Mario Kart Wii - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='wubb']
If we are doing something unusual like all carts or whatever, just let me know. I don't think I'd want to do anything like that on Regional Races but I'd be down to do this in a room. Problem is I'm sure there'll be some people in the room that aren't aware we are doing it. :shrug:[/quote]
Maybe next week then, if we can get enough people to say they're on board.
Actually I think we could do it whenever we'd just need to use that built in message "Let's use Karts!" or however it's phrased. If 4 or 5 of us say that in a row and we post that's what we are doing on the group page hopefully everyone would get the idea. Anyone that didn't will be labeled a weiner. :cool:

I'd like to do one where everyone uses the Wii Wheel maybe. Hmm although the problem there is would we have to exit out of the room to change our controller setup? If so, nix that plan.
Is this game worth buying?
I'm currently a little low on funds, and I want to make sure this would be a solid purchase to hold me over for a while.
[quote name='Para']Is this game worth buying?
I'm currently a little low on funds, and I want to make sure this would be a solid purchase to hold me over for a while.[/quote]

That is somewhat of a hard question to answer. My friend loved the n64 one, and hated this one. This reminds me of double dash in ways. I think it was really fun to play even online.
[quote name='Para']Is this game worth buying?
I'm currently a little low on funds, and I want to make sure this would be a solid purchase to hold me over for a while.[/quote]
No. The online experience is mildly entertaining, but it's so damn luck based it's hard to have fun. The single player is a joke and so is battle mode. If you have friends in real life though MK64 on the VC is only 1000 points and has a kickass battle mode, although an even worse single player.
I think it's one you have to try. If you can find it at MSRP you should be able to dump it on eBay and actually make more than you paid with little trouble.

I didn't care for the Gamecube version of MK much at all but love MKW.

I don't agree that online is luck based. Also you can definitely improve and consistently dominate in the SP or nobody would have 3 stars. But it's just like any other game, it's all about whether or not it's fun for you. I love all 3 - online MP, offline MP, and SP. Though I have almost completely stopped playing SP after I got 3 stars.
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[quote name='wubb']I think it's one you have to try. If you can find it at MSRP you should be able to dump it on eBay and actually make more than you paid with little trouble.

I didn't care for the Gamecube version of MK much at all but love MKW.

I don't agree that online is luck based. Also you can definitely improve and consistently dominate in the SP or nobody would have 3 stars. But it's just like any other game, it's all about whether or not it's fun for you. I love all 3 - online MP, offline MP, and SP. Though I have almost completely stopped playing SP after I got 3 stars.[/QUOTE]I agree with wubb here. I was no fan of MK DD (I was crazy hyped for it too). I was very cautious on buying this. I waited until I heard impressions, and eventually bought. I absolutely love MK Wii and it's the main reason I play my Wii a lot more now. The A.I. is much better this time compared to the N64 one (which was cheap IMO) and the GC one (even more cheap IMO).

EDIT: ZerotypeX, cochesecochese, and BlueLobstah, make SURE you have me added to your friends list (my number is in my profile).
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I'm glad I bought this game. Sure, single player is a bit unbalanced, but the online aspect has been great, and not just multiplayer--the tournaments, friend rankings, they all add to the fun.

Just for comparison's sake, I enjoyed MK64 as well, but I only played Double Dash one day, and I think I liked it, but that was A LONG time ago...
[quote name='Para']Is this game worth buying?
I'm currently a little low on funds, and I want to make sure this would be a solid purchase to hold me over for a while.[/QUOTE]

Wow. I can't believe people are actually suggesting for you to not buy this game. I was ready to sell off my Wii until I gave this game a try. This game is literally the sole reason why I still own a Wii.

For those complaining about "luck" I wonder how often they play. I felt the same way for about a day. Then I became good at the game. Sure, there is some luck and some screwage (in particular the blue shell can be a stupid kingmaker), and the game is by far more affected by lucky items than either the SNES or N64 game, but it is the best Mario Kart game overall. Even the single player is fun, so I'm not sure why there are so many haters.
[quote name='wubb']I think it's one you have to try. If you can find it at MSRP you should be able to dump it on eBay and actually make more than you paid with little trouble.

I don't agree that online is luck based. Also you can definitely improve and consistently dominate in the SP or nobody would have 3 stars. But it's just like any other game, it's all about whether or not it's fun for you. I love all 3 - online MP, offline MP, and SP. Though I have almost completely stopped playing SP after I got 3 stars.[/QUOTE]

There must be a shortage in the US, because there are literally stacks of this game at every store I go to. I don't think I have seen it sold out since release day.

I agree 100% with your final paragraph.

It's gotta be my connection, but nearly every time I get on Kart, I get disconnected. Usually happens right after the race starts.


I was finally around when you guys were playing!

Not sure why it happens, as no other Wii games (or Live or PS3 games) do this. :bomb:
[quote name='Rig']Ugh.

It's gotta be my connection, but nearly every time I get on Kart, I get disconnected. Usually happens right after the race starts.


I was finally around when you guys were playing!

Not sure why it happens, as no other Wii games (or Live or PS3 games) do this. :bomb:[/QUOTE]Sorry to hear it happened Rig. Maybe we can do a test connection sometime (on some day) to see if you don't get connected (meaning, play Mario Kart Wii on some other day together). I know a few who had issues, so I understand. I'm glad you tried to make it. :D

Regardless, I had fun everyone.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Sorry to hear it happened Rig. Maybe we can do a test connection sometime (on some day) to see if you don't get connected (meaning, play Mario Kart Wii on some other day together). I know a few who had issues, so I understand. I'm glad you tried to make it. :D

Regardless, I had fun everyone.[/quote]

Sounds good. I really would like to play some CAGs.
I really love this game, I haven't enjoyed MK this much since the GBA one. The one thing I like about it the most is I can go online and play it with my little brother at the same time. I guess in that sense, I enjoy it a lot more. But as far as techincals are concerned, it beats the crap out of Double Dash in every single respect. The track designs are also much better. Mushroom Gorge and Bowser's Castle (psychidelic, man) come to mind.

I know one thing, I play this more online than SSBB (but that could be for good reason, Brawl's online sucks).
[quote name='Rig']Ugh.

It's gotta be my connection, but nearly every time I get on Kart, I get disconnected. Usually happens right after the race starts.


I was finally around when you guys were playing!

Not sure why it happens, as no other Wii games (or Live or PS3 games) do this. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Maybe I've already given you this tip, but I had this exact same problem and after switching my router to always use channel 11 it now works much better. (Try channel 1 and then channel 11.)
[quote name='M-PG71C']I really love this game, I haven't enjoyed MK this much since the GBA one. The one thing I like about it the most is I can go online and play it with my little brother at the same time. I guess in that sense, I enjoy it a lot more. But as far as techincals are concerned, it beats the crap out of Double Dash in every single respect. The track designs are also much better. Mushroom Gorge and Bowser's Castle (psychidelic, man) come to mind. [/quote]

Agreed. Now that I've starred everything and can relax about being so anal with the unlocks I can really stand back and say this is the best Mario Kart of all time. It's *almost* perfectly balanced and it's really only the single player GP sections that are annoying. Multiplayer is goddamn amazing with this. I'm unlocking all the staff ghosts today and these things are just falling one after the next. Great game but I'm still going to shelve it for a while so I can concentrate on some other titles. Definitely coming back to it though!
MKW does have skill involved in multiplayer, but it also has luck as well. If I were as good as some of the other MKM players I'd be pissed that someone who wasn't as good as me kept on beating me just because of some items. I'm just bitter I played $50 for one of the most annoying single player experiences of all time.
Don't worry about that. Did you unlock everything already? If you did then there's no need to go back and deal with single player. If you want a real and fair challenge, try racing some of the expert staff ghosts. I can beat most of them but a lot are huge pains in the ass.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Don't worry about that. Did you unlock everything already? If you did then there's no need to go back and deal with single player. If you want a real and fair challenge, try racing some of the expert staff ghosts. I can beat most of them but a lot are huge pains in the ass.[/quote]
Expert staff ghosts were one of the first things I unlocked. There's no shenanigans there, just skill. Those are easy.
Guh!?!??! Sure, unlocking them is easy. But can you then in turn BEAT all of the expert ghosts? You don't get anything for beating the expert ghosts but still.

Damn I must really suck if beating the unlocked ghosts is easy.
I'm sure I could if I tried on most of them. Maybe all of them if I practiced a lot. There's no BS in Time Trial, just skill and maybe glitch use.
Well I felt like playing tonight, so I did a few races and then, "You were disconnected from the other players".
No problem, but then I looked at my VR rating and I had been docked 200 points! So I continued playing trying to make up the points, and it happened again... Another 200 or so. At this point I still feel like playing so I continue, and then I get disconnected again! But this time my VR rating is in the 8400s. What the heck? :hot:
The Kart demons were so nice, they let me get all the way up to 8894 before they said, "No no, it's 8404 for you" :bomb:
So I'm back to square one :roll:

The Smash Bros tournament is getting started but I'm still going to try to make Mario Kart Mondays. Rig, I don't know if I got to register you. What's your friend code?
Oh man I hate that. I think 3 in one day was my worst as well.

Lately I'm having fun using manual steering on a new license. I feel like I'll probably be able to hang in the 6K range on that setup at least at my current skill level. It also makes it more fun when I hop on with a guest as they can usually hang close to me and it's not just me always way out ahead of them (or if I'm matched up with all high VR people everybody way out in front of them.)
[quote name='seanr1221']i wonder what the trade in value is for this at Gamestop...

I haven't played it since the week I got it :whistle2:|[/quote]

not alot, like $25 I believe.
I've noticed an influx of copies on craigslist around here. Is this game becoming rare, or having some sort of low production run? I know it's sold 6+ million copies worldwide, which is an amazing number in the short time it's been out, but I've seen copies in stores recently so I don't know what's up.
Last night while playing online with a friend someone with the name "ihack@you" or something with a rating over 9000 joins the group and we race yoshi falls. I started the race in 4th (out of 12) and thus just behind the first place person. The second the race begins I see the blue shell icon and first place is blown up. By "the second after the race begins" I mean instantly. The "ihack@you" person then zooms bye me and they are invincible. We haven't even hit the first turn...much less the first set of boxes yet.

During the 3 laps...this person is either powered up by a star and driving wildly trying to hit as many people as they can...or (if they've fallen a bit out of first) launching a blue shell. There must have been 15 blue shells fired in the race (and yoshi falls isn't a long race).

Shockingly...they won. Their rating went up a few points...and then just like that...they were gone. It was honestly kinda funny watching the mayhem during the race (though if they had stuck around for multiple races it might have gotten old).

Has anyone else seen anything like this?
There's a new Wii cheat app called "Ocarina" but as far as I know it wouldn't work online because it would loose sync with Nintendo servers. From what I've seen Nintendo games just send the button presses to the servers, so the servers should just see ihack@you just pressing the throw item button a lot, but obviously he's either found a way around it, the MK servers don't work like that, or he's using some other technique.
[quote name='wubb']Oh man I hate that. I think 3 in one day was my worst as well.

Lately I'm having fun using manual steering on a new license. I feel like I'll probably be able to hang in the 6K range on that setup at least at my current skill level. It also makes it more fun when I hop on with a guest as they can usually hang close to me and it's not just me always way out ahead of them (or if I'm matched up with all high VR people everybody way out in front of them.)[/quote]

Actually, it disconnected me 5 times. But I didn't want to admit that I got all the way back up 8600 before it sent me down to 8400 (again!) :lol: You should never lose 400 points for a disconnect! I wonder if it's doubling it every time?

It's bad enough that for the mid 8000s your average take for coming in first is 20 points. And my rating affects the amount of 9000s I get to race against. If this is going to be a regular occurrence then it's really going to start sucking the joy out of my Mario Kart experience.

Wubb, you give me a run for my money with automatic, so i feel like you could be awesome with manual. Hurry up and start loving it!

I unlocked some kind of dress for my Mii. Never even knew there were different outfits! And come to think of it, that's when my disconnects started :bomb:
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[quote name='petedave']Last night while playing online with a friend someone with the name "ihack@you" or something with a rating over 9000 joins the group and we race yoshi falls. I started the race in 4th (out of 12) and thus just behind the first place person. The second the race begins I see the blue shell icon and first place is blown up. By "the second after the race begins" I mean instantly. The "ihack@you" person then zooms bye me and they are invincible. We haven't even hit the first turn...much less the first set of boxes yet.

During the 3 laps...this person is either powered up by a star and driving wildly trying to hit as many people as they can...or (if they've fallen a bit out of first) launching a blue shell. There must have been 15 blue shells fired in the race (and yoshi falls isn't a long race).

Shockingly...they won. Their rating went up a few points...and then just like that...they were gone. It was honestly kinda funny watching the mayhem during the race (though if they had stuck around for multiple races it might have gotten old).

Has anyone else seen anything like this?[/QUOTE]
A quick Google search shows quite a few posts claiming similar things about this particular player. I haven't seen anything in any of my games, but it looks like someone has figured out an online hack.
I now absolutely despise the bomb item.

It is specifically designed to hurt the people who are already losing. You never want to throw it in front of you, since you will have to avoid it yourself, so you will always drop it behind you. It only seems to come to people who are in 4th place or worse. Therefore, it is always going to hit people in 5th-12th place. Whee!

I had two bad incidents with the bomb today.

I was clearly in first place all throughout a DK Summit race. I got hit by two blue shells and a few people caught up to me. As we were going through the final straight (with the snow and snowboarding shyguys) approaching the final curve, it was so close that I could see everyone on my screen. Some genius in our little pack decides to throw a bomb at me. You can guess what happened. All four of us get bombed while the losers skate past us for the win. The guy who had been in second on the final lap ended up 8th with me 6th.

The following instance was the first time I had ever even considered turning off the power during a race. It was N64 Sherbet Island. I was bouncing between 1st-3rd place for the whole race. Right before the cave on the final lap, I get hit with a red shell and drop to 5th place. Went through the cave and was about to exit when Mr. 4th place drops a bomb, hitting me only. Whizzzz goes 3 other players past me for the finish line.
I just raced on the Snes Bowser course. You know how it only lets a certain amount of time pass after someone has come in first place. Well I came in first, and then waited, and waited, and waited. Then the race ended before second place even crossed the finish line! Hilarious! :lol: At least I'm back in the 8800s. That's good enough for now.

[quote name='Zing']I now absolutely despise the bomb item.[/quote]
You work on making them get rid of the bomb and I'll work on making them get rid of the thunder cloud.
Yes, there is a huge benefit to being in first. If you can stay in first and be a corner or two ahead of the pack, you can win easily. It's when you get a little unlucky and fall back into the wolf pack that it's a coin toss whether you do well or not.
I love racing against groups of 9000s and upper 8000s. Those matches get intense! They're so close that it really can come down to a badly timed blue shell. But then there are times when you get hit by a green shell thrown by someone way behind you. Or even a very well timed banana! You can't get mad when someone's skill with items is the reason you lost.

Although when you're having a bad day, you know it! And the smart thing to do would be to turn the game off. But I never learn :lol:
Anyone figure out what makes the online races 100cc, 150cc or mirror? I seem to get one mirror match each session. One day every race was 150cc, but the past couple days, they have all been 100cc. I am thinking it has to do with the unlock level of the players. Maybe if the majority have 150cc open, then it is 150cc. All I know is I do much better at 150cc with higher rated players than I do at 100cc with lower rated players. I lost about 1000 rating points in a day against some 3000-6000 100cc newbs.
[quote name='Zing']Anyone figure out what makes the online races 100cc, 150cc or mirror? I seem to get one mirror match each session. One day every race was 150cc, but the past couple days, they have all been 100cc. I am thinking it has to do with the unlock level of the players. Maybe if the majority have 150cc open, then it is 150cc. All I know is I do much better at 150cc with higher rated players than I do at 100cc with lower rated players. I lost about 1000 rating points in a day against some 3000-6000 100cc newbs.[/QUOTE]I really don't know. It happens at random for me.
[quote name='SnorE']well thats a buzzkill i cannt find it[/quote]

Had that problem too. I had amazon credit and waited for it to come in stock, never did. Eventually bought a used copy on amazon marketplace for $60. Nintendo in their ultimate wisdom decided to pack a pointless plastic wheel with the game which I am sure is the reason its always out of stock.

But real fun game. Enjoying it alot!
[quote name='Zing']You waited 3 months to get the best Wii game ever made? ;)[/quote]
i know i am an idiot but i have been busy with work just got a macbook but i finally found a copy at my gamestop cannt wait to play...will be posting my friend code soon
The wheel most definitely isn't pointless. In fact, I would say that without the wheel, my enjoyment of the game would be significantly less.

Gold Wheel for life, bitches!
bread's done