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[quote name='senorwoohoo']Last night was just so unbelievably disappointing for the Sox.[/quote]

And to think, they could've won it in the 9th. Had that been a good bunt, Ortiz would've made it to 3rd. But not, he couldn't get the bunt down right and Ortiz is out at 3rd. And then Gabe "I shouldn't have been in" Kapler, wow, just wow. Had Pena still been in, he might have been able to get the sac fly to win it.

I still think they have slim hope, but the Sox absolutely have to win today. As well as win their next 3 series.
The sox are done. Without varitek catching they are approx 6 - 13, the pitchers era is almost 2.5 runs higher, the opp ba is 70 points higher, the walks have almost doubled. Mirabelli and lopez are horrible game calling catchers. And Lopez is a fucking tool
i Honestly think that the twins are winning the wild card and the alcs winner will either be the yanks or twins. Liriano is out and the twins are still good, Morneau is finally being the hitter he was drafted to be, joe mauer is the #1 prospect he was picked to be. Dont forgot there ace who should have been cy young for the last 2 yrs, and he is in the race for it this yr(he is close to leading in strikeouts and is undefeated at home not minding hes 15-5)
[quote name='assasin4hire']i Honestly think that the twins are winning the wild card and the alcs winner will either be the yanks or twins. Liriano is out and the twins are still good, Morneau is finally being the hitter he was drafted to be, joe mauer is the #1 prospect he was picked to be. Dont forgot there ace who should have been cy young for the last 2 yrs, and he is in the race for it this yr(he is close to leading in strikeouts and is undefeated at home not minding hes 15-5)[/quote]

Unless Halliday has a huge slip up, I foresee the Cy Young being his. Liriano, Verlander, and even Papebon were up there, but have sucked as of late, though Liriano is on the DL. Though Santana is very close to catching up, I just don't see Halliday letting it slip.

But yeah, Santana should've won it last year, but not the year before, Halladay was dominate then as well.
I read in my Sports Illustrated word is, some Red Sox exec's want Papelbon in the starting rotation, which seems impossible, to get his arm into a 7 inning arm?
He did start some games last year and he did alright, but I think he's better as a closer.

Anyway, fuck you, Red Sox. How the fuck did you get swept?!
[quote name='senorwoohoo']He did start some games last year and he did alright, but I think he's better as a closer.

Anyway, fuck you, Red Sox. How the fuck did you get swept?![/quote]

In 5 straight games, at home, and to the Yankees.

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

And in Schillings defense, he pitched a great game as well, and had the lead when he left. So atleast their 2 veterans pitched well enough to win.

Well they are guaranteed to lose the season series now, so they have to get ahead of the Yankees, by nothing short of a miracle. They need some kind of spark or something, as they are deflating fast. 16-22 since the All Star Break and something like 6-15 for the month.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']And the only guy hitting consistently, Manny, got injured today. :cry:[/quote]

They said it was just a cramp, so here's hoping it only means he wants to rest tomorrow (hopefully not, since they should have more than 24 hours off).

And it may look bleak at the moment, but never give up hope, never....well until the last week of the season when its obvious. They just need some kind of spark, and maybe that will come through retooling the order. I think moving Youk back to leadoff and Pena up to 5th, for the time being, and dropping Crisp to 7th would help out a lot, but thats just my 2 cents.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Unless Halliday has a huge slip up, I foresee the Cy Young being his. Liriano, Verlander, and even Papebon were up there, but have sucked as of late, though Liriano is on the DL. Though Santana is very close to catching up, I just don't see Halliday letting it slip.

But yeah, Santana should've won it last year, but not the year before, Halladay was dominate then as well.[/QUOTE]

Why would he need a huge slip? His only real statistical advantage is 1 more win and 2 fewer losses:
1 Johan Santana Min 27 27 184.1 151 65 62 38 192 15 5 0 0 3.03
2 Justin Verlander Det 23 23 146.1 138 54 51 45 98 14 6 0 0 3.14
3 Roy Halladay Tor 26 26 184.0 178 69 65 25 104 16 3 0 0 3.18

Id take Santana with his 88 extra K's and fewer runs any day.

Of course Im a Twins fan.
[quote name='starman9000']Why would he need a huge slip? His only real statistical advantage is 1 more win and 2 fewer losses:
1 Johan Santana Min 27 27 184.1 151 65 62 38 192 15 5 0 0 3.03
2 Justin Verlander Det 23 23 146.1 138 54 51 45 98 14 6 0 0 3.14
3 Roy Halladay Tor 26 26 184.0 178 69 65 25 104 16 3 0 0 3.18

Id take Santana with his 88 extra K's and fewer runs any day.

Of course Im a Twins fan.[/quote]

Im not even a twins fan and i fell the same way
[quote name='craven_fiend']They said it was just a cramp, so here's hoping it only means he wants to rest tomorrow (hopefully not, since they should have more than 24 hours off).

And it may look bleak at the moment, but never give up hope, never....well until the last week of the season when its obvious. They just need some kind of spark, and maybe that will come through retooling the order. I think moving Youk back to leadoff and Pena up to 5th, for the time being, and dropping Crisp to 7th would help out a lot, but thats just my 2 cents.[/QUOTE]

Good points. I'm not giving up hope, just frustrated like the rest of us.
as long as youk doesn't bat from the 3 - 5 hole I am fine with it. IMO, I would like him 7th, with crisp leading off. Next year w/o loretta, youk will be a great #2 hitter. I hope the sox start playing the youth very soon, pedroia and there are a couple other double a - AAA that they should look at.

Pablebon has been a starter his entire pro career. In college he was a closer, with some spot starts. I would rather have him start, and find another closer. Pitching 200 inn a year imo, is more valuable then around 80. A rotations of schilling, beckett, paplebon, lester and wakefield would be nice for next season. The only problem is that neither delcarmen or hanson look like they are ready to be the closer, so if paplebon gets moved to the rotation, hopefully foulke will return to some form. He did pitch about 4 inn this weekend with only like 1 hit allowed.
It looks that Glavine's injury isn't serious so that's good to hear, reports were it was a blod clot and could've lost his career, not to say i'm a fan of Glavine but he seems to be the next 300 pitcher, might be the last in a long time.
And with today's solid win over the White Sox, the Tigers will not finish with a losing season for the first time in 13 years.

36 more games to solidfy their first playoff run in 19.

[quote name='assasin4hire']Reds are now in first i think since they won today(BIG TIME).wait nvm cards owned too. Also the Mets got shawn green for ptbn[/quote]

The Reds were down 2 coming into today. Now they're only down one since the Mets came back and hit a walk off in the 9th against the Cards.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Shawn Green finally a Met.[/QUOTE]

looks like there is the hole needed to fill RF..damn i hope he thrives here with his bloated contract...and did anyone see the cards game. that was a thrilla in manilla. i cant believe it turned out to be a slug fest. what a game.
Mets honestly shouldve got some pitching to help out. I mean they really dont need any more offense then they havethey already have so many powerhouses in their lineup wright,beltran,delgado,and fllyod. They also have speed reyes,beltran, and lo duca.
[quote name='assasin4hire']Mets honestly shouldve got some pitching to help out. I mean they really dont need any more offense then they havethey already have so many powerhouses in their lineup wright,beltran,delgado,and fllyod. They also have speed reyes,beltran, and lo duca.[/QUOTE]

yeah but the asking price for a dominant pitcher is so high now since teams know that they need a pitcher and besides..guiermo mota pitched well in relief and if hernandez can come around to back to his previous met year than their bull pen an hold up without sanchez....and give their young pitching a chance...maine,bannister,and pelfry will be very good and are holding the rotation down until glavine and pedro make their return...as for getting Shawn Green...i think ole willie doesnt think milledge is ready for the stretch run and he is kind of immature right now a la manny esque type shit...so they shored it up with a veteran like green. i think green will start to hit better because now he is surrounded by a lineup that can continuasly hit(ideally speacking) and also he is versatile by giving delgado a rest at first. if pujols didnt get those blasts than maine wouldnt have let up any runs so the mets rotation isnt that bad as it seems..
As soon as the Tigers have a "bad" series, they are coming back strong against the ChiSox. Nice. Glad to see they are winning again....Nice shutout by Rogers/Rodney also.

I still think the Tigers need to score some mroe runs though. But, two strong pitching performances in this series is promising again :)
[quote name='integralsmatic']i hope gagne is an upgrade. its a good thing if the sox do go foro him...he will be really cheap[/quote]

Especially since he hasn't played a full season since '04. I just hope he doesn't sign with Boras to get more money.

And that projected roster didn't include going after any of the big name starters. And if we're able to get Andruw Jones or Veron Wells here, then 2-5 for the next few year would be pretty solid. Jones/Wells, Ortiz, Ramirez, and Pena, now thats scary.

And I know, its unlikely that Toronto will trade Wells to the Red Sox, if they are able to resign him, but I can dream.
Wow, does everyone assume the BoSox will get most free agents. I hope now that Detroit has had a good season they will attract some more free agents and NOT have to overpay like we did with Pudge and Magglio.
[quote name='doubledown']Wow, does everyone assume the BoSox will get most free agents. I hope now that Detroit has had a good season they will attract some more free agents and NOT have to overpay like we did with Pudge and Magglio.[/quote]

There are, and have been for a few years, 4 teams that generally attract the most free agents. Those teams are Red Sox, Yankees, Angels, and Dodgers. Just a prove fact, teams with more money and bigger markets, tend to draw more free agents.

Well that and being successful for the last few decades or so. Winning the World Series also helps. So if they Tigers some how do that, then they might be able to attract someone.
andrew jones isn't a free agent, but i do believe wells is this year...I have no idea who the 2nd pitcher was. If we get gagne, he would be the closer, and papblebon will be back in the rotation. They have been indicating that is what they might want next year. I also don't think they are going to resign gonsalez. I believe they want lugo.
I looked the the projected roster and they made some mistakes.
1.Schilling said that he most likely will retire after this season
2.Wakefeild is getting old and he will most likely retire also(hes also a reliver)
3.Matt clement is a starter no?
4.Everone knows the red-sox will pull out a trade/signing in the offseason in order to repsond to bobby abreu and cory lidle

Oh and andruw jones is going to be traded or released most likely so if the red-sox want him they have a good chance
Vernon Wells is a free agent after the 07' season and he won't re-up with the Blue Jays, if he's not traded he's 100% going to Texas ala his home town.
[quote name='assasin4hire']I looked the the projected roster and they made some mistakes.
1.Schilling said that he most likely will retire after this season
2.Wakefeild is getting old and he will most likely retire also(hes also a reliver)
3.Matt clement is a starter no?
4.Everone knows the red-sox will pull out a trade/signing in the offseason in order to repsond to bobby abreu and cory lidle

Oh and andruw jones is going to be traded or released most likely so if the red-sox want him they have a good chance[/QUOTE]

Gotta clear up a few things here:

1. Schill said NEXT year would be his last.
2. Knuckleballers really don't have an age limit. See Charlie Hough.
3. Clement is a starter, but he could easily close.
4. Who will the Sox replace? Here's the lineup I see:
C Tek
1B Youk (take that you rat bastard Gibson)
2B Loretta (unless you can get someone better, why trade him? Adam Kennedy is a possibility)
3B ? I don't see any of the minor leaguers getting called up, unless Pinckney has an outstanding camp (if he's invited at all) I don't see any better 3B on the market unless former Braves Betemit or Marte (not gonna happen) become expendable. It's Lowell again or Betemit IMO.
LF Unless Manny is Manny again, he's there.
CF I see a Juan Pierre signing...
RF Crisp. I don't see Nixon resigning unless it's going to be a platoon.
DH Do we really need to spell it out?
SP Shill
SP Beckett
SP Wakefield (must resign Mirabelli)
SP ? Clement?
SP ?

Andruw Jones has one year left on his contract. He's also a 10/5 guy, meaning he can veto ANYTHING. The Braves will have to resign him if he can get Boras to stop being a greedy bastard, or trade him to a really good team that can afford to sign him. Chances are better than not he stays, if the club can convince him this is a one year slump for the club.
[quote name='integralsmatic']i hope gagne is an upgrade. its a good thing if the sox do go foro him...he will be really cheap[/quote]

Although the Sox may get him, he has already said he will take less money to stay and play in LA if they will give him the chance.
[quote name='vrs1650']Although the Sox may get him, he has already said he will take less money to stay and play in LA if they will give him the chance.[/quote]
He just contradicted that statement as well, saying he wants fair value.

And Pena is the RF for the immediate future for the Red Sox, so Coco in RF is very unlikely.
Big series vs the Reds this weekend if the Giants want to make a stand in the West, as long as we take 3/4 i'm fine.
[quote name='ph33r m3']Big series vs the Reds this weekend if the Giants want to make a stand in the West, as long as we take 3/4 i'm fine.[/quote]

Split most likely. I'll give them tonight against Milton, but they don't pitch Schmidt in the series, so a split is likely.
just when I am getting my hopes up for the Phitins, they get blasted by the cubies. They just need to lose like 10 in a row to keep my hopes from getting too high.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']just when I am getting my hopes up for the Phitins, they get blasted by the cubies. They just need to lose like 10 in a row to keep my hopes from getting too high.[/quote]

They'll still be in it until the final week, then somehow lose out to destroy your hopes.

Thats what it appears my favorites are doing right now. Well the Reds not as much as the Red Sox.

I'd be happy to see the Phillies in, if it meant the Reds took the Central.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Split most likely. I'll give them tonight against Milton, but they don't pitch Schmidt in the series, so a split is likely.[/quote]

I'm glad Schmidt isn't pitching he got roughed up by the DFags, but tonight will decide a lot, I think the probable starters are Hennesey, Cain, Lowry, Morris. I"ll give you a win against Morris most definitely and Cain maybe, Cain is inconsistent to say the least.

Glad to see Rich Aurilla doing well, always liked him in a Giants uni.
[quote name='ph33r m3']I'm glad Schmidt isn't pitching he got roughed up by the DFags, but tonight will decide a lot, I think the probable starters are Hennesey, Cain, Lowry, Morris. I"ll give you a win against Morris most definitely and Cain maybe, Cain is inconsistent to say the least.

Glad to see Rich Aurilla doing well, always liked him in a Giants uni.[/quote]

It all hinges on which Bronson we get. If we get him from his last start, then its 2 with him and Harang, depending on when they pitch. I think Lowry will win his start, not sure on Hennesey.

This is a huge series for both teams. If either of them can take 3 games, they will be sitting pretty in their standings. As long as the Reds come out of it tied for the Central or Wild Card, its all good.
[quote name='craven_fiend']It all hinges on which Bronson we get. If we get him from his last start, then its 2 with him and Harang, depending on when they pitch. I think Lowry will win his start, not sure on Hennesey.

This is a huge series for both teams. If either of them can take 3 games, they will be sitting pretty in their standings. As long as the Reds come out of it tied for the Central or Wild Card, its all good.[/quote]

Well if your lucky you'll get to see Blowmando pitch in the 9th for us...
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