Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Man so I decided to play on my 3rd playthrough (had trouble loading past DLC save files before) and just go really fast while still doing the loyalty missions. I pressed X on most dialog options or went 50/50 on the Paragon/Renegade decisions. As a result Mordin, Tali, Jack and Miranda died and I really felt it. I kinda wanted to see them die because with my other playthroughs I never lost anyone. It's such a powerful ending when you loose someone you've gotten to know and play/work with the entire game. Back to my 4th playthrough with my brand new female paragon character.
when mass effect 3 comes out. i hope to image a system of progression even greater than ME2. I am going to wait and see how "story wise" how they plausibly create a third game when 5 of your characters died. it better not be generic. i mean I'd be satisfied if i saw a poster that said R.I.P thane in my captains quarters. but I'd be pissed if your died comrades were treated like a used cigarette (eeechew ashley)
Just fired up ME2 to see if I could redeem this BDA code I got with my copy of Origins since Shale's still works and found the Firepower pack available for 160 points. A quick comparison of images seems to confirm they are the same new weapons (Heavy Pistol, Assault Rifle, Geth Shotgun) featured in the Liara DLC images. Surprisingly enough it doesn't seem like anyone noticed the similarities yet but some did mention all of them are broken as holy fuck.

When a "heavy" pistol won't do the job, the Phalanx brings the bang! It hits like a hand cannon and features an integral laser sight for a whole new aiming experience! Ever wanted a sniper rifle without the scope or an assault rifle without the recoil? The Mattock heavy rifle is a hybrid of the two, a semi-auto beast usable with any class with an assault rifle skill! The Geth Plasma Shotgun is a three-barreled monster that creates plasma the right way -- on impact! Charge it up for even greater damage, or blast away rapid-fire at longer ranges than normal shotguns.

I'm gonna buy it now and test some of these out before I head out the door.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']The new weapons sound awesome. Can't wait to try them out! It's about time for a new heavy pistol in particular.[/QUOTE]Agreed on all the new stuff sounding very cool.
[quote name='pete5883']Just played through Overlord last night. I thought it was awesome. Funny how the ME2 DLC is 10x better than the DA DLC.[/QUOTE]

Did you play Liliana's Song? I think that's the best of the DA ones by far.

Of course that doesn't count Awakening, which is a full-sized "old-school" expansion pack. I don't know when I'll play Overlord because I'm already level 30 and nothing about it has moved me to pay $7 for it. Definately getting Liara day 1 though.
I wonder if the Liara DLC will go anywhere with the romance angle. I'm definitely playing it first with my female Renegade who romanced Liara in ME1 and stayed faithful. She's a Soldier too so it'll give me a chance to put all of the new weapons through their paces.
I've only had a chance to put the Phalanx through its paces but man... it's a damn murderer. Very impressive especially if you've upgraded and take the time to properly aim for headshots. Insanity tier Scions and Harbingers don't stand a chance. I was going to wait for the Liara DLC to start another Vanguard run but I can't trust the moronic AI to give me any accurate results with other weapons as they rarely use them properly. For what it is worth though the damage output of each was worthy of a closer look in the hands of my squadmates.

I'm looking forward to using the new AR as a makeshift shotty reaaaaallll soon.
The new assault rifle looks absolutely beastly, like it should be a heavy weapon or something. And I love the laser sight on the pistol, I want to give it to both squadmates and just watch those blue lights criss cross all over. Can't wait to try these.
I'm looking forward to that Geth shotgun for my Vanguard to see how it compares to the Eviscerator.

The Phalanx pistol sounds quite the nice upgrade from the Carnifex.
Phalanx is THE dominate Heavy Pistol at the moment IMO. Its damage output and accuracy is unrivaled plus I love the RE5 feel to it when you hard aim. I skimmed Bioware's forums and found a poster made a short video for them all. I'll spoiler tag it for the rest of you who'd prefer to save them for LoSB:

The AR is looking quite sexy in it though I'm getting a novelty vibe from the shotgun. If you can still hold a charged shot while charging in then I'll forget the rest of them exist. I'll find out soon enough this play-through.
"Also, don't worry Vanguards, you can still charge an enemy and then release overcharge when you land."

I hereby decree that Lord Kefka is The Man and Christina Norman is The Woman.

Ink's got a brand new shoooooottttttyyyyyyy. ^_^
Holy crap on a cracker, that looks like great stuff with the new weapon pack. :shock:

The video above helps show how they're different than the other weapons we've had previously.
[quote name='Christina Norman']Each weapon in this pack was created to disrupt, not fit into, the existing weapon ecosystem. Designed for players already familiar with our content and weapons, these guns try to provide a new Mass Effect 2 combat experience in our existing game.[/QUOTE]
That is just so awesome. I love it when developers share this kind of insight. This makes me look forward to future ME2 DLC even more than I already did.
hehe that looks and sounds great.
But heavy hitting is part of the shotgun experience we wanted to keep, so we built a unique feature - overcharge. With overcharge you power up a blast by holding the fire button, releasing it to deal a double damage blast at the cost of two ammo. It provides a very satisfying experience. The sound and vfx on this gun is just awesome.

Samus or Mega Man, you pick:D

I love the animations of how the guns fold out when they're about to be used. With that technology you could practically just use a basic model and then build off of that to create a variety of weapons for pistols, rifles and shotguns. Your possibilities would be endless. That said the weapons in that pack sound more than just new guns, they're new gameplay!
Damn, I don't know what I missed, but if the last mission doesn't give you any experience, I'm not going to make it to level 30. Legion's loyalty mission will get me to 29, with about 700 exp to go. My quest list is empty!
[quote name='pete5883']Damn, I don't know what I missed, but if the last mission doesn't give you any experience, I'm not going to make it to level 30. Legion's loyalty mission will get me to 29, with about 700 exp to go. My quest list is empty![/QUOTE]
The last mission does give experience. :)
[quote name='twicwborn']Sweet, I was about to start another play through. But I guess I'll wait until the new weapons pack comes out.[/QUOTE]

The weapons pack is available now. 160 points. Start playing!
Finished it. I lost
Zaeed?!??! What the fuck? They asked for a leader, I give them someone who led the goddamn Blue Suns. And he dies?? I wanted to either lose no one, or lose someone interesting. Shepard didn't even say anything when he died, for chrissakes.
[quote name='pete5883']Finished it. I lost
Zaeed?!??! What the fuck? They asked for a leader, I give them someone who led the goddamn Blue Suns. And he dies?? I wanted to either lose no one, or lose someone interesting. Shepard didn't even say anything when he died, for chrissakes.

Zaeed's squads have a tendency to die whenever he's the leader. He mentions this in a few stories he tells, saying he makes out like a bandit when he's the sole survivor. He may have helped found the Blue Suns, but he's just not a leader when it comes to small squads.

Zaeed's a killer. He's one of the best (along with Grunt and Garrus) to leave at the door to hold the line whenever you take a squad to fight the human reaper.
Hmm now that's odd. I had problems with the DLC with this game, I have come to the conclusion that the DLC it said was missing, when I loaded the file that had the DLC on it in the first place (yeah wtf right), was the DLC I acquired off the dashboard (Firewalker & Overlord packs). Now the other stuff like for example the Aegis Pack didn't have a problem. I decided to re-download what I already had with-in the game through the new content available menu. Maybe it's like the xbox downloads license problem and you have to re-download through the the download history (for this instance it's the Cerberus Network menu).

Anyway picked up the Firepower pack (through in-game menu lol).

Oh and in other news,
ME3 to have over 1,000 variations! saaawwweeet
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[quote name='Arikado']
Zaeed's squads have a tendency to die whenever he's the leader. He mentions this in a few stories he tells, saying he makes out like a bandit when he's the sole survivor. He may have helped found the Blue Suns, but he's just not a leader when it comes to small squads.

Zaeed's a killer. He's one of the best (along with Grunt and Garrus) to leave at the door to hold the line whenever you take a squad to fight the human reaper.
This answer satisfied me for a second, but if that's true
then someone that Zaeed was leading should've died, not him. Oh well, I won't miss him.
[quote name='pete5883']This answer satisfied me for a second, but if that's true
then someone that Zaeed was leading should've died, not him. Oh well, I won't miss him.
To me the weirdest part of the live/die calculus is the person that you send to escort the crew. If they're loyal they live, and if they're not loyal they die but the crew still survives. Wouldn't it take someone more loyal to sacrifice themselves to save Shepard's crew?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
To me the weirdest part of the live/die calculus is the person that you send to escort the crew. If they're loyal they live, and if they're not loyal they die but the crew still survives. Wouldn't it take someone more loyal to sacrifice themselves to save Shepard's crew?
I'm assuming that if they're loyal, they give their life to save the crew. If they're not loyal, they get to the point of saving their own backside in trying to escort the crew back and they end up getting killed and making an unplanned distraction to let the crew escape.

Just my $0.02 on that situation.
I think what they are going for is if the person is "loyal," then they're no longer distracted by whatever their personal issue was, they can focus 100% on the mission, and are less likely to make a careless mistake and get themselves killed (honestly, "focused" might have been a better label for the concept than "loyal"). It makes sense and of course the designers wouldn't create a situation where the player is punished for making a character loyal. That particular scenario just seems kind of odd and counterintuitive when you think of loyalty in the conventional sense, not the way the game is using the term.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']
I think what they are going for is if the person is "loyal," then they're no longer distracted by whatever their personal issue was, they can focus 100% on the mission, and are less likely to make a careless mistake and get themselves killed (honestly, "focused" might have been a better label for the concept than "loyal"). It makes sense and of course the designers wouldn't create a situation where the player is punished for making a character loyal. That particular scenario just seems kind of odd and counterintuitive when you think of loyalty in the conventional sense, not the way the game is using the term.
[/QUOTE]I think that explanation makes much more sense than the way I was looking at it, though I think I was looking at it from an absolute perspective.
I always looked at the loyal vs. unloyal scenario as a selfish vs. selfless type of thing. That way makes sense to me because of the whole system of morality that most of your decisions depend on; and those terms seem to give Shepard more credit for not just getting everyone "in line", but also affecting their personalities and changing their perspectives on things.

I don't mind the word loyal, but that can be taken a number of different ways: loyal to Shepard, loyal to humans, loyal to the mission, etc.
So I'm running through an engineer playthrough and man the laser sighted heavy pistol rocks. It feels like RE4 to me with way better controls as well lol. Headshot!
Does the new weapon pack and Overload DLC requires you to do the lastest update patch of ME2 to unlock? I want to use the DLC stuff but I don't want to update yet, I'm planning to use the level up glitch to help me beat insanity.
Well, I'm making my way to a second playthrough of ME2, since the new weapon packs had me more than a little curious to see how they'd play.

So, I tossed in ME1 and started a Hardcore playthrough, with a female Renegade Adept. Though I could pick up the "use Warp 75 times" and the other achievements I missed the last time, plus the Hardcore completion achivement. Game certainly plays differently going the Renegade route, so it's a nice change. Difficulty level is also a bit of a challenge.
[quote name='sendme']Damn I guess the free DLC is gone from the game now.[/QUOTE]

Really? Wow, I'm super lucky then, I downloaded them all just 3 days ago.

I'm super in love with this game, I think I'm about 15 hours in and I just
defended the colony against the Collector attack
. After beating the boss of that area I thought I failed! Gonna start up some loyalty missions and grab the last 3 recruits, I can't help but be bothered that I have 3 dossiers but 4 open character slots, though. I fear I made a wrong choice somewhere, unless that 4th slot is Wrex which I let die in the first game :cry:
[quote name='gryphter']Really? Wow, I'm super lucky then, I downloaded them all just 3 days ago.

I'm super in love with this game, I think I'm about 15 hours in and I just
defended the colony against the Collector attack
. After beating the boss of that area I thought I failed! Gonna start up some loyalty missions and grab the last 3 recruits, I can't help but be bothered that I have 3 dossiers but 4 open character slots, though. I fear I made a wrong choice somewhere, unless that 4th slot is Wrex which I let die in the first game :cry:[/QUOTE]
I believe he means "new free ME2 DLC from Cerberus Network doesn't exist anymore" because that would be a waste of money for those who purchased new.
About Wrex:
Wrex is not in ME2 as a squad member. He does show up in the game though if you allow him to live in Mass Effect.
About the 4th slot:
Wait until you get near the end of the game, you'll have to make a wise decision on your last potential squad member.
You can read those, I did good to keep away from any major spoilers.
[quote name='gryphter']Really? Wow, I'm super lucky then, I downloaded them all just 3 days ago.

I'm super in love with this game, I think I'm about 15 hours in and I just
defended the colony against the Collector attack
. After beating the boss of that area I thought I failed! Gonna start up some loyalty missions and grab the last 3 recruits, I can't help but be bothered that I have 3 dossiers but 4 open character slots, though. I fear I made a wrong choice somewhere, unless that 4th slot is Wrex which I let die in the first game :cry:[/QUOTE]

I guess I should have said new free content. I knew all the content would not be free but things like extra costumes and guns I thought would be and maybe a mission or two here and there. I guess now all we can do is expect 100+ point content every few months. Oh well at least they did give free stuff out.
[quote name='sendme']I guess I should have said new free content. I knew all the content would not be free but things like extra costumes and guns I thought would be and maybe a mission or two here and there. I guess now all we can do is expect 100+ point content every few months. Oh well at least they did give free stuff out.[/QUOTE] would think the 160 point items they wouldn't charge for. We still can't complain though since we still got a decent amount of content at particularly no extra charge. I would jump on those if I knew for sure that they would transfer over to Mass Effect 3.
Just finished my first play through, and have a 2nd one already going.

Loved the game, much improved over the original. Great cinematic quality to everything, dialogue was a lot of fun, combat was sweet, customization and inventory was watered down which is something I appreciate over the original's mess, and the sub recruitment missions were awesome.

My gripes though would be the empty feeling of the plot (as it doesn't advance until you basically finish the game), and the writing of the characters. They all had really cool introductions with good potential but the way they developed felt really artificial and it was hard to get attached to any of them, with Tali and Garrus probably being the better ones.

The whole relationship aspect of the Mass Effect franchise as of now is just a bit weak. You can tell they want to create a really dynamic game where you develop with other characters but it really just amounts to each character having a little personal problem with a mission assignment attached to it. I notice Bioware does really cool back stories for their characters but often miss the mark on actual personalities. I hope they improve this element in ME3.

And one little thing that I was a bit put off by after all the hype I read about it -- your decisions from the last game really don't effect this one all that impressively. Williams and Kaidan are basically interchangeable shells of a character that really didn't have any emotional impact in the original or this one. And meeting random people on the street who remind you of your actions in the previous game and then....that's it.

Not a big deal, but I heard it was supposed to be revolutionary 0_o

That's what I get for reading Game Informer =p
I was thinking about how voice files for the Liara DLC were found in the PC game right after launch, and I realized something. It makes sense that if Bioware was planning the story for the Liara DLC from the beginning and had some or all of the dialog written already, they would have Ali Hillis read her lines for the main game and DLC all in the same session. But that also means that it's likely that they had all the actors record lines for the Liara DLC during their original recording sessions! Wouldn't it be great if the squadmates weren't mutes the whole time like in Overlord?
[quote name='sendme']For that little I might get them. Hell they did give so much stuff for free.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that's how I felt. The last game that I felt the same way about was Burnout Paradise.:applause:
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I was thinking about how voice files for the Liara DLC were found in the PC game right after launch, and I realized something. It makes sense that if Bioware was planning the story for the Liara DLC from the beginning and had some or all of the dialog written already, they would have Ali Hillis read her lines for the main game and DLC all in the same session. But that also means that it's likely that they had all the actors record lines for the Liara DLC during their original recording sessions! Wouldn't it be great if the squadmates weren't mutes the whole time like in Overlord?[/QUOTE]

Whether new dialog is pre-recorded or brand new, there needs to be some, especially for Tali, Garrus, and Miranda because of their past interactions/work with Liara. I posted this a few pages back:

[quote name='Arikado']...there at least needs to be some banter and interaction between Liara and Tali, Garrus, and Miranda (due to her involvement in Redemption). BioWare has been sitting on this storyline for a while now, and it would be a crime not to flesh it out in either their biggest piece of downloadable content yet (which includes full voice work for all of the characters) or an all out expansion.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='panzerfaust']Not a big deal, but I heard it was supposed to be revolutionary 0_o

That's what I get for reading Game Informer =p[/QUOTE]

Not to take away from GameInformer's overall credibility but they commonly overhype a vast majority of big releases in their reviews in the hopes that you'll go to GameStop and pick up a copy. This is done regardless of how good the game may or may not be. For example: Lost Planet 2, nearly UNPLAYABLE title that GameInformer graces with an 8.5.
[quote name='panzerfaust']

And one little thing that I was a bit put off by after all the hype I read about it -- your decisions from the last game really don't effect this one all that impressively. Williams and Kaidan are basically interchangeable shells of a character that really didn't have any emotional impact in the original or this one. And meeting random people on the street who remind you of your actions in the previous game and then....that's it.


Who really cares about the female Space Nazi (who is dust and particles on Virmire right now) and Carth Onasi?

I get what you're saying, though. I do expect to see a lot more in ME3, however.
I know this isn't a book thread, but has anyone in here read through Mass Effect: Retribution yet? If so, post your thoughts!

Some positive things I took away from reading it:
It was good to get a small glimpse of the future and get some information about the gap between ME2 and ME3 (even though it assumes Anderson isn't on the Council and Shepard destroyed the Collector base).

I was happy to see my boy Anderson getting some action with Kahlee again. It wasn't much, but at least you know Anderson's still "got it" :cool:

I really liked any/all dialog between Grayson and the Reapers that took place inside his own mind. I think the book gives us more insight to what it was like inside of Saren's head during the events of ME1.

I was happy to see characters like Anderson reference Shepard a number of times, including his work in fighting the Reapers. One line I recall from the book is when Anderson was thinking of ideas to help take down Cerberus, he had the idea of using Shepard for help but realized that he was "off the grid" and probably doing something much more important.

Aria getting a good amount of face-time was also a huge plus. I was interested to see how the Cerberus-Omega partnership would work out, and it looks like it may bleed into future events (maybe even ME3).

Finally, it was also cool to see the more human side of the Illusive Man (making the decision to personally oversee Grayson's transformation, and watching that decision almost bite him in the ass - you don't see the Illusive Man making mistakes like that). Also, the revelation of Aria losing her daughter also showed us a different side of this "ruthless Pirate Queen" that you may/may not have expected.
Yes, the books are cannon. That's why they avoid Shepard's gender.

On a side note, how does everyone feel about the story of ME2 versus ME1? Personally, I feel it's a step down.
bread's done