Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

The loyalty missions are actually related to the main story and count as main story missions. All side quests are labeled as assignments in a completely different bracket. Not sure why the last space isn't showing up or moving around for some people. I guess it depends on when you've downloaded the Zaeed DLC or recruited him.
See...there is enough room for one more person to the right of Jack. Zaeed (DLC) takes up the space on the left side. Apparently it is suppossed to be a character named Kasumi which takes the final slot on the right side...

loyalty mission is crazy. I am sitting there saying Holy shit! and
is like "What the shit!?"

thought this was funny as
was giving
full control

"I have to spend all day computing pi cause he plugged in the overlord!"
[quote name='Malik112099']The empty slot doesnt have a datapad/tablet thing. I have my full team and it is extra empty space to the right of jack. It would be on the other side if Zaeed wasnt there. I will take a picture so people arent confused about it.[/QUOTE]

Ah I get you. I still have an empty slot with a tablet thing but no dossier issue yet. Despite being 33.5 hours into it. Guess because I've been avoiding main story missions and trying to do everything else first.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Ah I get you. I still have an empty slot with a tablet thing but no dossier issue yet. Despite being 33.5 hours into it. Guess because I've been avoiding main story missions and trying to do everything else first.[/QUOTE]

Not a bad idea since you end up on a timer of sorts if you hit a certain story mission.

Hopefully Kasumi has a little more depth of character than Zaeed, at least she looks pretty slick.
So the image on the link is actually that of the character Kasumi? If so then it brought back fond memories of KotOR II, Visas and Kelly Hu's wonderful voice acting. For that alone I like her already.
I read somewhere that it's possible to romance and have the love scene with Miranda and THEN Tali. There was some special way to do it. Anybody?
[quote name='Malik112099']Wow...
loyalty mission is crazy. I am sitting there saying Holy shit! and
is like "What the shit!?"

thought this was funny as
was giving
full control

"I have to spend all day computing pi cause he plugged in the overlord!"[/QUOTE]

I think you might be a little confused and combining two missions:

The Legion loyalty mission is where you go onto the Geth space station and confront the heretic Geth that sided with the Reapers in ME1. The part where Joker has to try and save the ship against the Collector attack is a storyline mission that automatically occurs when you leave the ship at a certain point near the end of the game. You probably just encountered them both at the same juncture in time and thought they were directly related.
[quote name='Dasflikko']Not a bad idea since you end up on a timer of sorts if you hit a certain story mission.

Yeah, I was worried about hitting the point of no return too early.

In regards to getting
...when does that happen.

The story mission I've been putting off is getting the
Reaper IFF
. Want to make sure I get the last character early enough to have time to do their loyalty mission etc.
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[quote name='SpecTrE3353']I think you might be a little confused and combining two missions:

The Legion loyalty mission is where you go onto the Geth space station and confront the heretic Geth that sided with the Reapers in ME1. The part where Joker has to try and save the ship against the Collector attack is a storyline mission that automatically occurs when you leave the ship at a certain point near the end of the game. You probably just encountered them both at the same juncture in time and thought they were directly related.

ahh..yeah the part im talking about happened right when I was leaving the ship to do
loyalty mission. After it happened I was able to do the actual loyalty mission.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, I was worried about hitting the point of no return too early.

In regards to getting
...when does that happen.

The story mission I've been putting off is getting the
Reaper IFF
. Want to make sure I get the last character early enough to have time to do their loyalty mission etc.[/QUOTE]

that mission is where you get
Man, insanity mode in ME2 is no joke. Your shields are ripped through extremely quick and you have to be smart about you and your squad's cooldowns. One wrong move can get you killed in a hurry.
I guess I'm the only person having a great time with Insanity. All about tactics and patience here. Of course... I'm playing a female Adept with Warp Ammo so maybe I have it a little easier than others. I can't wait to try out my Engineer next. Being forced to switch cover on the fly at any second is simply too good.

[quote name='Malik112099']Jack's bone scene sucked. I exited back out to the dashboard right before it ended so it wouldnt be saved.[/QUOTE]

If you were looking for a little more action then the casual sex scene more than made up for it. Romance wise I felt it suited the character properly. Really made perfect sense given her checkered past.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I guess I'm the only person having a great time with Insanity. All about tactics and patience here. Of course... I'm playing a female Adept with Warp Ammo so maybe I have it a little easier than others. I can't wait to try out my Engineer next. Being forced to switch cover on the fly at any second is simply too good.[/QUOTE]

Oh don't get me wrong, it's still a blast. Even normal had its challenging moments, but insanity ups the difficulty considerably. I just
busted Jack out of the prison
and that was extremely challenging with the heavy mechs and Blue Sun commanders running around.
Final mission and random stuff:
For some reason I am really hoping that the story ends up with Garrus becoming a Spectre and becoming the main protagonist of Mass Effect 4 or a spinoff of some sort. He's just too fucking badass.

Also the way he just quietly leads both secondary teams during the final mission to complete and utter victory continues the trend of him being some kind of super soldier (not to mention the way he takes a bullet and shrugs it off).

Total fanboy dream here, but it would be fucking awesome to have a game with Garrus as the lead.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I guess I'm the only person having a great time with Insanity. All about tactics and patience here. Of course... I'm playing a female Adept with Warp Ammo so maybe I have it a little easier than others. I can't wait to try out my Engineer next. Being forced to switch cover on the fly at any second is simply too good.

Having gone through Insanity as the infiltrator class, there is certainly a lot more running behind cover and waiting for your shields to recharge with the tech classes. First mass effect was too easy on insanity so appreciate the jump in difficulty as well.
[quote name='mogshaz']Having gone through Insanity as the infiltrator class, there is certainly a lot more running behind cover and waiting for your shields to recharge with the tech classes. First mass effect was too easy on insanity so appreciate the jump in difficulty as well.[/QUOTE]

I haven't tried it yet but a friend of mine has all but given up on insanity mode. I'm playing through the first game, again, and will play through the second game afterwards. It can't be any more grueling than having to play through the entire first game four times to get some of those other achievements.
[quote name='Malik112099']that mission is where you get

Thanks. Will do that mission next time I play then finish off looking for anomaly missions etc.

[quote name='Malik112099']Jack's bone scene sucked. I exited back out to the dashboard right before it ended so it wouldnt be saved.[/QUOTE]

I saved before it so I could go back if it had any negative impacts. But I didn't see any and Miranda and Tali where still saying the same things so I kept going and didn't reload.
Just a head's up for you ME junkies. Dark Horse sent me this link, not a huge deal (especially since they won't give you a preorder shipping quote), thought I'd share. I'm thinking of preordering the TPB. These offers expire 4/1/2010

With this offer, you can enjoy an extra 5% off upcoming Mass Effect products below, for a total 25% off!
Strikethrough price is 20% off, then additional 5% off
ME: Redemption TPB $13.49 $12.74
Grunt Action Figure $19.99 $18.74
Shepard AF $19.99 $18.74
Thane AF $19.99 $18.74
Tali AF $19.99 $18.74
Assorted AF boxes/sets $80, $120, $200 $75.00, $112.50, $187.50
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Thanks man. I've never been the collector type so figures don't do it for me. I also plan to buy the new book and Redemption around the same time so there's no point in pre-ordering either. Now if something were autographed by a VA or developer then we might be in business.
So anyone else think that..
Jack brought the Scale Itch aboard? Today in my second playthrough Mordin didn't mention it until she was aboard.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']So anyone else think that..
Jack brought the Scale Itch aboard? Today in my second playthrough Mordin didn't mention it until she was aboard.
on my next play through im going to do these things opposite

im going to let someone(s) die at the end. maybe I'll choose
I'll keep grunt IN his tube
i will choose samala's daughter
I'll do jack Both TIMES?
I'll let the bomb kill those colonists
some other stuff
I'm really glad Christina Norman stopped by the Live CAGcast tonight (first time I've felt like listening in years). She was a straight shooter with all the questions, which was very refreshing, and it was good to hear that the Hammerhead DLC is going to be free.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I'm really glad Christina Norman stopped by the Live CAGcast tonight (first time I've felt like listening in years). She was a straight shooter with all the questions, which was very refreshing, and it was good to hear that the Hammerhead DLC is going to be free.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was a good listen. Still no mention of the Kasumi DLC though, wonder if we'll hear anything in the near future about that.
Just got this game earlier today and played the very first hour or so. Definitely liking the controls and I could never recall any part of the first Mass Effect story, yet I could remember during
the quiz Jacob makes you take on the way to Freedom's Progress.
i chose
to walk around with me on the citadel in hopes that people would be like "HOLY SHIT!
" But nothing. And then when I was talking to the customs officer about the
Asari not being able to leave because they were flagged as Geth
I had
standing right there! NOTHING HAPPENED WITH HIM! I was hoping something would. It was funny when Shepard said something like "the flashlight head would have given it away" and
was standing there looking at him. Pretty funny..
[quote name='Malik112099']i chose
to walk around with me on the citadel in hopes that people would be like "HOLY SHIT!
" But nothing. And then when I was talking to the customs officer about the
Asari not being able to leave because they were flagged as Geth
I had
standing right there! NOTHING HAPPENED WITH HIM! I was hoping something would. It was funny when Shepard said something like "the flashlight head would have given it away" and
was standing there looking at him. Pretty funny..[/QUOTE]

Now, you would think with all the little details they crammed into this game, they would have had something special for that, like... soon as you step off the Normandy, all of C-Sec is pointing guns at you.
It's revealed through Anderson's dialogue that:
1. People on the Citadel see a Geth tagging alongside you as a "trophy" of sorts.

2. The Geth aren't seen as the "boogeymen" anymore by the public, especially a lone one.
I'm kind of disappointed by the lack of side missions in this game. You've got the character loyalty quests, a few fetch quests on
Omega, the Citadel, and Ilium
, 15 or so quests you get from scanning random planets, and that's about it.

That being said, the quests that are there are a bajillion times better than the ME1 side quests :applause:

Also, I'm totally siked, I just got my next to last achievement, time for my Insanity run-through when I have a few days off from work!
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']It's revealed through Anderson's dialogue that:
1. People on the Citadel see a Geth tagging alongside you as a "trophy" of sorts.

2. The Geth aren't seen as the "boogeymen" anymore by the public, especially a lone one.

yeah, but reaction or had only been 2 years. The bad
still exist...even if I had just
reprogrammed them
in the loyalty mission not everyone knows about that. That's like saying hey...all vampires are nice now and then 20 minutes later one is walking around the mall without anyone batting an eye
[quote name='Malik112099']Are you sure you want to pass through the Omega 4 relay?



Please Insert Disk 1

ERROR: Disk unreadable

fuck YOU[/QUOTE]

Try installing the game onto your hard drive.

Also, to the post above, it would be hard to tell a difference between a real vampire and the emo-ass goth tweens that roost in my local mall.
[quote name='drktrpr1']Try installing the game onto your hard drive.

Also, to the post above, it would be hard to tell a difference between a real vampire and the emo-ass goth tweens that roost in my local mall.[/QUOTE]

im upstairs on my other 360. the install is linked to my downstairs one and i dont feel like doing a 12 gig install every time i want to play in the room
[quote name='Malik112099']yeah, but reaction or had only been 2 years. The bad
still exist...even if I had just
reprogrammed them
in the loyalty mission not everyone knows about that. That's like saying hey...all vampires are nice now and then 20 minutes later one is walking around the mall without anyone batting an eye[/QUOTE]I think
public thought is "Hey, no one (who wasn't near the Perseus Veil, anyways) really cared about the Geth before Saren and this mysterious 'Reaper' controlled them and used them to almost wipe out the Council/Citadel. Now that the threat is over, why should we be scared anymore?" - especially with the way that the Council (no matter which Council it is) made a lot of specific details about the attack very *hush* *hush*.
[quote name='Malik112099']yeah, but reaction or had only been 2 years. The bad
still exist...even if I had just
reprogrammed them
in the loyalty mission not everyone knows about that. That's like saying hey...all vampires are nice now and then 20 minutes later one is walking around the mall without anyone batting an eye[/QUOTE]
I think it wold be more akin to someone from an enemy country walking with you after the war was over.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I think
public thought is "Hey, no one (who wasn't near the Perseus Veil, anyways) really cared about the Geth before Saren and this mysterious 'Reaper' controlled them and used them to almost wipe out the Council/Citadel. Now that the threat is over, why should we be scared anymore?" - especially with the way that the Council (no matter which Council it is) made a lot of specific details about the attack very *hush* *hush*.

they said all info about
was wiped/repressed/kept from the public...people should still fear random
walking around

Also, just beat it..bad fucking ass...I lost no one (except half the crew) but fuck em..i wasnt ready to go through the relay yet...

AC2 was amazing and this one upped it...what the fuck is next!? I dont think my heart can take much more of 2010 gaming!

Bring on Mass Effect 3 bitches!

now time to do playthrough 2 as a renegade asshole
Yeah I was bummed when I raced to the citadel after the game's finale and I didn't see a hey Anderson I just did blank. I mean come on! Maybe they're saving that for ME3 lol. Also I'm having a hard enough time with Vanguard on Veteran, Insanity would be a nightmare.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I think it wold be more akin to someone from an enemy country walking with you after the war was over.[/QUOTE]

whats the diff..either way someone was just trying to kill you and now they are hanging out
Tonight when I was watching TV I saw the ME2 commercial with Shepard and I embarrasingly made my wife un-mute the TV so I could see it for the millionth time.

I like how I have to contain my excitement for this game when I'm around her because she doesn't really get it. I guess I know what it must be like for Twilight fans and their boyfriends / husbands.
[quote name='RudyPants']Tonight when I was watching TV I saw the ME2 commercial with Shepard and I embarrasingly made my wife un-mute the TV so I could see it for the millionth time.

I like how I have to contain my excitement for this game when I'm around her because she doesn't really get it. I guess I know what it must be like for Twilight fans and their boyfriends / husbands.[/QUOTE]
Or she could just accept your hobbies...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Or she could just accept your hobbies...[/QUOTE]

She does for sure - but it's still funny. I accept her addiction to Professor Layton so it's all good.
WTF? I was doing
The loyalty mission for Samara and she was fighting with Morinth in her apartment
when the sound just cut out completely. Is this normal? I just turned off the system because I didn't want to miss out on any of the action.
[quote name='Blackout']WTF? I was doing
The loyalty mission for Samara and she was fighting with Morinth in her apartment
when the sound just cut out completely. Is this normal? I just turned off the system because I didn't want to miss out on any of the action.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me, i had subtitles on so i could see what was going on but i just chose
to kill her daughter and move on
bread's done