Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Ha! Nice find, Spy! And hearing Garrus say "Go fuck yourself" is absolutely priceless.

Plus, gotta love the one-day title change, X. Nice one![/QUOTE]

Haha yah that part was great but I was already rolling on the floor from the clown shoes; squeak, squeak, squeak. :lol:

Yeah never saw this commercial, lol thought it was funny though.

Haha, can you imagine the auditions for that part?!
I'm replaying for the Extended Cut and man,
Kai Lang is kicking my ass. I mean, I had trouble with him when I originally played but now, I forgot pretty much everything and forgot how bad combat was when you're surrounded on most/all sides

Is there a way to save closer to the end? When I originally played, I figured they would re-start me at
Earth, not the Cerberus Base
if I ever wanted to replay it but I guess what they did makes sense if you wanna explore.
[quote name='Vinny']I'm replaying for the Extended Cut and man,
Kai Lang is kicking my ass. I mean, I had trouble with him when I originally played but now, I forgot pretty much everything and forgot how bad combat was when you're surrounded on most/all sides

Is there a way to save closer to the end? When I originally played, I figured they would re-start me at
Earth, not the Cerberus Base
if I ever wanted to replay it but I guess what they did makes sense if you wanna explore.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah I started the game and then got killed by him up close multiple times because I forgot the Gears smash B technique! :booty:

Yeah just save later on.
[quote name='Vinny']I'm replaying for the Extended Cut and man,
Kai Lang is kicking my ass. I mean.
. [/QUOTE]

You can always go narrative mode, its the mode below casual. I'll be honest when I replayed it I wasn't looking for a challenge... Nor did I find one in Narrative . ;)
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']You can always go narrative mode, its the mode below casual. I'll be honest when I replayed it I wasn't looking for a challenge... Nor did I find one in Narrative . ;)[/QUOTE]
Yeah, they aren't kidding about Narrative. It kind of fools you though, your Shields get sapped lickety split so it doesn't seem very different, but then once you get down to Health, your Health just... doesn't... go... down.
[quote name='IanKazimer']"Let's get to know each other!"
"Can it wait?"[/QUOTE]

Leave her alone, she had reports to type
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']You can always go narrative mode, its the mode below casual. I'll be honest when I replayed it I wasn't looking for a challenge... Nor did I find one in Narrative . ;)[/QUOTE]

Oh dang, I forgot about that. Thanks, I think I'll try that.
Wait, a 1.85GB file gives me maybe 45 seconds of cut scene and a minute long slide show with my least favourite voice over in the whole game?

Wow. Bravo.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Yeah, they aren't kidding about Narrative. It kind of fools you though, your Shields get sapped lickety split so it doesn't seem very different, but then once you get down to Health, your Health just... doesn't... go... down.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's the perfect mode for the extended cut. I just wanted to see the new stuff and be on my way and I'm sure I'm not the only one. ;)
I just started up a new playthrough of ME1 last night. It's funny. The game plays much different and Shepard's armor as an Engineer looks like it couldn't protect him from a nat. But, something about this game (ME1) just oozes with that sci fi magic that made me fall in love with this series. I landed on Eden Prime and was like "yeah, this is what it was all about". Little things, now having seen the end of the story, are standing out more. For instance, at the very beginning, hearing Udina, Anderson and Hackett talk about was a little surreal.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I just started up a new playthrough of ME1 last night. It's funny. The game plays much different and Shepard's armor as an Engineer looks like it couldn't protect him from a nat. But, something about this game (ME1) just oozes with that sci fi magic that made me fall in love with this series. I landed on Eden Prime and was like "yeah, this is what it was all about". Little things, now having seen the end of the story, are standing out more. For instance, at the very beginning, hearing Udina, Anderson and Hackett talk about was a little surreal.[/QUOTE]

I'd be lying if I said that the EC didn't make me consider going back to replay the trilogy. I did it in anticipation of ME3's launch though, so I feel like I still need to wait.

Also, despite my love for the whole series, I always end talking myself out of playing ME1 due to some serious design issues I have with the game. I think independently it probably had the best story, but I have such a hard time playing and enjoying it.

Bummer too, since I've cheevo-wiped 2 and 3. I'd love to have em all for the trilogy, but those "Play most of the game with" benchmarks are too much for me.
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Yeah I'm planning to go back to my ME 2 saves but after I play my femshep ME 3 profile. I'm curious how my everybody died import will turn out with the new EC content and all.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Also, despite my love for the whole series, I always end talking myself out of playing ME1 due to some serious design issues I have with the game. I think independently it probably had the best story, but I have such a hard time playing and enjoying it.

Bummer too, since I've cheevo-wiped 2 and 3. I'd love to have em all for the trilogy, but those "Play most of the game with" benchmarks are too much for me.[/QUOTE]
I'm right there with you. Took me 6 playthroughs of ME1 to get all the achievements (though you can blast through the game very quickly once you're high level and know exactly what to do). As amazing as the story and character elements in that game are, the combat and inventory management is downright painful compared to 2 and 3. I can definitely see myself coming back to 2 and 3 more times in the future, but I'm probably done with 1 for good.
Well, finally finished the Extended Cut. I liked that they address many of the complaints like
what happened to your party members, why Joker was running, what happens after Normandy crashes, and that they actually let us ask questions to the Citadel kid
. But I didn't like how
the kid basically tells you the neutral option is the best option
even though that's the path I originally chose. Also,
the ending made it look like the relays were re-built, but in the Stargazer scene, his grandchild made it sound like traveling between planets wasn't possible even though some time had passed

Overall, I have to give BioWare credit. Even though it took a lot of bitching and they had their head up their ass most of that time, they did deliver a decent ending. The game is still a distant third in the series for me but at least the ending is now satisfactory.

I kinda wonder where the series will go from here though. It doesn't seem like there are many options left... and I have to wonder about the
"perfect" ending, where they show a brief scene of what's supposedly Sheppard's body moving in the rubble; I never did see any thing about that
[quote name='Vinny']Well, finally finished the Extended Cut. I liked that they address many of the complaints like
what happened to your party members, why Joker was running, what happens after Normandy crashes, and that they actually let us ask questions to the Citadel kid
. But I didn't like how
the kid basically tells you the neutral option is the best option
even though that's the path I originally chose. Also,
the ending made it look like the relays were re-built, but in the Stargazer scene, his grandchild made it sound like traveling between planets wasn't possible even though some time had passed

Overall, I have to give BioWare credit. Even though it took a lot of bitching and they had their head up their ass most of that time, they did deliver a decent ending. The game is still a distant third in the series for me but at least the ending is now satisfactory.

I kinda wonder where the series will go from here though. It doesn't seem like there are many options left... and I have to wonder about the
"perfect" ending, where they show a brief scene of what's supposedly Sheppard's body moving in the rubble; I never did see any thing about that

The star child always implied that Synthesis was the "best" option.

And the "perfect" ending is still there, just requires a sufficiently high readiness rating and to choose the Destroy option.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']
The star child always implied that Synthesis was the "best" option.

And the "perfect" ending is still there, just requires a sufficiently high readiness rating and to choose the Destroy option.

Really? I guess I missed that the first time around... it seemed like neutral option sounded more, positive than neutral this time around.

And I get how you get the ending, I just don't get if that's supposed to be the real ending.. because Sheppard's supposed to die regardless of which option you pick. Either way, I'm just hoping there's more in the ME universe.
[quote name='Vinny']
Really? I guess I missed that the first time around... it seemed like neutral option sounded more, positive than neutral this time around.

And I get how you get the ending, I just don't get if that's supposed to be the real ending.. because Sheppard's supposed to die regardless of which option you pick. Either way, I'm just hoping there's more in the ME universe.

The star child only says that Control and Synthesis will kill Shepard. He only says that Destroy will affect Shep because he's part synthetic.

The "real" ending is the one you choose. Although I have a feeling Synthesis will be thrown out in future Mass Effect games because nobody wants that stupid green glow on everybody. (Although, setting a Mass Effect game in the past would prevent this issue. But bring up many more.)
I realize this is just a rant on a personal problem but, DARN IT, the EC literally came out a WEEK after my 320GB hard drive got totally wiped out and erased every. Single. Save. I have. Just devastating. Skyrim, Dragon Age, Amalur, Mass Effect! I never thought of backing up a 6-month old drive.

I put in 50-60 hours into ME3 and experienced every ending. I actually enjoyed the red "perfect" one. I guess I could just watch the content online but I wanted to experience it with my character. I just don't have the time to go through the entire game again.

It actually made me look into finding game saves online to try to replace my progress but I quickly gave up due to them all being outfitted with some ridiculous mod. LOL, let me know if anyone has a stock Shepard save completed with full Paragon and close to my decisions that I could have!

Back up your saves!
I think BioWare considers
the "best" ending. They certainly do their best to make it sound awesome and perfect despite the inherent creepiness of the concept IMO. But a future Mass Effect game would almost have to continue from
Destroy. Destroy, after some rebuilding time, leaves the galaxy in essentially the same condition it was before, minus Reapers. In Control the universe is ruled by all-powerful Big Brother Shepard, and Synthesis is a conflict-free utopia-- neither seem like a workable setting for another game.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I think BioWare considers
the "best" ending. They certainly do their best to make it sound awesome and perfect despite the inherent creepiness of the concept IMO. But a future Mass Effect game would almost have to continue from
Destroy. Destroy, after some rebuilding time, leaves the galaxy in essentially the same condition it was before, minus Reapers. In Control the universe is ruled by all-powerful Big Brother Shepard, and Synthesis is a conflict-free utopia-- neither seem like a workable setting for another game.

I agree.
synthesis seems like everything and everyone is roses, but still is the one that requires the biggest leap of faith. I still prefer 'destroy' as it seems like that was the goal all along, we knew there would be casualties, and more than anything....Shepard lives.
I think the "real ending" option is
showing Shepard waking up as the Starchild talks heavily on memory so you could be in limbo or anywhere really. Most likely dead but your mind transcended. That's my theory anyways.

Then all endings are similar in scope.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I agree.
synthesis seems like everything and everyone is roses, but still is the one that requires the biggest leap of faith. I still prefer 'destroy' as it seems like that was the goal all along, we knew there would be casualties, and more than anything....Shepard lives.

My thoughts exactly, not picking the "red" choice is playing with fire, IMO
Just finished the extended cut I thought
the Normandy flying in during the beam run was cheesy. Especially since I have Javik with me. No way should he retreat at the last minute given what has happen to him and his entire race.

I would get shit for this but I still think that Shepard was indoctrinated and in no way did this extended cut denies it. There are still plot holes present with this extended cut. I am not saying that everything in the IT is true but some of the evidence of Shepard being indoctrinated is still present and was not debunked entirely.

I also notice that during the refusal ending that the catalyst voice changed to Harbinger. So definitely the catalyst is not what it presented itself as. More evidence that the reapers were trying to indoctrinate Shepard.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']
The star child only says that Control and Synthesis will kill Shepard. He only says that Destroy will affect Shep because he's part synthetic.

The "real" ending is the one you choose. Although I have a feeling Synthesis will be thrown out in future Mass Effect games because nobody wants that stupid green glow on everybody. (Although, setting a Mass Effect game in the past would prevent this issue. But bring up many more.)

Man, I must have really zoned out. Thanks.

I guess now we wait and see what BioWare does. Or maybe they'll be forced to move on and the series will be handed down to some lower tier studio.
Aside from EA's habit of cash-cowing, do we have any reason to expect more from this storyline (outside of DLC, of course)? They said a number of times that ME3 was the end to Shepard's story, at any rate. Game devs say a lot of things, though.

Also, Weltall, I know a lot of people get heated when it comes to the IT, but at the end of the day the time you spent with the trilogy is yours alone. If you want to interpret it that way, and if it makes it a better ending for you, just go for it. No one has any right to take that from you.

Also, nice
ending clarification:

Also, also. Just noticed that Play Arts Kai figure of Garrus comes with an Incisor. Pre-order cancelled.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Aside from EA's habit of cash-cowing, do we have any reason to expect more from this storyline (outside of DLC, of course)? They said a number of times that ME3 was the end to Shepard's story, at any rate. Game devs say a lot of things, though.

Also, Weltall, I know a lot of people get heated when it comes to the IT, but at the end of the day the time you spent with the trilogy is yours alone. If you want to interpret it that way, and if it makes it a better ending for you, just go for it. No one has any right to take that from you.

Also, nice
ending clarification:[/QUOTE]

July 14th at SDCC we would probably get more news about DLC and probably more clarification on all the endings that are possible.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Also, nice
ending clarification:

Excellent find, Ian. That, right there, is why I can't call anything but "Destroy" my canon.

Here's another great article regarding the ending of ME3 post EC (look at Kotaku getting some good articles out). This one focuses on the only thing that bothered me about the EC and they hit the nail on the head.
With the EC in place, and the Normandy lifting off of the planet that it crashed/gently landed, the scene with the Stargazer and his references to all kinds of life out there, that they are seemingly unfamiliar don't make a lot of sense. Why is that one planet, with humanoid life, disconnected from the rest of the galactic community? It doesn't add up. It's a shame because that one scene kind of glued the original ending together for me. Now, it's just out of place.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Excellent find, Ian. That, right there, is why I can't call anything but "Destroy" my canon.

Here's another great article regarding the ending of ME3 post EC (look at Kotaku getting some good articles out). This one focuses on the only thing that bothered me about the EC and they hit the nail on the head.
With the EC in place, and the Normandy lifting off of the planet that it crashed/gently landed, the scene with the Stargazer and his references to all kinds of life out there, that they are seemingly unfamiliar don't make a lot of sense. Why is that one planet, with humanoid life, disconnected from the rest of the galactic community? It doesn't add up. It's a shame because that one scene kind of glued the original ending together for me. Now, it's just out of place.[/QUOTE]

Nothing in the Stargazer scene suggests they aren't part of the galactic community. He merely remarks on the incredible size and scope of the galaxy and the many different forms of life within it. Clearly if he knows Shepard's story he would know about the different races and civilizations of the galaxy. The fact that he mentions that the child will go to the stars one day means that they must have the capacity for space travel.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Also, nice
ending clarification:[/QUOTE]
It's nice how they left that actually. I think they finally found the right balance in the EC between giving us some good information on the state of the universe and what life is going to be like, while still leaving the particulars of the characters' futures to our imaginations.
I love it. The whole you didn't see coming or another explanation to the already rich developed story, shows you how much everyone is dedicated to this sweet ass series! Well I guess I also have to acknowledge that it's also a sign of poor writing to have concepts being thrown all over the place now.

I thought the EC gave a good balance with enough answers while keeping enough imagination present. I still didn't like the
Stargazer scene though and agree it just doesn't fit
So I haven't touched EC yet b/c of Dawnguard/Walking Dead Ep.2, but is it confirmed you only need 3100 GR after the debuff to see everything? Determines whether I need to play MP again or not. Thanks in advance.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']
Nothing in the Stargazer scene suggests they aren't part of the galactic community. He merely remarks on the incredible size and scope of the galaxy and the many different forms of life within it. Clearly if he knows Shepard's story he would know about the different races and civilizations of the galaxy. The fact that he mentions that the child will go to the stars one day means that they must have the capacity for space travel.

I'm guessing the original meaning was that star travel was no longer possible but with the EC, what you say also makes sense: the boy is too young now to travel the galaxy (kinda like the boy who was playing the the model Normandy, dreaming of one day being able to do it for real) but will be able to when he's older.
[quote name='MSUHitman']So I haven't touched EC yet b/c of Dawnguard/Walking Dead Ep.2, but is it confirmed you only need 3100 GR after the debuff to see everything? Determines whether I need to play MP again or not. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

You're good.

Honestly, I'm sort of surprised by all the happy remarks about the ending now... Not saying you all are wrong its I just don't feel any of it. It was rubbish before, its still rubbish now, though certainly better (which isn't saying much), and I'll certainly not be buying anything from Bioware at anywhere close to full price. (and I've been a CE/LE customer of theirs for a very, very, long time...)
[quote name='MSUHitman']So I haven't touched EC yet b/c of Dawnguard/Walking Dead Ep.2, but is it confirmed you only need 3100 GR after the debuff to see everything? Determines whether I need to play MP again or not. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]I'm thinking so, as I just received an achievement my second playthrough that I didn't have on my first one, which was pre-EC download. PT #2 is going after EC, and last night after I hit MS above 6200 and EMS over 3100, I received the "Master and Commander" achievement.

I'm guessing that achievement is for having enough EMS to unlock all the endings, and I have over that amount on PT #1 though didn't get that achievement. If that's the case, then I think EMS of 3100 and more is correct.

Then again, I have to go back and redo last night's work because one hub mission won't be doable because it's nerfed as I went to the planet in question before I had this other hub mission available and now it won't come up. Trying to do all the hub missions, side missions and the like this time around to see how much total MS comes up on a single playthrough, with
Eve dead because I didn't have Maleon's research from ME2 playthrough #2
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']You're good.

Honestly, I'm sort of surprised by all the happy remarks about the ending now... Not saying you all are wrong its I just don't feel any of it. It was rubbish before, its still rubbish now, though certainly better (which isn't saying much), and I'll certainly not be buying anything from Bioware at anywhere close to full price. (and I've been a CE/LE customer of theirs for a very, very, long time...)[/QUOTE]

Well everyone's entitled to their opinions so I'll acknowledge I can understand yours. I'll continue to support Bioware with later games due to them 1) even releasing the EC and 2)releasing it for free. If you talked to me about my relations towards future Bioware games after initially finishing the game, prior to the EC, you'd get a hugely opposite opinion lol.
Look Mass Effect, we had some good years. And every story has it's end. It could have ended happily for us, content to ride off into gaming lore sunset, surrounded by little spin-off titles on handheld devices. But you ended things abruptly, hurtfully calling me entitled, and left me confused and alone.

This extended edition ending is our "let's meet for coffee and give our stuff back" months later moment. You tried to give me closure, and in some ways I guess it did. Still, some of your story still doesn't make sense. I don't fully trust it, like it, or know what it all means. But I think I'm at peace with it now.

There's no going back from here. I have to move on, there are plenty of other gaming fish in the sea. I'll always treasure the good years, Mass Effect 2 rates in my top three games ever. Too bad it only serves as a beacon of what could have been.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Look Mass Effect, we had some good years. And every story has it's end. It could have ended happily for us, content to ride off into gaming lore sunset, surrounded by little spin-off titles on handheld devices. But you ended things abruptly, hurtfully calling me entitled, and left me confused and alone.

This extended edition ending is our "let's meet for coffee and give our stuff back" months later moment. You tried to give me closure, and in some ways I guess it did. Still, some of your story still doesn't make sense. I don't fully trust it, like it, or know what it all means. But I think I'm at peace with it now.

There's no going back from here. I have to move on, there are plenty of other gaming fish in the sea. I'll always treasure the good years, Mass Effect 2 rates in my top three games ever. Too bad it only serves as a beacon of what could have been.[/QUOTE]

That's cute, noting how years of awesome in a relationship can change in a few short moments. But you know what, this EC reminded me that there was so much more good that was had, that because there was this EC after the disappointment, I can always look back and be happy, because overall, it was always about the adventures Shepard and I shared.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Look Mass Effect, we had some good years. And every story has it's end. It could have ended happily for us, content to ride off into gaming lore sunset, surrounded by little spin-off titles on handheld devices. But you ended things abruptly, hurtfully calling me entitled, and left me confused and alone.

This extended edition ending is our "let's meet for coffee and give our stuff back" months later moment. You tried to give me closure, and in some ways I guess it did. Still, some of your story still doesn't make sense. I don't fully trust it, like it, or know what it all means. But I think I'm at peace with it now.[/QUOTE]
Really good. :D
bread's done