Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

I used Soldier and Adept as my main classes. Typically rolled with Garrus and Thane or Garrus and Miranda for their powers, used Mordin as well sometimes for Incinerate.

Always wanted to do a playthrough as an Infiltrator though...
i took the power legion unlocks for you as my bonus power...not that it matters since ME2 is less like than me finally finishing my ME3 insanity run.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Your first order of business should be to do Kasumi's loyalty mission and go get this gun.

Nothing has ever been more true. This is the best SMGs have ever been in the series.[/QUOTE]Which they badly nerfed in ME3. I tried using it in ME3, hate it compared to how it was in ME2.
[quote name='shrike4242']Which they badly nerfed in ME3. I tried using it in ME3, hate it compared to how it was in ME2.[/QUOTE]

The Revenant was the same way... :cry:
I really think the weapons were a lot better in ME2. They were way more distinct-- you think of the Mantis, Viper, and Widow; or the Locust and Tempest; or the Avenger, Vindicator, and Revenant; firing each of those weapons is a radically different experience from the others in its class. ME3 added a ton more weapons but a lot of them feel pretty much the same.
Playing through my first ME 2 insanity run before I start ME3. Imported a lvl 60 paragon vanguard (my favorite class from ME1) and am playing as an Infiltrator.

Definitely a different, and very fun playstyle, - but I thought I'd share my adventures on Horizon for anyone that might have trouble. Once I got to the Praetorian, I played a good ol' game of ring around the rosie, with the truck in the back of the field :lol:. Can't say I'm proud of it, but he couldn't hit me and we just kept circiling while Miranda and Zaeed used Heavy Warp and Concussive Shot.

Each time the barriers were off I used the particle beam and incinerate on his armor. Was about a 2 minute circle jerk before all said and done.

Man this game is great (although ME1 is still my favorite). I really hope to not be too disappointed by ME3 based on everyone's reaction on this board.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']I really hope to not be too disappointed by ME3 based on everyone's reaction on this board.[/QUOTE]
It plays differently, but it's not "bad." Having finished an insanity run of ME2 just prior to starting ME3 on normal, I'd say I prefer the style of 2.
ME3 = Best Game Ever. It plays better than ME2 because ME3 has some cool new biotic explosions and some powers that weren't around for ME2, like the omni blade. I don't think anyone would argue that, but some may like the story in ME2 > ME3. I'm not one of those people.
Oh god I hated that Praetorian moment and yeah that's what you have to do to survive that encounter.

I think Mass Effect 2 was just a leap over Mass Effect 1 in gameplay. ME1's story is the all time superior imo, heck there is so much back story and the building blocks of the ME universe are laid out meticulously (noteworthy influenced off of Star Wars, Star Trek and other Sci-Fi media like Babylon 5) . ME2 has a lack of story compared to the other two games yet the relationship you build with your crew is a more intimate one and acts as a powerful motivator of the overall enjoyment of said game. ME3 is built off of what ME2 did so well and sprinkled in the RPG elements that we saw from ME1. Plus co-op multiplayer, so after you finish playing the single player you can continue exploring the Mass Effect universe with friends. Post EC DLC ME3 is an epic fulfilling (aside from the disappointment of vastly different outcomes due to your previous choices, ie there's still a group, event or person (trying to be generic to avoid spoilers) no matter what you've decided) excellent role playing shooter in my opinion.
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I actually prefer the gameplay in ME2. Not that ME3 is bad or anything, because they're very close, but ME2 was already close to perfect, and some of the changes in 3 feel like fiddling around with things just to prevent it from feeling exactly the same (weapon mods, encumbrance). I would love to be able to retrofit the combat roll and helmet toggle back into ME2 though. :)

I also prefer the character-focused nature of ME2 to the plot-focused nature of both 1 and 3. Not that 1 and 3 don't also have a ton of amazing character work as well, because they do, but I love that ME2 basically just put the main series plot on hold to focus entirely on Shepard's squad. I think that's what BioWare does best.

But all of this is coming from someone for whom Mass Effect 2 is literally my favorite game of all time, so to say the other games aren't as good is far from a knock on them! I absolutely love all three games in the series.
I just tried 3 separate times to type a long response, but my browser kept screwing up so all I will say is this.

combat wise, ME2 >ME1>ME3 (mostly because the combat roll felt clunky. I lost count how many times I tried to use cover and ended up rolling into combat and died)

story wise ME2 felt like "Two Towers" in that it had a lot of great moments and characters, but little in the way of main plot when put in context of the entire series.

Still, ME2 is the only game I've gotten all achievements for on my 360 and is easily one of my top 5 videogames in the last decade.

Yeah, I gotcha.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Mass Effect 3 is the best game in the series, and you should value my opinion more than my fellow colleagues here. Just sayin'.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, 'specially when his opinion agrees with mine. ;)

Really, tho, X? I knew that the EC restored your faith, but I didn't expect it to put it past the heralded ME2. I've been pretty open with my infatuation with all things ME3 > the rest of the freaking awesome series. Even my beloved ME1 (My other car is a Mako).

[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Yeah, 'specially when his opinion agrees with mine. ;)

Really, tho, X? I knew that the EC restored your faith, but I didn't expect it to put it past the heralded ME2.[/QUOTE]I liked ME3 as much as ME2 even before the EC. All that DLC did was push it past the mark that ME2 left and finally give me the closure I needed.

Had a lot of fun playing as an infiltrator, and yes, the widow is all it is cracked up to be. Got a lot more of the story the second time around, especially the ME1 references (there are a lot of subtle references - I'm looking at you salarian keeper scanner).

I think I'll definitely be playing ME3 starting out as a vanguard though - I thoroughly missed the shotgun.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']1200/1200!

Had a lot of fun playing as an infiltrator, and yes, the widow is all it is cracked up to be. Got a lot more of the story the second time around, especially the ME1 references (there are a lot of subtle references - I'm looking at you salarian keeper scanner).

I think I'll definitely be playing ME3 starting out as a vanguard though - I thoroughly missed the shotgun.[/QUOTE]Vanguard on ME3 is a different experience than ME2. Charge + Nova FTW.
[quote name='shrike4242']Vanguard on ME3 is a different experience than ME2. Charge + Nova FTW.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it really was. I loved playing as a vanguard in ME3. I still need to complete my insanity run in Me2. Ill try the infiltrator like everyone suggests.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']1200/1200!

Had a lot of fun playing as an infiltrator, and yes, the widow is all it is cracked up to be. Got a lot more of the story the second time around, especially the ME1 references (there are a lot of subtle references - I'm looking at you salarian keeper scanner).

I think I'll definitely be playing ME3 starting out as a vanguard though - I thoroughly missed the shotgun.[/QUOTE]

Congrats on 1200/1200, the only game on my 360 I've done that with as well!

I'm in the middle of my Renegade Adept ME3 Shep right now, afterwards will probably go back to ME2 as an Infiltrator and then do my ME3 Paragon Shep again as a Vanguard.
[quote name='shrike4242']Vanguard on ME3 is a different experience than ME2. Charge + Nova FTW.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, good to know. Biotic Charge got me killed more often than it helped on ME2 (and that was on normal difficulty). The difference between a Vanguard on ME1 vs ME2 was huge.

Now to look up this Nova you speak of..
Now that I've spent the majority of 2013 playing ME3 campaign and MP, I figured I should branch out......back to ME2. Going for my 4th attempt at the Insanity run, the last thing left for me to do in ME2. This time I went with the Infiltrator and I'm glad I did. I don't know if this class really is that much better suited to this level of difficulty or my skills have been honed on gold and soloing ME3 MP that insanity isn't that bad anymore. I don't know, but I had a lot of fun getting this playthrough started last night.

I went with warp ammo as the bonus power. So far so good. I'm only 1/2 way through the Mordin recruitment mission and I'm already trying to plan out the playthrough. Trying to figure out which loyalty missions to skip.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Trying to figure out which loyalty missions to skip.[/QUOTE]
Really you could skip all of them except for Samara and Thane, the ones with no combat, plus you definitely want either Samara or Jack loyal for the seeker swarm part. In addition to those I did Zaeed and Kasumi.
When I did my Insanity run the only thing I skipped was the Firewalker mission. Everything else is pretty doable even on Insanity.

EDIT: My next ME2 playthrough will be pretty interesting as it carries on my ME1 playthrough where I didnt follow a set Paragon/Renegade path. Instead, I just made choices that I felt I would make (killed the Rachni Queen, saved Feros colonists, Wrex, etc). Starting to RP ideas for this ME2 Shep as well, it will be interesting to see how it turns out.
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[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Thanks for the notes, guys. I'll do some of them, I think, beyond the no-combat ones.[/QUOTE]Now I think you're going to make me go do my Insanity run on ME2, since that is also the only thing hanging out there in Achievement points for ME2.
Heh. That's funny because one of my buddies started up an insanity run for that same reason. I think it's more fun to play through while friends are, so it's great if a couple of us are tackling it at the same time.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Heh. That's funny because one of my buddies started up an insanity run for that same reason. I think it's more fun to play through while friends are, so it's great if a couple of us are tackling it at the same time.[/QUOTE]

Haha group therapy. ;)

[quote name='GamerDude316']Fun Fact: ME2 is the ONLY game on my 360 that I've done all the achievements for...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Heh. That's funny because one of my buddies started up an insanity run for that same reason. I think it's more fun to play through while friends are, so it's great if a couple of us are tackling it at the same time.[/QUOTE]
Well I still need to beat Insanity on the PS3 version. Hmm... ;)
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Well I still need to beat Insanity on the PS3 version. Hmm... ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, fire up those kinetic barriers, strap on those biotic amps and lets do this fellas!
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Well, fire up those kinetic barriers, strap on those biotic amps and lets do this fellas![/QUOTE]Just may take me until ME4 comes out to get this done, with the ridiculous lack of free time I've had recently and semi-recently.

ME2 is the only game I've wanted to do all the achievements for, though the Insanity run is the only one that eludes me.
[quote name='shrike4242']
ME2 is the only game I've wanted to do all the achievements for, though the Insanity run is the only one that eludes me.[/QUOTE]

Talking to Chubby about doing ME2 on insanity convinced me to give it a try. I've played a lot as an infiltrator, so for Insanity I decided to go with my Engineer. It came down to a decision between the cloak and the drone, and in the end I decided I wanted that drone for distraction purposes. I am still in the Archangel recruitment mission, but so far so good.
[quote name='simosaurus']Talking to Chubby about doing ME2 on insanity convinced me to give it a try. I've played a lot as an infiltrator, so for Insanity I decided to go with my Engineer. It came down to a decision between the cloak and the drone, and in the end I decided I wanted that drone for distraction purposes. I am still in the Archangel recruitment mission, but so far so good.[/QUOTE]I did Normal as a Vanguard and Hard as an Adept, though from what I've seen in here, Soldier, Engineer or Infiltrator seem to be better choices for Insanity.

I thought I'd do it as Soldier, though I may try Engineer and see how it goes.
I used Engineer on 360, it was very difficult but doable. I suspect Soldier might be easier, and if I try it again that's what I'll use. Then again ammo might be an issue.
I used Soldier when I did it. Yes, I spammed Adrenaline Rush, but dat Revenant :D

only really hard part was the collector ship. The end of Horizon is tricky but not too difficult with a little strategy, have to weaken those Scions from a distance.
So far I've played a couple nights and have gotten through the Lazarus Project opening mission, through Freedoms Progress and recruited Mordin and then Garrus. The Garrus mission is where I quit the last two times. I died a few times, but it wasn't that bad. Now I'm gonna go upgrade some gear, maybe scan some planets, then go get Grunt.
[quote name='GamerDude316']I used Soldier when I did it. Yes, I spammed Adrenaline Rush, but dat Revenant :D

only really hard part was the collector ship. The end of Horizon is tricky but not too difficult with a little strategy, have to weaken those Scions from a distance.[/QUOTE]

You can outright KILL the Scions without engaging them. As long as you're patient. It completely bypasses that sequence and you can contact EDI immediately.

And yeah, I did it with the Soldier using Adrenaline Rush and the Revenant. Not that garbage gun they give you in ME3, but the REAL DEAL. Fondly remembering tearing through enemies with that gun, makes me want to replay ME2 for a 7th time.
[quote name='dualedge2']You can outright KILL the Scions without engaging them. As long as you're patient. It completely bypasses that sequence and you can contact EDI immediately.

And yeah, I did it with the Soldier using Adrenaline Rush and the Revenant. Not that garbage gun they give you in ME3, but the REAL DEAL. Fondly remembering tearing through enemies with that gun, makes me want to replay ME2 for a 7th time.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know that, I just didnt want to say it :D But now, I'll admit I fully took those Scions out from about as far back as I could.

The Revenant really was such a great gun in ME2. I think its the sole reason I went with Soldier in the majority of my playthroughs. I always said I wanted to use other classes (I did go through it as an Adept and maybe as an Engineer) but Soldier usually triumphed over the others for that reason.
[quote name='dualedge2']You can outright KILL the Scions without engaging them. As long as you're patient. It completely bypasses that sequence and you can contact EDI immediately.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that was a lifesaver. ;)

The ME2 Revenant is awesome.
[quote name='IanKazimer']I ended up doing it with Infiltrator. The Collector platform sequence was far and away the most difficult for me.[/QUOTE]I know it kicked my ass on Hard, I can only imagine how messy it would be on Insanity.
The biggest thing about Insanity for me was running out of ammo so I don't know how Soldier would do, esp with the Revenant just churning through your ammo reserves.

That's why I think going Engie worked so well, tech powers FTW!
[quote name='Spybreak8']The biggest thing about Insanity for me was running out of ammo so I don't know how Soldier would do, esp with the Revenant just churning through your ammo reserves.

That's why I think going Engie worked so well, tech powers FTW![/QUOTE]Good point. Will have to keep that in mind.
You mean those two scions hanging out before the Praetorian fight? You can snipe them down before you enter the room if you have just the right angle.
bread's done