Little Big Planet - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='KingBroly']I can finally save again. I deleted some community items so I can save again. I wonder why you can only have so many items saved at once though? And I found out that 1.06 doesn't tell you you've maxed out on community items. So...they screwed up somewhere. I'm still forced to do the MGS levels again, but at least this time they'll count.[/quote]

Oh god. I hope this isn't the case with me, please please dont be! Last night I did like 2 hours of work in my little dead space 2 level and today when I tried it ALL 2 hours were gone. And I tested it like 10~ times so I know I saved it... well I redid it again (thinking it was just a freak accident) I hope that it isn't erased again, I don't know if I can have the will power to redo it AGAIN.

I'm nervous now (gonna check when I get home)
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Oh god. I hope this isn't the case with me, please please dont be! Last night I did like 2 hours of work in my little dead space 2 level and today when I tried it ALL 2 hours were gone. And I tested it like 10~ times so I know I saved it... well I redid it again (thinking it was just a freak accident) I hope that it isn't erased again, I don't know if I can have the will power to redo it AGAIN.

I'm nervous now (gonna check when I get home)[/quote]

might be best to wait on a patch... ever since the MGS pack went live saving has been wonky.
It has something to do with your Profile size and the game removing the note of telling you that you can't take in anymore Community items. I think I had to delete...half of the Community items (Namely the ones without proper names, because they signify to me that they suck) in order to save again.

I guess with the next patch, they'll fix it so it tells you you can't save any more community items, but in turn will increase your profile size. Then again, I don't think there should be a limit on your Profile size.
[quote name='KingBroly'] Then again, I don't think there should be a limit on your Profile size.[/quote]after all that's why we have harddrives no?
[quote name='KingBroly']It has something to do with your Profile size and the game removing the note of telling you that you can't take in anymore Community items. I think I had to delete...half of the Community items (Namely the ones without proper names, because they signify to me that they suck) in order to save again.

I guess with the next patch, they'll fix it so it tells you you can't save any more community items, but in turn will increase your profile size. Then again, I don't think there should be a limit on your Profile size.[/quote]

My BIGGEST annoyance in LBP (it's a HUGE ANNOYANCE) is: "Your profile is to large, please delete some things!" Ugh! I have a 250gb hdd please just let me save everything I want...
The big problem isn't the size on the hard drive, the problem is storing it in system memory, which has only 512mb total split between two banks (one for primarily graphics, one or general data).

The problem arises when you have too much stuff that you can't even pull up your popit without it slowing down and taking for ever to load everything.
ok fair enough argument but that could be easily solve by having an offline popit. So when youfill up you have to store things on the HD and you can't access them in game. you have to go to your pop and swap items or whatever.

hey who knows they do update the game maybe when this becomes a huge annoyance for everyone they'll change it like that.
Happy Holidays!

BONUS Level Pack, featuring in-game costumes for Kratos, Medusa, Minotaur, and additional themed stickers!

Valid for Redemption 10/21/08 -1/8/09

[quote name='blueweltall']Happy Holidays!

BONUS Level Pack, featuring in-game costumes for Kratos, Medusa, Minotaur, and additional themed stickers!

Valid for Redemption 10/21/08 -1/8/09


Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Holidays to you too!
Family came over, and we literally all had a blast picking out random user created levels to play. Amazing game to accomplish something like that. I don't even think Wii Sports had that type of effect.

This game is truly worth the 60 dollars! I only wish I could download my favorite user created levels...but oh well...
just got this as a gift.... seems like its worth keeping, lately been playing cod4 and mariokart & mario galaxy, not sure if i want to keep lbp or not, seen a few videos of it and it doesnt look too bad, whats so great about it?
:wave: I played this only for a little bit yesterday. I think by little bit I mean like one or 2 levels. :lol:
I like it so far..but..when do I start creating levels? It looks like "Story" is my only option.

I don't have any friends on PSN yet, :(, so I'd imagine if I had friends I'd be able to see their levels? :whistle2:k
in the main pod if you hit the center planet you go to story nd community and if you hit th left planet you get to friends and such and i think if you hit the right planet that's where you can create.
Yeah, the only thing not available from the start is the level creator, but once you beat the first world, you get access to it. They want you to build up some stickers/decorations for your Creating needs I guess.

Left Moon

Story Mode

Right Moon
Create Stages
Lilboo...Play all the tutorial levels. They will give you ALL you really need to create levels, It gives you all the necessary items that you need for completing every tutorial challenge.
I(my kids) got the game yesterday. We all enjoy it so far. If anyone wants to play sometime feel free to add me to your friends list.
[quote name='blueweltall']Happy Holidays!

BONUS Level Pack, featuring in-game costumes for Kratos, Medusa, Minotaur, and additional themed stickers!

Valid for Redemption 10/21/08 -1/8/09


So, how do you use this code?
I'm going to add those who told me too and maybe a few others.
I did beat the first world.. didn't find a lot.. :lol:

I'm still unsure of this game. It's very much a platformer, and I get that. But it seems like.. you don't learn moves or something like that?
Meaning, can you 100% each level on your first playthough OR is this a game that you can't and you have to eventually go back to them when you "learn ____" or have certain items or objects...You know what I mean?

I tried a few random stages..and it just didn't make sense to me. I was playing this random level and this electric ooze was falling down and it seemed like there was no way to go through? It was like, it needed some kind of umbrella like object.

Maybe I'll just play story some more and it'll teach me a few more things. It seems like an awesome game.. I'm just not entirely sure how to play this entirely :rofl:
Usually, you find new stickers which you can place at certain points that open up new things. For example, if you notice those blank cardboard shapes floating around in the first world, some of the stickers you need to put on them to activate their switches are found in the creation tutorials, or in other levels.

You don't learn new moves, instead a lot of the "opening up" and exploration comes from the level design, and usually sticker placement.

There are powerups in the form of the jetpack, and now the paintinator. We'll see those start being put in levels as needed. No doubt more power ups will be added to the game as time goes by.
It took me a while to understand some of the mechanics, but keep trying and You'll understand it all eventually...maybe.

I'm still a bit overwhelmed by the massive creation options...It seems like so much work and time and creativity....and I'm just too lazy to even Attempt anything. :whistle2:#

It's fun and some of the user created levels are :drool:
Quick question: I just got LBP today and for some reason the game will only play in Full Screen mode. Is this the only format for the game, or is there a way to get it to output at 16:9?
Started playing the game today. I tried to connect to the Online Community and keep getting " A problem occurred when attempting to connect to the LittleBigPlanet servers (403) " Anyone know what the problem could be? I googled searched but came up with nothing. Thanks in advance.
[quote name='Vanigan']It plays at widescreen for me. Do you have an HDTV? If so, check your PS3 settings to make sure the PS3 is set to widescreen.[/QUOTE]

Yep, my PS3 is connected to a 42" 1080p Widescreen HDTV. It is set to output in widescreen mode, and all other games output in widescreen mode. Any ideas as to why LBP is the only game that outputs in Full Screen?
[quote name='Sinistar']Servers are probably swamped with so many people getting the game for Christmas. :([/QUOTE]

You guys smell that? Smells like... MORE TROPHY LEVELS! Yay!
is THAT how i got that trophy? I meant to look that up.

i find that i can't play the busy levels online. for instance that wicked awesome Pixelation level that was shown on that Kotaku podcast. online i errors but i can play it by myself.. not that I've beaten it yet. If anyone hasn't hearted it yet... be sure to check it out. I can't wait to try it out multiplayer so we can have fun yelling at each other for missing jumps. that's what co-op gaming is all about.
Hmmm im having trouble getting the "complete all tutorials" trophy...i have 100% of the items in story mode, and theres NO more tutorials left for me to do *no items with that little mark next to them* what should i do
[quote name='Cheapass24']Hmmm im having trouble getting the "complete all tutorials" trophy...i have 100% of the items in story mode, and theres NO more tutorials left for me to do *no items with that little mark next to them* what should i do[/quote]
Look in the popit for items that have a... question mark, I think, on them. You have to do all of those as well.
Go to your item list - they have tutorials as well. Those that have tutorials that you haven't seen have question marks next to them. Or something.
Anyone up to help me grab the X4 player items in The Frozen Tundra and The Collector's Den later today? I am having a helluva time getting 4 players who aren't blithering idiot griefer twats together all at once.
bread's done