LOST - The Final Season - LOST Auction Aug 21-22 (Post 1439)

As well as descending Jacob's ladder, and after the serpent(smokey) tempting Sawyer out of Eden with the fruit of knowledge, I'd like to know why everyone needs to go to the temple. Isn't that the temple of the smoke monster?

The Jacob/Esau symbolism is becoming more and more overt, especially with Locke's description to Sawyer of Jacob taking advantage of people in vulnerable moments.

Other overt symbolism aside, I'd also like to know why, if the "list" is Jacob's, why (un)Locke crossed his own name off it? And why are so many "other" people brought to the island who aren't on the list? As always, half-answers always seem to produce more questions. I love this show, I just hope the resolutions don't give me those awkward, return of the Jedi-like moments. They've been walking that tightrope and are so close to losing their balance.
There was only one thing I found interesting in the flash "sideways" portion last night. It was something very small, but with the potential to be huge. Katie Segal said to Locke about getting married something along the lines of inviting her parents and his father.

If they're inviting his father this most likely means a few things:

1. He never stole Locke's Kidney
2. He never threw Locke out of a building

It's possible that they're not really talking about his father, but doubtful. So if none of these things happened - how did Locke end up in a wheel chair?

To expand on this further - does Lockes father then never steal his kidney because he doesn't need it, or because he's no longer a con man? If he doesn't need it, was *he* on the island at some point in the past and was healed? Or if he's just not a con man - how did that change by the act of the island being blown up? And if he's not a con man, what does that mean for Sawyers character, who is who he is because of Locke's father ripping of his parents?

*This* is why I don't like the flash sideways, because of the stone in the pond ripples that I'm sure they will NEVER cover :D
[quote name='KingDox']
They also laid out the 3 things the lost characters will do this season. Sit on their hands and do nothing, Help Jacob, or Get off the island / help smokey.

Also we learned "Kwon" is special. That could be Sun, Jin or their daughter Ji Yeon. And "Sheppard" is special, that could be Jack, Clair, Aaron, or maybe even Jack's Dad.

EDIT: Crap Kate married Jack right? If so I guess that would make her a Sheppard too. Seeing as how Sun is a Kwon due to marriage.[/QUOTE]

hell the first 5 seasons they kept saying a war is coming. well i can only think that maybe people will finally take sides, though smokey is a bit behind on the recruiting.

yeah i didnt think about children and marriages and stuff, shepard could be anyone, sawyer just assumed it was jack (but i mean hes been a main character for 6 seasons, im sure its him over the others)

[quote name='bmulligan']

Other overt symbolism aside, I'd also like to know why, if the "list" is Jacob's, why (un)Locke crossed his own name off it? And why are so many "other" people brought to the island who aren't on the list? As always, half-answers always seem to produce more questions. I love this show, I just hope the resolutions don't give me those awkward, return of the Jedi-like moments. They've been walking that tightrope and are so close to losing their balance.[/QUOTE]

there were a lot of names on there, they were just all crossed off. im assuming unlocke crossed the name off for no reason other than to play with sawyer. im still not convinced locke is dead.

[quote name='austenwithane']There was only one thing I found interesting in the flash "sideways" portion last night. It was something very small, but with the potential to be huge. Katie Segal said to Locke about getting married something along the lines of inviting her parents and his father.

If they're inviting his father this most likely means a few things:

1. He never stole Locke's Kidney
2. He never threw Locke out of a building

It's possible that they're not really talking about his father, but doubtful. So if none of these things happened - how did Locke end up in a wheel chair?

To expand on this further - does Lockes father then never steal his kidney because he doesn't need it, or because he's no longer a con man? If he doesn't need it, was *he* on the island at some point in the past and was healed? Or if he's just not a con man - how did that change by the act of the island being blown up? And if he's not a con man, what does that mean for Sawyers character, who is who he is because of Locke's father ripping of his parents?

*This* is why I don't like the flash sideways, because of the stone in the pond ripples that I'm sure they will NEVER cover :D[/QUOTE]

yeah i was running through all the possible scenarios of how locke would be on good terms with his father too. the fact that hes still in a wheelchair, well thats just his destiny, it happened another way. im willing to be that parallel locke and jack run into each other again. i bet jack fixes his spine in the parallel universe. remember, the parallel universe is 3 years behind the island, so they can do a lot of time skipping, locke can have surgery, and then the next episode be walking around fine because they can skip 6 months to catch up to island timeline.
[quote name='austenwithane']There was only one thing I found interesting in the flash "sideways" portion last night. It was something very small, but with the potential to be huge. Katie Segal said to Locke about getting married something along the lines of inviting her parents and his father.

If they're inviting his father this most likely means a few things:

1. He never stole Locke's Kidney
2. He never threw Locke out of a building

It's possible that they're not really talking about his father, but doubtful. So if none of these things happened - how did Locke end up in a wheel chair?

To expand on this further - does Lockes father then never steal his kidney because he doesn't need it, or because he's no longer a con man? If he doesn't need it, was *he* on the island at some point in the past and was healed? Or if he's just not a con man - how did that change by the act of the island being blown up? And if he's not a con man, what does that mean for Sawyers character, who is who he is because of Locke's father ripping of his parents?

*This* is why I don't like the flash sideways, because of the stone in the pond ripples that I'm sure they will NEVER cover :D[/QUOTE]


This is a screencap from last night's episode.
[quote name='bmulligan']As well as descending Jacob's ladder, and after the serpent(smokey) tempting Sawyer out of Eden with the fruit of knowledge, I'd like to know why everyone needs to go to the temple. Isn't that the temple of the smoke monster? [/QUOTE]
They're rushing to the temple with Lennon and Dogen. It's allied with Jacob. Smokey's hanging out at the statue.

[quote name='bmulligan']The Jacob/Esau symbolism is becoming more and more overt, especially with Locke's description to Sawyer of Jacob taking advantage of people in vulnerable moments.[/QUOTE]
The parallels with Lost Jacob and the story of Jacob and Esau hadn't occurred to me. Thanks for bringing this up.

Now that you mention it, though, it's distracting. I'm reading into the way Smokey Locke said it, almost casting his lot with those whom Jacob lured with gifts. So he sees himself as an Esau? Eventually Esau forgave Jacob. Is that where things are going on the island? Will there be some "event" in the parallel timeline to bring a reconciliation about? I keep wanting the alternate to have some larger significance, just because it's taking up so much of the show, but it's hard to note at this point beyond Alternate Hugo being cool as dammit.

[quote name='bmulligan']Other overt symbolism aside, I'd also like to know why, if the "list" is Jacob's, why (un)Locke crossed his own name off it? And why are so many "other" people brought to the island who aren't on the list? As always, half-answers always seem to produce more questions. I love this show, I just hope the resolutions don't give me those awkward, return of the Jedi-like moments. They've been walking that tightrope and are so close to losing their balance.[/QUOTE]
I don't like how they introduced the list at all. The numbers there feel tacked on. First it was "Valenzetti's Equation," then there's Faraday's constants, and now we have a list with names and numbers. This all feels very pedantic -- I hope they're not driving us to this to "explain" the numbers.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']right now the parallel time line is getting a little frustrating. I get it, the characters are tied together. sooner or later it needs to be relevant to what's going on the island.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly. Each time I watch a segment of it, I feel like I am let down as it's time that could be going towards the stuff on the island.

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']im still not convinced locke is dead.[/QUOTE]

Me either. With all of the symbolism going on, maybe Locke will rise from the grave.
[quote name='Ryukahn']Locke will rise from the grave.[/QUOTE]
I don't know about that. It's hard to see what purpose that would serve at this point. For Island Locke to return, I'm assuming, Smokey Locke would have to be put down. Right? They're not going to do a Locke on Locke battle like something out of Face/Off. (OR ARE THEY?)

Not saying the Locke resurrection won't happen, just that it's hard to fit into the picture they're giving us right now. I'll admit, just as a fan, that I miss the badass Locke we had in the earlier seasons. I could take or leave a lot of the members of the cast: Terry O'Quinn and the guy who played Eko are the only ones I consider irreplaceable (maybe Desmond, too, just because every time he says it he makes me feel like his "brother"). While it would be nice to see TOQ inhabit that character, the Island Locke who was so driven by faith, he's doing a decent job with Smokey Locke, so I'm not complaining.
Given the fact that the alternate timeline is in fact 3 years behind what is happening on the island, I am thinking they might try to make the alternate timeline fit with what is going on.

Kind like like how Marty McFly new the "ending" and had to change the present to get there.
Last night's episode was a great 180 from last week's stinker. Then again, Sawyer and Locke are my 2 favorite characters on the show, so of course I loved it.

Oh, and Ol' Smokey traveling through the jungle before materializing as Locke to pick up the machete was so fucking badass.
Don't forget that Locke's father was on the island a couple of seasons ago...Ben wanted Locke to kill his own father, but if I remember correctly, he didn't, but let Sawyer kick his ass (or maybe killed him). I don't remember 100% though, but I do know that Locke's father was on the island and I think got killed by Sawyer.

In the alternate reality, maybe Locke forgave his father for doing what he did to him (stealing his kidney/throwing him out the window). We'll probably see this later on in the season. Locke seems like a "good" man in the "now" reality, but was a hard-ass on the island (which I find quite interesting!)
[quote name='GraftonWVDiskExchang'] but I do know that Locke's father was on the island and I think got killed by Sawyer.[/QUOTE]

Yes Sawyer strangled John's father until he was dead.

Did anyone ever tell Jin anything about baby Ji Yeon when they went back in time and found him back in time? I know that Sun named the baby that because of his request but I am not sure if he knows she did that though.
[quote name='ImLuhkee']Yes Sawyer strangled John's father until he was dead.

Did anyone ever tell Jin anything about baby Ji Yeon when they went back in time and found him back in time? I know that Sun named the baby that because of his request but I am not sure if he knows she did that though.[/QUOTE]

Hm... I don't remember any conversation with Jin that involved his knowing his child is healthy. It's only been about finding Sun with him.
[quote name='slidecage']I wonder how locke broke his back/spine injury[/QUOTE]

unless it changed somehow in the alternate no crash universe, his father pushed him out a window from the 8th floor of a building or something like that. Landed right on his back.
[quote name='kilm']unless it changed somehow in the alternate no crash universe, his father pushed him out a window from the 8th floor of a building or something like that. Landed right on his back.[/QUOTE]

it had to change cause if his father pushed him out of the window , why would he invite him to the wedding

and why would locke needs that many knives in a walkabout LOL
One of the other surprises was seeing Ben Linus as a history teacher and meeting Locke in the teacher's lounge. Then, right after it happened, I thought - What kind of history teacher meets a man named John freaking Locke and doesn't respond with some witty quip ?
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']Now we finally kinda know what the numbers mean . I just want to see how Hugo's Autistic friend knew about the numbers all along[/QUOTE]

Jacob told him
[quote name='bmulligan']One of the other surprises was seeing Ben Linus as a history teacher and meeting Locke in the teacher's lounge. Then, right after it happened, I thought - What kind of history teacher meets a man named John freaking Locke and doesn't respond with some witty quip ?[/QUOTE]

I honestly thought the same thing. I enjoyed hearing Ben complaining about the coffee, he fits being a teacher.

Then I got thinking, if that is suppose to be the timeline that they blew up the island on, how is Ben alive? He was shot by Sayid and given to Richard to be healed. The others had him from that point, so there how could he have gotten off the island before it blew up to even become the teacher? I guess I really shouldn't think too hard about it and just hope it wraps up decently.
[quote name='ImLuhkee']Then I got thinking, if that is suppose to be the timeline that they blew up the island on, how is Ben alive? He was shot by Sayid and given to Richard to be healed. The others had him from that point, so there how could he have gotten off the island before it blew up to even become the teacher? I guess I really shouldn't think too hard about it and just hope it wraps up decently.[/QUOTE]

The showrunners have been heavily implying that the point at which the timelines diverge is not the detonation of the bomb, so you'll probably just end up confused trying to reason something like that out.
[quote name='bmulligan']What kind of history teacher meets a man named John freaking Locke and doesn't respond with some witty quip ?[/QUOTE]
The kind that is absolutely fed up with changing the damn coffee filter. In the narrative we're provided, this falls in line with the norm. I'm still trying to wrap my head around why I should give a shit about the meaning behind Jack's tattoos.
I assume that this is already covered in this thread, but the name "Littleton" was also on the walls of the cave, although it was crossed out. Whether or not that refers to Claire or Aaron (or if Aaron is the little boy running around on the island) remains to be seen.
when Locke was being interviewed, there was a picture/poster behind him. I kinda thought it looked like desmond, but I don't have a freezeframe to check
[quote name='dothog']I'm still trying to wrap my head around why I should give a shit about the meaning behind Jack's tattoos.[/QUOTE]

Ugh, don't remind me, that episode was terrible. Part of that dead zone in the middle of Season 3.
Another episode with a whole lot of nothing. Wow, so the "numbers" are degrees on a lighthouse mirror table. Explains a little more, but it's all just underwhelming. I think I was more interesting in finding out officially who the skeletons were than yet more stupid shit about "the numbers." Yeah, we get it, everyone is being tested to see if they have what it takes to replace Jacob, move on already.

I'm starting to get annoyed that every preview of the next episode is just promising that "questions will be answered." As if even the network realizes fans are starting to get pissed. The show is moving the current story along at a snail's pace. I don't want "answers", I want a season with a fresh and exciting story like season one.

I just wish Widmore, Aaron, Desmond, whoever the hell #108 is, would find their ass to the island and get the fucking ball rolling. The dog-slow UnLocke subplot is wearing thin fast.
Maybe I'm nitpicking, but doesn't it seem feasible that Hurley would see the only numbers on the dial, presumably, are 4 8 15 16 23 42 and was being asked to turn it to 108 (the sum) that he might make some kind of remark about the numbers?
[quote name='cdietschrun']Maybe I'm nitpicking, but doesn't it seem feasible that Hurley would see the only numbers on the dial, presumably, are 4 8 15 16 23 42 and was being asked to turn it to 108 (the sum) that he might make some kind of remark about the numbers?[/QUOTE]

There were more than just those numbers. From screencaps, 108 is Wallace.

[quote name='Segasonic01']dammit i missed the episode last nite! who were the skeletons?![/QUOTE]

They never exactly said.
[quote name='James1221']he's not that smart.[/QUOTE]
Neither am I. The whole time I wasn't adding numbers, I was wondering how a guy can hike across a subtropical island with inked instructions on his arm and have them last for more than 4 or 5 minutes. They wind up on his forehead, but they don't run?

So now we have another 1. pre-existing structure nobody ran across up to now (either as a lostie or member of the Dharma Initiative) and 2. intersection in the alternate timeline (between Jack and Dogen). Otherwise, new information is Claire and Smokey are buddies. Jack's kid digs on Lewis Carroll (didn't recall the cats in the book, but I have no doubt it's meaningful -- going to google it eventually). Anything else?

Best thing about the episode is Claire seems committed to killing Kate if/when they meet. Booyah. If this happens, all is forgiven, Lost.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I'm starting to get annoyed that every preview of the next episode is just promising that "questions will be answered." As if even the network realizes fans are starting to get pissed.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I thought the preview was pretty funny.

Do we know anybody on Lost named Wallace, or is this assumed to be a new character? The Claire stuff was pretty much obvious before the reveal, and we now also have confirmation about Sayid being infected by the Smoke Monster, but again it was easy to already guess as much. The lighthouse also revealed things that we pretty much already knew, so yeah I am going to have to agree that this episode was a lot of fluff.
[quote name='Ryukahn']Do we know anybody on Lost named Wallace, or is this assumed to be a new character?[/QUOTE]
The conversation between Hurley and Jacob immediately after Jack's hissy fit casts some ambiguity on the significance of 108 (and "Wallace" -- which was crossed out, apparently). Jacob's intent may never have been to signal the visitor with the lighthouse apparatus, but instead to provide Jack a couple mirrors to bust up on the road to ocean gazing and self-realization. It's hard to say based on that exchange at the end.

It's clear Jack has a big role in all of this. Every "new" element we encounter seems to suggest this, and that finish with Jacob looking on was meant to be taken seriously. I was hoping one of the surprises of this season would be to undermine this leader/flawed hero role they've crafted for Jack. Mainly because I can't stand the character. Also, the actor to a certain extent -- he can't shave his face, but he'll be damned if he has any hair on his chest and stomach. Okay, pretty boy.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']There were more than just those numbers. From screencaps, 108 is Wallace.

I know every other number between the "numbers" was on the dial, but only the names of 4 7 15 16 23 42 were not crossed out, pretty obvious to see, and Hurley should have been like WOW. Also, in the three years he's been around the numbers (plus obviously the time with the numbers before the plane crash, surely he added them up to 108) (The countdown in the hatch went from 108).

No big deal really, just shouldn't it be fairly obvious to someone who was so plagued by the numbers?

Lastly, wasn't 108 the bearing he told Walt and his Dad's boat to head on in the first season? EDIT: researched, the bearing was actually 350. Oh well.
Wasn't a bad episode. Handful of episodes into the final season and nothing is answered. I also just though of something else, could the Kwon name be their daughter? Then again she technically wasn't ever on the island.
I was thinking last night if they were going to use the "tail end" characters again. Eko, Ana Lucia, etc in this alternate time line thing. Seems like they were thrown out a long time ago though.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I was thinking last night if they were going to use the "tail end" characters again. Eko, Ana Lucia, etc in this alternate time line thing. Seems like they were thrown out a long time ago though.[/QUOTE]

Probably, last season they brought on Walt for an episode then dropped it and haven't looked back. I wouldn't say it impossible just unlikely.
[quote name='dothog']The conversation between Hurley and Jacob immediately after Jack's hissy fit casts some ambiguity on the significance of 108 (and "Wallace" -- which was crossed out, apparently). Jacob's intent may never have been to signal the visitor with the lighthouse apparatus, but instead to provide Jack a couple mirrors to bust up on the road to ocean gazing and self-realization. It's hard to say based on that exchange at the end.

It's clear Jack has a big role in all of this. Every "new" element we encounter seems to suggest this, and that finish with Jacob looking on was meant to be taken seriously. I was hoping one of the surprises of this season would be to undermine this leader/flawed hero role they've crafted for Jack. Mainly because I can't stand the character. Also, the actor to a certain extent -- he can't shave his face, but he'll be damned if he has any hair on his chest and stomach. Okay, pretty boy.[/QUOTE]

I figured Jack's situation was akin to Neo's in The Matrix. The oracle tells Neo that he is not the one because self-doubt is part of his path. Jacob may show Jack that he has been following him all his life to make Jack think he has been manipulated to where he is. If you recall the exchange at the temple, Jack is resigned to just staying at the temple when Hurley asks him to leave. His will is severely deflated after setting off the bomb did not set everything back to zero. By making him feel manipulated, Jacob is putting the fire up his ass to spur him into action.

As for David, bets on who his mother is? My guess is Juliet.
[quote name='Anexanhume']As for David, bets on who his mother is? My guess is Juliet.[/QUOTE]

Good guess. Makes sense, too, since Juliet has been one of the four romantic interest introduced for Jack. Plus the doctors thing.

I'm going to guess the Asian chick from whom he got his tattoo. Just for the hell of it.
[quote name='kilm']Good guess. Makes sense, too, since Juliet has been one of the four romantic interest introduced for Jack. Plus the doctors thing.

I'm going to guess the Asian chick from whom he got his tattoo. Just for the hell of it.[/QUOTE]

his kid is white as rice
Decent episode, I kinda liked to see Jack as a dad trying to not make the same mistakes as his dad made. The Apendex scar blank out that Jack had made me think memories and emotions from the "real" universe are leaking into the "alernate" universe.

Also the coment about Jacob being like Obi-wan was priceless.
They seemed to focus in the kids eyes a lot and how blue they were, it seemed similar to how they shot Juliet so she is my guess as well.

Is it just me or did it fell like the show was only 10 minutes long? i actually cursed out loud when the outro graphic popped up
i was also thinking the mother was sarah because isnt juliet in miami with her sister and the pregnancy thing? and jack is from somewhere else
bread's done