Madden 25 Official CAG League - 3 Seasons Completed. Shutdown for 2013-2014.

So frustrating. Have plays consistently sniffed out and all he has to do is run BACKWARDS and he frees himself up. Happens on QB runs, RB runs, kick returns. I will lose and shut up but between that and his annoying go-to screen plays, this is just not a fun league to be in.
Go to screen mean the WR screen before half as time ran out(that did not affect the game whatsoever) and then the 1 tight end screen that got what, 10 yards?

Go to screen mean the WR screen before half as time ran out(that did not affect the game whatsoever) and then the 1 tight end screen that got what, 10 yards?
How many screens to Spiller? Your backfield had more catches than any WR. TE had two just on screens. If that's how you want to play Madden, go for it. But these all feel like ranked games to me now.

I don't expect to win but I don't expect to loathe the person I'm playing against.
49ers dropped their first game against the Colts - 31-28. I cannot get Kap to slide no matter how lightly I press X and it cost me the game, infuriating. 1 turnover turned out to be the difference in this one. 

More annoying was getting a beautiful bounce on a punt to pin the Colts at the 1, only to have him throw a 99 yard TD pass! I've had two really good back-to-back games, just wish I could've gotten the win. On the plus side, this was as close as I've ever gotten to beating Hemingway. Highlights will be up in a few, waiting on Youtube to process them :D

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2 close if you ask me lol.. and your probably right about that fumble costing you the game! also Kap throwing Landry off like nothing for that running TD was a little wack but w.e. Good thing my passing was spot on today! my first 2 games i threw 5 INT, if i would of did that this game i probably would of loss.

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I see what you're saying on that last touchdown by Kap, but it at least looks like Landry took a bad angle :p

Browns send
jabaal sheard 84olb 24yr old 2yr left $3m total
neiko thorpe 64cb 23yr old 1yr $500k

Colts send
darius butler 82cb 27yr old 2yr left $4m total
Justin hickmann 72olb 28yr old 1yr left $900k

I understand I jjust signed thorpe bc of hadens inj but he didn't want my other corner who was a 64 when haden got hurt but now is a 69 after progression.


I see what you're saying on that last touchdown by Kap, but it at least looks like Landry took a bad angle :p
yeah maybe lol he didnt look like he had 98 hitpower there though!! lol nice video.

why come on here and bash someone how they play the game? if someone keeps doing things like a screen learn to stop them.
Problem wasn't really a screen. It was an annoying counter to me trying to defend the run. The problem was my team simply being outrun. I would have loved to show highlights but I didn't see an option but there was many times were I called the right defensive play only to have Spiller or Manuel just outrun my guys.

Specifically, a QB run at the goal line that I had completely figured out. Then Manuel ran backwards, outpaced my LB and scored. What do I do there?

Spiller was able to also ALWAYS get the edge on my defense. I rarely ran 3-4 because my LBs couldn't keep up so I was in Nickle or Sub and all he had to do was keep moving sideways OR again backwards and he'd find that space he needed. I'm sorry if that's frustrating to me but it is. And that's not a football play. That's not me knowing the Xs and Os of Madden. It's my team not having 99 speed and an opponent playing cheaply to that, because he does.

I know I'm not good at the game. I don't expect to win when I consistently throw 5 picks. That's on me to fix and get better at. But it's very very frustrating to me when I'm willing to own up to that, continue to try to get better while it seems others just find an easy route and exploit it to e-victories.
The Cowboys took care of the Rams 19-14

The Cowboys Defense had 5 interceptions. Tony Romo was knocked out of the game with a Broken Jaw. It was a frustrating game. I had to keep chipping away with smaller passes, and I kicked a lot of field goals.

Romo: 16/23 for 205 yards and 1 touch down, 5 rushes for 23 yards

Orton: 7/8 for 48 yards

Murray: 15 rushes for 52 yards

Bryant: 10 receptions for 77 yards and a touchdown

Williams: 4 receptions for 22 yards

GG Mog!

i need to be put on autopilot so matt young can play the cpu... i'm out of town for the day and tomorrow i will be at the bar all day so i cant play 

depends when it is in the game like 4th qt i would not do it but how bad def is in this game till at least 3 mins left in 4th qt i would keep foot to pedal.

My $.02 regarding the thread today:

1. Running backwards is cheese
2. No route in and of itself is cheese
3. I always thought we had a rule preventing trading free agents
My $.02 regarding the thread today:

1. Running backwards is cheese
2. No route in and of itself is cheese
3. I always thought we had a rule preventing trading free agents
all of the above are correct. Running backwards is not allowed, FAs signed cannot be traded in the same year and no route is 'cheese' by itself.
And I was hoping my first video would be a highlight video, instead(as expected) the weekly Uber complains about his opponent segment of this thread led to my decision to instead do a video of all of my offensive plays. The video covers from the beginning of the game all the way to my final score, because after that it was just a Uber lobbing up an interceptions and me running down the clock.

Here's the video:

As the video shows, 2 screens the entire game. 1 TE, picked up 10ish yards and the first was a WR screen with 1 second left in the first half that did not affect the game whatsoever. Now to his major point of emphasis, me running backwards and turning up field. I can pick out 3 plays where this was an issue in the game.
1. A punt return around the 4:45 mark. This is the only one where it is a noticeable amount of yards backwards and was honestly just a dumb decision by me. I started going backwards around the 30 yard line, I then went towards the sideline and the play ended up around the 31-32 yard line. In the end, did that 1-2 yards extra really propelled me to victory.   EDIT: Looking back at the plays, this to me was clearly cheesey, but it was just one of those plays that went bad and I was just trying to find a way out of it and ended up with 1-2 additional yards than if I just went down. Definitely will eliminate it from any future returns, but I don't feel like a 1-2 yard difference on a punt return is something to throw a fuss over.
2. A Spiller run around the 5:45 mark. I started on a stretch, then started heading backwards/diagonally about 2 yards toward the sideline and he prematurely dove at his feet twice. If he simply runs into Spiller the plays over, no first down. I can't help my opponent make the tackle.   
3. Lastly, there was the Manuel TD run. I agree with him that it was a play that Madden could have handled better. But when i'm running the play, I had two options. I could have ran right into the defensive player and risked a big hit/fumble or I could have ran towards the sideline. Running towards the sideline limits the chance of a big hit or fumble. It happens that space opened up and I took it in for a touchdown, but what does he want me to do? Truck the LB with Manuel?

My biggest problem with this, is that Uber loves to complain about how Madden screws him over, but never mentions when other people get screwed over by Madden or when he's assisted by the game Like how his two touchdowns, were both thrown into double coverage with DB's in position to make interceptions. But your right Uber, every opponent you play is the problem, it can't be you.

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i need to be put on autopilot so matt young can play the cpu... i'm out of town for the day and tomorrow i will be at the bar all day so i cant play
Just quoting this so Adam or Staticz sees it. No rush if you're not getting on Madden soon though. I have plenty of time to play this weekend.
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chetty i don't see anything bad at all in that video all your plays seem like things a nfl team would do and do with a running qb. I know i do alot of what you do with wilson i do pass plays and just like seattle does alot i make him go a certain way to pass the ball and master awsome sent me messages after game last night bashing me for it. Seems like people are getting upset when people do things because they can't stop it.

I'm passing till 2 min warning regardless score... as seen by stats I suck at running and have been beat in the past going 3 and out on run plays running out the clock... I do what works until I feel comfortable enough with the lead to let off
Browns send
jabaal sheard 84olb 24yr old 2yr left $3m total

Colts send
darius butler 82cb 27yr old 2yr left $4m total

i will need someone to replace Mathis soon is why i want to do this trade!! 

Alright after going through the video and assuming this is every offensive play, I don't see the issue here. I will say, running backwards and sideways has always been considered cheesy, To be fair, lay off that style of play. I know you already acknowledged it...and posted video proof, I don't think we need to take it any farther.

I do want to make a few comments on other things we've noticed in the first few weeks. This is directed at the entire league

1. People moving guys on kickoffs and sucking all the blockers into the middle, then running sideways for massive gains. This has happened to me in every single game and needs to stop. Moving forward, DO NOT move anyone other than the player receiving the ball on kickoffs and punts (unless you are trying to block the punt). This is no different than backing up the kick returner to get a sprinting start, it needs to end now. If we hear more reports of this, well you know where it will go.

2. Running sideways. We shouldn't have to say this every year - STOP RUNNING SIDEWAYS to get around defenders. It is an easy tactic, as always, and needs to stop. Anymore complaints into this will be looked into.

3. As of right now, we're not going to ban any routes. I've not seen anything to indicate an unstoppable route. 
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Chetty - what capture card did you pick up?
The Roxio HD Pro, I was debating between the Roxio and the Elgato. With coupons/store sale I got the Roxio 100 dollars cheaper than the Elgato, so that's why I decided to go with the Roxio. Plus i'm fairly new to video editing, and most of the reviews said the Roxio was good for beginners.

Alright after going through the video and assuming this is every offensive play, I don't see the issue here. I will say, running backwards and sideways has always been considered cheesy, To be fair, lay off that style of play. I know you already acknowledged it...and posted video proof, I don't think we need to take it any farther.

I do want to make a few comments on other things we've noticed in the first few weeks. This is directed at the entire league

1. People moving guys on kickoffs and sucking all the blockers into the middle, then running sideways for massive gains. This has happened to me in every single game and needs to stop. Moving forward, DO NOT move anyone other than the player receiving the ball on kickoffs and punts (unless you are trying to block the punt). This is no different than backing up the kick returner to get a sprinting start, it needs to end now. If we hear more reports of this, well you know where it will go.

2. Running sideways. We shouldn't have to say this every year - STOP RUNNING SIDEWAYS to get around defenders. It is an easy tactic, as always, and needs to stop. Anymore complaints into this will be looked into.

3. As of right now, we're not going to ban any routes. I've not seen anything to indicate an unstoppable route.
We can go for Punt blocks ?

I have a fear boner now.

And staticz, it hasn't been every game. I didn't move guys on any kicks or punts except to move out of the way of a ball headed out for a touchback.
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I have a fear boner now.

And staticz, it hasn't been every game. I didn't move guys on any kicks or punts except to move out of the way of a ball headed out for a touchback.
You are correct my friend, sorry for lumping you in there. I should've qualified that as most games (ranked, preseason and franchise).

We can go for Punt blocks ?
Sure, choose punt block and don't move anyone. It will never work :p
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You are correct my friend, sorry for lumping you in there. I should've qualified that as most games (ranked, preseason and franchise).

Sure, choose punt block and don't move anyone. It will never work :p

unless your opponent is on there own 1 yard line lol , CPU has blocked like 3 of mine smh

Alright, down to Business.

I've opened up my wallet and spent a Little over $60 to get our Stats website up and running again. $33 of that went to daddyleagues directly to host the Website. The rest went to a designer to help me "make it pretty!"

Staticz and I talked it over, and we just couldn't live without the stats that this thing provides.

Click "Register" down near the bottom right of the page, and once registered, there's a Join Button Right above that, it will get you joined up right and proper and you can post blogs, post to the shoutbox, view stats, and post to the forums.

I really want to utilize this site to it's full potential this year, guys. So feel free to write blogs about your team's wins, Trades, etc.

Here's the link. Hope everyone likes it.

P.S. There's a Donate button on the site if anyone is feeling especially generous;)

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The Roxio HD Pro, I was debating between the Roxio and the Elgato. With coupons/store sale I got the Roxio 100 dollars cheaper than the Elgato, so that's why I decided to go with the Roxio. Plus i'm fairly new to video editing, and most of the reviews said the Roxio was good for beginners.
Nice. When I got my Elgato, Roxio only had a standard def device. The Elgato software is pretty nice for quick edits. The option video I made with the demo -

I used iMovie which was allowed for way more control but was a lot more difficult to use.

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Staticz, I was just giving you a hard time about that. I knew what you meant.

Thanks for putting time and money into that site, guys. I'll sign up now if my phone lets me.
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chetty i don't see anything bad at all in that video all your plays seem like things a nfl team would do and do with a running qb. I know i do alot of what you do with wilson i do pass plays and just like seattle does alot i make him go a certain way to pass the ball and master awsome sent me messages after game last night bashing me for it. Seems like people are getting upset when people do things because they can't stop it.
Lol really man? "Bashing" you? What are you on your period? I'm pretty sure I said something along the lines of "gg, but for future reference I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to immediately scramble to the right with your QB right after the snap". The fact that I waited til after the game when you were running that cheese should say how patient I am with crap like that.

Since you decided to make this public yourself: can people chime in about this? On around 5 or 6 occasions he would snap the ball and IMMEDIATELY scramble to the right with his QB and either pass it if the AI reacted poorly to it and coverage broke down, or scramble to the right and turn upfield with his QB. And it's not like jt was a defensive maneuver to avoid pressure...a lot of those were during a 3-man rush in Quarter D. Straight out of Ranked...

And then he makes some passive-aggressive remark about me "bashing" him because I couldn't stop it...keep in mind, I politely told him AFTER the game that I'm pretty sure that's not allowed and I directed him towards the section in the rulebook about scrambling with QBs. It clearly says something like "You should only scramble on designed QB runs OR if a play breaks down". Not immediately after you snap the ball.

He said he did that a couple times against you last game staticz and you didn't seem to have a problem with it? Can you clear it up?

Oh by the way, THAT'S me bashing you...see the difference?
Lol really man? "Bashing" you? What are you on your period? I'm pretty sure I said something along the lines of "gg, but for future reference I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to immediately scramble to the right with your QB right after the snap". The fact that I waited til after the game when you were running that cheese should say how patient I am with crap like that.

Since you decided to make this public yourself: can people chime in about this? On around 5 or 6 occasions he would snap the ball and IMMEDIATELY scramble to the right with his QB and either pass it if the AI reacted poorly to it and coverage broke down, or scramble to the right and turn upfield with his QB. And it's not like jt was a defensive maneuver to avoid pressure...a lot of those were during a 3-man rush in Quarter D. Straight out of Ranked...

And then he makes some passive-aggressive remark about me "bashing" him because I couldn't stop it...keep in mind, I politely told him AFTER the game that I'm pretty sure that's not allowed and I directed him towards the section in the rulebook about scrambling with QBs. It clearly says something like "You should only scramble on designed QB runs OR if a play breaks down". Not immediately after you snap the ball.

He said he did that a couple times against you last game staticz and you didn't seem to have a problem with it? Can you clear it up?

Oh by the way, THAT'S me bashing you...see the difference?
last i check alot of teams with mobile qbs in nfl does it trying to get defenders off wr's trust me i have done this on madden when ever i have had a moble qb. Look at seattle playbook on madden once and you will see alot of play designs usded for rolling out i never once uses five wide outs to do it.

i don't see using a qb like wilson couple times a game and run a play to make him get out of pocket as a cheesey move. if you want to see cheesy move play games online vs random people and watch them do hillmary and just keep running with qb.

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bread's done