Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Would it make it better if you can pretend she has a wiener?
I banged Tali instead... I kind of regret. Mainly after being threw dedicated MASS EFFECT 2 threads and being creeped out by the love for Tali. But, she is still cool.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Damn you! Damn you to hell![/QUOTE]:lol:

I was going to hold on to that wild card and save it for later, but we all know it's true.

[quote name='Dasflikko']I dunno man... female Shepard gets Garrus..... that's a tie.[/QUOTE]:rofl:

I like seeing this post amongst all the female comparisons.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Banging Miranda beats all.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Ryuukishi']You're all nuts... Jack is where it's at.[/QUOTE]I honestly couldn't choose a runner-up for best female romance option between the two of them. Miranda's got the Aussie accent and DAT ASS but Jack is more fun to screw around with until she finally breaks. If I had to break it down, it'd go:

Jack - survival instincts, personality
Miranda - looks, brains
Tali - survival instincts, personality, looks (the mystery element is one of the best things about her character), brains, hips of a goddess
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner'] hips of a goddess[/QUOTE]

Ahhh, the tag on this thread of "child-bearing hips" makes sense now.

I'm a little creeped out right now.
Really? Seems like a majority like femShep, guess I'm in the minority. Hale just sounds...tired, or has a stuffy nose, whenever she talks.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Ahhh, the tag on this thread of "child-bearing hips" makes sense now.

I'm a little creeped out right now.[/QUOTE]

I forget who called that one, but it wasn't me. The other 5 are, though :cool:
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Thisx1000

The voice for male Shepard kills it for me. Meer is mediocre at best and when compared against the phenomenal Jennifer Hale it's a no contest. That woman could just recite the alphabet into a microphone and I'd fucking love it.

Meer might have been able to get away with it under normal circumstances, but when you have the goddess of video game voice acting as his counterpart he turns into a cringe fest when you realize what you're missing. I have a male Shep I use for my boring paragon games, and I almost have to mute the TV every time he talks.[/QUOTE]

Ah. To be fair I play with subtitles on and often hit x to move on as I can read faster than they talk. :D I've not noticed the female Shephard voice acting being great though when have listened. Better than the male probably, but neither are great IMO. A lot of random characters are better IMO.
Tali just speaks to the inner nerd inside of all of us...she's tech, her enviro-visor is like the hot librarian with the glasses on, and the fact that she sounds like she's alittle congested makes her more endearing.

Otherwise...Shohreh Aghdashloo voice over, is sooooo hawt. Crap, another Quarian. We're all doomed.
fuck yeah - just finished my Insanity playthrough! The end was much easier than Horizon or the deaded Collector ship. I could tear through Harbingers at the end. I guess it was the upgrades, though they never seem to be that big (max of 50-60% increases). But Mordin's incinerate would bare scratch harbinger on the Collector ship and took away about 1/3 of his armor at the end. Plus they all have barriers at the end (thought they had shields earlier - maybe I'm wrong) which meant my Reave special attack worked on them the whole time. Plus I brought Legion along and his combat drone distracted them long enough to plug away at them. That thing worked wonders on the Scions towards the end too - made them 100x easier since they stopped using shockwave on us then.

The biggest hurdle I had near the end was Legion's loyalty mission interestingly enough. There were plenty of parts where I had to let the other 2 die and finish up myself. I was trying to conserve medi-gel for the end but I forgot you basically get restocked there a couple of times. I barely needed any through the endgame and only died once when I tried to run for some heavy ammo dropped by a Harbinger and didn't notice a spawn of 2 Collector Assassins behind me. But all in all, I think I took down the end boss faster than I did in normal!

I can verify a few things about the endgame:

As for the IFF mission trigger sequence:
As soon as I finished the IFF mission I heard the computer telling me I had to take the shuttle for my next mission. But in reality it let me fly around, scan some planets, and then do Legion's loyalty mission. But the very next time I tried to even use the galaxy map the abduction got triggered. So it is possible you might be able to do one or two things before Legion's loyalty quest, but certainly not afterwards.

As for crew survival:
I can also verify that jumping around to a few systems and scanning planets (but not landing) does not effect the survival of the entire regular crew. I was unable to do some of the upgrades I got on Legion's loyalty mission because I had to get more platinum (damn platinum - was always short on that I didn't even do the medi-bay upgrade). I got all that done, then went to the Omega-4 relay. I really wanted to go buy an upgrade from Ilium or the Citadel, but I didn't want to risk that. It turned out it didn't matter anyway because I wouldn't have needed it. In fact, I probably could have passed on 3 or 4 other upgrades I spent time getting too.

Minor crew survival note:
I lost Miranda's loyalty over Jack and even though I was just about full on paragon, I still didn't get the convo option to make her loyal again. You must have to have full Paragon status to do so. I think I did after the game, but then she talks about the Collectors and says we can talk later. She was so cold and nasty to me before ;). However, having that one non-loyal member made no difference in squadmate survival. I made sure not to use her for anything, though, just in case. I had Garrus lead both secondary squads, used Samara for the barrier, sent Zaeed back with the crew, and kept Mordin and Legion with me both times. I thought the part with Samara might be tough to get through when husks start running at you, but there really aren't that many. It seems like they could have made that much harder. They were much harder on the IFF mission for example - just tons of them around you at points, especially at the end when you find Legion. I had more trouble with that one (and Legion's loyalty mission) than the endgame. I also thought the valve section might be much tougher and at one point I did have Tali down in the red (a timer came up with 20 seconds left at that point). But the valve was right in front of me so no problem. It did seem like I didn't get anywhere near 8 and then it ended though - that was odd.

The Collector Ship is an utter joke with the Blackstorm + Group Dominate. The learning curve for GD on the platforms is a bit harsh but that's only if you bother to try abusing it because of the need for precise aiming. I still prefer lower level Dom if your aim is to kill first, distract last instead of distract first, kill last... but my goodness. I had been maining the Blackstorm for this play-through and now I'm convinced it is way beyond underrated. I have yet to run into a map where Group Dom + Explosive Drone or BS itself wasn't doing most of the work. Pure rape.

I didn't even need to use heavy weapons on the Praetorian because the drone, my SMG and squad powers took care of it. Good shit.
Blackstorm is one of the retailer-specific preorder bonuses, right? What kind of gun is it?

Personally I never looked back once I got the Collector particle beam, love that thing. I wouldn't be surprised if all of the various preorder bonus items pop up on Cerberus for free after enough time has passed.
Just finished. Great game. Damn, had I known everyone here was so in love with Tali I'd have done a romance with Jack.

I also don't understand why Grunt was not loyal even though I did his loyalty mission.

What exactly determines if your second group leader is going to die or not? I tried it three times with all different people and they all died. The only thing I can think of is I don't think I did the last armor upgrade.
Yep. You get from a Gamestop pre-order along with Terminus Armor. The only cons aside from meager damage on bosses is the start up time and need for precise aiming. Otherwise the damn thing is a crowd control monster. Common protected enemies don't stand much of a chance when you've properly centered a shot and Collectors are no different. I started off on the platforms with five Singularity bursts and ended the fight 10 minutes later with one left. Just bounced from spawn to spawn lying in wait, fired a shot, killed or dominated whatever was left and hammered on the Harbinger before moving on. I kept the Scions busy with Explosive Drones until they were the only things breathing on the map. The fastest I've ever cleared that part of ship in any of my profiles.
[quote name='The Crotch']Odd. I could only spot one Scion...[/QUOTE]

From the far right of the door you can see the back of one. From the far left you can see the arm/gun of the other.

I might have to try that infinite squad-points thing on another playthrough for fun.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I wonder if the level cap is lower than the first game so that they can raise it with expansion pack(s).[/QUOTE]There's lots of theories on that. Another popular theory is that ME2 lets you hit lvl 30 and ME3 will take you to lvl 60.
Tempting but I just can't bring myself to do it. The game is easy enough once you've learned a few valuable lessons via multiple profiles and how to exploit certain class abilities. Cheating of that caliber ruins the enjoyment of getting by on your wits, memory and tactical prowess. Of course, that method would save a lot of time testing out combos by not having to dedicate another play-through to it. Unfortunately using it would diminish what little interest I have left in playing the game so I won't use it.

I also just finished testing out the
loyalty issue between Miranda and Jack.
I can confirm 100% Paragon isn't necessary to maintain loyalty for either of them. Even within the 70 - 75% range I still managed to have the Paragon conversation branch appear as an option.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I also just finished testing out the
loyalty issue between Miranda and Jack.
I can confirm 100% Paragon isn't necessary to maintain loyalty for either of them. Even within the 70 - 75% range I still managed to have the Paragon conversation branch appear as an option.[/QUOTE]

Went I got to that part I
took Miranda's side, and didn't have high enough paragon or renegade to keep Jack loyal. It seemed like I needed 100% paragon to talk her round aferwards though - IIRC I was over 80% at that point and the option was still greyed out.
[quote name='John']Went I got to that part I
took Miranda's side, and didn't have high enough paragon or renegade to keep Jack loyal. It seemed like I needed 100% paragon to talk her round aferwards though - IIRC I was over 80% at that point and the option was still greyed out.

I believe in order to win someone back over if you sided with someone else in an argument, you have to be maxed out in either Paragon or Renegade.
It doesn't make any sense unless there's a specific time frame involved. I chatted with the opposing side immediately afterward and the option was available to me so I reloaded a save, switched sides and confronted the other. Option was still available and I had one bar and a half left to fill with Paragon even when combined with your passive class boost.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I might as well be the guy who posts this (though, for the record, I think this completely ruins an element of the game):
meh, I don't think I'll do it either, but what exactly does it ruin? Most classes only have a few skills worth leveling anyway, and maxing everything doesn't necessarily make you a powerhouse that can blow through the game. Also, with the bonus exp on subsequent playthroughs you level up so quickly this glitch is almost pointless.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Tempting but I just can't bring myself to do it. The game is easy enough once you've learned a few valuable lessons via multiple profiles and how to exploit certain class abilities. Cheating of that caliber ruins the enjoyment of getting by on your wits, memory and tactical prowess. Of course, that method would save a lot of time testing out combos by not having to dedicate another play-through to it. Unfortunately using it would diminish what little interest I have left in playing the game so I won't use it.

I also just finished testing out the
loyalty issue between Miranda and Jack.
I can confirm 100% Paragon isn't necessary to maintain loyalty for either of them. Even within the 70 - 75% range I still managed to have the Paragon conversation branch appear as an option.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='John']Went I got to that part I
took Miranda's side, and didn't have high enough paragon or renegade to keep Jack loyal. It seemed like I needed 100% paragon to talk her round aferwards though - IIRC I was over 80% at that point and the option was still greyed out.

[quote name='Arikado']
I believe in order to win someone back over if you sided with someone else in an argument, you have to be maxed out in either Paragon or Renegade.

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']It doesn't make any sense unless there's a specific time frame involved. I chatted with the opposing side immediately afterward and the option was available to me so I reloaded a save, switched sides and confronted the other. Option was still available and I had one bar and a half left to fill with Paragon even when combined with your passive class boost.[/QUOTE]

Well, I can 100% confirm that you need 100% paragon (or very very close to it) to get Miranda, in any case, back. The initial conflict might require less to resolve, but once it goes bad the par/ren options are grayed out even with 95% (on Paragon, anyway). I could go back and talk to her again once she stops talking about the Collectors and see if I can do it now (as I should be at 100% after the end) but I'm probably trading the game in today ($57 at GS!). I'll pick it up again for sure in a bit once it drops in price and the DLC is out, but I just can't pass up that GS deal. I need a break and will do a third run to set up ME3 at that point.

A question: what did the "canon" Shepard (ie, the default ME2 character if you don't have an ME1 save) do with the Rachni?
[quote name='Allnatural']meh, I don't think I'll do it either, but what exactly does it ruin? Most classes only have a few skills worth leveling anyway, and maxing everything doesn't necessarily make you a powerhouse that can blow through the game. Also, with the bonus exp on subsequent playthroughs you level up so quickly this glitch is almost pointless.[/QUOTE]What it ruins is having to decide between abilities - effectively ruining the idea of character builds. After putting a lot of time in with each class, I would argue that every ability in every class is useful and important.

All it takes to max out everything is level 6 (assuming you don't drop any points in before that) which, if you import a ME1 level 60 save, you hit immediately after talking to the Illusive Man the first time. This means you can go into Freedom's Progress with level 30+ stats on a level 6 character. Seeing as how the game scales enemies based on your level (and if you are doing New Game +), you are most certainly a powerhouse through the beginning and middle portions of the game. It completely gets rid of the challenge of Insanity.

[quote name='io']A question: what did the "canon" Shepard (ie, the default ME2 character if you don't have an ME1 save) do with the Rachni?[/QUOTE]The default ME2 Shepard killed the Rachni, I believe.
[quote name='io']Well, I can 100% confirm that you need 100% paragon (or very very close to it) to get Miranda, in any case, back. The initial conflict might require less to resolve, but once it goes bad the par/ren options are grayed out even with 95% (on Paragon, anyway).[/QUOTE]

The results I gathered were from testing just that and not the initial conflict. Without a full bar of Paragon I was still able to successfully reconcile with the apposing side after the argument which is only required should you decide to take one. A full bar of Paragon wasn't required for the conversation branch to appear as an option and was available for both of the involved parties. I've tested it twice now. I agree though it is at least over 75 - 80% or other factors play a part in it.
I've heard that the requirements change depending on how far you are in the game. This has been tested by people going on a renegade streak early on, seeing that some conversation options were open to them, going full-paragon from there-on out, and returning to see those old renegade options greyed out.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I might as well be the guy who posts this (though, for the record, I think this completely ruins an element of the game):

This method works on squad members, too.[/QUOTE]

Uh oh... how the hell did I miss that? So easy to do. I hope they patch it soon... but I'm going to enjoy it now. :lol:
hopefully for those that use the squad points glitch, if/when they patch it it won't corrupt your save file (I opt'd not to)...on to play through 2 on insanity!
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']The results I gathered were from testing just that and not the initial conflict. Without a full bar of Paragon I was still able to successfully reconcile with the apposing side after the argument which is only required should you decide to take one. A full bar of Paragon wasn't required for the conversation branch to appear as an option and was available for both of the involved parties. I've tested it twice now. I agree though it is at least over 75 - 80% or other factors play a part in it.[/QUOTE]

There must be other factors then, because I was 95% Paragon and had the option grayed out and Miranda just told me to go make small talk with Jack or something. She was rude as hell ;).

I was close to 75% when the first argument happened but may have been just a bit under that. FWIW, I had no problem defusing the Tali/Legion fight at 90% or so Paragon (but I did that initially and not afterwards).
The truth
"You know me... I always like to savor the last shot before popping the heat sink." - Garrus

The femshep romance with him is so awkward and slightly creepy until you hear priceless gems like that one.
Whoa, maxing out all skills? You can research a skill point reset and redistribute your points (Borderlands style) in ME2, no?

Might make my Insanity playthrough go by quicker.
[quote name='dastly75']The truth

Yes she would look like that but you would see this:
(from V the sci fi remake where they're all lizard people!)
I need a second opinion on this...

I played ME1, got my character up to level 37, and was excited to move onto ME2. I started up a game, didn't see my save file come up and realized I had changed hard drives, then figured I would just start anew.

After roughly three hours in ME2, I double-check my hard drive only to find out I did indeed port over my ME1 save game to my new 360! The bad news is that I unfortunately do not have the "completion" save that is required for the ME2 import.

What should I do?

  1. Continue on with my game (3 hours in)
  2. Rent/Rebuy/Return/Whatever ME1 so that I get the correct endgame save for ME1

I'm debating how much I will miss out by not using my original character. Any help is appreciated - thanks!
[quote name='rywateska']
  1. Continue on with my game (3 hours in)
  2. Rent/Rebuy/Return/Whatever ME1 so that I get the correct endgame save for ME1

I'm debating how much I will miss out by not using my original character. Any help is appreciated - thanks![/QUOTE]

I would suggest finishing up ME1. Using the stock Shepard kind of goes against what Mass Effect is all about: playing your way and living with your consequences throughout the series. All of the tie-ins to ME1, be it running into people or simple things such as mails sent to you, really help to pull you deeper into the game. Besides, it's pretty cheap now.

Also, I would suggest doing more squat thrusts and focusing on your pecs a little more. But I can see you're in the zone, so keep it up with those ab rippers.
bread's done