Make $20-30+ Month of Amazon Gift Cards/Cash Easy ~ Gift Hulk Code Drops

Finally reached 2,500 points. With only clicking, occasional emails, and videos (no referrals), it took about 7 months. I'm thinking of redeeming $5 at a time so I don't have to keep waiting so long to reach eligibility to redeem.
Just missed a 300 point win on the SuperLucky Button by maybe a couple seconds. Boo! On the other hand, they're bringing out the big points again, which is always a good sign.

Also, did a couple of the offers that are now in the banner above the button. Easy points. If you haven't checked them out, do so.
iRazoo Treasure code is active right now, look for it on their search page or Facebook page, or if you opted in for their emails, they sent it to you.

10 SuperPoints away from 3500! That's in two weeks. You've got to sign up and do everything you can to make points and that includes telling your friends, but you can't convince them without proof, which is the first step.
Decided to give Gift Hulk a whirl, it's almost identical to SwagBucks except they've got a couple more ways to earn points and there's no limit on what referrals earn for you. That makes three current search and win sites if you're counting at home, iRazoo, SwagBucks, and Gift Hulk (four if you count Blingo still). Check it out and let me know what you think.

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Not a great day on the button, but I did manage to claim an Amazon gc from the Bing rewards program, which arrived in a couple of minutes. Yay! $5 closer to getting myself a new receiver.

Also, won a whopping 76 points on an iRazoo search. That was nice, not an instant gift card, but got me a lot closer to $5, which is always appreciated.

Not much luck with Gift Hulk yet other than a win while searching, but I'll take it. I know every point counts in the long term.
Is there any strat/method when doing the Super Lucky Button. As in do you use up all your clicks in one sitting? Or do you try and spread them out through the day? Idk if it makes any difference, just wanted to get your take since you seem like a pro at this lol.
Re: SuperPoints I spread mine out because they give out bigger wins throughout the day. For example if I see someone win 200 right now, I don't really expect to hit 200 or even 300 in the next minute, it's just not likely. So, I wait half an hour and hit the button later. When I go to work, though, I just hit the button when I get home and use all 100 clicks in about 2.5 hours. I try to not ever let clicks go unused. I don't know if that's really a strategy, but that's what I do.

Anyway, won a few coins on Gift Hulk, watched some videos and won while I searched. Good deal, I suppose. I'm up to 79 coins (439 for a $5 Amazon gc) I can see this working out fairly well in the long run.

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Yea thats what I meant, if you spread them out. I have yet to see any of the recent winners get 100s of points, maybe cuz I'm on SP odd hours of the night.
Well, you're not going to see it a lot, but I've recently seen 300's and several 200's along with the usual 50's and 25's.

At it's best they were giving away three 5000 point wins to mark some special occasion and I won two of the three. It was a good day to win $100.
Thought my Xbox 360 had died on me last night when the drive got stuck. I thought I'd have to scrap it and get a new one, but I found a couple of helpful youtube videos that let me open it and play my new copy of The Witcher 2. I thought I was going to use up all my Amazon credit buying a new system and have to kiss my new A/V receiver goodbye. Not so.

Therefore, I'm back to working on every gift card I can get my grubby hands on before something does break and I'm forced to replace it. I'm looking at Denon, Yamaha, Onkyo stuff around $6-700 or so, in case anyone cares. I've got some ways to go if I'm going to if I'm to get one of those things without putting a penny of my own in, I'm at about $200 in credit right now.

So, please check out SuperPoints it's my biggest source of income right now (not counting my job of course) and I see a bunch of people making good money from them, so let's all join them, yes?
On your blog (Retail is for Suckers) do you review apps on smart phones that gives points for gift cards?

Also did you ever try Topline? I tried searching the blog and couldn't find anything about it.
I have not reviewed any apps nor have I tried Topline. Sorry.

iRazoo has a Treasure code up right now worth 18 points that expires tonight. Get it on their search page.
Had a great day on the button and went up about 400 points thanks to the double amount of clicks. So, here's a bonus invite it you want to join the awesome club.
25 points if you click the link, validate your email for another 25. Do it now before someone else grabs it from you.
Grab that bonus invite above. Thanks to everyone who checks out the thread. I feel like a beggar, but I'm trying to share the wealth with everyone. That's why I try and share information and don't just bump the thread to the top of the page every few hours.

Yay, won me some more Gift Hulk coins gonna have to keep working the site to get more. I'm up to 126, not too shabby, but it's slow going right now.
Thanks to who ever used up that bonus SuperPoints invite use it everyday to nickel and dime your way to free gift cards. Stick with it and it'll eventually make you a nice chunk. Think of it as a long term investment.
Cashed out a $5 SwagBucks gift card a few days ago, (apparently they shut down one of the other Protege sites and made those points SB's) and I have enough for another one. Inching towards a new receiver. It'll probably be sometime this summer, but I've got enough now to put me at about $350 if I cashed out all my points today. That's like half of my goal, maybe if I got it to under $200 I'd just pay the rest out of pocket. We'll see as I get closer.
Won me 79 points on iRazoo I wish it was an instant gift card, but ah well. Every bit helps on my quest to another gift card.

Speaking of, I got my SwagBucks gc yesterday, and I claimed another one, so yeah.

Lastly, my mandatory SuperPoints update and I'm hoping to break $60 in points today. It was a pretty good day yesterday. Hoping for a repeat today.
How often have you had an instant gift card win from IRazoo?

BTW, my plan on redeeming $5 at Superpoints failed. It turns out at my member level I can only redeem $25 minimum at a time so that's what I did.
I've never won an instant gift card from iRazoo personally, just through a friend. The rest has been my own points.

Also, I looked at the requirements to make gold status (I think that's the one I'm talking about) on SuperPoints and it's only two referrals at which point you'll be able to cash out more frequently. That shouldn't be too hard...I don't know *shrugs* it doesn't seem that hard to me.
It ranges from a couple of days to about a week or so. They're pretty fast usually. Congrats! First one is the hardest, but after that it gets easier every time.

Also, long overdue, but I created a Twitter profile for all my free stuff getting, so that'll be a lot like this thread, but also with contests and more that will be easier to update on the fly. Give me a follow if you like. @rifs_blog
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Follow me on Twitter, please. Check out SuperPoints while you're at it, in only 2 days I've made $5! If everyone got just one friend to make you 10 points a day you'd get one gift card a month for $5. If you managed 5x10x30 you'd have $15, it's simple math that adds up super fast.

Oh and having Twitter and following certain people will definitely hook you up with a ton of Swag Codes, I've gotten 4 out of 5 today for about 40SB's. That should make getting gc's way easier for me.
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iRazoo treasure code up right now, get you some free points. Oh, and if you're using the site you should at least check out the offers page for everyday for the 5 free points. May as well rack them up.
Another iRazoo treasure code up worth 15 points is up for two more days. There are also a couple of videos to check out for easy points.

Oh, and if you're using Gift Hulk and following them on Twitter they sent out a code worth 5 coins that said it was only good for 2 hours like 12 hours ago, it's still good, so use it. I've almost got enough for a $5 gift card, not too shabby, though I wish searches rewarded me more often.

Edit: Just won a 50 point bonus invite, you'll find it on my Twitter feed, please give me a little follow love.
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Invites still good, 50 pointer expires late tonight, 25 pointer goes through until tomorrow. Use them.

Also, cleaned up the OP some. Not that it means anything, but it's a little nicer to look at and updated with the main sites I use.
Less than an hour for the 50 point bonus invite, use it!

By the way, I cashed out for $15 Amazon on Rewards1. It was just sitting there not doing anything, so I figured I'd get something with it, or at least put it towards my receiver fund which is currently at $210
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New iRazoo treasure code in their email newsletter. Opt in, or follow me on Twitter and I'll tell you when a new one is up.

Last call for that bonus SuperPoints invite, too. An extra 25 points is up for grabs.
Did a survey to get the bonus SwagBucks for the day, easy 75. Also pushed me over the 450 mark to claim a $5 Amazon gift card, so I'll be waiting for that.

Weak day on Gift Hulk, though. Got nothing from my Treasure Box, searches, all empty. I expect tomorrow will be better and I hope to have enough to claim a gift card soon, like late this week, early next week soon.

Oh, and for the record 8700+ SuperPoints.
Sad news as SuperPoints is going to cap referral earnings at 1,000 points beginning today. It's on par with SwagBucks now. They are adding more ways to earn points, though, so we'll see how things go in the near future.

Maybe GiftHulk will be my go to site with uncapped referral earnings for now. I'm 100 coins away from a gift card, but you can help and work your way into the mix starting today if you're interested. I need some good luck searching, I've been in a funk the last couple of days.
bread's done