Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

Alright I havent been following this at all but saw some things that concerned me.

Whats this about having to beat ME1 and game saves? I actually beat 1 play through of ME1 are you guys saying I have to go back and beat more or is that 1 enough?

I am just confused on the link between having to play ME1 and what it means to ME2.
I'm positive a Kotaku or another related gaming news site posted in here a couple pages back confirmed players will have to beat the original game in order to transfer those character profiles to ME2. Since NG+ careers would/should logically have wrote over the original end game save you would in theory have to beat the game again with each of the desired profiles.
[quote name='crushtopher']The cover art is beyond ugly. This might come across as more absurd than the inventory system ruining a game for someone...but this is the case for me. The cover art is ugly and terrible. Totally killed my desire to purchase this game...[/QUOTE]

You know what they say about books and their covers? The same thing applies to video games.
Sorry for the huge post, I've been away from the thread for a few days :):


[quote name='Rei no Otaku']So is Tali a confirmed romance option? I really hope so...[/QUOTE]The Tali reveal video teases its possibility, but it has not been confirmed (as far as I know). The amount of people who want it to be confirmed say the least :lol:

[quote name='sendme']So I wonder if it is the first 11 saves or what. If I have 2 or 3 level 60s that I want to use but have a lot of lover level plays from just getting achievements will I not be able to take my 60s?[/QUOTE]Apparently more details come out tomorrow (the 29th) about which eleven saves it will be that make it into ME2: whether or not it's the first eleven, or eleven that you get to choose.

[quote name='js1']What about the DLC for ME1? I thought about buying them allong with the DA:O DLC to get the buy 3 get 800 pts back deal. Is the DLC for ME any good? Since I started the game already can I access the DLC or do I have to start over?[/QUOTE]The DLC for ME1 is excellent. Bringing Down the Sky involves stopping a terrorist threat on an asteroid headed right towards a planet, while Pinnacle Station involves competing in combat simulators. BDtS is actually one of my favorite missions to do in the game, as it feels nearly the same size as the missions to Noveria, Feros, etc.

[quote name='crushtopher']The cover art is beyond ugly. This might come across as more absurd than the inventory system ruining a game for someone...but this is the case for me. The cover art is ugly and terrible. Totally killed my desire to purchase this game...[/QUOTE]Not getting the game because of its cover art is more ridiculous than not getting it because of the inventory system, though both go way past the point of "absurd". In no way should a game's cover art determine the quality of the game - some good games have bad art, some terrible games have great art. If this is seriously a reason to hold you back, then pony up ten dollars more to get the Collector's Edition.

[quote name='metaly']I was thinking of getting the Pinnacle Station DLC so I could be 100% complete with everything ME1, and then I noticed I somehow have 390 of the 400 MS points it costs. :bomb::bomb: It figures something like this would happen eventually. Since the DLC got pretty mixed reviews, I'll probably just wait till I end up with an extra 10 points from somewhere.[/QUOTE]Despite it's polar reviews, I still think that the DLC was worth it. It offers a nice chunk of experience, a good weapon (pending you're not a lvl 45+ with full Spectre gear/weapons), your own pad, and it's just something new/different. In no way will it really add to the story or anything like that, but I think it's a pretty valuable addition to the list of things to do in ME1.

[quote name='MSUHitman']The last paragraph doesn't sound right to me, because the major thing Bioware keeps hyping is the decisions you made in ME 1 directly affect ME 2.

I figure
whether to kill the queen alien bug or let her leave Noveria, whether Ashley or Kaiden die, whether you kept Wrex alive or not, whether you saved the council or let them die, and who you said to be humanity's member on the council if they're still alive,
are going to be the biggest decisions that carry over to ME 2.[/QUOTE]You took what I was saying out of context. I was responding to someone asking about starting a New Game + run with a character in ME1. Even small decisions like the fate of Conrad Verner will have some sort of impact in ME2, not just the game-changing ones.

[quote name='Soodmeg']Alright I havent been following this at all but saw some things that concerned me.

Whats this about having to beat ME1 and game saves? I actually beat 1 play through of ME1 are you guys saying I have to go back and beat more or is that 1 enough?

I am just confused on the link between having to play ME1 and what it means to ME2.[/QUOTE]Originally, people thought that the transfer between ME1 and ME2 was simply going to be the process of finding a save file from ME1 and importing it into ME2. Since then, we now know that the only files that will be able to be imported to ME2 are the "end-of-game" save files that the game automatically makes once you completed a playthrough. These files can't be deleted (on the 360) and can't be overwritten. So, for instance, if you beat the game three times with the same character - then you have 3 saves available for import into ME2. Any saves that aren't "end-of-game" saves are not exportable.
Thank you for the recommendation Tha Xecutioner.:D I'll pick them up then. I was on the fence about the DLC but I am having a great time with the game so far, I would LOVE to ME 2 day one but I think I'll just spend some more time with the 1st game( on my 1st playthrough as "good" character)
I can't wait for this game. I'm playing through again on Mass Effect, just to get the final save that I want to use for Mass Effect 2. I just got a Prime trial again as well, so I upgraded my CE order to free Release Date Delivery :D
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Sorry for the huge post, I've been away from the thread for a few days :):


The Tali reveal video teases its possibility, but it has not been confirmed (as far as I know). The amount of people who want it to be confirmed say the least :lol:[/QUOTE]
Of course people want it. Tali is awesome...
I just finished it. Glad I got it back. When
Ash shot Wrex
, I tried to shoot her in the head, that bitch >_>. Instead I reloaded and had that not happen :)

I can't decide if I wanna do another play with the DLC. I'm 50 now, and would just end up making the same decisions anyway. What do you get in ME2 for like 60+ characters?
OK! I give up! I will pre-order this soon. LOL. Haven't watched the new vids but I can't take it any more... I WAS going to just finish up my backlog and get into this later but noooooo... hahaha.

As you can tell from my previous post but I havent' kept up with this to much. Has anyone been up in arms about about the 95% change of teammates? I think "something" happens to the ship at the start of the game, far as I want to go. Trying to avoid spoilers. But I hope they explain what happens/is happening to your previous crew.
In addition to the Blood Dragon armor, there is some kind of in-game DLC being offered by Dr Pepper right now. there are codes on the bottlecaps, but I don't think the promotion has officially started as the codes aren't being accepted on the Dr Pepper website. Who knows what this could be, but it's ME2 and ...if you like Dr's free. I have 5 caps already.

I should mention that you're not guaranteed ME2 items, it could be for a variety of EA games, but ME2 is prominently featured on the bottle.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Of course people want it. Tali is awesome...[/QUOTE]And those hips...

[quote name='Shockdrop']What do you get in ME2 for like 60+ characters?[/QUOTE]They haven't said anything specific about the bonuses that come with ME1 transfers yet. It could be anything from a major XP boost to start off with to access to better equipment, I suppose.

[quote name='seanr1221']Anyone looking forward to using their Dragon Age armor in this game?[/QUOTE]
Kaiden/Ashley to help with Eden Prime, Garrus/Wrex to help find Fist, Tali to expose Saren, and Liara to assist you in finding her mother and understanding the Prothean clues
) and the Mass Effect 2 squadmates are a group of specialists/professionals who can help turn a suicide mission into something they can all survive. I do think that all the squadmates in ME1 were good in their own right, but when you compare them to the likes of Thane, Subject Zero, and Samara, then they look like pushovers. I really hope that the ME1 characters contribute a fair amount to the outcome of the story, though. I'm sure it's more than a measly conversation with whoever you come across.
I get all of that X.

I too was a bit worried about the new crew, but then I thought about it in terms of gameplay. With new people, you can get new experiences with their new powers/abilities and such there in the battlefield.

I'm excited to see how some of my choices carried over. Like saving the council and the bit about who might join it.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']And those hips...[/QUOTE]

I'm in for a Tali romance for obvious reasons. I'm a fanboy (more conservative and less fanatical than most of her wacked out fan base), she + her VA are awesome and those child bearing hips made of pure win and platinum sunshine are absolutely magnetic. If a woman matching her intellect and physical assets caught my eye in public I would find it impossible to avoid aggressive flirtation. Who in their right mind wouldn't?
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I'm in for a Tali romance for obvious reasons. I'm a fanboy (more conservative and less fanatical than most of her wacked out fan base), she + her VA are awesome and those child bearing hips made of pure win and platinum sunshine are absolutely magnetic. If a woman matching her intellect and physical assets caught my eye in public I would find it impossible to avoid aggressive flirtation. Who in their right mind wouldn't?[/QUOTE]To add to that: I think the whole Tali situation is also based around the idea that she's "something you couldn't have" in ME1 - which makes it seem more appealing to go after. That, and the whole "what the hell is she hiding behind that mask and enviro-suit?" idea. The whole exile factor that her reveal video gives us adds a bit of spice to her personality, so it's almost like she's the complete female character now (brains, body, and a bit of a renegade...Miranda who? :cool:). I have a feeling that she's just going to be a cocktease for Shepard all throughout ME2 - with the biggest reward you get being a hug or some type of intimate touching...maybe even a "promise" - and they're going to make us wait until ME3 to deliver the goods, so to speak.
I'm listening to The Totally Rad Show right now and one of them played the first 1.5 hours of ME 2 at an event in S.F. earlier this month. I have a feeling I know what they do at the beginning of the game to you but I don't want to get in trouble even posting my thoughts with a spoiler tag.
[quote name='cgarb84']You guys care way the fuck too much who you are going to get to bone in this game. I mean it's almost scary............ :lol:[/QUOTE]:lol:

There's no posts involving fan fiction or hentai (or..worse) like there are on other boards, so it's not as bad as it could be...thank God.

[quote name='MSUHitman']I'm listening to The Totally Rad Show right now and one of them played the first 1.5 hours of ME 2 at an event in S.F. earlier this month. I have a feeling I know what they do at the beginning of the game to you but I don't want to get in trouble even posting my thoughts with a spoiler tag.[/QUOTE]There's been a handful of websites that have posted very spoiler-filled impressions of the first 90 minutes of the game. If you want to see if your thoughts are correct, then you can try looking it up on either IGN or GameSpot or any other major gaming site. Thanks for not posting anything like that here, though :cool:
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']:lol:

There's no posts involving fan fiction or hentai (or..worse) like there are on other boards, so it's not as bad as it could be...thank God.[/QUOTE]

Amen. Thank God there is no one here capable of taking it too far. Some of the things I've read and seen on other forums has legitimately creeped me out. I'd like to think the levels of nerdliness is rather tame right now. So glad I didn't turn into an Otaku in HS.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']There's been a handful of websites that have posted very spoiler-filled impressions of the first 90 minutes of the game. If you want to see if your thoughts are correct, then you can try looking it up on either IGN or GameSpot or any other major gaming site. Thanks for not posting anything like that here, though :cool:[/QUOTE]

Yeah I don't usually read any of IGN's articles, just listen to their podcasts, so I went to their site and I was 100% dead on.
Details have been rolling in about the recently announced New Game + feature for Mass Effect 2, as well as corrections on the Import System. Instead of providing links to the posts from the ME devs, I'll put them in quotes here (for those who don't have an account on the ME forums). Since this is a big-ass post, I'm going to spoiler tag it - although there are no spoilers:
[quote name='Xbox 360 Import Process']When you use the Mass Effect 1 Import Utility on Xbox 360, you are prompted with a list of Careers and their accompanying saves attached to your Xbox Profile. You then will select which Save game to use and be brought directly into the start of your Mass Effect 2 experience. This can be repeated a many times as you wish on as many saves as you wish. [/QUOTE]

[quote name='The "11 Saves" Dilemma']The easiest way to determine if your save will import into Mass Effect 2 is to open Mass Effect 1, go into the New Game Plus menu. If you see the save you want to be able to import into Mass Effect 2 in that list you are set. The "11 saves" was basically a miscommunication - information that was out of date. Now, it is not the case.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='New Game + FAQ']What is New Game +?

A: New Game + is a bonus for players that beat Mass Effect 2 and want to start a new adventure with their existing character. You must beat the game and survive to unlock New Game +.

Once you have unlocked New Game + an "Import ME2 character" option will be be added to the new game menu. This lets you start a new game with your commander Shepard, carrying over his weapons and level, but facing more powerful enemies.

New Game + works on all ME2 platforms.

Do I need to use New Game + to continue playing ME2 after I beat the game?

A: You don't need to use New Game + to keep playing. You can continue to play your existing ME2 character to access missions you did not complete, and new DLC missions.

Can I import my ME1 character if I haven't beaten ME2?

A: There are two separate import features
- "Import ME1 character" is available immediately, use this feature to import your ME1 character and continue his adventures
- "Import ME2 character" is available after you beat ME2 and survive, use this feature to start a New Game + game

What carries over when I import my character and start a New Game +?

A: New Game + has been completely rebuilt from scratch for ME2. The following are carried over when you start a New Game + game
- Your class, level, appearance, name, gender
- Your weapons and heavy weapons
- Standard weapons for squad members, but no "unique" weapon
- Shepard's powers including his bonus power if he had one
- Advanced weapon training for Shepard if he had advanced weapon training

What does not carry over?

A: Everything else, but here are some specific things that do not carry over
- Paragon/Renegade standing
- Research and Upgrades (but you get to keep your weapons)
- Choices made in ME2
- Cash and resources (but you get some cash and resources as a bonus)
- Armor (but you will have access to any pre-order or DLC armor)

Why doesn't all our cash / resources / upgrades / armor carry over?

A: Without spoiling ME2 I can't answer this, suffice it to say the way the economy in ME2 works this just wouldn't work.

Are there any other bonuses for New Game +?

A: You get some bonus cash and resources. You can use these to more quickly upgrade your character than in a regular playthrough.

When you import a character from ME1 you get some bonuses including cash and experience. If you beat the game and then import that character do you receive import bonuses again?

A: No the bonuses for New Game + are separate.

When can I access my weapons in a new game + playthrough?

A: Access your weapons at any weapon locker. You do not have access to a weapon locker at the start of the game.

How difficult is a new game + playthrough?

A: Enemies are much stronger in a New Game + playthrough. This makes New Game + a challenging experience at any difficulty level. New Game + is not the easy way to beat Insanity in ME2.

Can New Game + characters be imported into ME3?

A: Yes but you must beat ME2 with your new game + character, and survive

When exactly are the save games created that are used by New Game +?

A: Any save game made after you beat ME2 and survive can be used for New Game + import. Likewise any save created after you beat ME2 and survive can be used as your import save for ME3. Yes, this means weapons you get after you beat the game can be brought over into New Game +.

Can I reach max level without starting a New Game + game?

A: New Game + is an easy way to reach level 30. It's difficult but not impossible to reach level 30 in a single playthrough of Mass Effect 2 without using New Game +, but you may need to do DLC missions and/or import an ME1 character for bonus experience.[/QUOTE]
All right, CAGS. The forum title said that new game features were explained, but I didn't see it in the OP. I've read the articles about this, but I'm a little confused. If I want my character to transfer to ME 2 and I want to double check this character on ME, will there actually be a screen that says "new game +" on the main game screen? I don't see one, so I don't know if I started playing a second time and didn't finish, or it if is asking me to continue the end of my first game (I have three + save slots).

If I want to start a new game, I have the option of using my level 46 character, so is that not the new game + on ME?

I'm stumped and it's been two years since I beat it. I'm assuming there is a new game + option on the menu screen and I need to beat the game again. Kind of sucks and kind of doesn't.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Amen. Thank God there is no one here capable of taking it too far. Some of the things I've read and seen on other forums has legitimately creeped me out. I'd like to think the levels of nerdliness is rather tame right now. So glad I didn't turn into an Otaku in HS.[/QUOTE]
It's only tame right now because I haven't been posting in this thread much yet...
[quote name='kythegent']All right, CAGS. The forum title said that new game features were explained, but I didn't see it in the OP. I've read the articles about this, but I'm a little confused. If I want my character to transfer to ME 2 and I want to double check this character on ME, will there actually be a screen that says "new game +" on the main game screen? I don't see one, so I don't know if I started playing a second time and didn't finish, or it if is asking me to continue the end of my first game (I have three + save slots).

If I want to start a new game, I have the option of using my level 46 character, so is that not the new game + on ME?

I'm stumped and it's been two years since I beat it. I'm assuming there is a new game + option on the menu screen and I need to beat the game again. Kind of sucks and kind of doesn't.[/quote]
Kind of confused about your question. If you're asking how to know if your character will transfer over to ME2 then as long as you've beaten the game at least once with that character then it will. To start a new game+ in ME1 just start new game and pick existing ID.
Thx, Otaku. I guess I was under the impression that you had to have the "right save" in order to play ME 2 with your character from the original.

And, yes, you understood my question correctly.
[quote name='kythegent']All right, CAGS. The forum title said that new game features were explained, but I didn't see it in the OP. I've read the articles about this, but I'm a little confused. If I want my character to transfer to ME 2 and I want to double check this character on ME, will there actually be a screen that says "new game +" on the main game screen? I don't see one, so I don't know if I started playing a second time and didn't finish, or it if is asking me to continue the end of my first game (I have three + save slots).

If I want to start a new game, I have the option of using my level 46 character, so is that not the new game + on ME?

I'm stumped and it's been two years since I beat it. I'm assuming there is a new game + option on the menu screen and I need to beat the game again. Kind of sucks and kind of doesn't.[/QUOTE]Sorry for any confusion that the thread title may have given off. I usually don't update the OP with details like that, you just have to look through the newer posts. In this case, the updated post was right above yours. Although it looks like your question has been answered, I'll do a follow-up answer just to make sure:

When you beat Mass Effect 1 with a character, you get an end-game save
When you go to start a New Career, select the option for an existing profile
If you see the character you want from the list of options, then you're set

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It's only tame right now because I haven't been posting in this thread much yet...[/QUOTE]:lol:
It's all good, man. The post before mine was helpful, but I was just thrown off by the semantics of "new game+." I didn't know if I should see that on the screen for ME. I can't wait to get back on The Normandy, but there are too many games out right now to cruise through the first one if my save wasn't "right." So, that's music to my ears.
I can't wait for ME2. I finally finished another playthrough of ME1, with things just the way I want them. I found it funny that during the course of my playthrough I got my money to 9,999,999, and I swear when I bought things the total didn't change.
Hey, Exe....thanks for keeping up this thread. It's been a clean, spoiler and shennanigan free thread and that's refreshing. Thanks, bro.
Man I wish they showed you what you did with your profiles, I can't remember if I saved Rex (or played the same profile and did the other option) last game or not. Looks like I should finish my renegade profile sometime, funny I always wanted to be a nice intergalactic sheriff haha.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Hey, Exe....thanks for keeping up this thread. It's been a clean, spoiler and shennanigan free thread and that's refreshing. Thanks, bro.[/QUOTE]I will accept thanks for keeping up with the thread. The main reason I post pretty much every bit of released information (non-spoiler, of course) is because I know not many people here are on the BioWare forums. I'm just trying to bring all the information from there (especially info from the devs) without the website's community.

Thank me in a month, though, for the non-spoilers and lack of shenanigans. That's somewhat out of my control, and there's still plenty of time between now and then for someone to ruin the fun.

[quote name='Spybreak8']Man I wish they showed you what you did with your profiles, I can't remember if I saved Rex (or played the same profile and did the other option) last game or not. Looks like I should finish my renegade profile sometime, funny I always wanted to be a nice intergalactic sheriff haha.[/QUOTE]Although ME1 doesn't recap your saved game for you, it has been said that ME2 will literally have a list of quests/missions from ME1 and it will show you the decisions your Shepard made for each profile. The quicker way to find out what you've done (rather than wait until ME2) would be to load up the profile in question and go through your Journal to check.
Game Crazy has Inferno Armor as a pre-order bonus , but amazon has it for CE edition . Is the CE worth it ?

Edit: Gamecrap has some other bonus armor
[quote name='maxim2boobles']Game Crazy has Inferno Armor as a pre-order bonus , but amazon has it for CE edition . Is the CE worth it ?

Edit: Gamecrap has some other bonus armor[/QUOTE]

Yeah Terminus armor. Getting my CE from Amazon!:lol:

Thx X, I'll check the journal next time.
So, NG+ is only availabe if you survive, which makes sense, but what would that mean for ME3 then?

And Tali was the only one I was actually interested in talking to. Though it don't hurt that she is awesomely hot (though she needed better armor; bright freakin' orange is just ugly on her)

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Amen. Thank God there is no one here capable of taking it too far. Some of the things I've read and seen on other forums has legitimately creeped me out.[/QUOTE]

Show me these stories, so that I may avoid them in the future
Amazon, Best Buy, Game Crazy, and Gamestop all have the Terminus Armor; but Gamestop also gets the "black hole" gun, whatever its called.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Amazon, Best Buy, Game Crazy, and Gamestop all have the Terminus Armor; but Gamestop also gets the "black hole" gun, whatever its called.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it is tough deciding. I think the online digital version also comes with a different exclusive weapon too.

They tell you what bonuses they armors have so you can try and figure out which one has what you want more beyond just the appearance.

The CE though, comes with armor and a weapon but I don't know what the heck the "Limited Edition Cerberus Network card granting access to bonus content" is. Think that got pulled from a few other regions but if it is just trailers and stuff when I wouldn't want anyways. Though they should explain it more, so if anyone has more info please share.
[quote name='NamPaehc']The CE though, comes with armor and a weapon but I don't know what the heck the "Limited Edition Cerberus Network card granting access to bonus content" is. Think that got pulled from a few other regions but if it is just trailers and stuff when I wouldn't want anyways. Though they should explain it more, so if anyone has more info please share.[/QUOTE]

If it's anything like the Dragon Age CE, it will be exclusive items you'll input the codes for at the title screen that are linked to your EA account, but not your XBox Live account. Or it could be download for a digital soundtrack or something of that nature.

I hope some version of the soundtrack is on the bonus disk, even if it's a short one like the one on Dragon Age CE. Also it had better have the ability to be copied to your PC like they did with DA, but failed to do on ME 1 CE.
[quote name='MSUHitman']If it's anything like the Dragon Age CE, it will be exclusive items you'll input the codes for at the title screen that are linked to your EA account, but not your XBox Live account. Or it could be download for a digital soundtrack or something of that nature.

I hope some version of the soundtrack is on the bonus disk, even if it's a short one like the one on Dragon Age CE. Also it had better have the ability to be copied to your PC like they did with DA, but failed to do on ME 1 CE.[/QUOTE]

The sound track comes with the online version. :roll:

That reminds me, didn't a version of Dragon Age come with a ME2 suit of armor also?
[quote name='NamPaehc']The sound track comes with the online version. :roll:

That reminds me, didn't a version of Dragon Age come with a ME2 suit of armor also?[/QUOTE]

Yes, putting it in Spoilers tag to save space:
[quote name='Spybreak8']Yes, putting it in Spoilers tag to save space:

If the Blood Dragon armor in ME2 is anything like the Dragon Age version, it's gonna be pretty badass.

Also, the Dr Pepper bottlecap promotion starts on Monday. I have 5 caps waiting to redeem. Hopefully I'll get a code for ME2.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Amazon, Best Buy, Game Crazy, and Gamestop all have the Terminus Armor; but Gamestop also gets the "black hole" gun, whatever its called.[/QUOTE]

Gamecrap is the only place that has terminus armor and gun . The rest of the places have inferno armor as pre order bonus

Inferno Armor, which monitors and regulates sub-systems to allow for greater response times. Additionally it is able to recognize elevated heart rates and pupil movement in people close by, almost acting like a lie detector

The Terminus Armor: Like all modern combat hard-suits, Terminus armor is environmentally sealed with an independent air supply for use in space and extreme planetary conditions, with an onboard “micro-frame” computer capable of running a suite of battle management software. To prevent detection by passive thermal sensors, body heat is channeled to the base of the feet, where it can be dispersed into the ground.
  • Increases storm speed by 10%
  • Increase shields +15%
  • Increases all weapons reserve ammo by +1
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']If the Blood Dragon armor in ME2 is anything like the Dragon Age version, it's gonna be pretty badass.

Also, the Dr Pepper bottlecap promotion starts on Monday. I have 5 caps waiting to redeem. Hopefully I'll get a code for ME2.[/QUOTE]

Is there a Dr. Pepper promo for Mass Effect 2?
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']If the Blood Dragon armor in ME2 is anything like the Dragon Age version, it's gonna be pretty badass.

Also, the Dr Pepper bottlecap promotion starts on Monday. I have 5 caps waiting to redeem. Hopefully I'll get a code for ME2.[/QUOTE]

my wife thanks you that I'm now forcing her to drink large amounts of her favorite soda. :)
Ha! I drink Dr Pepper like my life depends on it, so this is promotion is awesome for me. The week before Christmas I was at work and got a 20 oz from the cafeteria and saw Sheppard on the bottle and thought "well, that's pretty frickin cool" as I was entering fever-pitch for the game (still super excited for it!).

Keep in mind, the promotion is for EA games, not must ME2. There could be stuff for a number of EA games. It does prominently show ME2, though. What the bonus could be is anyone's guess but I'm not expecting anything earth shattering.

But, still, it's a reason to drink large quantities of Dr Pepper.
Thanks for posting about New Game+ and the Dr. Pepper promo. I'll be on the look out for the promo soda bottles and already have the ME2 CE pre-ordered. Can't wait to play!!!!!!!

I think I'll try to beat ME1 on the hardest difficulty before ME2 comes out. I gave up before since even simple enemies take too long to defeat even though I'm level 60 and I was trying to knock out 2 more companion achievements but the game is taking too long so I may rush through the main mission and just go back and do the companion ones on Easy difficulty. Plus eventually I have to start a new game anyways to finish up the last few power attack achievements as an Engineer or whatever class (I forgot).
[quote name='Cleaner7']Thanks for posting about New Game+ and the Dr. Pepper promo. I'll be on the look out for the promo soda bottles and already have the ME2 CE pre-ordered. Can't wait to play!!!!!!!

I think I'll try to beat ME1 on the hardest difficulty before ME2 comes out. I gave up before since even simple enemies take too long to defeat even though I'm level 60 and I was trying to knock out 2 more companion achievements but the game is taking too long so I may rush through the main mission and just go back and do the companion ones on Easy difficulty. Plus eventually I have to start a new game anyways to finish up the last few power attack achievements as an Engineer or whatever class (I forgot).[/QUOTE]
My problem with the hardest difficulty was the Mako. I was fine except that stupid Mako would get destroyed way too easily...
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