League of Legends anyone?

I had a really good Lux game before that one. I think I went like 12/1 that game. Was mid against their Ahri, so I thought I was gonna have a rough time. She apparently didnt know what Lux's skills did, cause she didnt avoid me E at all, ran up into my Q for me, and stood still for my R. She only hit me like 2 or 3 times during the entire laning phase, and missed her taunt every time. She kept trying to taunt me when I was behind minions, so it hit them instead. I killed her once when then their Twitch came to gank me, I flashed back to the turret and hit him with a E or two. Then my ult was up again, so I got a free kill on him.

I finally died towards the end of the game to Twitch once, cause I was low and he popped up next to me. I still would have had him, but he flashed behind my ult.
I bought Wukong since none of us can lane against him.

10 min in
0/5/2, "See, I told you. Wukong isn't OP, you guys just suck against him."

The other team wrecked us every fight until late game.

37 min later
14/13/12, destroying enemy Nexus, "Wukong OP!"
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They need to make a champion that looks like a big minion. Then all the AD carries who just like to farm minions can have a reason to get in team fights. Just lost a game because our Cait was farming bot lane instead of being in team fights mid game.
The rest of you must be busy feeding.

BTW, the promotion to get 300 bonus RP ends tonight at 11:59pm PST. I sent Riot a message about this on their support site and got a confirmation.
That Mundo was so annoying. I go towards gank for a bot but stop before the bush in river because I think Vlad is there. I'm about to tell him "Clever the bush to see if Vlad is there." Instead he just heads straight for Ashe, Vlad comes up behind him. He gets in their turret range and is exhausted and dies. Then blames us.

Later I clear wraiths as Skarner (takes 5 seconds at most) and he's bitching at me that I'm not helping the team even though they're all pushing mid which is right nearby. We're defending our turret and I only have 2/3rd HP, I don't want to initiate, especially since Ahri and Vlad can burst me. Our Malz decides to ult one of them, they all jump him, I try to ult Vlad but he pools, then we die.

Of course it's all my fault. Not Malzahar's who was ganked every 5 min or Pantheon who built AP just because of a 1:1 ratio on his [unreliable] ult and stun.
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That game me, CK, and Waughoo played where everyone dc'd and people were actually invisible at some point, we lost miserably. I had sent Riot a request to get it a Loss Forgiven. However, they can't remove losses (even though this wasn't ranked) and Loss Forgiven are only given during server wide issues. I did however get an IP boost.
Also, I'm frustrated at the Christmas "being good" promotion.

I didn't get the RP for that, but I've never been banned or anything and I'm well above level 6.

I sent customer service an e-mail and they sent me back a copy/paste of the fine print on the promotion page.

Make sure you're clear in that you're asking for the 450RP gift and not the 300RP bonus from buying RP. I'd keep sending tickets in and making a thread on the message board.
[quote name='icedrake523']Patch Preview

"We didn't like how Jax relied on a RNG stat like Dodge. So now Counter Strike allows him to dodge everything and then stun everyone."


He doesnt dodge everything. Just basic attacks. So he's screwed against casters but is gonna wreck any auto attack champ. Although I wonder if he still dodges basic attacks that have an ability applied to them?
Dodging 100% of all auto-attacks and then an AoE stun is still really strong. Think of how much damage he's not taking from a champ like Vayne or Trynd.
i used Morde today

my team was dominating every lane, and i was whooping Olaf top lane

other team surrendered at 20

my team average gold per player: around 8k

enemy average gold per player: 3.6k

how sad

our kat mid and shaco jungler just tore the enemies to pieces
I'm trying to get used to smart casting. It works great on Lux and Xerath, but I just cant use it right on Kat yet. I'm kinda just forcing myself to use it all the time since it's FAR quicker than the normal setup, but it's definitely cause some screw ups for me.
Bought Karthus and tried him in a game last night. I sucked and we lost but it's fun to die and still get kills. I could have got their Ryze twice if I had AP quints since he barely had any HP then. I killed him twice later with my ult and called him a noob. Because we all know how much skill it takes to play Ryze.
no, my cup of tea for jungle ganks with perma-slow!

Skarner will still be strong and #1 ganks

Vlad is now back into being annoying as hell in lane
[quote name='Waughoo'][youtube]0s4L0y-CnVI[/youtube]

Looks like your cup of tea, Ice.[/QUOTE]

For some reason I'm never good with female champions.
Love the people that are always like "3v5 where we have the advantage...nah, I'm gonna sit at the tower", then later on "3v5 where they have the advantage...CHARGE!!!!".
[quote name='SEH']Love the people that are always like "3v5 where we have the advantage...nah, I'm gonna sit at the tower", then later on "3v5 where they have the advantage...CHARGE!!!!".[/QUOTE]

My favorite is when you and your team gets dragon and goes to push mid. Your AD carry however decides to go farm the minions at bottom. The 5 of them initiate on the 4 of you and your AD carry rages at you guys for getting in a fight. Why kill champions when you can kill minions?
I've spent most of my LOL time hovering between 10/20 wins over losses, which is fine for me since i know I'm winning more than i am losing. In the last two weeks I easily went from my max of 20 down to -5. The number of AFK/laggers/feeders/(some random complaint) randoms i got in that timeframe was astounding. In short, I'm getting tired of solo queuing. Add me at KhaosX11.
I remember over the summer I was about 15-20 wins over. Tried playing Leona for a week, went down to just 2 over. Wanted to get better with her but she's a very team dependant tank since her damage is pathetic.
I know I do nothing but complain about LOL in here, but fuck, it's too hard not to bitch.

Just played a game where we did both Baron and Dragon at the same time. Our Kennen bitched that we shouldn't do both at the same time, then after getting both successfully, without anyone dying, he continued complaining saying "it was too hard". He literally complained about this for like five straight minutes after we'd already done both. Nobody can just go "hey, that actually worked, cool", they just have to continue complaining and hammering their point into the ground even though it's totally irrelevant.
Last night I had time for only one game. Me and CK get in one, and I go bot as Lux with a Trist. She want to check the bushes, so I toss a E in to check. It's clear, and we go in. She waits like 2 seconds, then face checks the next one before my E is up again. She barely gets away, and recalls. When she gets back I pretty much am wrecking thier Teemo and Riven. I get a kill, then Trist runs in and gets almost killed again. But she refuses to recall. She has like no health, and gets killed under thier tower. Now she's yelling at me for not doing anything, even though I've got a kill, an assist, and have forced them to recall so much that I'm 2 levels over them. We tell her she should have recalled. So she comes back and runs straight to thier tower, dies, and dc's. She comes back, dies, blames ghost minions, an dc's again. We ended up surrendering at 20, and Trist blames everyone else. I think she even reported US.
There should be some kind of punishment for abusing the report system. I get people like that all the time Waughoo, they play super dumb, then report everyone else on the team because they're a moron. In return, I wind up getting banned because in the chat log, I called the moron a fucking retard or something to that effect. Since my last ban ended, I've not said anything in chat for that exact reason.
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In theory the tribunal system is a decent idea, but considering a vast majority of the lol players are morons doing it for "teh fr33 IP!", you might as well off just get banned off a single report. I haven't been banned yet but I recall being reported for playing Lux bot and an Ashe was complaining about me not supporting and trying to "steal" her farm, and playing ahri with a 1/4/10 score for feeding (I know it looks bad on paper and I should have had more kills, but i had the least deaths and i had the most assist...)
[quote name='Genocidal']The Tribunal doesn't ban players.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure it has a direct influence though on who does get banned.
I'm pretty sure that Tribunal just is used to help filter out the baddies a bit. Even a person who trolls every game doesnt get banned from Tribunal. What happens is that the players in Tribunal review his reports, pick punish, then the case is re-reviewed by Riot (probably with more information than what the Tribunal receives). So basically the people who are punished in Tribunal are just red-flagged for Riot to take a look at.
Had some fun games last night. Was invited into a 5v5 custom, where everyone was on skype together. Played a few different games, all were random chars with different built rules. Had one game as attack speed Nasus, and a Lux game where everyone had to build mobility boots and 5 zeals, and a AP Tryn game. Only won the Tryn game, who I am not very good with. I only died a few times though, but had like 2 kills and like 20 assists. All the games were fun though, but even with 10 premade we had one rage quit on the first game because he didnt like having to play AD Malz.
any of the usuals up for the saturday night gaming like we used to do?

Icedrake always uses me for his first win of the day, then leaves me!
I recently got back into league with some friends and dear lord I swear the community must of got 50% stupider since I played. I must of played with the 3 of my top 5 worst lane partners ever in the past few days (in separate games, one per game).

We had everything go wrong from instead of running when you have low health, just attack two champions with full health (forgot the champ but there was no life steal so he died in 3 seconds), to the big one attacking a champ at full health in front of the enemy turret (this was at about level 4-5, so yeah you can guess how that went). I mean I get bad games, and it happens I am fine with that. These people I don't even know how they were smart enough to install the game, they seriously were that bad.
Puts a smile on my face when some asshat gets into champ select and tries to troll, so we counter troll them, they act like they don't give a shit, then they dodge at the last second.
Well, trolls and BS teams have officially put my win/lose ratio at 1:1. Great. I was +17 at one time too.

We had one team last night that went Nid, Sona, Soraka, Taric, and Karma. They all took flash and heal. You couldn't f***ing kill any of them! They would get down to no health, and pop a heal. Then you'd do it again, they'd pop a heal. It was crazy! Oh look, Soraka has like
bread's done