Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Grabbed my Victory and Commedation Packs today and got pretty much the usual lol.

Unlocked the Revenant with packs, as well as one more thermal pack slot (+4) ahahaha, in the store. I outfitted that with my Turian Sentinel, (focused with Overload), man was I having a blast with that setup. I usually zoom in with my weapons but it's better to just shoot that thing at the hip and with the ammo capacity mod I was such a tank on Silver. ^^
[quote name='Arikado']Meer's back in the studio.[/QUOTE]

That's really exciting! Last I heard, he was doing that indie prequel movie and specifically cited that he wasn't in studio recording for more ME3 content. I was worried that he wouldn't be involved in the EC.

Remember, this could also be for DLC content during the main game.....a mission to Omega perhaps?

There have been a lot of tweets from the ME and DA teams lately talking about hitting milestones and what not. Hopefully we'll get some juicy news soon, although I'm not expecting anything ME/DA related out of E3.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Grabbed my Victory and Commedation Packs today and got pretty much the usual lol.

Unlocked the Revenant with packs, as well as one more thermal pack slot (+4) ahahaha, in the store. I outfitted that with my Turian Sentinel, (focused with Overload), man was I having a blast with that setup. I usually zoom in with my weapons but it's better to just shoot that thing at the hip and with the ammo capacity mod I was such a tank on Silver. ^^[/QUOTE]

I really like the Turian Sentinel overload setup as well too. Even at level 1 I was hanging with the level 18 players on bronze. What route did you went with on your level 6 overload? Did you went with the extra hit or the 100% extra damage?
I have been using the Avenger X however it just doesn't seem to pack the punch I remember it having. What does everyone recommend for a replacement.
[quote name='sendme']I have been using the Avenger X however it just doesn't seem to pack the punch I remember it having. What does everyone recommend for a replacement.[/QUOTE]

Geth Pulse Rifle is the new Avenger...the weighs about the same and is also a full auto but with a faster RoF. Phaeston is also a great FA AR if you're looking for something similar to the Avenger.

the Avenger is just a good all around, it comes down to ammo and other skills to make AR's shine for you imo. I'm not a fan of burst fire in ME3, but it seems to work for some ppl very well. For AR's I tend to go w/the Mattock, Revenant, Geth Pulse Rifle, and Falcon...based on class.
Thanks. I will give them a try. My Geth Pulse Rifle is only at 1 as of right now and the Phaeston is only at II. I guess I need to work on buying more packs to unlock the higher levels of them.
[quote name='sendme']Thanks. I will give them a try. My Geth Pulse Rifle is only at 1 as of right now and the Phaeston is only at II. I guess I need to work on buying more packs to unlock the higher levels of them.[/QUOTE]

gotdott recommend buying lower end packs until you only get character cards, then work up from there if you want to X out everything progressively quicker. I think my phaeston is at 1, but I'm buying nothing put premium spectre packs when I can since I'm aiming for some ultra rares more.

if you want an alternative to the Avenger, GPR, or Phaeston, smg's are basically AR's but will less modification options...however they are significantly lighter so you could always carry both and/or something else for long range firing.
I bought the lower end packs till all I was getting was character cards but I see that some of the mods I still need. Odd thing is all I was getting in the lower end packs were character cards that I had. That's why I stopped and went to the spector packs.
[quote name='blueweltall']I really like the Turian Sentinel overload setup as well too. Even at level 1 I was hanging with the level 18 players on bronze. What route did you went with on your level 6 overload? Did you went with the extra hit or the 100% extra damage?[/QUOTE]

Yeah I thought long and hard on that one and went with the damage bonuses as I had already did the extra hit earlier down the tree. Figured high priority enemies would be coming after me normally. I would have gone with the extra hit to use the character as a huge crowd control build but this is what I'm doing this time around.
it seems more common that ppl take faster cool down and more hits/larger AoE to trigger more combos and more often combos triggering.
Unlocked the Vorcha Sentinel, omg total uberness. Hey guess what, FFLAAAAMMMMEEE!!! AAhhhaaahahahhhaaha

lol I'll be on some more tomorrow.
[quote name='100xp']it seems more common that ppl take faster cool down and more hits/larger AoE to trigger more combos and more often combos triggering.[/QUOTE]

That's what I like to do. I like to have the weight be around +190 or not far from it. If the powers didn't kill them off the Avenger X would but now that just doesn't seem to be happening. It could be that I don't have my soldier up to level 20 yet. I remember when I first started with the MP and got the class to just under 20 I was getting 40K points a game. Now I'm lucky to get a little over half of that.

I just unlocked the male Quarian Engineer yesterday before I logged off. I plan to get the soldier class back to 20 on my next day off. After that I'm going to use him.
That song's so good. I feel like the editor missed some pretty noteworthy scenes though.

As for MP, I'm only missing the Phoenix characters now. The Krysae and Reegar are both X and both ridiculous. Arc grenades are incredible, and the MQ Engineer can churn out Tech Bursts and Fire Explosions like it's his job--which I guess it kinda is.

Haven't spec'd out my Vorcha Sentinel yet, but I think I'm gonna make him my fitness mongrel and make the V Soldier my melee guy. Probably gonna either drop carnage or leave it with 3.
God, I wish Mass Effect had a replay editor and the option to save clips like Halo Reach! Double kill with the Widow with 2 Guardians lol. Right through the guy's head and through his buddy's shield who was behind him.

Yeah unlocked the Batarian Soldier and lol was loving the ballistic blades. ^^ Both Blades and the Vorcha Flame I have upgraded fully so I was taking out Brutes after Brutes with Flame, due to the dmg bonus to armor, and my blades blow up after a while to whittle the crowd down haha.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Dang I need to unlock that vorcha! Brute hunting is one of my favorite sports.[/QUOTE]

The best thing is to get em right after their "leap of faith" ;). They're sitting ducks than and I even was taking out Banshees, tactically of course (not gonna be able to just flame her up close).

Ok this is oh man, I have no words. It's amazing a fan came up with this.
Tali Alternate Ending

Liara Alternate Ending

Reaper Victory
I salute you sir. :applause:
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These ending/s are kind of what I had in mind when finishing the game, I think that's what most would have expected from Bioware. The reaper ending was cool. I love the end of that one.
BioWare already said they won't be showing anything at E3, right? A look at Mass Effect 3 DLC or even a Dragon Age III announcement would be incredible at EA's conference today.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']BioWare already said they won't be showing anything at E3, right? A look at Mass Effect 3 DLC or even a Dragon Age III announcement would be incredible at EA's conference today.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I recall them saying they wouldn't be discussing ME3. Who knows though.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Well, they did show Star Wars... but no ME/DA. Unless some huge surprise is coming up.[/QUOTE]

The real tragedy here is that I have still have not seen a Jade Empire sequel/HD Remake announced from BioWare.
I happen to like Dead Space a LOT.

In any case, I don't want them announcing ANYTHING for ME until the Extended Cut is finished. Nothing else should take priority. Announcing new DLC? Forget it. Until things get FIXED, I want nothing to with new content.

If they have time to announce new single-player content, then they're not spending enough time on the Extended Cut.
[quote name='gotdott']i want to dismember stuff nowww[/QUOTE]


Well, next year, but SOON.

[quote name='dualedge2']I happen to like Dead Space a LOT.[/QUOTE]

Same here, man. Least I know where to look for coop partners now.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']BioWare already said they won't be showing anything at E3, right? A look at Mass Effect 3 DLC or even a Dragon Age III announcement would be incredible at EA's conference today.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was hoping we'd get a sneak peak or a better explanation of the Extended Cut in EA's conference as well.

That and I wanted to see or mention the new game at Respawn, even though Zampella and West got mentioned quite briefly.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Yeah I was hoping we'd get a sneak peak or a better explanation of the Extended Cut in EA's conference as well.[/QUOTE]

Yeeeeeah, well...

It's a funny thing, pissing off your audience...

...the people who make sure your game sells...
...the people who make sure your company doesn't file a Ch. 11...
...and the people who make sure you're still employed...'s a funny business.
....and people continue to whine after free multiplayer dlc, after Bioware did an industry first, dropped their plans and went right to work on a free extended ending?

That comic actually ticks me off because it's so far from the truth. You can disagree with the decision to end the trilogy how they did. But I don't see how someone in their right mind could say Bioware doesn't give an 'f". They care way more than most developers.
BioWare extending the ending regardless of a price tag (or lack thereof) doesn't qualify as an "industry first" in my opinion, but that's just me.
[quote name='dotCody']Yeeeeeah, well...


Yeah I saw that and didn't agree with it either.

Most companies would go ahh too bad but Bioware notoriously listens to their fans (which can be a double edged sword sometimes only hearing the minority on message boards at times) which usually results in the better for us gamers.

Hearing about the Extended Cut at the EA press conference was just wishful thinking on my part.
hopefully the next challenge wont be promote 5 character cause all mine are lvl 1 and one lvl 15. hahaaaaa.

let me know if ppl are gearing up to play, ive been playing diablo mostly or taking break from's impossible for me to tell if you guys are MPing it up w/out turning on XBL.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']....and people continue to whine after free multiplayer dlc, after Bioware did an industry first, dropped their plans and went right to work on a free extended ending?

That comic actually ticks me off because it's so far from the truth. You can disagree with the decision to end the trilogy how they did. But I don't see how someone in their right mind could say Bioware doesn't give an 'f". They care way more than most developers.[/QUOTE]

It's REALLY funny you should mention the MP DLC. Because you're forgetting one fact: IT'S MP DLC. There are a LOT of people out there who don't play the MP and couldn't care less for the "free" DLC. I, for one, still care about the Extended Cut, but I enjoy the MP and it is tiding me over. Don't believe for one moment that EVERYONE cares about the free MP DLC. That's just plain wrong.

In any case, I'm glad there was no announcement at E3. It just means more work is going into the EC or DLC. Taking time away from developing, just to show off a trailer for upcoming stuff doesn't really make too much sense (And yes, it takes time for them to create something E3 appropriate, like a trailer or a demo for someone to play on stage).
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']....and people continue to whine after free multiplayer dlc, after Bioware did an industry first, dropped their plans and went right to work on a free extended ending?

That comic actually ticks me off because it's so far from the truth. You can disagree with the decision to end the trilogy how they did. But I don't see how someone in their right mind could say Bioware doesn't give an 'f". They care way more than most developers.[/QUOTE]

That comic was released when BioWare was the denial phase, which is why it seems so far from the truth. Sure BioWare ultimately decided to give us an extended ending after a huge and continual backlash answer anything), but for weeks their attitudes were exactly as portrayed in that comic. I agree that what they're doing is beyond what I'd expect but when was the last time you saw such a backlash against a developer in the first place?

And getting free MP DLC doesn't change the fact that the ending we got was basically meaningless after 2.99 games of "every decision matters" when only that final .01 decision basically determined what ending you got.
[quote name='dualedge2']It's REALLY funny you should mention the MP DLC. Because you're forgetting one fact: IT'S MP DLC. There are a LOT of people out there who don't play the MP and couldn't care less for the "free" DLC. I, for one, still care about the Extended Cut, but I enjoy the MP and it is tiding me over. Don't believe for one moment that EVERYONE cares about the free MP DLC. That's just plain wrong.[/QUOTE]

i think it's because they are continuing to release MP DLC for free (for online pass holders) it's nice...and while some of us have stated zero interest in MP, because it is infact something that can help your SP game it's nice to have. I can't deny the mindless fun I'm having in MP, there's no stat tracking, there's no armor to unlock, it's cooperative, I can't even teabag unless I'm near cover.

...but they keep pumping it out while they work on the extended cut. So it's a form of something vs. nothing. As much fun as I had w/SP I can't play it anymore, even though I want to finish my insanity PT and try a biotic. MP is where the replayability is at...those not interested just want closure and will get it soon. amirite?
XP: The MP Gods currently have shown favor with me (scored a Javelin last night which is complete ass on Gold without mods and a Talon III; both with appropriate Lvl. III mods & Cobras/Medi-Gel) so I'll probably be farming most of the day if I can get away with it. I still want a Cerb character and a Harrier. Worst comes to worst I'll just run Silver with my new Vorcha Sent because to need to reup on Medi-Gel. Either way feel free to hit me up if I'm not dicking around on SP or you need a player.

Honestly though with the way the community has been pissing me off lately it depends on my mood. If future Krysae and Reegar nerfs are particularly harsh I'll definitely have good reason to abandon the mode and game altogether. My patience for a select vocal minority feeling well within their right to ruin game play for the majority instead of accepting certain weapons/mechanics or playing something else is nonexistent. I've had enough beloved games turned to utter shit because of them and know the warning signs well enough to cut my losses early.
Ink - damnit, i keep asking for a javelin and they give me sabers...and claymores. ironic, im getting s-words and all i want is the geth toothpick. I'm glad though you're enjoying the rebellion pack. I haven't played enough to be wondering where my new character unlocks are...yet. I want to try the Valiant IV again, im hoping it's a noticable difference now since I haven't used it since II.
Oh the Rebellion character unlocks are notoriously rare. It's borderline ridiculous. I'm convinced their rarity is why I ended up with a Javelin in the first place so I'm certainly not complaining if they help me ascend to Black Widow Heaven of Lucky SOBs quicker.

As for Rebellion overall I'd surprisingly have to rate it as an 8.5. Resurgence was a definite 9.0 because there's still too much overlay w/ Rebellion in my opinion whereas with Resurgence all of those classes felt special due to the lack of it. Better maps too. Plus none of the Resurgence weapons were "broken" in BSN's opinion so I didn't have to worry about nerf petitions f*cking up what little variety we have in weapon pool.

As for the current discussion... we probably wouldn't be getting EC at all if EA didn't sign off on it. Period. Make of that what you will, but there's a difference between hearing someone and actually listening. When it comes to Mass Effect, BioWare has always (IMO) done more of the former than the latter.

I don't really know how else to respond. Just imagine the Commendation Pack and other event related f*ck ups later this year. Oh boy.
Well that's great in my book. The more people who get to experience Mass Effect in the long run, the better. Though... It was one thing for PS3 people to enter the series with ME2 and have the motion comic thing to help catch them up... What's it going to be like for Nintendo partisans to come into a story that's already 2/3 told? Are they going to get a 45 minute comic that covers both prior games? :lol:

Also, Dead Space is the shit. I am so beyond hype for DS3.
+1 for Dead Space as well. Huge fan though if they don't explain why Ellie has
both her god damn eyes
then I am going to be EXTREMELY disappoint. The only reason I'm giving Visceral the benefit of the doubt for that stereotypical "SHOOTIN' GUNS IN SPACE AT HUGE MONSTERS WITH ANOTHER PERSON OH YEEEEEEAAAHHHH!" footage is because DS2 was a perfect sequel in my opinion. It's rare I have to dig deep to find glaring flaws in any game. I could hardly find anything wrong with that game and believe me I tried. >_>

Lost Planet III on the other hand is a -2 in my book because co-op was the reason I loved the second game in the first place. Not so hyped for this one.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']+1 for Dead Space as well. Huge fan though if they don't explain why Ellie has
both her god damn eyes
then I am going to be EXTREMELY disappoint. The only reason I'm giving Visceral the benefit of the doubt for that stereotypical "SHOOTIN' GUNS IN SPACE AT HUGE MONSTERS WITH ANOTHER PERSON OH YEEEEEEAAAHHHH!" footage is because DS2 was a perfect sequel in my opinion. It's rare I have to dig deep to find glaring flaws in any game. I could hardly find anything wrong with that game and believe me I tried. >_>[/QUOTE]
I really want to know how she got that eye back, and it's kind of hard to tell because you don't see the right side of her face clearly, but she doesn't even seem to have that gnarly scar on her face. Future medical technology I guess? It seems almost a shame that she doesn't have a sweet eyepatch or something.

I also really want to know if Lexine is going to make an appearance in DS3-- Extraction seemed like it was setting up her character to have an important role in the overall story.

The only possible flaw I can think of in Dead Space 2 is that it's not quite as good as its predecessor. It feels a little less atmospheric, a little less tense, a little less unique (I actually miss the way you reloaded by pressing LT + A... reloading with X just seems so pedestrian :lol: ). But it still has the best collection of weapons in a shooter, the best graphics on current gen consoles, insanely tight gameplay, and an intriguing storyline. I can't recommend that series any more strongly.
bread's done