jungle Olaf/Shen/Udyr are who i would use.

We should always have the top lane solo in case they try to gank the jungler at dragon. That way there are 2 bot to help.

I'd prefer to mid when we have a jungler. Since it's much easier to push and do some damage to their turret. At top I often have to hug our turret since Morde is weak early game.
Real or fake patch notes...you be the judge!


Decompose(passive): Whenever an enemy dies near Trundle, he is healed for 4% of their maximum health.

Rabid Bite: Trundle leans in and savagely bites his opponent, dealing physical damage and sapping their Attack Damage stat for himself. “On-Next-Attack” functionality.

Contaminate: Trundle afflicts the ground around him with his curse, gaining a massive movement speed, attack speed and crowd control reduction boost as long as he stays on it.

Pillar of Filth: Trundle raises a pillar of filth at target location, blocking collision next to it and eminating a slow aura around it.

Agony (ultimate): Trundle immediately drains hp, armor and magic resist from an opponent, and drains these values once again over the course of the next 6 seconds. Trundle gains these stats for himself.


* Overdrive
o Removed the movement speed reduction at the end of Overdrive.
* Power Fist
o Fixed a bug where Power Fist was not breaking spell shields.
* Updated recommended items
* Increased his base attack speed
o This should enhance the effectiveness of the attack speed portion of Overdrive.
* Static Field’s passive and Power Fist will now display their particles when they kill a unit.


* Missile Barrage
o Fixed a tooltip typo with Missile Barrage


* Pounce
o No longer deals damage if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect


* Overall we wanted to shift some of Pantheon’s power from Spear Shot to Heartseeker Strike so he can better scale into late-game
* Spear Shot
o Base damage reduced to 12/24/36/48/60, from 30/40/50/60/70
* Heartseeker Strike
o Percent of Attack Damage increased to 28/32/36/40/44%, from 18/22/26/30/34%
* Grand Skyfall
o Mana cost reduced to 150, from 150/250/350
* Aegis Protection
o Now shows a counter as you build up charges
o Threshold required to trigger the Aegis increases slightly with game length
+ Should alleviate situations like cannon minions breaking Aegis Protection


* Rocket Jump
o No longer deals damage and slows if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect

Twisted Fate

* Second Sight
o No longer provides a benefit to allies while Twisted Fate is dead.


* Baleful Strike
o Increased the missile speed by 100.
* Equilibrium
o Increased the increased mana regeneration percent to 0.75% from 0.5%.
* Increased the missile speed of Veigar’s basic attack by 100.


* Tides of Blood
o Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood was not providing Vladimir with enough increased regeneration and healing
o Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood did not deal full damage if you had 4 stacks before casting

Xin Zhao

* Audacious Charge
o No longer deals damage and slows if his dash is interrupted by another movement effect


* Wriggle’s Lantern
o Now shows a duration in the mana bar, like sight and vision wards
* Doran’s Blade
o Increased the damage granted to 8 from 6.
o Reduced the Health granted to 100 from 120.
o Reduced the lifesteal granted to 3% from 4%.
* Doran’s Ring
o Increased the ability power granted to 15 from 10.
o Reduced the Health granted to 100 from 120.
o Reduced the mana per 5 to 4 from 5.
* Sword of the Divine
o Added a new hit effect and new activation particle.
* Several items no longer grant beneficial auras while the item holder is dead, including:
o Aegis of the Legion
o Innervating Locket
o Will of the Ancients


* Autumn Summoner’s Rift
o Moved Nashor to the same location as the summer version of Summoner’s Rift.
* Twisted Treeline
o Grez the Lizard Lord
+ Increased the HP per player level to 175 from 150.
+ Increased his magic resistance to -20 from -30.
+ Decreased the gold granted to his killer to 50 from 100.
o Twisted Treeline Super Minions
+ Increased health to 1200 from 1000.
+ Increased their base damage by 30.
* Masteries
o Rank 2 of Utility Mastery should now work properly.
* Removed “hun” from the word filter
[quote name='Morphx2']haha. you should of waited huh :p[/QUOTE]
Well, it was like 3 weeks ago. Vlad was a waste for me at the time since he's difficult to get a hang of and I think you need runes with him. I do love Morde. Just wish he had better skins to buy. His re-colors are boring and I don't like the Pentakill.
rammus has a new skin

im waiting for a kick-ass Shen skin..if that ever happens. My custom one from leaguecraft is so sexy.

c u in 1 hr if you are on...work is so boring
[quote name='Morphx2']* Removed “hun” from the word filter[/QUOTE]
Yay, now I can use 100-year-old racial slurs.

[quote name='Morphx2']rammus has a new skin

im waiting for a kick-ass Shen skin..if that ever happens. My custom one from leaguecraft is so sexy.

c u in 1 hr if you are on...work is so boring[/QUOTE]

The only Rammus skin I want is the Bowser one :(

What Shen skin from league craft are you using? I downloaded 3: a black re-color, a Deadpool one, and Storm Shadow one (haven't used the last two).
[quote name='Morphx2']Real or fake patch notes...you be the judge!


Decompose(passive): Whenever an enemy dies near Trundle, he is healed for 4% of their maximum health.

Rabid Bite: Trundle leans in and savagely bites his opponent, dealing physical damage and sapping their Attack Damage stat for himself. “On-Next-Attack” functionality.

Contaminate: Trundle afflicts the ground around him with his curse, gaining a massive movement speed, attack speed and crowd control reduction boost as long as he stays on it.

firestarter 2 the alien invasion

Pillar of Filth: Trundle raises a pillar of filth at target location, blocking collision next to it and eminating a slow aura around it.

Agony (ultimate): Trundle immediately drains hp, armor and magic resist from an opponent, and drains these values once again over the course of the next 6 seconds. Trundle gains these stats for himself.


* Overdrive
o Removed the movement speed reduction at the end of Overdrive.
* Power Fist
o Fixed a bug where Power Fist was not breaking spell shields.
* Updated recommended items
* Increased his base attack speed
o This should enhance the effectiveness of the attack speed portion of Overdrive.
* Static Field’s passive and Power Fist will now display their particles when they kill a unit.


* Missile Barrage
o Fixed a tooltip typo with Missile Barrage


* Pounce
o No longer deals damage if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect


pearl harbor

* Overall we wanted to shift some of Pantheon’s power from Spear Shot to Heartseeker Strike so he can better scale into late-game
* Spear Shot
o Base damage reduced to 12/24/36/48/60, from 30/40/50/60/70
* Heartseeker Strike
o Percent of Attack Damage increased to 28/32/36/40/44%, from 18/22/26/30/34%
* Grand Skyfall
o Mana cost reduced to 150, from 150/250/350
* Aegis Protection
o Now shows a counter as you build up charges
o Threshold required to trigger the Aegis increases slightly with game length
+ Should alleviate situations like cannon minions breaking Aegis Protection


* Rocket Jump
o No longer deals damage and slows if her jump is interrupted by another movement effect

Twisted Fate

* Second Sight
o No longer provides a benefit to allies while Twisted Fate is dead.


angel hidden stars

* Baleful Strike
o Increased the missile speed by 100.
* Equilibrium
o Increased the increased mana regeneration percent to 0.75% from 0.5%.
* Increased the missile speed of Veigar’s basic attack by 100.


* Tides of Blood
o Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood was not providing Vladimir with enough increased regeneration and healing
o Fixed a bug where Tides of Blood did not deal full damage if you had 4 stacks before casting

Xin Zhao

* Audacious Charge
o No longer deals damage and slows if his dash is interrupted by another movement effect

sort my tiles nemo

* Wriggle’s Lantern
o Now shows a duration in the mana bar, like sight and vision wards
* Doran’s Blade
o Increased the damage granted to 8 from 6.
o Reduced the Health granted to 100 from 120.
o Reduced the lifesteal granted to 3% from 4%.
* Doran’s Ring
o Increased the ability power granted to 15 from 10.
o Reduced the Health granted to 100 from 120.
o Reduced the mana per 5 to 4 from 5.
* Sword of the Divine
o Added a new hit effect and new activation particle.
* Several items no longer grant beneficial auras while the item holder is dead, including:
o Aegis of the Legion
o Innervating Locket
o Will of the Ancients


* Autumn Summoner’s Rift
o Moved Nashor to the same location as the summer version of Summoner’s Rift.
* Twisted Treeline
o Grez the Lizard Lord
+ Increased the HP per player level to 175 from 150.
+ Increased his magic resistance to -20 from -30.
+ Decreased the gold granted to his killer to 50 from 100.
o Twisted Treeline Super Minions
+ Increased health to 1200 from 1000.
+ Increased their base damage by 30.
* Masteries
o Rank 2 of Utility Mastery should now work properly.
* Removed “hun” from the word filter[/QUOTE]

Thanks for your article is very detailed and easy to understand, everything you share in this article it is very useful for those who become accustomed. thanks to this that I know a lot:), thanks
[quote name='Megazell']I did 2 last night one was 15 mins and the last one was shorter because players diss and we surrendered.[/QUOTE]

congratulate you, the time you reach 15 minutes, I fought a lot can get:)


Anyway, I'm still pissed at that one game we lost last night because of our retarded Xin who never did anything. I mean, I was like 10/6/15, had Sunfire, Force of Nature, Frozen Mallet, Thornmail, and Warmogs.

I usually can't decide between Mallet and Warmogs but I will definitely get Mallet now. One game I went after their Heimer as he was running away. Was able to kill him because of Mallet. Rylai's is another good option.
I was amused when Xin ran off into the jungle by himself (again), gets ambused by 4 of the enemies (again), then yelled at you for not saving him (again). I really think the main reason we lost that game was because Xin or Kog would run off alone, then everyone died trying to save them.
This game doesn't want me to win tonight. I think "Ok, I get on at 10. Get a win, then go play DKCR."

Nope. First game, 3 of my teammates quite. Next 2 my teammates just stunk.
Thast why I need a break from the game, I was tired of idiots :p

Did anyone see the funny video about Brolaf??? It is pretty darn funny. Its on the LOL homepage i think
Can't say I blame you. If anyone on my team picks Blitz or Vlad, I'm quitting. 90% chance they suck this week. And there's no way I'm letting anyone be Morde. I have become a pretty good Morde.
[quote name='Morphx2']Thast why I need a break from the game, I was tired of idiots :p

Did anyone see the funny video about Brolaf??? It is pretty darn funny. Its on the LOL homepage i think[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I had to take a break too. 5 v 5 is too much for me and every lost I have is on that map.

Once a player d/c and or quits the entire thing falls apart or gets really drawn out. 3 v 3 is perfect.

I started playing Ijji on the hardest difficulty to change my palette.
[quote name='icedrake523']Can't say I blame you. If anyone on my team picks Blitz or Vlad, I'm quitting. 90% chance they suck this week. And there's no way I'm letting anyone be Morde. I have become a pretty good Morde.[/QUOTE]

he he I want to quit but do not know how to be effective, you can share the secret for me thanks


So i needed a change.

Enter... TARIC

He is my ranked character from now on.

I was losing every game, then comes Taric. Winning every game. 3-0 streak with him!

His natural armor + armor aura + stun + heal + stacking aura items = WOW

NOT to mention, his R does an aura of a B.F Sword damage and gives me 2 B.F. Swords as damage for a freaking ability.

Stupid Warwick kept trying to ult us, I stunned his ass as soon as he did and then his ult ended. hahaha.
Add me ign is : Cachuchin
I play multiple characters, that are on the week roster, as long as they are not broken low tier :p
Also, please be lvl 30 or a competent player, so we can team up and have fun winning ^^
After 3 horrible straight horrible games that almost made me want to quit LoL, I've won 11 straight and finally have an even win-loss record (95-95) :)
bread's done