Let's talk about Comic Books (And read some inside)

[quote name='SpottedNigel']PICK UP WONDER WOMAN TODAY!!!

If you have a pull and its not on there, CALL NOW. it WILL sell out...VERY quickly.

Oh yeah, read WW THEN Omac.

sorry for the caps, its been a long time since a comic actually surprised me...[/QUOTE]

You called it...

I was just browsing around on www.comicspriceguide.com and mainly looking at the value changes. Wonder Woman #219 has shot up to $10 already, less than a week after its release. Also, not quite as surprisingly, Omac Project (1-3) continues its rise.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Gambit can destroy planets? By what manner? I had no idea he had that kind of power.[/QUOTE]

Read Gambit's last series. He was very powerful.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yeah I made the mistake of picking up the Hulk tie-in. Apparently the Incredible Hulk sucks in no matter what alternate dimension/twisted reality your in. I mean really why has that guy been around so long. Ohhhh I'm mad, I'm green, I'm a rage of emotions... Oops, should have put spoiler warning in there cause I think I just gave away all of the Hulk's storylines.[/QUOTE]

Go play at least tthe demo of Hulk:Ultimate Destruction. You'll get the best of hulk meaning: smash everything no matter who or what is in your wake. Its incredible.

Back to comics.... anyone else reading Girls or read Ultra?
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Go play at least tthe demo of Hulk:Ultimate Destruction. You'll get the best of hulk meaning: smash everything no matter who or what is in your wake. Its incredible.

Back to comics.... anyone else reading Girls or read Ultra?[/QUOTE]

I'm missing 1 issue of girls and 3 issues on ultra(think it's like an 8 isue series right?)So I never read untill I have them all and read all the way throguh in one shot. Those 2 bros. are hot right now and their issues are gonna keep rising.

On another note. I just converted my entire collection(close to 20,000 comics) to 4 drawer legal vertical filing cabinets. Each cabinet holds around 2,000. I was swimming in long and short boxes for my whole life until I got the idea from NEWSARAMA. Cost me a Grand buying used cabinets, and took me the last month to convert evryhting bagged and boarded inside but it is the best thing I have ever done in my milions of yrs of comic collecting period. So fresh so clean, no one would even guess I'm a closet comic geek. It's a secret not to divulge to girls, and the cabinets make it easier.
Since CAG1000 mentioned Newsarama and I was bored anyway I decided to peruse their site for a little while. I had been on there a couple times before but I ended up spending almost 2 hours looking around at different stuff.

On a side note I never realized a lot of the garbage that went on with Pat Lee and the Dream Wave closing. Talk about a total asshole. Trying to get people to do MORE work while he obviously had no intention of paying them for their regular amount of workload.

Although, this saves me some money now cause I'll be skipping Marvel's Iron Man: House of M now this week. To tell you the truth I wasn't to impressed with #1 anyway though so it wasn't that much of a problem to pass on it. Pat Lee's artwork is garbage, sure he can draw robots/mechs pretty well but I've seen kindergarteners draw better people than this guy. Anyone see X4? Between the horrible story and the awful artwork I can't believe I bought more than one issue of it.
Newsarama is awesome. It's the only comic book site I really ever go to. Well except DiamondComics.com every week to check the shipping list. The new list will be up in less than an hour.

And I was a huge fan of DreamWave. I thought their early releases were so different from what I normally read. And it's so dissapointing to hear about what Pat Lee did to his workers. I was really happy for him when he did Superman/Batman, X4, and now with Iron Man. But a lot of people, well atleast on the Newsarama message boards, said their going to boycott his comics now. I think they said they might be doing an interview with him soon. It'd be interesting to hear what he has to say.

Well, they finally posted the Pat Lee interview and no surprise it was all carefully worded garbage with absolutely no hard hitting questions. Apparently though, despite the fact that he still has a healthy income and didn't lose his porsche, Pat suffered with this too... Not to mention the fact that no where in the article does he say where all the money went.

Now, I'm really glad that I didn't buy Iron Man: House of M and will not buy anything with his name on it in the future. I won't use the word boycott, but this is the best way I know of to show my displeasure with people like him.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I have a question. What is an Omega-level mutant? I was doing some looking on Wikipedia and came across that term. I then read something about Gambit being a possible Omega-level mutant. I have tried searching but I have yet to find a real answer. It seems like it has to do with mental powers but beyond that I don't know.[/QUOTE]

Yaeh I've known about Omega-level mutants. I know that Pheonix was one. I hadn't known that Gambit was one though... I haven't read his series in ages. I'll have to try and find that one now as well.

Anybody have a list of all of the Omega-level mutants? Would Apocolypse be considered as one?
I just picked up Kindom Come and Marvels. This Alex Ross stuff is amazing.
Are there anymore of this stuff? Not just the cover art but the entire book in this painting-ish style.

Also is Astro City anygood?
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']You should check out Justice #1, http://www.dccomics.com/comics/?cm=4010. It just came out yesterday, but when I went to pick it up today, it already sold out. Anyone pick this up?[/QUOTE]

I think it had a fairly small print run cause when I picked mine up, right as they were putting them out, there was only 3 of each cover available. This is at a comic store/newstand that I've seen get as much as 100-150 copies of an X-Men title in.
We have around 100-200 copies per our 3 stores.

When you buy 75 you could get a Retailer exclusive Superman Justice figure that we are now selling for 99.99.

Our industry is so weird...
Do you mean three stores that you go to, or 3 stores that you own? I only have one comic book store around where I live, so it kind of sucks when something sells out because theirs no real alternative.
Did anyone else read Villians United this week?


I can't believe the revelation that the Society was planning on mind-wiping all the heroes was played off as such a secondary thing. I mean this is kind of huge that they would actually have the means and opportunity to pull something like that off.
I picked up Justice and it looks to be pretty good. Anyone know when is the next issue coming out and how long will the series last?
The next issue of Justice comes out October 19 because it's going to be a bi-monthly sereies. And the series will last 12 issues I believe. http://dccomic.com/comics/?cm=4317. I still haven't picked it up yet. Did you get the villains cover, or the heroes?

I'm surprised that no ones talking about all of the huge news from last week. Turner and Loeb going to Marvel. And my personal favorite piece of news: the return of Joe Mad!!! He was my favorite artist so many years ago. So I was absolutely shocked and thrilled when I read the story about his return. Everyones already giving him a hard time, saying that it'll take him forever to get each issue out, but I don't care. I'm just glad he's back. And I haven't read an issue of Wizard in years, but they said the issue coming out at the end of the month is going to reveal the project that he's working on. So I'll probably have to pick that up.
I wasn't really impressed by justice #1 i might pass on the next ones. I'm really enjoying new avengers and all the infinte crisis stuff. Wonder Woman 219 was amazing. I ended up picking up 4 more copies
Any particular reason why you picked up so many copies of Wonder Woman #219, besides the fact that Dynamic Forces were selling copies on their site for $10. It was a great read. Kind of made me wish I picked up Omac Project, and whatever comics the story was in. I haven't picked up any of the Infinite Crisis comics. I was interested in Villains United and the Omac Project. But ultimately decided not to get them. How are they? I think New Avengers is great. One of the only Marvel titles I've actually been reading.
I picked up Villains United, JLA, and Rann-Thangar War. Excellent reads all three. Hard to pick the best one. Got to go with JLA.

One thing I've noticed is that I have been buy almost exclusively DC. Right now their story telling is very compelling and has me in knots waitig for the next issue.

The only Marvel titles that I am picking up are Young Avengers, New Avengers, and House of M. I really think YA is the best written Marvel title. I am getting New Avengers for the hype. I really don't care for Bendis, but the art is great and Spider-man is on the team. I just only wish that Wolverine wasn't in this title. House of M is my hype pick as well. I want to compare it to Infinite Crisis I guess.

I almost forgot that Astonishing Xmen. I also get this Marvel title and it is very well written.
I do this alot with my comics I have like 5 copies of the first run of omac project #1. I end up selling them to friends who miss out on these things. This is the only hobby where im a true collector and I like to have mutipiles of stuff . All the tie in with the exception of Day of Vengence are awesome to me. I would have never thought in a million years that catman would be such a bad ass. Have you read 219? i don't want to spoil anything. the ending was quite shocking too me
Comicbookresources.com is another good site to visit. On Monday's they have a rumor column by Rich Johnston.

In one recent column, he talked about the one year later storyline of one character....









you've been warned.....

in the Batman series Bruce Wayne is replaced with Dick Grayson (original Robin). The reason for this is that B.W. is committed to Arkham Asylum.
Dante how do feel about the return of jason todd? lol someone bought a copy of 638 from me just so he could burn it. It was quite a scene
I can relate to Dante's statement about being almost exclusive with DC now. Back then I used to pick up so many Marvel comics, and barely any DC. Now it's the exact opposite. But with Marvel pulling in Loeb, Turner, and Madureira, they definitely got me interested. And how is House of M. Again, another title I just decided not to pick up. Mainly because how dissappointing I thought Avengers Dissassembled was. I'm not sure that was a fair assessment, but it just felt like Marvel rushed House of M out there before Infinite Crisis came out.

And Odenat, I was actually lucky enough to get a copy of #219 after the store I go to restocked. It was a great read, and I'd love to read the other comics that the story goes into, I'm just not sure which ones they are. I hate it when I have to buy several different titles just to follow one story. And by the way, I hated the return of Jason Todd. I'm not really a big fan of Judd Winick anyways though.

Wow, I didn't even know they were talking about the One Year Later storylines yet. What do you guys think about DC's 52 week comic that theyre planning?
[quote name='Odenat']Dante how do feel about the return of jason todd? lol someone bought a copy of 638 from me just so he could burn it. It was quite a scene[/QUOTE]

I don't know yet. I am waiting to see how it turns out. So far I like it and think it really adds depth to the Batman character.

Death is such a cheap ploy in comics. I mean look at the X-men. Colossus was dead, but brought back. Green Arrow was dead, but Kevin Smith brought him back. Hawkeye is dead, but you know that the House of M is going to ressurect him. I think that bringing Bucky (Cap's sidekick) is totally cheap, but I am not a writer, only a comic reader.

Seems like the only character that is allowed to stay dead is Captain Marvel. Hell, they even brought back a Gwen Stacy!
You have to pick up the Infinity Crisis 80 page book it's amazing. House of M started off good but to me has slowed down and is becoming very predictibiles. I never read avengers disassembled which i guess is good since i've heard nothing but bad things about it. To find out which books tie in to each other they have like a "Villians United Tie In!" little logo on the cover. Hopefully the new teen titans#2 I have will start to go up after infitite crisis. I also did pick up 2 copies of the west coast avengers 56(1st appreance of "evil scarlett witch" for a dollar a piece
I need to see if nigel has any Villians United first prints. Thats the only one i'm missing for first runs. How do you guys feel about all these varient covers it's like i'm back in 1992. The only other thing that gets on my nerves in the industry nowadays are CGC rated comics. It feels like your paying for opinion more than anything I guess thats why I refuse to buy any "graded" comic book
I hate variant covers, mainly because I usually can't get them. I know they have variants for every issue of New Avengers, but I've never seen one. I prefer the 50/50 split for variants instead of say 1 out of every 4. But whenever I do spot a variant for a comic I'm already getting, I'll definitely pick it up. And I did end up getting both covers for All Star Batman. But only because I'm such a huge fan of Jim Lee. As for CGC, all I know is, they usually fetch a good amount of money on ebay. But it sounds like such an expensive process, and pretty much, a waste of time to do. Can you even open the plastic after it's been graded? I've never bought a graded comic and I never will. I think graded comics are meant for comic book collectors, and I prefer to read them instead.
[quote name='Odenat']I need to see if nigel has any Villians United first prints. Thats the only one i'm missing for first runs. How do you guys feel about all these varient covers it's like i'm back in 1992. The only other thing that gets on my nerves in the industry nowadays are CGC rated comics. It feels like your paying for opinion more than anything I guess thats why I refuse to buy any "graded" comic book[/QUOTE]

Nope, no first printings.

And as far as the Varient covers, they are for collectors. Where this differes from the late 80's early 90's is that the quality of the writing and art inside doesnt suck. There wont be an industry crash last time, at least for quality reasons
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']I hate variant covers, mainly because I usually can't get them. I know they have variants for every issue of New Avengers, but I've never seen one. I prefer the 50/50 split for variants instead of say 1 out of every 4. But whenever I do spot a variant for a comic I'm already getting, I'll definitely pick it up. And I did end up getting both covers for All Star Batman. But only because I'm such a huge fan of Jim Lee. As for CGC, all I know is, they usually fetch a good amount of money on ebay. But it sounds like such an expensive process, and pretty much, a waste of time to do. Can you even open the plastic after it's been graded? I've never bought a graded comic and I never will. I think graded comics are meant for comic book collectors, and I prefer to read them instead.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that does suck. I too bought both covers for All Star Batman and Robin. I really didn't mind it. As for other titles, House of M for example, I just buy the regular cover. I really don't care if I get a variant or not. I've actually been underwhelmed by H of M.

I usually try to get the cover I like. I bought the Adam Hughes cover of JSA Classified a couple of weeks ago and I just got the Mike Turner cover of Supergirl. When Infinite Crisis comes out I am all over the George Perez covers. The Jim Lee covers look like they were drawn by that Danger Girl artist.

Comics being about $2.50 - $2.99 makes collecting variants (for me) an option I am not really willing to purchase.
J. Scott Cambell - Danger Girl

I like J. and Jim, but the Perez cover is amazing. Newsarama will have the colored in version next week. Cant wait to have a new Desktop and PSP background :)
I had a pretty fun day of comic book hunting with a friend of mine.

I managed to pick up Identity Crisis #1 (1st printing) for $7 and #2 & #3 (1st printing) for cover price. Amazing finds, if I do say so myself. The 2 things I was also hunting for was Villians United #1 and Omac Project #1 1st printings but came up short, I found plenty of Rann Thanagar and Day of Vengeance #1 1st printings but I already have those 2.

My friend was so pissed at me that I caught those Identity Crisis issues before he could get to them. That's on top of me grabbing a Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 for $1 the last time we went comic booking. That's alright though, he deserves it for drawing me into DC when I used to be a Marvel purist.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']I like J. and Jim, but the Perez cover is amazing. Newsarama will have the colored in version next week. Cant wait to have a new Desktop and PSP background :)[/QUOTE]

I'm such a huge fan of Jim Lee's. I'd buy a comic of him drawing stick figures if they released it. But I do have to admit that the Perez cover for Infinite Crisis #1 looks amazing. I'll end up getting one of each. But I really don't want to do that for every issue in the entire series. Here's the Jim Lee cover for Infinite Crisis #2: http://www.newsarama.com/dcnew/InfiniteCrisis/IC02cvrLee.html.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I had a pretty fun day of comic book hunting with a friend of mine.

I managed to pick up Identity Crisis #1 (1st printing) for $7 and #2 & #3 (1st printing) for cover price. Amazing finds, if I do say so myself. The 2 things I was also hunting for was Villians United #1 and Omac Project #1 1st printings but came up short, I found plenty of Rann Thanagar and Day of Vengeance #1 1st printings but I already have those 2.

My friend was so pissed at me that I caught those Identity Crisis issues before he could get to them. That's on top of me grabbing a Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 for $1 the last time we went comic booking. That's alright though, he deserves it for drawing me into DC when I used to be a Marvel purist.[/QUOTE]

I loved Identity Crisis. My friend who owned a comic shop at the time, hated it. He really hated it. He hated the way the Ronnie Raymond (original Firestorm) died. He really loved the first 5 issues, but hated the last one. He couldn't fathom that the killer was the Atom's wife. IC was a great title because it shows you the reason why a hero's identity is so important.
Someone on this board mentioned that they did not care for Judd Winick. I was not really impressed with his run on Green Arrow. I really did not care for his Exiles work either. His Outsiders stuff was impressive, but turned into a WB TV show.

I really like his Batman stuff. His Scarebeast was so-so. His subsequent stories involving Amazo were great. His Batman writing is really good superhero fun. I just loved the way Batman took out Amazo. His dealing with Zantana, tying in Identity Crisis, was good too.

I personally like the way Winick is writing Red Hood.
Did anyone else pick up the Sin City DVD? I know the Special Edition will come out soon, but I had to get it. Does anybody know when the Sin City VOlume 2 Action Figures are coming out. I've been dying to get the new Bloody Marv figure theyre going to release. I actually wanted the color version instead. But it was an exclusive for the San Diego Comic Con. And I've been trying to bid on it on ebay, but it goes for way more than I'm willing to spend.

So any comics to pick up today?
Im gonna pick up, Batman journey into the night#1, Spider Man house of M#3, Weapon X days of future now #2, Green Laturn#3, and maybe the spider man annual. Next week is a good week just for the fact that the new omac comes out :)

as for sin city series 2 action figures. theres never a firm release date for theese but everything i've heard says end of september
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']Did anyone else pick up the Sin City DVD? I know the Special Edition will come out soon, but I had to get it. Does anybody know when the Sin City VOlume 2 Action Figures are coming out. I've been dying to get the new Bloody Marv figure theyre going to release. I actually wanted the color version instead. But it was an exclusive for the San Diego Comic Con. And I've been trying to bid on it on ebay, but it goes for way more than I'm willing to spend.

So any comics to pick up today?[/QUOTE]

If you buy the Sin City DVD or UMD at Best Buy you get a free comic too. I saw them today and they actually put them in bags, I couldn't believe it. Now they just need to send 'em out with boards and the major retailers can finally show their respect for comics. God I'm such a nerd.

Oh and my books this week are:

Detective Comics #810-not usually a Detective Comics fan but this War Crimes arc has me sucked in
Cable Deadpool #18- 'Nuff said
Spider-Man: House of M #3- I'm hoping that this mini has caught up to the House of M mini because of the recent development
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1- Peter's got himself a new girlfriend!
Ultimate X-Men #62- story arc involving Ultimate versions of Havok, Polaris, and Magneto?!?!? I'm there!
I picked up Sin City with the Clive Owen cover at CC today. The lithograph that came with the DVD was Jessica Alba.

I am not even sure what I will pick up tomorrow.
I got the dvd with a big ass poster at coconuts.
This is just to hold me down till the super omega shinkuhadoken one comes out during christmas and that one better not suck!
I decided to get the Sin City DVD at CC. The "lithograph set" I got was actually more like a set of 5 really thin postcards with different characters on them. I was really dissappointed, because I was expecting something much better. I kind of wish I payed the extra $2 at to get the free comic book from BB. And the Coconuts around here is called Strawberries, and they were giving away posters with every pre-order or order. But they said they never even got them in. If they are as great as they seem, I might think about getting one. What does it look like exactly?

[quote name='Odenat']as for sin city series 2 action figures. theres never a firm release date for theese but everything i've heard says end of september[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info on the figures. I actually thought they were going to come out around mid-August. Oh well. Check out Death Row Marv: http://www.necaonline.com/sincitynews39.html.
Do any of you guys read Wizard Magazine? I haven't read it in years, but I'm considering getting a subscription to it. I just don't know if it'll be worth the $28.
at this point, i mostly stick to DC. The last thing that Marvel did to wow me was 1602, and that was good b/c of Gaiman. I'm currently following the latest Crisis and anything related the Green Lantern (Rainer is where it's at). Besides that, Y the Last Man, Fables, and Memnovore are keeping me entertained. And when I can find it, Strangers in Paradise is a damn fine read.

BTW, i saw the other day that there's a sequel to 1602 that just came out, w/o Gaiman writing it. I'm not sure i want to get it, does anybody know anything about it?
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']Do any of you guys read Wizard Magazine? I haven't read it in years, but I'm considering getting a subscription to it. I just don't know if it'll be worth the $28.[/QUOTE]

It's a good mag but I don't know about the sub. I usually just spend some of my lunches poring over it at Barnes & Noble... and it's free :p
I think I'm just going to pick up the next issue since their announcing Joe Mad's new project in it, then decide. It just seems like all magazines are getting thinner, while raising their prices.
I just got my captain marvel shirt in the mail, shazam. Did you guys know shazam is an acroynm or however the hell that world is spelled.
bread's done