LOST Season 5 Discussion - 5/13: The Incident -

This past episode was probably the better one in a great while. I hate how they can either have a show about nothing and accomplish nothing or a show full of more questions but not answering anything else.

It seems like Lost should be a mini series with 2 hour blocks.... shown nightly till the whole damn story is done.

I guess as I look back, I rated the show probably better than some but not others... simply because this is just filling in a hole of how he got there, with NO real direction of where it's going.

Filler.... sums it up.
[quote name='jaso']Agreed. I think that's what they were setting up with the episode-ending cliffhanger ... that turning of the tables. But at the same time, I second-guess myself. Ben knows the island better than anyone, plus, he practically killed John once before on the island only to see him recover almost miraculously.[/quote]

And if you recall, he was surprised as hell to see Locke afterwards. Of course, this was before he realized that the island/Jacob/Yahweh/whatever favored John and wanted him, so who knows. I have a feeling he was hoping to reclaim his place by being the one to get everyone back to the island, and there would be no other choice with Locke gone. I think he's going to be surprised, again, to see that Locke is some Batman/Jesus hybrid that just refuses to die.

[quote name='xycury']This past episode was probably the better one in a great while. I hate how they can either have a show about nothing and accomplish nothing or a show full of more questions but not answering anything else.

It seems like Lost should be a mini series with 2 hour blocks.... shown nightly till the whole damn story is done.

And then I (and many others) would just have no lives, and our minds would be fried from absorbing so much mysterious crap so quickly :)
[quote name='aquaboy1976']I wonder if all the kids (Walt, Aaron, Charlie, Ji Yeong) are going to go back to the Island together or end up on the island?

They're saving that storyline for the eventual Cartoon Network series, Lost Babies.
[quote name='johnnypark']And if you recall, he was surprised as hell to see Locke afterwards. Of course, this was before he realized that the island/Jacob/Yahweh/whatever favored John and wanted him, so who knows. I have a feeling he was hoping to reclaim his place by being the one to get everyone back to the island, and there would be no other choice with Locke gone. I think he's going to be surprised, again, to see that Locke is some Batman/Jesus hybrid that just refuses to die.

but how surprised would he be really, i mean he did push for jack to bring locke on the plane, even helped preserve the body while everyone got together. i think ben might be expecting him to be alive, but also expecting that he can manipulate his way out of any problems.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']but how surprised would he be really, i mean he did push for jack to bring locke on the plane, even helped preserve the body while everyone got together. i think ben might be expecting him to be alive, but also expecting that he can manipulate his way out of any problems.[/quote]

True, it's possible he knew what would happen, and used it as a catalyst. But Locke was about to off himself anyway, so Ben could have just let him do it if that was the case (short of it not working like when Michael kept trying to commit suicide). Ben didn't make any move, though, until Locke mentioned Hawking, so I don't think he was acting in anyone's interest but his own.

[quote name='bmachine']They're saving that storyline for the eventual Cartoon Network series, Lost Babies.[/quote]

We should be so lucky.
of course they have to mindfuck us even more with whos the bad guy, ben or charles. it almost makes me think like they are both bad guys, and the only good guy is richard (and the losties).

I completely agree about Ben and Charles. Both brilliant men with absolute power who have willingly been corrupted absolutely by that power. Richard is fairly enigmatic. My sense has always been that his apparent immortality is a punishment or curse more than it is his greatest asset and defining characteristic. He did, after all, seem to be behind the death of Juliet's ex, as well as manipulating her into coming to the island. He seems too slick to be truly benevolent.

I'm wondering if the coming war will pit Locke and Jack against one another, even if neither one would ever want such a thing to happen at this point in ti--I mean, the storyline. Maybe that's their destiny, to play out the ultimate chess game being run by the aforementioned bad guys.
[quote name='jollydwarf']of course they have to mindfuck us even more with whos the bad guy, ben or charles. it almost makes me think like they are both bad guys, and the only good guy is richard (and the losties).

I completely agree about Ben and Charles. Both brilliant men with absolute power who have willingly been corrupted absolutely by that power. Richard is fairly enigmatic. My sense has always been that his apparent immortality is a punishment or curse more than it is his greatest asset and defining characteristic. He did, after all, seem to be behind the death of Juliet's ex, as well as manipulating her into coming to the island. He seems too slick to be truly benevolent.

I'm wondering if the coming war will pit Locke and Jack against one another, even if neither one would ever want such a thing to happen at this point in ti--I mean, the storyline. Maybe that's their destiny, to play out the ultimate chess game being run by the aforementioned bad guys.[/QUOTE]

fair enough. theres no reason to think that richard is benevolent. i guess what i mean is, richard has been on the island contnously, obviously in jacobs favor, hes been through widmores era, bens era, and the losies era, hes the only one you can say has been there for it all. so if nothing else hes "good" as far as the island is concerned.
hate to sidetrack this... but did anyone see the new mac commercial about a 9 inch laptop with an 8 hour battery time.

Sort had the style of this commercial... with the green crayon and the laptop....


I'm trying to find proof of it since it aired, and NOTHING... it's like it doesn't exist yet.
[quote name='xycury']hate to sidetrack this... but did anyone see the new mac commercial about a 9 inch laptop with an 8 hour battery time.

Sort had the style of this commercial... with the green crayon and the laptop....

I'm trying to find proof of it since it aired, and NOTHING... it's like it doesn't exist yet.[/quote]

I thought they said it was a 17-inch laptop, not 9. But, yes, I remember those commercials.
Yes! I saw those commercials! And that's clearly a still of some of the island's grass! And what do we associate a bite from an apple with? Adam and Eve! I'm telling you, it's all falling into place!


You have no idea how close my mental state, pertaining to this show, is to actually meaning that.
[quote name='jaso']I thought they said it was a 17-inch laptop, not 9. But, yes, I remember those commercials.[/quote]

it probably is a 17 inch but they had a ruler that said it's 9 inches long/wide.... not the screen.

Just trying to prove that it existed.
[quote name='johnnypark']
And then I (and many others) would just have no lives, and our minds would be fried from absorbing so much mysterious crap so quickly :)[/QUOTE]

I had never seen Lost until recently........I just watched the ENTIRE series over the last 2 weeks! :O

*brain explodes*
[quote name='Gameboy415']I had never seen Lost until recently........I just watched the ENTIRE series over the last 2 weeks! :O

*brain explodes*[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']but how surprised would he be really, i mean he did push for jack to bring locke on the plane, even helped preserve the body while everyone got together. i think ben might be expecting him to be alive, but also expecting that he can manipulate his way out of any problems.[/quote]

Just like he did after he shot Locke in the back (after Locke told him that he heard Jacob). Basically, Locke is Ben's puppet.

[quote name='johnnypark']True, it's possible he knew what would happen, and used it as a catalyst. But Locke was about to off himself anyway, so Ben could have just let him do it if that was the case (short of it not working like when Michael kept trying to commit suicide). Ben didn't make any move, though, until Locke mentioned Hawking, so I don't think he was acting in anyone's interest but his own. [/quote]

I think Ben
killed Locke
because he knew he had been working with Widmore. When Locke mentioned Hawking, he pounced, thus preventing the possibility of Widmore finding out about Hawking and the way back to the island. Ben is always thinking two steps ahead of everyone else.
I think Hawking was a Whidmore employee. That maybe she was loyal to him, but flipped to Ben's cause after her son got dragged into the whole mess and disappeared. Maybe she only revealed her intentions to Ben, so that if anyone else knew about her, then Ben could identify them as the enemy?

Maybe Jack is the messiah. I think the events of the original crash only had to be recreated because the first time it was the only way to get Jack's ass on the right plane. Recreating the events are a way of manipulating Jack into coming back. Jack is probably destined to be Jacob and Locke to lead his "flock." It's been established that all you have to do is be near the island and you get sucked in. The "recreation of events" requirement is bullshit. Whidmore's people had no events to recreate. Desmond did not. Juliet's submarine trip did not. Mr. Ekko's brother did not. The people on the weather balloon didn't. The Black Rock didn't. Rousseau did not. I think the recreation of events was to ensure that stubborn Jack came back. Anybody else could get there just by knowing a GPS point to steer towards.
Locke had to die as a believer. He had to be a man of faith, or else the Island wouldn't take him back. He had lost his faith after failing to convert anyone to his cause and was about to kill himself because of it. Ben had to make sure that Locke had his faith back before he died. That's why Ben lied to Locke and told him that Jack had already bought a ticket. Once Locke believed, Ben had to kill him so that everyone could go back to the Island.
I really don't think Locke was going to kill himself because he "failed to convert anyone to his cause". I think he was going to kill himself because Christian/Jacob told him he had to die for the Oceanic Six to return to the island. Since he failed to convince anyone, he assumed that his death by suicide would somehow get them to change their minds.
hey guys, i just skimmed through the past couple pages so sorry if i rehash something but i've got a thought that i wanted to hear reactions too.

I'm pretty sure that kate's pregnant with jacks kid. Im assuming that she talked with someone (sun?) who knew that they needed to recreate the initial plane crash and thereby found a way to keep aaron from going back.
[quote name='fnord']hey guys, i just skimmed through the past couple pages so sorry if i rehash something but i've got a thought that i wanted to hear reactions too.

I'm pretty sure that kate's pregnant with jacks kid. Im assuming that she talked with someone (sun?) who knew that they needed to recreate the initial plane crash and thereby found a way to keep aaron from going back.[/quote]

Yeah, I thought it was pretty obvious too... Right before going to the flight... needing to recreate the conditions... love scene... awkwardness...

And Aaron is probably with Clair's mom. Conveniently in LA?
I'm wondering if the remainder of the season is going to be the 'Raptured' Flight 316ers trying to figure out a way to escape the 'Dharma Days' time period before the (seemingly) inevitable purge. I say this because, well, they just got there, and more importantly, the 2008 Comic Con video was (now) clearly a desperate Pierre Chang and (crazy?) Daniel Faraday trying to relay a message to someone in the present day (2007) to reconstitute the Dharma Initiative to change the past. Based on the precedent of the 2007 Comic Con 'Orchid outtakes' video, this one wouldn't come into play until near or at the end of the season.

I also think the very first sequence of this season won't pay off until the last two or three hours. Just a hunch. So, yeah, we probably won't see everyone reunited until the very end of this season or the beginning of the next one.

Like the IGN review for this past episode said, for the first time in a long time, we're at a point where we really have no idea where the show's going. The last season and the first seven episodes of this season have been catching up to what we already knew was going to happen, just filling in the backstory.

P.S. I wonder how baby Miles and li'l Charlotte get off the island. I also wonder if adult Miles dies before he can meet his younger self, much like that no longer being an issue for Charlotte.

P.P.S. Anyone think that it's Cesar that gets shot by Juliet in the canoe chase? Or do you think it's someone more central to the show?
By the way...this just occurred to me a short while ago, but does anyone else see the poetic twist of Locke's death? I mean, after all, what did Sawyer end up doing to Locke's father because of Locke's manipulation? And on a secondary note, it was a name that primarily made him snap, wasn't it?

I'm kind of embarrassed that I didn't make that connection much sooner.

P.S. Two episodes ago, Hurley is reading the Spanish edition of Y: The Last Man while in the airport terminal. Could this be some very subtle evidence that it is indeed him ultimately transmitting The Numbers from some undetermined point in the past/Time? It sure sounds like him at the beginning of "This Place is Death" on the French team's radio (although it's nowhere near conclusive, of course).
I was watching Mythbusters today, and the guys built a Faraday cage. It's designed to keep radio waves and signals out of a contained area by shielding it with a brass mesh. I laughed.
[quote name='jollydwarf']P.S. Two episodes ago, Hurley is reading the Spanish edition of Y: The Last Man while in the airport terminal. Could this be some very subtle evidence that it is indeed him ultimately transmitting The Numbers from some undetermined point in the past/Time? It sure sounds like him at the beginning of "This Place is Death" on the French team's radio (although it's nowhere near conclusive, of course).[/QUOTE]

I think it has more to do with the writer of Y: THe Last Man, Brian K. Vaughn, being one of the writers on Lost.

"I did not know that...that is some wild, wacky, funky-fresh stuff."

"Yes!...You are correct, oh Most Funkified One!"
Since Season 5 started, what I'm wondering is why Ben decided to help them get back to the island. From what I remember it didn't seem like he gained anything from getting them back.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']What I'M wondering is what happened to the "you can't come back to the island if you move it" thing.[/quote]

Yeah, it's weird since both Ben and Locke came back to the island. Maybe the writers forgot that was said :)
Yeah, it's weird since both Ben and Locke came back to the island. Maybe the writers forgot that was said

Well, with Ben, there are flat-out lies and then there's just very selective wording. When he says (quoting from memory) "Whoever moves the island can never come back", it's unclear whether he was saying that the island would 'reject' or repel that person from ever setting foot on it, or that they could willfully come back, but they would suffer a severe penalty (death, most likely) for disobeying the directive.

I think it's safe to assume now that Widmore moved the island, but he's trying to get back, too. He just hasn't been able to find it (and get there personally once his employees have located it). Bet he does before the end of the series.

I also have to wonder if that rule doesn't apply to Locke, as he already died away from the island. Either way, I have to believe that all three characters will be around on the show until at least the last handful of episodes, if not the very end.
[quote name='jollydwarf']
I think it's safe to assume now that Widmore moved the island, but he's trying to get back, too. He just hasn't been able to find it (and get there personally once his employees have located it). Bet he does before the end of the series.[/quote]

Yeah, cause I remember when Locke was in the camp in the 50's, one of the soldiers was Charles Widmore. Possibly meaning he could have moved the island.
ABC has canned Life on Mars. Once again, I get attached to a show that airs after Lost, only to have it get axed. The other one I really loved, even more than LoM, was Invasion. It seems like this one is getting enough warning to be able to film a satisfying series ender, rather than being left with a cliffhanger(Invasion).
[quote name='pitfallharry219']ABC has canned Life on Mars.[/quote]

Saw that coming. Three straight weeks they tried to bait Lost fans into watching it by peppering in extremely worthless "answers to the biggest mysteries" type shit that doesn't answer jackshepardshit.
OK, so let me get this sraight.
Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, & Miles are trapped in the time of the Dharma Initiative, so hey join it for the next 3 years under different names?

EDIT: Oh, & where the hell r the rest of the people? Rose, Bernard, etc?
Oh, & where the hell r the rest of the people? Rose, Bernard, etc?

This is officially now a very good and very legitimate question.

I thought tonight's episode was somewhere between "very good" and "great." Very 'warm' compared to the chilliness of many of the first seven episodes. A needed change, I think.

My biggest beef is not with the show LOST, but with ABC. The teasers during the credits this year have been really bad about neutralizing the dramatic impact of pivotal upcoming scenes. Last week's teaser for this episode was particularly offensive in this regard, what with the whole pitch being about what turned out to be the last scene. That said, with the commercials being as estrogen-heavy as I've ever seen them tonight (and that's sayin' somethin'), I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

I know, I know..."No one's making you watch." Yeah, that's like when a podcast announces "MAJOR SPOILER!!" a millisecond before ruining the end of a game you didn't get around to in its first week of release. A little tough to look away in time.

EDIT: I read the Life on Mars news a couple days ago, too. And if there's any surprise here, it's only that it got announced this soon. It does make me wonder how LOST got past that initial 'probationary period'. Not that the show wasn't excellent from the word "Go", but instead because when it comes to the mass network TV audience, at best excellence is irrelevant, and it's usually a detriment.
2 weeks until the next Lost? Why?!?

So they really set up the Hostiles/Others vs. Dharma... Now it's a question of how they escape Ben's genocide... if they do.
I think that's what the rest of this season is going to be working towards. Why? Because the Comic Con 2008 'secret' video shows a desperate Pierre Chang trying to convince someone watching in 2007 (?) to "reconstitute" the Dharma Initiative and to change the past. Going by the 'Orchid outtakes' video from the 2007 Comic Con as a precedent, the relevance (and filming?) of this video wouldn't be revealed until the very end of this season.
Good episode.

Will be interesting to see how things play out since they can change what happened with the Dharma initiative etc.
Well, maybe they can't...but the person Chang is trying to reach can.

Someone "uniquely and miraculously special"?
For a second there I thought Sawyer might have inadvertently triggered the purge. Still no "young Ben" encounters, which is disappointing. Maybe the reunited survivors will discover a teenage Ben among the Dharma employees. That Ben was a nice dude but turned bad because people from the future gave him wedgies.

[quote name='kilm']2 weeks until the next Lost? Why?!?

My guess is March Madness. Or they want to squeeze in the 50th unnecessary recap episode.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']My guess is March Madness. Or they want to squeeze in the 50th unnecessary recap episode.[/quote]

Yeah, maybe. But I don't know why ABC needs to compete with coverage of the Big East Tourney =/

Do you think there's 2 time lines going on?

So that Aijira bottle they found in a previous episode was after their camp looked like it's been ransacked... so 2008ish... which is Locke's timeline right now.

Then there's Sawyer's timeline... which is 1974ish...

Now the flash of light on the plane makes a bit more sense. I thought they had just landed on the ground, but hopefully two different periods of time will make the show interesting...
Young Ben and "Roger Workman" should be showing up soon. The 'present' on the island is '77, since the last time-flash put them in '74 and three years elapsed. According to Jack's assessment of the spinal charts back in Season Three, i.e. 2004, the man who those charts belonged to was roughly 40. Let's assume Ben was an even 40 at that time. That means that, all time screwiness aside, Ben was born in '64 (give or take a few months). He seemed to be about 12 when he came to the island. That would make it '76. So, yeah, factoring in the margin of error a few months here, a year there, the Linuses could arrive at any time.

Problem is, the kid that played him probably pulled a "Walt" and is all tall and awkward now. So a couple possibilities are that they recast the role, or maybe the 815ers and friends leave that time right before he arrives. Of course, maybe he interacts with them, which gives him knowledge of who they are and what will happen to them when they show up in 2004.

It's good to not really have any idea where the show is going again.

P.S. I wonder just how "fried" Dan's mind gets.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']ABC has canned Life on Mars. Once again, I get attached to a show that airs after Lost, only to have it get axed. [/QUOTE]

Well, now you have Lost on Mars, so don't feel so bad.
im guessing the rest of the season, if not the series, will be the reuniting of the present day losties with the 70s losties.

who thinks that goodspeeds son is going to be named jacob? it was just a thought i had while watching the show since goodspeed is the one that built the cabin.

[quote name='billyrox']Ok! What was that Statue with the four toes!! TELL ME[/QUOTE]

im sure it was. i was really excited, i thought we might learn something about it, but nope, just a tease and a flash. (like girls in high school).

[quote name='jollydwarf']Oh, & where the hell r the rest of the people? Rose, Bernard, etc?

This is officially now a very good and very legitimate question.


you gotta figure they are around somewhere, and will probably show up again. my guess is rose and bernard end up in the caves as adam and eve.

also, JD, when youre talking about comic con stuff could you use spoilers, i mean we have a pretty loose spoiler policy and the episodes are one thing, but a lot of people (myself included) dont watch the comic con stuff, or webisodes or ARGs and such.
This weeks episode was awesome. I knew Sawyer and the rest would end up in the 70s but it was so great to see them actually there. And Juliet and Swyer in love was fantastic.

The tease of the statue almost had me shit a brick but then they took it it away. Damn you!

And the whole Sawyer & Richard moment was great. Michelle from 24 is now on lost. Oh man, I could go on and on. But really this episode was so good, I don't mind having to wait 2 weeks for the next one.
Ok! What was that Statue with the four toes!! TELL ME

It looked Anubis from the back. If that's true...that's very telling, methinks. Very telling.

P.S. Sorry about the Comic Con 'spoilers.' The one from 2007, of course, really isn't a spoiler anymore, as what it revealed became 'old news' as of the Season Four finale. The one from this year doesn't really reveal much that we couldn't have surmised from what we've seen through this episode, especially.

Sorry for the size, but here's a screen grab of the statue from last night's episode. It definitely looks like Anubis holding an ankh in each hand. This is not surprising to me since we've seen at least one portal exiting in Tunisia, which is west of Egypt.

Now the better question is, if they're in the 70s, why is the statue crumbled in the 2000s? Edit: Nevermind; I forgot about that quick timeflash for a second. Duh. That could have been at any point in time.

Jacob as the son of Horace and Amy wouldn't surprise me, but I'm expecting it to be someone more shocking than that. I thought it was very poignant, and perhaps a little forced, that Sawyer mentioned whatever happened to halt childbirths on the island hasn't happened yet. i.e., the purge.
bread's done