Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I really like LRG and I plan on purchasing their games well into the future. Mutant mudds is probably going to be the first titles I miss outside of Breach and Clear because I'll be overseas. I think it's important not to sugar coat anything a company big or small does. The company can grow in a good direction from both positive or negative feedback. As long as it is constructive in some manner. I purchase at amazon frequently, but for rare items or CEs it's now definitely on a back up basis.
Sure, I agree with that. I guess from my perspective it's just getting tiring on here and on the official LRG forums and on Facebook and Twitter seeing the same handful of basic posts over and over again. It's either, "my disc is loose" or "when is X gonna ship" or "I don't like your business model" or "take preorders or else..." or "your site/shopping system is broken" or "why don't you ship everything in a padded box" or "why don't you print more" or "the games you are selling suck" or "I only got one sticker and one postcard" or "your rewards system requires me to buy too many games to get one free". All of these issues have been addressed over and over and over again here and on Facebook and Twitter and the LRG forums and yet people keep raising them again and again and again. There really is no winning here and I can only imagine how frustrating it is to run a small business that is trying to do something that gamers and collectors claim to want while constantly getting hit with the same criticisms day in and day out. Making suggestions that can lead to an improvement is one thing. Rehashing the same attacks again and again in an attempt to discredit or damage a business is something completely different.

I agree that 40 tickets to get a reward is a little crazy, but I only say that because I've bought a ton of their releases now and have 4 tickets to show for it since they didn't give them out from the start. I also decided awhile ago to stop buying every release and get the ones I really want now.

Yep. The difference is I didn't post repeatedly about Amazon's poor shipping until I gave them multiple chances to fix things. I also didn't get into a debate with other forum users or the owner of Amazon about why their packaging didn't meet my personal needs or desires. You, on the other hand, shot from the hip and escalated things way above where they needed to go before you even knew what LRG's response would be. You're free to post whatever you want in accordance with the rules of this forum. Having said that, it doesn't mean you get a free pass to post garbage and then just expect that everyone is going to agree with you.
So this garbage you speak of, would this be me upset about how an item is shopped and raising an issue about it? I'm still waiting for your examples of me going on about loose dics it negatively posting about LRG or, saying anything negative other than it was a poor choice of a shipping medium and criticising the shipping department. If you have something, please put it up. I have bought many a release, but if this is the new shipping method used, I may just have to "curtail my purchases due to poor packaging". No desire to play the LRG lotto if this is the direction, which I hope it is not.

All my responses​ have been to people like yourself who feel the need to abuse people on a forum and act like the thread police. This issue had zero to do with you, yet you try and drag me through the mud over a very legitimate issue. If shipping is of no concern to you, so be it. It is to me. Trying to stuff your ideals down my throat rubs me the wrong way. I've been trying to be cool with you through this whole issue. You on the other hand have not. You have tried labeling me, talking in a way that is outside if how we want this website run. You my good man are everything wrong with forums. Go ahead show me where I was beating the the loose disc horse. Go ahead. Put up or shut up tine buddy.
the idea i got out of it was that it would be done at the factory at the same time the manual is placed in the case as an extra insert
That would be the ideal time for it to be done, but Sony's not going to retool their assembly line for it, so it's moot either way.

You can tell us all day long about it's not us it's Sony. Blah blah blah.

I have never received a loose disc ever during my PS4 ownership. I must be near 100 that I have bought. Majority were shipped in the right size bubble mailer. This time I received a game in the wrong sized mailer. Yes, there is a chance of that happening but the responsibility to ship in a properly sized package falls completely on you. I don't know who shipped your stuff but I'd be pissed right now. Your business is built on collectible limited items. To ship out something that is one of your highest pricetag items without care is not a good idea.

If you sent me the right sized mailer and I had this issue I may believe it. But I got a poorly shipped product with no care for the contents. And both cards were folded and the disc is loose and on yeah 'wonky' shrinkwrap. You tried telling me that the mailer should have been folded making me look like the fool. Nope. No such luck. Now another customer had the same complaint. Gotta be something there.

Hey you got my 60 bucks. I'm not happy with how I received your product. My Future dollars will be decided on how this plays out.
This whole first two paragraphs seem dedicated to loose discs. Did I miss something here?

Got my Darius in today. Packed in a bubble mailer twice as large as the game. Never got this size before. Definitely easy to whip around and not suprisingly my shrink wrap is all messed and loose plus the disc is loose. Really not happy about this one. I wonder if I got a properly sized mailer, the disc might have stayed in place. Fml on this release.

Oh yeah my sticker and my card are all folded too. Definitely not happy on a 60 dollar release.
Oh look, your first complaint post and the first conclusion you reached about the packaging is that your disc may have stayed in place if the mailer was a different size. Wait, didn't you say you didn't go on and on about the loose disc?

So actually my third post regarding this issue. My issue is the mailer they used. Double size. We crush Amazon, best buy, GameStop etc for shipping collectors items in bad packaging. No air cushions etc. LRG pulls the same crap, and let's call these collectibles, and it's just oh well? Get real. Somebody did a piss poor shipping job with no regard to the contents. This is a complete reflection on the business. I'm sorry to say something bad about your beloved LRG but a bad shipping job is a bad shipping job. I mean why use a double sized unfolded mailer for your games when each release carries a collector's aura around it. Loose disc aside, both my cards were folded in half from the game sliding around inside. To me, they complete the release. I love then. Had a proper sized mailer been used, like all my other releases from them came in, I doubt I'd have those issues. Loose disc and terrible shrinkwrap aside.

I've moved along. If they make this order right I'm staying on as a customer. If not, I'm out. A company is only as good as how they handle problems. Whether you or anyone else agreed, I don't care.
Oh look, more posting about loose discs. Oh, and here's direct criticism of the business. Phrases like "piss poor" and "complete reflection on the business".

So this garbage you speak of, would this be me upset about how an item is shopped and raising an issue about it? I'm still waiting for your examples of me going on about loose dics it negatively posting about LRG or, saying anything negative other than it was a poor choice of a shipping medium and criticising the shipping department. If you have something, please put it up. I have bought many a release, but if this is the new shipping method used, I may just have to "curtail my purchases due to poor packaging". No desire to play the LRG lotto if this is the direction, which I hope it is not.

All my responses​ have been to people like yourself who feel the need to abuse people on a forum and act like the thread police. This issue had zero to do with you, yet you try and drag me through the mud over a very legitimate issue. If shipping is of no concern to you, so be it. It is to me. Trying to stuff your ideals down my throat rubs me the wrong way. I've been trying to be cool with you through this whole issue. You on the other hand have not. You have tried labeling me, talking in a way that is outside if how we want this website run. You my good man are everything wrong with forums. Go ahead show me where I was beating the the loose disc horse. Go ahead. Put up or shut up tine buddy.
Sure, people like me who are raising counter arguments are abusive but when you use wise-ass attacks on the people who disagree with you, that's not abusive. Got it.

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Dude, your really need to stop with the tantrum. I mean your just making a fool of yourself now. Give a rest man. I have my issue, why do you feel the need to try and come down on me for it with wise ass comments and talking down to me? Is this how you treat people in the real world? If so, go help out in a soup kitchen or spend some time children's hospital. Seriously, you could use some positive in your life.
Tantrum? Talking down to you how?

I'm serious. How does someone get 100+ PS4 games and not have ONE loose discs? That is like the best luck in the world. You're like the guy that gets on the first try the item I farm a boss for for months and never see. Do you get perfect god rolls on your first kill in every game too while the rest of us farm for months and never even see the item fall?

You tossed a coin 101 times and ended up with heads 100 times.

Every other game I get from any retail source has a 50/50 chance of being loose. Every time I pull a bubble mailer out of my mailbox and immediately hear the disc rattling around is a roll my eyes shake my head and sigh moment. Fortunately I've become a master of reseating them effortlessly with no damage so it doesn't bother me as much as it could.

How is envying your astronomically improbable luck "having a tantrum and talking down to you" ? I don't think you realize how impossible your luck is and how bad the loose disc issue really is with PS4 cases since you somehow have never had that problem before. Now your first experience is a "rare limited valuable" game and it's getting blown out of proportion. The rest of us get loose disc PS4 games from every retailer on a daily basis no matter how well it's packed.

Welcome to the real world I guess.

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Rather just stick to one platform if it was dual console release. Only exception I made was for Skullgirls.

So far. If they did Darius for Vita. I would double dip
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Sure, I agree with that. I guess from my perspective it's just getting tiring on here and on the official LRG forums and on Facebook and Twitter seeing the same handful of basic posts over and over again. It's either, "my disc is loose" or "when is X gonna ship" or "I don't like your business model" or "take preorders or else..." or "your site/shopping system is broken" or "why don't you ship everything in a padded box" or "why don't you print more" or "the games you are selling suck" or "I only got one sticker and one postcard" or "your rewards system requires me to buy too many games to get one free". All of these issues have been addressed over and over and over again here and on Facebook and Twitter and the LRG forums and yet people keep raising them again and again and again. There really is no winning here and I can only imagine how frustrating it is to run a small business that is trying to do something that gamers and collectors claim to want while constantly getting hit with the same criticisms day in and day out. Making suggestions that can lead to an improvement is one thing. Rehashing the same attacks again and again in an attempt to discredit or damage a business is something completely different.
People don't research or look for answers. As someone who runs the social media for CAG I get the same questions over and over. "What is GCU", "Where is the best deal for game 'X'", "When will the NES Classic be in stock", "It says $XX.XX now, what happened" on a deal 4 from days ago, asking why a coupon code from a tweet 3 days ago doesn't work, etc. You just need to remember that this person doesn't know/understand what's going on and they didn't think of typing it into their google machine or look at the date of the post.

Stuff does lessen over time though. I remember when people were angry when I would post amiibo deals, or when amiibo X was in stock. Haven't seen anything like that in a long time. They either went away or just got over it.

With each LRG release they attract new customers who didn't care about their past releases and are therefore asking the same questions in their mind for the first time. I expect Night Trap to be that way since a lot of retro collector's will want that game.

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I don't know what all this fuss is about. I just like owning games on physical media and just get the ones I'm interested in. So far I have 5 LRG releases. I'm super excited for Wonder Boy. There are tons of happy LRG customers out there, but unfortunately companies almost never hear from the happy customers, just the upset ones. So thank you LRG for what you guys do!
Many of the people on this forum complaining and the target collector market for LRG are the super OCD gotta have the 100% complete sealed library with perfect Y folds without a single ripple or fingerprint type. They want their items to be the most valuable on ebay, or don't want their copy to be "less perfect" than the 100,000 YouTube hauls/finds/collection streamers, or have the best possible VGA grade.

There is more animosity towards LRG, because with their games, once they are gone they are gone forever and you are left at the mercy of ebay flippers within a minute of release. You can't readily exchange them for a "perfect" copy when you get a "lemon" like you can with a game from Amazon, Best Buy, etc. So there is a greater feeling of being irreparably burned.

Doesn't matter that loose discs are not a LRG exclusive problem and can be fixed in 3 seconds without damage, or that LRG keeps 50+ copies on hand for damaged items INCLUDING damaged shrink wrap.

No swinging on LRGs nuts from me either. There are plenty of LRG problems to raise concern about, namely too low print runs sometimes and too many releases on the same day without a ADD ALL TO CART button for their intended collector target buyer that is a nervous wreck wondering if they will be able to get everything added to cart and check out before something is sold out and miss a release for the first time ever.

I like what they do in concept but as someone intent on a complete library on all the systems they release for (PS4, Vita, and possibly Switch soon) it does make my life as a collector a living hell sometimes. But this is to blame on collector OCD more than LRG. Definitely a love/hate thing going on there.

Tired of people not getting the loose disc memo, especially from people who have been super lucky to have 100s of PS4 games and never seen a loose disc before and thinking that's normal and viewing the rest of us as crazy. But I'll be bitching up a storm when they have a 1-2 titles releasing for PS4, Vita, and Switch all on the same day with 2500 print runs and limit 2 and with no more cart reservation now. UGH.

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This whole first two paragraphs seem dedicated to loose discs. Did I miss something here?

Oh look, your first complaint post and the first conclusion you reached about the packaging is that your disc may have stayed in place if the mailer was a different size. Wait, didn't you say you didn't go on and on about the loose disc?

Oh look, more posting about loose discs. Oh, and here's direct criticism of the business. Phrases like "piss poor" and "complete reflection on the business".
Sure, people like me who are raising counter arguments are abusive but when you use wise-ass attacks on the people who disagree with you, that's not abusive. Got it.
So, outside if my original post on my issue, I've posted twice and it was regarding the shipping. It sucked. Plain and simple. And yes, if I'm shipping out items items with no regard then it is a reflection on my business. Something I wouldn't want.

You keep ducking my real complaint. The shipping. Can you honestly tell me you'd be happy if you got your copy like that? I highly doubt that. Did you even order a copy? You never said. Neither did that other dude who liked to throw stones. I'd love to see how yours came if you only got one. I asked for someone to show me how to post pictures​. I'd would have put it up here. Nobody offered. You could really have helped the situation by explaining that and being helpful. But no. You chose the other direction when you posted. Choosing to try and belittle me.

Yet you want to insult and berate me. That's cool and all but its getting stale. And so is this conversation. I've wasted way too much time on you and I am sure we are an eyesore for everyone else. So I am taking a powder on this. Please just drop it.
Tantrum? Talking down to you how?

I'm serious. How does someone get 100+ PS4 games and not have ONE loose discs? That is like the best luck in the world. You're like the guy that gets on the first try the item I farm a boss for for months and never see. Do you get perfect god rolls on your first kill in every game too while the rest of us farm for months and never even see the item fall?

You tossed a coin 101 times and ended up with heads 100 times.

Every other game I get from any retail source has a 50/50 chance of being loose. Every time I pull a bubble mailer out of my mailbox and immediately hear the disc rattling around is a roll my eyes shake my head and sigh moment. Fortunately I've become a master of reseating them effortlessly with no damage so it doesn't bother me as much as it could.

How is envying your astronomically improbable luck "having a tantrum and talking down to you" ? I don't think you realize how impossible your luck is and how bad the loose disc issue really is with PS4 cases since you somehow have never had that problem before. Now your first experience is a "rare limited valuable" game and it's getting blown out of proportion. The rest of us get loose disc PS4 games from every retailer on a daily basis no matter how well it's packed.

Welcome to the real world I guess.
If your local, I'll let you rub me. No shit. On almost 100 discs this is my first one. It may be hard to believe sure. It's straight up truth. I actually never really heard about until this thread to be honest. I've seen people with destroyed boxes that complained. But no damage and a loose disc. Never. I do live under a rock so maybe that's it.
GUYS ...seriously.... please just stop the back and forth attacking 

you both won.  you both lost.  

just move on.  


So, outside if my original post on my issue, I've posted twice and it was regarding the shipping. It sucked. Plain and simple. And yes, if I'm shipping out items items with no regard then it is a reflection on my business. Something I wouldn't want.

You keep ducking my real complaint. The shipping. Can you honestly tell me you'd be happy if you got your copy like that? I highly doubt that. Did you even order a copy? You never said. Neither did that other dude who liked to throw stones. I'd love to see how yours came if you only got one. I asked for someone to show me how to post pictures​. I'd would have put it up here. Nobody offered. You could really have helped the situation by explaining that and being helpful. But no. You chose the other direction when you posted. Choosing to try and belittle me.

Yet you want to insult and berate me. That's cool and all but its getting stale. And so is this conversation. I've wasted way too much time on you and I am sure we are an eyesore for everyone else. So I am taking a powder on this. Please just drop it.
Yes, I ordered just like I have done with every release from LRG from the very beginning. I actually ordered one of each and mine just shipped, so it should be here later this week. Before LRG started offering free boxes with multiple orders, I used to pay for the box. There are always risks with bubble pouches, especially since the USPS and UPS seem to treat them poorly in transit. Having said that, I'm not someone who is going to blame the retailer for the mistakes of the publisher/manufacturer or the delivery service, especially when I am given an option on how something is packaged. If I received a damaged item from LRG, I would take it up directly with them and not post about it multiple times on a deal forum.

As for your claim that I should have helped you post photos in support of your complaint, that's just ridiculous. As I said earlier, you need to take it up directly with LRG as they asked you to, not on a public forum. Similarly, you could have dropped this pages ago, but instead you continued to argue with everyone, pulling the victim card and engaging in insults and attacks, even when they clearly and rationally pointed out how wrongheaded you were about this issue. I'm happy to let this drop, but I expect you will stop posting about this situation here and take it up directly with LRG which is what you should have done to begin with.

I've had a few back & forth's with a few guys around here in my time, but Holy Shit, you two should get an award or something, as this is the longest I think I've ever seen two people go at it for.

Kudos you guys, as you show American stick to it is still alive and well and on CAG! LOL

I have Salt and Sanctuary digitally but the physical edition deserves a purchase!!! If Doomstink is listening I would love to do a Limited Run unboxing Video for any special edition they have on my YouTube Channel  :D/ (PLEASE!!) LOL

I have Salt and Sanctuary digitally but the physical edition deserves a purchase!!! If Doomstink is listening I would love to do a Limited Run unboxing Video for any special edition they have on my YouTube Channel :D/ (PLEASE!!) LOL
Buy it, unbox it, then post video. No freeloaders!!!
They normally do something in these cases that makes it OK, but I really wish all these big box stores offered a VIP shipping program, where you could pay extra, to get proper time spent on the packaging.

The reason they don't care, is it's not worth the time, as they would rather one guy do a few hundred items in an hour, than one guy doing maybe 25-50. They would rather send the credit or replacement. But with a special service, and the extra pay, it would cover that persons salary with no problem. But that's wishful thinking, as if it hasn't been offered by now, it's not happening(but it would be nice).
Yeah I understand what your saying. Maybe something like you pay a year fee of I don't know a $100 bucks or so, plus maybe you get a free 2 day shipping upgrade, and you know what let's through in free access to a sub-par video service just for good measure. We can call it something like Heyday, Peak, or something fancy like Zenith........wait a minute this sounds awfully familiar.

Oh I'm sorry, I misunderstood. You mean something that actually works. Silly me. :lol:

I'm not trying to bust your chops. I'm just pointing out(with some humor), that even if every major retailer had something like your talking about. It still would be a bastardized version with so many corners cut that it wouldn't be worth it because that's the corporate nature.

Since it looks like no one answered your question, here it is

One of them is the regular edition (Deluxe) and the other is basically a remix making levels harder.
Ah, ok thanks. Now I just have to answer the question what level of self torment I want to put myself through as I'm only planning on one or the other.

Not sure if you're calling me a retard or the developers......
Just do what I do accept that we're all a bunch idiots fumbling around in the endless abyss called life. The sooner you do the sooner you'll find the coping mechanism called alcohol and the wonders it works, in which then you won't really care either way. :lol:

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I wonder when Salt and Sanctuary will get its physical release day announcement?
At this rate, LRG is announcing games way faster than they're releasing them. Not sure if I'm alone on this, but I'm not as excited about announcements anymore. Hard to get excited about an announcement of a game which will either be released in next month or next couple of years.

At this rate, LRG is announcing games way faster than they're releasing them. Not sure if I'm alone on this, but I'm not as excited about announcements anymore. Hard to get excited about an announcement of a game which will either be released in next month or next couple of years.
Honestly, in my opinion, they function no different than any other gaming company. MS, Sony and "N" all make announcements for games that come in weeks, months and then years(mostly years for most titles).

LRG has been the same, as they announce some games that come out in weeks, months, and for a few titles, it will probably reach the year mark(if they haven't had some already).

I was excited for Breath of the Wild when it was first shown(before it had an official name), but I knew it would be years before I ever saw it, and it's cool when they have a direct, and later that day an e-shop game may be released after being announced that same day.

I don't get to excited for any titles that don't have a solid release date, and for something like Cosmic Heroin, where late summer last year was a possible release window, I didn't put much in to it. As most game titles are often delayed, or pushed back, and it happens all the time. Most of LRG releases are for titles that have already been released well before they offer the physical version, and if anyone really wanted to play the games, they could.

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My DariusBurst and Nova-111 came in today, along with a random separately mailed, hand written envelope from LRG. It had two reward tickets in it for apparently no reason. I haven't actually kept track of the reward tickets I have gotten, I just kinda throw em in a box for now. I wonder if I got these by accident? I know they check your tickets when you redeem them, so I didn't toss them in with the rest. I guess I need to go through my tickets later and see if they add up to what they are supposed to be.

Anyone else get anything like that? If not, I'm wondering if they accidentally sent me tickets instead of the Esther insert. It is the only support ticket I've opened recently.
We had a combo of Flinthook orders I believe that didn't have reward tickets (had a new guy help pack over a weekend), so our customer service team pulled them to ship out tickets separately! Sorry about the confusion.

FYI, for those who want the regular cover of PS4 Strafe, it's showing as almost sold out. The PC version is already sold out.

That's a cool gesture.
A lot of people in the last batch did not get all the tickets they were supposed to (should be 1 per copy ordered, instead they got 1 per title) so they're sending them out now/addressing open helpdesk tickets.

EDIT* That shit's gotta be confusing as hell... 1x sticker/card per title, but 1x reward ticket per copy of a title and you gotta do that a few thousand times.:whistle2:k

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I wish I could trade / give away my tickets and they'd be useable. I don't plan on accumulating many.
I'm in the same boat. I've bought 10 or more releases since Saturday Morning RPG, and I know there's more I plan on buying, but I don't think I'll ever accumulate that many tickets to get anything I want. (I only have 4 right now, I think.) I'm not even looking to sell them, just offload them to someone else that'll make use of them.

I kinda wish LRG didn't get to release Wonder Boy or there was a way pre-order it. Hopefully there will be a larger print run, because this game is gonna sell out fast

We had a combo of Flinthook orders I believe that didn't have reward tickets (had a new guy help pack over a weekend), so our customer service team pulled them to ship out tickets separately! Sorry about the confusion.
Ohh ok, thanks for the response :) I was wondering if it were something like that, but I was nervous my account would get in trouble if I used extras that got randomly sent to me hehe.

So, outside if my original post on my issue, I've posted twice and it was regarding the shipping. It sucked. Plain and simple. And yes, if I'm shipping out items items with no regard then it is a reflection on my business. Something I wouldn't want.

You keep ducking my real complaint. The shipping. Can you honestly tell me you'd be happy if you got your copy like that? I highly doubt that. Did you even order a copy? You never said. Neither did that other dude who liked to throw stones. I'd love to see how yours came if you only got one. I asked for someone to show me how to post pictures​. I'd would have put it up here. Nobody offered. You could really have helped the situation by explaining that and being helpful. But no. You chose the other direction when you posted. Choosing to try and belittle me.

Yet you want to insult and berate me. That's cool and all but its getting stale. And so is this conversation. I've wasted way too much time on you and I am sure we are an eyesore for everyone else. So I am taking a powder on this. Please just drop it.
I tend to agree. I just opened my darius and the disc is loose and case cracked. When the games were $24.99 o.k., but at 59.99 and $5 to ship they should do a better job than a small pink padded envelope. I usually double envelope my stuff using a number 0 inside a number 3 padded which makes any DVD style game safe as Fort Knox's. Total cost for both envelopes 35 cents.

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"order from Play Asia"

Many only collect NA releases not PEGI or ASIA releases.  Esp those who follow LRG for that exact reason.  If they were PEGI/ASIA region collectors they would already have it from Play Asia and wouldn't be posting their concern here.

So the smug "get it from Play Asia" responses are not a valid solution.

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"order from Play Asia"

Many only collect NA releases not PEGI or ASIA releases. Esp those who follow LRG for that exact reason. If they were PEGI/ASIA region collectors they would already have it from Play Asia and wouldn't be posting their concern here.

So the smug "get it from Play Asia" responses are not a valid solution.
Well, your making an assumption that he only wants it for collecting, and that isn't really known. And even if that is the case, why is someone offering an alternative to LRG "smug"?

If he knows what you state he does, he will also know the ins and outs of LRG and how that may go when the release comes. So I see another option as helping a fellow CAG user with another possible choice for getting a physical release, and nothing more.


I think we should just be grateful that LRG exists and we get physical copies at all ! and their success only means other companies are doing the same, so the complaints about loose discs are annoying to say the least. However, I do think there is a point to be made about how shipping is done. You can throw a game in a envelope and charge 5.00 dollars and call it a day, however look how play-asia mails their games !

in what appears to be a custom size box with added padding, and no loose disc for a game that was shipped from Japan. There IS a difference in how the packaging is done, and I do feel that packing a item is a variable that can be controlled in this situation. 

bread's done