Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

mm.. i try to finish the game but for some reason Tali always dies.
Is it because i haven't max her stats out? She is loyal.
I can not even level up anymore. I explored the whole galaxy, so no missions anymore. But i still can get the DLC's.
This game's combat is a lot better on hardcore. Although given the name, it's not all that punishing -- it's just much better balanced. Glad I switched.
[quote name='panzerfaust']This game's combat is a lot better on hardcore. Although given the name, it's not all that punishing -- it's just much better balanced. Glad I switched.[/QUOTE]That and Insanity (especially Insanity +) leave very little room for error - which ends up making you feel like a badass when you're able to move through areas of the game without coming close to dying :cool:
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Did you get all of the ship upgrades?[/QUOTE]

Yes, i upgrade pretty much everything. Ship is 100% upgraded and i even went again to talk to everyone.
Well, i will try today again and see if it works this time. I tried Jacob, but he died too. Next is Than (i think i got his name wrong).

Oh, btw. i think i forgot the geth. I never got him, i left him at the ship (where you get the IFF). :(

Do the character have to be maxed out in their skills? I forgot to mention that tali needs still some improvement.
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Mulling over an Insanity run... I may not be good enough to accomplish it but that one last achievement is mocking me, I feel like I should at least try.

What class do you guys recommend? I was thinking maybe Sentinel.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Mulling over an Insanity run... I may not be good enough to accomplish it but that one last achievement is mocking me, I feel like I should at least try.

What class do you guys recommend? I was thinking maybe Sentinel.[/QUOTE]Engineer is very useful when it comes to large fights, especially those involving YMIR mechs. Soldier is useful for playing the game like Gears of War - cover to cover, shoot everything with maximum weapon damage. Adept makes some of the larger scale fights a joke with the Singularity/Warp detonations.

Those three classes would be the ones I would suggest. If you wanted a priority list out of those three (starting with highest priority), I'd say: Adept, Engineer, and then Soldier.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Engineer is very useful when it comes to large fights, especially those involving YMIR mechs. Soldier is useful for playing the game like Gears of War - cover to cover, shoot everything with maximum weapon damage. Adept makes some of the larger scale fights a joke with the Singularity/Warp detonations.

Those three classes would be the ones I would suggest. If you wanted a priority list out of those three (starting with highest priority), I'd say: Adept, Engineer, and then Soldier.[/QUOTE]What about the Sentinel? I was thinking about that class as my second playthrough character when I get over from ME1 for the second time. That, or the Adept.
[quote name='shrike4242']What about the Sentinel? I was thinking about that class as my second playthrough character when I get over from ME1 for the second time. That, or the Adept.[/QUOTE]My main problem with the Sentinel is that, although it provides you with every offensive ability that you'll need, it does not make you a master of any of them - the proverbial jack of all trades, master of none type of scenario. Because I prefer to have Miranda and Kasumi with me at all times, I feel like Shepard does not necessarily need Warp and Overload in order to be successful in the game. In my case, Engineer or Adept fits perfectly because:

With the Engineer (and Miranda/Kasumi):
I have all my bases covered without too much overlap - Incinerate, Overload (x3)*, Cryo Blast, Warp, Flashbang Grenade, Shadow Strike, and Combat Drone.

Incinerate - stops health regeneration (Vorcha/Krogan) and melts away Armor, also sends normal enemies into panic.
Overload - takes off Shields (which everyone has on Insanity), destroys synthetics.
Cryo Blast - crowd control; allows you to do 2x damage for its duration.
Warp - Barrier destroyer and stops health regeneration.
Flashbang Grenade - crowd control; jams enemy weapons (especially Harbinger's - he becomes unable to do anything until the grenade's effects are gone) and leaves them defenseless for long periods of time. Also knocks unshielded enemies out of cover.
Shadow Strike - efficient way to finish off enemies in cover.
Combat Drone - excellent distraction for tough enemies, especially the YMIR mechs.

* Overload is extremely important on Insanity.

With the Adept (and Miranda/Kasumi):
One phrase - Singularity detonations. (also Overload x2, Flashbang Grenades, and Shadow Strike. I prefer Energy Drain for the Adept in order to have a pseudo-Overload)


For me, the Sentinel has waaay too much overlap and you lose the Combat Drone and Incinerate which are important (depending on squadmate choice). I also didn't find the Armor to be all that effective and it hogged the cooldown meter way too often. If you prefer others to Miranda and Kasumi, then another class besides Engineer or Adept may make more sense.
Well I decided to go for the Engineer after your write-up above, and I'm having a lot of fun with it, and also realizing that I kind of suck at Mass Effect. :) I died a bunch of times during one of the early fights in Freedom's Progress (stupid dog mechs just kept closing the distance too fast!) and I only beat the YMIR mech on my first try because he glitched out and wouldn't do anything but stand there staring at Jacob's corpse.

I think my first order of business will be to go pick up Kasumi and do her loyalty mission for the Locust SMG, then grab Mordin and next Jack. I have a feeling that I'll want to roll with Miranda and Jack (Squad Warp Ammo!) for most missions. I did go with Flashbang Grenades for Shepard's bonus power but I'm not sure how useful they'll be yet.
Insanity playthroughs are kind of funny, especially if you're starting on a character that you've already run through the game as. It'll actually get easier as you go on and get better upgrades and weapons. I started my Insanity playthrough as a lvl 30 soldier, and Freedom's Progress was the hardest level, by far.
The long rumored Liara quest vs. the Shadow Broker has been confirmed today by Bioware. No specific details other than its you and Liara vs. the Shadow Broker, no word if it's a mission with just the two of you like it was for Kasumi or if you'll have a third party member.

No word on price or release date, 3 screenshots up at
Well here folks here is the DLC we have been wanting all along(I know I have).

BioWare has just announced the latest Mass Effect 2 DLC: "Lair of the Shadow Broker." If you haven't played ME2 , you may want to skip any details about this mission ... suffice it to say, in the intergalactic world of Mass Effect 2 there are shadows and sometimes, those shadows need to be brokered. Oh, and they have lairs.

Those of you who have played ME2 can probably guess how this is going to shake out. As expected, Shepard teams up with Liara T'Soni to "confront the mysterious and sinister Shadow Broker," the very same info-dishing individual (or group of individuals?) that aided Liara in recovering Commander Shepard's body. As BioWare so delicately puts it, "it's time to even the score."

I hope it's as good as we think it should be.

From one of the pics on the info page, it looks like a standard 3 person party + Liara, with Garrus and Tali pictured with Shepard.
Joystiq's post is factually incorrect in terms of the story line. The Shadow Broker was trying to get Shepard's body for the Collector's, hence why Liara is so pissed and focused on killing him.
[quote name='shrike4242']:drool:

I hope it's as good as we think it should be.[/QUOTE]

I hope so! Hopefully we can add her to our team.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Joystiq's post is factually incorrect in terms of the story line. The Shadow Broker was trying to get Shepard's body for the Collector's, hence why Liara is so pissed and focused on killing him.[/QUOTE]Joystiq was wrong? Say it isn't so. :lol:

[quote name='smoger']this is pretty awesome considering they said previously that Overlord was the last of it![/QUOTE]That was a mistake when they did their interview about it. Check back a few pages and you'll see the correction on the statement.

[quote name='js1']I hope so! Hopefully we can add her to our team.[/QUOTE]If they do add her, I think she'd be like Kasumi and Zaeed, no real dialogue tree. :cry:
Hoping this starts another wave of DLC. I'm interested in seeing if they announce anything else at SDCC.

My best guess here is that the Liara mission will be a side mission only. Email from Liara, fly off on quest, she returns to her desk. The character selection screen is full, the screenshots show Shepard w/ two squadmates and her, and I think she's too important a character to get shoe-horned in. We'll see her back in ME3.
Woo-hoo! I've been holding off on the paid DLC thus far, but this'll open the floodgates for me.

I'd worry about disappointment, but I think BioWare knows how important this one is.
That... is... awesome! :bouncy:

I bet she would only help you out on this one mission unfortunately. Well here's hoping we get to have her in the party with ME3.
[quote name='Spybreak8']That... is... awesome! :bouncy:

I bet she would only help you out on this one mission unfortunately. Well here's hoping we get to have her in the party with ME3.[/QUOTE]

I feel like definitely have to be in the 3rd game. I mean otherwise what's the point of picking a new love interest or keeping her as the love interest if she's just going to be a distant character the next time around.
I doubt Bioware would want to deal with the absurd amount of fan fallout from making Liara a DLC exclusive party member this late in the game. I can't imagine the mission being anything more than a temporary team up at best which is fine by me. I just want some damn Shep/T'soni closure and Shadow Broker's identity finally uncovered. Here's hoping SB remembers the Cerberus information my Shep refused to give him in ME1 but judging from the way they dealt with a lot of ME1 twists I won't hold my breath for very long.
Man, I am dying for more information on Lair of the Shadow Broker. The reveal calls it an "expansion." Does this mean we're looking at something along the lines of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening? Christina Norman did hint that the adept was going to get buffed before ME3, and an expansion would be a perfect time to do that. An expansion would also mean new voice work, as well as story elements that could tie directly in to ME3.

Here's hoping this is the case. If not, there at least needs to be some banter and interaction between Liara and Tali, Garrus, and Miranda (due to her involvement in Redemption). BioWare has been sitting on this storyline for a while now, and it would be a crime not to flesh it out in either their biggest piece of downloadable content yet (which includes full voice work for all of the characters) or an all out expansion.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']IT. IS. ABOUT. fuckING. TIME.

Make it worthwhile Bioware. This is all I ask of you. >:|[/QUOTE]

Amen to that!
[quote name='Arikado']Man, I am dying for more information on Lair of the Shadow Broker. The reveal calls it an "expansion." Does this mean we're looking at something along the lines of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening? Christina Norman did hint that the adept was going to get buffed before ME3, and an expansion would be a perfect time to do that. An expansion would also mean new voice work, as well as story elements that could tie directly in to ME3.

Here's hoping this is the case. If not, there at least needs to be some banter and interaction between Liara and Tali, Garrus, and Miranda (due to her involvement in Redemption). BioWare has been sitting on this storyline for a while now, and it would be a crime not to flesh it out in either their biggest piece of downloadable content yet (which includes full voice work for all of the characters) or an all out expansion.[/QUOTE]I'd be damned happy with this as DLC. If it's a full-blown expansion like DA: O - A, then I think it's time for a nerdgasm.

I agree with the idea about banter between Liara, Tali, Garrus and Miranda, especially with the history they all have with one another, especially the first three.

Regardless, I don't think we'll be seeing this until the later fall if it's an expansion and maybe not until September if it's just DLC-sized bits.
Another piece of Mass Effect news, although not nearly as exciting as Lair of the Shadow Broker:

In a recent interview with our PC-centric sister site Big Download, science fiction novelist and experienced game-to-book adapter William C. Dietz revealed he was recently "hired to write a Mass Effect tie-in." When pressed for details about the project, Dietz, who has also written books for the Resistance, Hitman, Halo and StarCraft franchises, could only reveal that it was due to his publisher in early 2011.
why why why why why the freaking hell do market place items have to say free at first....

i was looking through stuff on the market place came across "Alternate Appearance Pack 1 (Garrus, Thane, Jack)" i didnt have any intention of buying it, but it said free for a few second and didnt move. when i pressed the A button i quickly expected a DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BUY THIS, which by that point i would have clicked NO but that didnt pop up and im out 160 Ms points
[quote name='faceturd']Hmm... I kind of thought the Shadow Broker was going to play a big part in ME3...?[/QUOTE]

Doesn't mean he still can't.
Insanity run is going well so far! I just finished Mordin's recruitment mission, the ending sequence of which was one of the hardest parts of the game IMO, even on lower difficulty. And it did take me a few reloads before I beat it (kept getting flanked and surprised by Pyros = instant death). I feel like I'm getting the hang of using the Engineer, which so far for me has basically meant hanging back as far as possible from the enemies and spamming the hell out of Incinerate/Overload while Miranda and Kasumi whittle them down with their SMGs. I did decide to switch my bonus power from Flashbang Grenade to Barrier, since I wasn't using the grenades much anyway and a little more survivability will be a big help.

Overall I feel like I'm cruising along and doing much better than I thought I might. I just hope I don't hit a brick wall at the Collector missions.
It's kind of odd that the day I finally broke down and downloaded the Kasumi and Overlord DLCs is the day they announce the Liara one. I guess it doesn't change anything. I still think they're overpriced, but I'll buy the new one anyway.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Insanity run is going well so far! I just finished Mordin's recruitment mission, the ending sequence of which was one of the hardest parts of the game IMO, even on lower difficulty...[/QUOTE]

Even though Horizon and the Collector's ship were very tough, I found that part of Mordin's recruitment to be the hardest part of my Insanity run as well. I'm not sure if that's because it's early and you still try to play like you do on lower difficulties, whether it's the lack of upgrades, or it's just the mission. I must have had to retry that section eight times before I finished it. (The first few times I tried to get through without assigning any points on the squad screen. That illusion quickly faded.)
Anyone have recommendations for best armor set for an Engineer? I was using the Kestrel pieces for the shield boost, but I'm thinking I can switch to Blood Dragon for the power boost if I have Barrier as my bonus power.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Anyone have recommendations for best armor set for an Engineer? I was using the Kestrel pieces for the shield boost, but I'm thinking I can switch to Blood Dragon for the power boost if I have Barrier as my bonus power.[/QUOTE]Blood Dragon, all day every day.
Well you guys got me wanting to play an Engineer and so I started a new Female Paragon Shepard (other profiles have been straight ME1 imports) as that class lol. I don't know why but my other profiles with the DLC are not loading the DLC so starting a new game was just easier than trying to figure out why that is happening. I pointed it out over at the bioware forums and one of the regulars on the 360 tech forums said he's never seen that problem. I think it's to do with my satellite internet connection, it seems to work (as in let me load my previous saves with DLC) 75% of the time which depends on the quality of the signal to connect with the Cerberus Network.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Blood Dragon, all day every day.[/QUOTE]
Thanks, that's what I'll do. Maybe even pick up a set for my avatar too. :)
Updated the thread title and the picture/banner in the OP (should it stay?).

I'm very excited about the upcoming Liara DLC - it's been a long wait, but I'm glad they finally (publicly) acknowledged it.

I hope it doesn't turn into an escort mission or too much like the Archangel mission in the game (where you had to keep him alive), but I'm sure that Liara could hold her own if it ends up that way. I'm excited about the new weapon pack that's apparently coming before the Liara DLC, too.
The Archangel mission was the only loyalty mission I failed on the first try, so if it's like that, there's a controller that's going airborne because of that.

I just hope it's an DA:O - A expansion-sized bit of DLC, say 10 hours of ME2 goodness.
At this point I'm kinda hoping they put out a disc with all the DLC (Liara included) for ~20 or so. The full game can be had cheaper than that every now and again, and the ~7 they ask for each DLC mission is way too pricey for me.

Anyone else find it kinda weird how Tali's upcoming figure has none of her costume's textures? I mean, the purple parts are completely lacking in the swirl design and the black parts seem void of the hexagonal pattern.
Linking a Kotaku article here:

Now, of course Xecutioner already mentioned the upcoming weapon pack, but this article confirms it along with an interesting quote from Bioware. (Italicizing the remark)

"Astute Mass Effect fans noticed that, in the screens accompanying news of the upcoming extension "The Lair of the Shadow Broker," Shepard's packing two weapons currently unavailable. BioWare's confirmed a new weapons pack is coming, earlier than this next DLC.

BioWare's Jarrett Lee took to the forums to confirm what people were seeing was authentic. "They are in fact part of a different pack that will be released prior to Lair of the Shadowbroker - more details coming very soon. While this was simply intended to tease them I can see how it could be misleading, so I must apologize for that."

That said, "Shadow Broker" does contain "some *really* cool stuff we haven't revealed yet," Lee said. "And actually the very coolest part of the DLC (imho) will be something we absolutely won't reveal in the marketing or PR, to avoid spoiling it. I think most of you will find it to be our most satisfying DLC release yet for ME2."

Hmmmmm, how much faith do we put in the PR line of "really cool stuff". If they keep it successfully under wraps, maybe they really do have something sneaky planned. We all knew about most of the other DLC way ahead of time. Let the speculation begin.
Well, I guess it's the moment of truth, I've reached Horizon on my Insanity playthough. So far the Collectors and Harbinger aren't putting up too tough of a fight, but I haven't reached the parts where they start throwing a ton of husks, Scions, and the Praetorian at you. But hey, once I beat this mission, it's all downhill from there, right? :)
[quote name='Indignate']Doesn't mean he still can't.[/QUOTE]

I can see this two ways. They are DLCing the Shadow Broker story...

1. because it isn't important to ME3.

2. to garner interest in the upcoming shadow broker's role in ME3.

I doubt that they would give anything of a sensitive storyline to DLC, so I lean to #1. It is completely speculative though. I was always curious to know about the SB, since he/she is one of the most prominent un-addressed characters in the ME universe so far.
bread's done