League of Legends anyone?

Patch notes! Not much to complain about this patch.

New Skins in the Store

  • Hired Gun Graves
  • Jailbreak Graves
  • Haunting Nocturne
  • FrankenTibbers Annie
  • Bewitching Nidalee
  • Definitely Not Blitzcrank
League of Legends v1.0.0.127
Graves, the Outlaw

  • Buckshot: Graves fires three bullets in a cone damaging all enemies in the projectiles path. Enemies at close range can be hit by multiple projectiles, but each one beyond the first will deal reduced damage.
  • Smokescreen: Graves fires a smoke canister at the target area that deals damage and creates a cloud of smoke. Enemies inside the smoke cloud have reduced sight range and movement speed.
  • Quickdraw: Graves dashes forward gaining an attack speed boost for several seconds. Attacking enemies lowers the cooldown of this skill.
  • Collateral Damage (Ultimate): Graves fires an explosive shell dealing heavy damage to the first target it hits. After hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range the shell explodes dealing damage in a cone behind the target.
  • True Grit (Passive): Graves gains increasing armor and magic resistance the longer he remains in combat.

  • Gatling Gun
    • Now has a base damage of 20/32/44/56/68 per second
    • Duration has been adjusted to 4 seconds at all levels
    • Scales with 0.4 bonus Attack Damage ratio per second, from 0.4 total Attack Damage ratio every second

  • Raise Morale
    • Active movement speed reduced to 8/11/14/17/20 from 10/14/18/22/26
    • Active attack damage reduced to 12/19/26/33/40 from 14/22/30/38/46

  • Bio-Arcane Barrage duration reduced to 8 seconds from 10

  • Basic attack range increased to 525 from 500

  • Broken Wings
    • Now counts as an attack command when you use it to lock-onto a target.
    • Slightly extended duration of collision ignoring with minions after using this ability

  • Health per level increased to 84 from 80
  • Base Health increased to 525 from 501
  • Base Mana increased to 270 from 250

  • Attack Speed per level increased to 2.1% from 1.44%
  • Energize will no longer activate when attacking Towers.
  • Crystal Slash Mana cost decreased to 15 at all ranks from 22/24/26/28/30
  • Fracture will now heal Skarner if Fracture kills its target.
  • Impale duration increased to 1.75 from 1.5 seconds

  • Base health regeneration reduced to 7.25 per 5 seconds from 9.5
  • Base mana regeneration reduced to 6.75 per 5 seconds from 10

  • Ambient experience gain has been lowered by 10%
  • Lowered the point where Nexus Health will only be affected by holding capture points (and not by Champion Kills or Neutralizes) to 100 Nexus Health from 125 Nexus Health
  • Health Pack pickups will now grant 20% more Mana
  • Personal Scoring has been adjusted to more evenly reward defensive play:
    • Minion Kill reward increased to 2 points from 1
    • Channel Interrupt reward increased to 5 from 2
    • Martyr (dying on point) now gives an additional 10 points over its previous bonus
    • Point defense bonus is granted more regularly
    • There is now a score bonus associated with getting a Champion kill or assist while being on or near a point.

  • Tear of the Goddess, Archangel's Staff, and Manamune now display their current bonus mana again
  • Hextech Gunblade
    • Attack Damage reduced to 40 from 60
    • Ability Power reduced to 70 from 75
    • Life Steal reduced to 15% from 20%
    • Spell Vamp reduced to 20% from 25% and is now UNIQUE
Graves is 6300IP. Though that's no surprise anymore.

The Halloween skins aren't on sale as they were last year. Blitz and Nocturne's are 520RP. Nidalee and Annie 975RP. I probably would have gotten Nocturne's if it were 260RP but it looks kind of lame. Still, having a limited skin is cool.
[quote name='icedrake523']Ask your wife to dress up as Kitty Kat for Halloween. That'd be better than a LoL skin.[/QUOTE]

...I think I could probably talk her into that...
Graves does look pretty fun. Definitely an AD carry I can see myself using.

As for the halloween skins, I picked up Nocturne and Blitzcrank, since they were 520 a pop. Shame that Nidalee and Annie were the only ones were major changes on'em. But hey, better than just getting the Nocturne one.
[quote name='icedrake523']I'd get the Nocturne one but it's kinda crappy, IMO. Just looks like Nocturne wearing a sheet.[/QUOTE]

That's actually kinda why I like it.

I wish they came out with a Lee Sin Halloween skin where he was just wearing a sheet
and they forgot to cut out the eyeholes

But yeah, it'd be neat with his dusktrail would be grey/white like Frozen Terror's is blue. But I'm fine without it. 520 for a decent limited skin? I'm happy.
Well, League of Legends won the best Free to Play game category of the Golden Joystick Awards. Huzzah 10IP win boost... oh, who am I kidding, I wanted a rune page :(
[quote name='icedrake523']http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=16202039

3 words: Surprise. Party. Fiddle.[/QUOTE]

Good sir, I believe you've forgotten,


But yeah, apparently they released Astronaut Teemo one League's first anniversity. But no other events were planned that day as far as I know.
Couple fun games tonight. Think we went 2-2. First game we lost because our Teemo built straight AP, no AS (not even Malady).

I played jungle Nocturne in 3 of them and did pretty well. Even when I died twice to their jungle Lee Sin and gave him my double buffs.
I had a game today where we were doing well but not running away with it. Our Lux had to leave because his girlfriend got yelled at by her boss and was upset about it so he had to comfort her. Fortunately we won anyway. Their Ashe was a glass canon but our Vayne could 3-shot her.

Nocturne is going alright, but I'm tired of my fear of failure keeping me from playing new champs. I'm often a little too slow or too early with his spellshield. At one point I could have 1v1'd Ashe but I thought I pressed my W before she used her ult on me. If it wasn't for that, I could have finished her off.

Just had a game where I did pretty damn well as Nocturne. 5/2/22, completely messed with their jungle Rammus early game. Their Kennen got kinda fed mid game but I'd just stay out of his AoE and then go in to fear him. I really love Nocturne, definitely the best jungler in the game. If you're not doing well, you can still build him tanky for late game and do well.
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z_z annoying day for me. Had two straight games of whiny teammates. Had a Tryn complain that I took Exhaust over Ignite on Lee Sin. He constantly pinged and insulted me throughout the entire match. Even asked for me to be reported at lvl 2 because when he bush checked and found three enemies, I didn't dive in and shield him from a whole 60damage from s Shaco, Cho'gath and Nocturne.

I ended up with 4-0-6 when we win. Tryn finishes up with a mediocre 3-4-2.

Then I got stomped as Lee Sin. 0-5-4. 1-13-1 Ryze on my team asks the enemies to report me for feeding. We had a freaking total of 4 kills Dx. I'm just going to assume he was trolling and not an idiot, but still, annoying as fuck.
So LoL won Goldenstick contest thing and we get 10 win IP boost. Would have preferred a rune page.

Anyway, any of you don't happen to have a Caitlyn code from the PC game mag a month back do you? Have a Riot Singed code and would much prefer that one.

Yeah I know limited edition and all that but I'm starting out and would want a 6300 champ than 1300 champ. Don't care about skins much too.
I'd love to take you up on that offer, but I'm afraid I don't have a Cait code anymore. I used the two I got pretty quickly.

x.x Just had a 1 v 3 game. We were up by two towers, three kills and several levels. But my two allies just up and quit.

"Later" one after another.

[quote name='RabbitSuit']I'd love to take you up on that offer, but I'm afraid I don't have a Cait code anymore. I used the two I got pretty quickly.

x.x Just had a 1 v 3 game. We were up by two towers, three kills and several levels. But my two allies just up and quit.

"Later" one after another.


Ahh. sad :(

Oh well, looks like I have to find that Cait code elsewhere. Been playing mostly Dominion. Love the fact that its so short so I can sneak in a game or two a day.
Just played a 9/1/4 Rumble game where they couldn't stop me. The surrendered really early even though they were ahead in towers. I followed that up with a 10/2/10 Xerath game. Their Ryze couldnt handle me mid. Every time he got even slightly close I'd W for increased range, E, then Q. Then if my ult was up I'd hit him with that. I'd do that twice and he'd be dead.
You forgot to mention how great a Nocturne I was. Even though I had some stupid/unlucky deaths (like flashing just as Poppy dashed into me) early, I got dragon every time it was up and was the reason we got all outer towers down fast. And later once I had damage items and they realized the 1/4 Nocturne was less of a problem then the 4/0 Lux and 7/0 Sion, I was able to stay alive to kill some people.
Yeah, I love Nocturne. There's no enemy jungler I fear when I play him. I like to steal the other team's wraiths. And in the last game, I stole their blue buff 3 times. First time I stole it from Amumu. Second time I stole it from Amumu and Cass. The third time I went there, Xerath was doing it and Amumu showed up too, so I left, but went around and got it again. I also stole it a 4th time but that was after we had pushed and were retreating. 3 of my teammates died but I couldn't do much since I was kind of low and oom. 5-2 with him so far. I think I may get that Haunted Nocturne skin after all.
speaking of nocturne he's on sale now along with annie, nidalee, and blitzcrank in case anyone who hasn't gotten them wants them.
Yeah, they put all the champions with the limited skins on sale. They also put Nightmare Cho, Grim Reaper Karthus and Undertaker Yorick skins on sale too. I might bite on the Yorick skin. I'm enjoying playing him a lot lately. And I'm not a fan of the Pentakill series.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Yeah, they put all the champions with the limited skins on sale. They also put Nightmare Cho, Grim Reaper Karthus and Undertaker Yorick skins on sale too. I might bite on the Yorick skin. I'm enjoying playing him a lot lately. And I'm not a fan of the Pentakill series.[/QUOTE]
Right thanks for adding that. I am debating getting nocturne right now since I don't really have any jungling experience but I really want to play him.
Unless you're level 30 and can afford the right runes, do not try jungling.

The runes I've been using are attack speed marks, flat armor seals (required for jungling), attack speed glyphs, and armor pen quints. This works great with Nocturne, Warwick, and Udyr since they rely on attack speed for their sustain.
^ Agreed. Jungling can basically only give you the experience of a solo-lane if you have a full set of masteries and runes. There are very few rune/mastery independent junglers like Fiddlesticks, Nunu and Warwick. And they're still crippled without them.

But Nocturne isn't a bad purchase at all. I'm still trying to get decent with him though. On a really cool note, they just updated his Harrowing Skin. He has particle changes on both his Q and E. Nidalee has some changes too. When she tosses her spear, there's different particles around it. Dunno what though.

Oh, and new champion!

Nunu has fallen off as a jungler. He lost 100 true damage on Consume and his Ice Ball lost its crippling slow at early ranks (used to be 50% now it's only 35% I think). He was such a favorite for counter jungling but can't do it anymore. Personally, I never liked jungle Nunu. Nocturne is my favorite. His early jungling is a bit vulnerable even if he does Cloth Armor+5 HP, but he can gank once he has his fear and red. The spellshield is really helpful and his Q is basically a free BF sword. His ult doesnt seem that powerful once you use him, the range is actually quite small. Once he gets Wriggles, he clears camps just as well as Udyr.

I never really liked Warwick. His clearing time is slow unless you go all AS runes (which isn't good). His pre-6 ganks kinda suck, too.

Fiddle you actually need some AP runes to boost the HP gain on Drain.

Female tanky DPS who can turn into a dragon? Yes, please.
This will be interesting... I'm curious how big she'll be as a dragon, because unless she's huge she's just gonna look dumb.
Mhm, he's a lot weaker than he used to be. His consume is barely stronger than Smite now. It's not exactly something that you know for certain you can secure before a smite on an enemy anymore. Cho'gaths Feast still reins supreme.

But I'd imagine once they complete that jungle rework, Nunu is going shine even more. Faster camp respawns for more munching. And when red buff is changed to white buff with the true dot, junglers with a pocket slow as strong as Nunu's will be sitting pretty.

Warwick ganks are awful pre six. Especially when they don't know how to turn off their toggle. Fiddle can clear without the AP runes. But yeah, like I said, they're still crippled without them.

Damn nice
Xerath is getting a new passive, Olaf is getting some buffs.

And I have to decide if I want to buy $10 of RP to get Haunted Nocturne and Feral Warwick.
I really need more heroes in my arsenal. There are times where they ban the only x type hero that I have (and the team needs). I swear, if it doesn't take $8 for a 6300 champ, I would have bought a ton of RP already.
[quote name='panzerfaust']when does ninetails come out!? rawwwwrrrrrrrrr[/QUOTE]

After HoN releases their version and claims that they've been working on her for over one year. :p

[quote name='bastiartadi']I really need more heroes in my arsenal. There are times where they ban the only x type hero that I have (and the team needs). I swear, if it doesn't take $8 for a 6300 champ, I would have bought a ton of RP already.[/QUOTE]

If you don't mind being behind the trends, you could just purchase RP for champions on sale. That's increased my roster by quite a bit. Leona and Wukong should be the next two newly released champions to receive sales in November.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']
If you don't mind being behind the trends, you could just purchase RP for champions on sale. That's increased my roster by quite a bit. Leona and Wukong should be the next two newly released champions to receive sales in November.[/QUOTE]

i only need 4 more for my pokemon collection. le blanc, skarner, leona, and someone else i forget who
My last game was so bad. I went 0/8, the few times i tried to gank it ended horribly like when I chased their Trynd after he ulted but Sivir decided "I'll auto attack minions instead" and I ended up dying. First surrender vote failed, helped defend a bit, then said "Ping when the next surrender vote comes up. I'm alt-tabbing" and my Sivir said to report me.
I had a couple crappy games last night with Ice and Flipper. We kept getting bad randoms who basically were no real help. After they quit though I had a REALLY good Kat game. I was bot with a Kass against a Alistar and a Gangplank. We could keep them under their tower most of the time, because our WW was too busy helping mid and top to gank bot. Kass died once, I almost died a couple times because thier Lee Sin came and ganked us. I had a really funny juke where Lee was chasing me along bottom cause I had like 100 health (I had just killed GP). I went in the upper bush on the bottom corner and just stood there, Lee went up to the top of the bush to cut me off, but I Shumpo'ed to a minion and ran to the bush in river. Lee couldnt follow cause Kass jumped on him, but Alistar ran after me. Again I just stayed in the bush, he ran right past it to chase me up river. I walked out and back to the tower safely. So then he tries to get Kass, wastes his knockup on him. So I jump in and kill him (while still at like 100 health) and Lee Sin comes back to try and get me again. Kass silences him, and I ULT for the kill.

They surrendered early, with Alistar raging the whole time apparently.
[quote name='icedrake523']I want to get Skarner. He seems to have gotten some good buffs.[/QUOTE]
I feel the same way. I liked him during the free week before his buffs but I'm still going to wait for the sale but i did end up getting nocturne (and vladimir this weekend). He's awesome but like you said i'm not going to try jungling until i hit 30.

So I don't know how it works but I hope skarner goes up soon instead of wukong and leona. I already have leona and I'm not very interested in wukong. He's fun but not for me.
Jungling Noc hasn't seemed too bad for me so far at lvl 24, it's just the rest of the game with him that I can't seem to get down. Has been a lot easier for me with Fiddlesticks, most likely because I lean more towards AP champs anyway.
[quote name='halfbent']Jungling Noc hasn't seemed too bad for me so far at lvl 24, it's just the rest of the game with him that I can't seem to get down. Has been a lot easier for me with Fiddlesticks, most likely because I lean more towards AP champs anyway.[/QUOTE]

Lucky. I'm only level eighteen so i don't even have acess to tier three runes yet. I'll get there soon though. And the transition is a little wonky for me since i lean towards tanking and I'm used to soaking up damage not giving it out. But I don't I really need to worry about it now anyway.
[quote name='bastiartadi']I really need more heroes in my arsenal. There are times where they ban the only x type hero that I have (and the team needs). I swear, if it doesn't take $8 for a 6300 champ, I would have bought a ton of RP already.[/QUOTE]

If you're committed to spending RP, buy one of the character bundles. Sure, you're not going to get the recent adds (Graves, Xerath, Riven, etc.), but you'll at least have a decent assortment of characters to choose from, for much cheaper than buying them individually.

I'm at level 19, bought the CE from Best Buy when I started (for $20), and have still managed to pick up a handful of additional characters (Taric, Sona, Jarvan IV) for IP, and have ~11k IP left over for the Level 20 tax (T3 Runes).

Sidenote: Anyone have tips on tanking builds / play? Whenever I try to build one - using the defense mastery tree, trying to build Heart of Gold + Thornmail early - I end up as a damage sponge in my lane (particularly against melee champs like Trynd / Yi), and get behind in levels due to dying / basing to heal up. Much like playing a support, I can get a ton of assists and the occasional kill during team fights, but all too often, I instigate & die while my teammates run away.
[quote name='bjkrautk']If you're committed to spending RP, buy one of the character bundles. Sure, you're not going to get the recent adds (Graves, Xerath, Riven, etc.), but you'll at least have a decent assortment of characters to choose from, for much cheaper than buying them individually.

I'm at level 19, bought the CE from Best Buy when I started (for $20), and have still managed to pick up a handful of additional characters (Taric, Sona, Jarvan IV) for IP, and have ~11k IP left over for the Level 20 tax (T3 Runes).[/quote]
Agreed. See if you can find one of those bundles in a local store, because it's ~$10 cheaper for the boxed than the digital copy, and it gives you a nice assortment of champs plus $10 in RP.

Sidenote: Anyone have tips on tanking builds / play? Whenever I try to build one - using the defense mastery tree, trying to build Heart of Gold + Thornmail early - I end up as a damage sponge in my lane (particularly against melee champs like Trynd / Yi), and get behind in levels due to dying / basing to heal up. Much like playing a support, I can get a ton of assists and the occasional kill during team fights, but all too often, I instigate & die while my teammates run away.

Who are you playing? I like to start Regrowth->Philo then build into Aegis/Force of Nature/Rylai's/Sunfire depending on who I'm playing with and against. Heart of Gold occasionally as a second item since it builds into Randuin's late. Warmog's is another good choice, but it really depends on your champ and how much farm you're getting.
bread's done