League of Legends anyone?

3 horrible randoms with Waughoo last night. Got 2 trolls in one game who refused to surrender, another we had a bad team comp and jungle Nocturne who never was in a team fight because we couldn't win one so he'd just try to backdoor. The last we had a chance to win but someone wasn't with us. In one case, 4 of us were at Baron trying to bait them, our MF was in the bush by their wraith camp. She finally decides to come over to us, gets jumped by their Warwick and Renekton, and we get aced.
Had a crazy ass game of league last night. So I was mid as Orianna, the game starts with their team midding Cait and then having Blitzcrank there for most of the laning phase, making my life hell. Then about mid game, we were losing I think 6 towers to none, totally getting stomped. No one was really fed though on their team so we kept going. We started creeping back by taking two towers but it was still a lost hope. They went to go get baron, and well it was almost gg until our jungle Tryn rushes the fuck in there and gets the smite baron steal (all 5 of them at baron might I add). With that, we come back, ace them on team fights, ace them on another baron steal, and then win the game.
Pretty wild game last night. We were defending jungle at the start, I notice one of them try and sneak around the entrance by blue and go up to the bush by our top lane entrance. As soon as blue pops up, they come. We lose one in the fight, but I get two of them. However more come and they chase us under the tower. They ignite Dusk, which kills him, but thier Victor is almost dead. I land an E on him in a bush while he's recalling, and he barely lives. I chase him, and get the kill, but end up dying to another of them. I had like 3 kills in like 3 minutes that way. In lane, Victor was pretty hard. I dont know how he could afford just as many items as me when I had 3 kills, but we both had 2 dorans rings and boots when we both got to lane. He hit really hard, and my attacks did like nothing to him. I died to him once, but got him another time. I went to gank bot once and killed thier Ashe but like 3 more of them showed up. Luckily my team got them so it was worth it. After that I just kept sniping low health people as they ran, throwing my E into teamfights, and tossing a shield every time I saw someone low. And they had a Tryn who would go into a group and try to use his ult to get kills. I'd snare him then ignite, and get a kill. I kept racking up kills, and unless we got aced or did something stupid I wouldnt get focused. I ended 19/7/14
I had a fun and tough game.

My team was getting whooped by enemies Lux and Talon, along with a Ez, Sona, and a Gangplank.

But finally after 30 minutes we got our act together.

Then they could not stop the team of Skarner (ME), Malphite, Graves, Cass, and Soraka.

We had 3 shruylia's and we ganked them in the jungle a ton of times forcing fights because we knew we could get em all in a team fight. I just had to ult either the super fed Lux or super fed Talon and we won the fights.

Soraka's warding really made us win though, she did a great job and we always knew where the enemies were.
I've been running a full AD mark/quint page instead of the mix of AD and Armor Pen. I've used Renekton and completely dominated against a Lee Sin and Gangplank. A Garen was really annoying since he'd silence me. Still held my lane in a stalemate more or less. Ended up losing the game though.
I played a co-op/AI game today for my Win of the Day IP. The Olaf on our team did nothing but kill jungle creeps the entire game. I hate people who play this. Yeah, it's bots but I do it for a quick 20 min win for IP. I don't want it to drag on because of one dumbass. I've already lost 2 games because of idiots.
[quote name='icedrake523']I played a co-op/AI game today for my Win of the Day IP. The Olaf on our team did nothing but kill jungle creeps the entire game. I hate people who play this. Yeah, it's bots but I do it for a quick 20 min win for IP. I don't want it to drag on because of one dumbass. I've already lost 2 games because of idiots.[/QUOTE]
Especially if your level 30. I also hate people who play co-op vs ai just to say hey look at how many I kills I can get by going into every lane and killstealing your champs. Sure I only play it for the daily ip as well but if you want to prove how good you are as a champ, play a real game.
Especially the jungler. So many times I'm helping bot while mid or top are demanding a gank right that minute. Then when they try to get a kill and get ganked, it's my fault for not being there at that minute.

Tried jungle Maokai today, in the last game every single lane whined that I wasn't babysitting them. 3 times our Tryndamere at top overextended and got ganked. Guess whose fault that was? Mine of course. Bot also whined for ganks, often when I was in the top jungle. Doesn't help when they have every square inch warded while your support has none down.
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I was jungling in ranked as Skarner, i was level 2. near the top camps. Bottom Lulu told me to gank now. Im like ok, let me stop jungling and go there. Then she said ok, then i said i was being sarcastic. Then she got mad and went to troll people all game

We lost

Then next ranked game i was top Riven vs Fiora. Our Jax died ganking like 3 times. But its no problem for me

Had two horrible games tonight. First game they had three champs build Warmogs (Olaf, Jungle Nocturne, and Nautilus). Our mid was TF who was horrible, bot got wrecked because Naut would land his fucking anchor almost every time in the bush next to our tower and Ashe would follow up the raping, and top was doing good until Nocturne came out of jungle and wrecked.

Second game was also bad. I was jungle Nunu. Mid was LeBlanc vs Lux and well LeBlanc could not easily kill Lux (and Lux was playing cautious so ganking was a bitch). LeBlanc was good in team fights so she got something there. The other team's bot was Ez and Alistar who wrecked bot, and to top it off, our bot could not even really damage any of them so while I tried ganking, they could not back me up to finish them. Top was AP Yi who got fed and raped shit.

I have a nice 6 game losing streak going on now :lol:
Ugh, my friends have switched to Heroes of Newerth and they all have legacy accounts, and alas I do not. Anyone have one they want to get rid of?
I just started playing LoL, but i'm terrible atm lol. I would love to play with some other newbies or guys looking to help newbs. So far, most of the games i've logged into have been with douches. Name is DonDonRaiden. Look forward to playing soon!
[quote name='DonDonRaiden']I just started playing LoL, but i'm terrible atm lol. I would love to play with some other newbies or guys looking to help newbs. So far, most of the games i've logged into have been with douches. Name is DonDonRaiden. Look forward to playing soon![/QUOTE]
A lot of people at lower levels are going to be assholes, just because you have the troll/smurf accounts. One thing I recommend is checking out either Mobafire and or Solo Mid for character builds on the charcters you want to play. This will at least start you in the right direction of how to play/build a champ and some ideas on what to build. Also check you tube for how to play videos, I am sure there is some out where with general rules.

League takes practice to really get the basics down but once you do it's pretty simple to just go from champ to champ. A tip I have is to be a nice player in chat, especially at lower levels when your first stating off. People can sometimes be report crazy if your having a bad game and well if your at least nice, hopefully they can understand your not the best player.
Kinda random but I don't know where the general thread for it is...

Anyone going to PAX East? I have Friday off b/c of Easter Weekend and BC being Catholic :)

I think I'm gonna head to Riot's booth at 10am and just camp there for a few hours trying out the new champs and taking w/e skins they'll give me. XD

Would be cool to meet some CAGs there.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Kinda random but I don't know where the general thread for it is...

Anyone going to PAX East? I have Friday off b/c of Easter Weekend and BC being Catholic :)

I think I'm gonna head to Riot's booth at 10am and just camp there for a few hours trying out the new champs and taking w/e skins they'll give me. XD

Would be cool to meet some CAGs there.[/QUOTE]

I wont be there, but i will gladly take a skin code if you get more than one!
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']A lot of people at lower levels are going to be assholes, just because you have the troll/smurf accounts. One thing I recommend is checking out either Mobafire and or Solo Mid for character builds on the charcters you want to play. This will at least start you in the right direction of how to play/build a champ and some ideas on what to build. Also check you tube for how to play videos, I am sure there is some out where with general rules.

League takes practice to really get the basics down but once you do it's pretty simple to just go from champ to champ. A tip I have is to be a nice player in chat, especially at lower levels when your first stating off. People can sometimes be report crazy if your having a bad game and well if your at least nice, hopefully they can understand your not the best player.[/QUOTE]

Do NOT use mobafire, its junk. Use solomid or lolpro for good websites.

Frag said a lot of people at lower levels as assholes, well, those assholes are present at ALL levels. Either ignore them, or dont listen to them. They whine about everything.

I recommend buying the champion bundles, it will help you out a ton and you get a lot of champs to play as. There is a weekly FREE rotation of champs on tuesdays as well.

And dont play with Icedrake or Waughoo, they always have bad games.
mobafire is fine

[quote name='Waughoo']Uh, no? Riot reviews all the cases before they actually ban.


Go there for questions on the Tribunal. If you look through some of that, Tryndamere (Riot's President) says that you cant be banned without a review.

I've said it a couple times, Tribunal only weeds out the people who should be pardoned and red-flags the cases that need looked at.[/QUOTE]
What? Thats exactly what I said. Unless you're saying suspension=ban.
Just got out of a game with a retard gangplank. So were in champ select, we already have Nasus and MF locked in as well as our mid which was Lux, but he goes GP which is fine but there were better rolls for him. So I go Leona, because he already called critplank. So instead of putting me with Nasus so I can let Nasus get his Q up, he goes with Nasus and then when the whole team tells him to go bot and let me switch, he is like no. So my friend was playing Nasus and we were on Skype and well my friend was bitching that GP was stealing his farm for Q. So we lane shifted MF, and me, and he could not handle being in the lane with MF because he kept dying to an Urgot :roll:.

We won though because their team sucked, our Lux got her shit together and no one built MR on their team, which allowed us to steamroll them at the end. Came out 2/2/17 as Leona which isn't bad, considering it's my second real game as her since I bought her.
Me and Flip did well last night. I was Lux mid in most of them, but did an Urgot bot once too. Urgot didnt go as well, but I didnt like lose the lane or anything. The other team just ganked alot, so we were stuck at the tower. My Lux game though I made their mids cry. One was a Ryze, who was like 2 1/2 levels under me by the end of laning. I just wouldnt let the poor guy stay in lane. He'd come back, and I'd take off like 70% of his health in once exchange. Another was an Annie who only managed to land her combo one time on me, but I flash/shielded away and still had like 40% health. The last one was a Anivia. I kept getting her to this little sliver of health, and couldnt get that last hit in to proc her egg. Our jungler ganked her a few times though, and he got the kills.
I had like 3 horrible games last night. Then I played Alistar and we won. Then I tried jungle Maokai and we won mostly because their Master Yi and Akali were absolutely dreadful.
[quote name='Waughoo']Me and Flip did well last night. I was Lux mid in most of them, but did an Urgot bot once too. Urgot didnt go as well, but I didnt like lose the lane or anything. The other team just ganked alot, so we were stuck at the tower. My Lux game though I made their mids cry. One was a Ryze, who was like 2 1/2 levels under me by the end of laning. I just wouldnt let the poor guy stay in lane. He'd come back, and I'd take off like 70% of his health in once exchange. Another was an Annie who only managed to land her combo one time on me, but I flash/shielded away and still had like 40% health. The last one was a Anivia. I kept getting her to this little sliver of health, and couldnt get that last hit in to proc her egg. Our jungler ganked her a few times though, and he got the kills.[/QUOTE]

I dont know how we got matched against people with < 350 wins. It is easy to see how more experienced people (you and me) just clobber them in lane pretty easily.

So are all of those people your real life buddies or something?? I hope they had fun playing with me and my fun commentary :D
Are there any people that's willing to make a ranked game team? I'm really sick of these idiots playing this game in solo Q. Hit me up if you're interested. 99% of this game are players that dodge, afk, and troll. Worse community in the history of PC gaming.
My elo hovers around 950 - 980 most of the time, since I always get games where at least 1 team member either trolls, goes afk, or disconnects. It's really sad.
eww, i dont even think i can get you out of there :)

you just gotta go play your best position and carry the team no matter what. Thats what i do at around 1450.

I either try to get top or jungle, those two are my best. But I can do ranged/support/mid if needed.

Just learn all the roles and carry your team to victory!
I'm not asking to be 'carried out of this elo' as I think the current elo system is a joke anyways. All I'm asking is for a decent team so that I don't have to deal with the random imbeciles that I seem to be queued up with all the time. To me, THAT is more frustrating than anything else.
Flip, those were Duskwraith's friends. They know each other from work I guess. At least him and Duck are, the others are ones Duck knows. As far as the level of the other people, matchmaking would have put us against another 5 premade. And I think it places you against teams where you've got a 50% chance of winning based on your win ratio (I think). So we had more wins, but I think they had a higher win percentage.
I've also been stuck with trolls and bad players. I can't do every role (I'm just learning how to jungle still) but have been able to handle my own as top, mid, or support. I'm usually playing with friends but when I'm not (or I don't have a full group of friends) feel free to hit me up.

LoL name: 7DSLuxuria
Aw stupid LoLReplay! It didnt record the ONE game I wanted it to! I had a game last night (Lux of course) where I was mid against an Ahri. I typically have trouble with Ahri, but I was doing good against her. Anyhow I get her low so she recalls. Bots having trouble so I run down to them. We get them all low and they take off behind their tower, but I fire mah lazer for a double kill :)
At one point they started to really fear me. We had 2 defending mid against 5 of them. I get there and start just chasing them all up mid. They just ran. It's bad when a team is like "Oh SHIT! It's LUX! RUN!"
I usually leave it running in the background all the time. I just went into it after my game, and it locked up instantly and didnt record the game.
Growing tired of people on the other team who refuse to report someone on your team who's intentionally feeding. Just had a 0-9 Annie doing nothing but running into their Rumble and standing there giving him a kill every time. I asked them to please report her and am met with the typical response lately: "report for what? it's helping me, why report them"?

The community for this game...
bread's done