Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

My Renegade Sentinel Shepard:


Biotoic explosions!!!!  :D/

Sooo I don't know where the hell I got that sliver of Paragon but yeah I thought I had all Renegade until I got to TIM end scene and I actually wasn't allowed the last Renegade option. That sort of pissed me off.

Ahhh ok, strap in for some ending analysis, we're going FTL. (SPOILERS) -- although I'm pretty sure we've all seen the spoilers anyways.

I really enjoyed the ending space battle sequence, nice little Star Wars nod there when they were going through and Joker was telling the Commander of all the races reporting in before the battle. As a CGI major I quite enjoyed this initially and now. The EC cutscenes were also a nice touch and feels a lot more fleshed out than what we initially got. Man, a lot of flashes and character animations of the people that didn't make it since my Renegade Shepard lost a lot. I still don't like the kid talking to the elder asking for another story of the Shepard though. That shit is like Lost territory, although I know it's difficult to concretely say what happened when you're dealing with a role-playing game that has many choices throughout.

Why is the Illusive Man's eyes blue if he's Renegade, or is it just a color omission (blue tech face looked cooler). Is he Paragon because he wants to control the Reapers to save Humanity? He wants to control the Reapers and he'll liquefy humans to do it, I'm afraid that's Renegade so yeah that never really made sense and was a glaring oddity with my glowing red Renegade Shepard this time. That and like I said earlier, it doesn't make sense that Bioware chose to color the control, left path, Blue as well --was weird to have purple show up in the cinematics. What we learn is that even though my Shepard wants to control the Reapers, it's due to his moral fiber compared to the Illusive Man's, that it's the right decision. I actually liked the ending where he's looking over everything, a galactic force to watch over the others.

How much does medigel do because sometimes you get shot, apply it and then you're good or you get half your body blown up and then you're good with medigel. Sooo Miranda got injured on Horizon and um during the cutscene with her in Shepard's arms all I'm thinking is dude spare a medigel you've got 8 of them, sheesh what a dick. Hehe, yeah don't use the medigel to level up faster, shot up to level 60 this time due to that tactic. Same deal with Anderson and Shepard at the end, nobody wants to use any medigel? Oh, look down and you're really bleeding. Couple that with another scene where you look down you're bleeding and beep boop beep medigel applied all good. Considering the number of NPCs I helped with medigel within the series, it's just something in the back of my head that aggravates me.

OK, Leviathan showed the origin of the Reapers and doing a few computer science classes on the side I notice now that the Catalyst HoloKid is essentially an algorithm that was created to solve a problem. The parameters changed though, Shepard and company, so a new solution or algorithm needs to be put in place. That's my Shepard's persona digitized into all knowing Reaper form I guess. Doesn't make sense going the other routes, for reference I went Synthesis my first go ahead, since I stopped an almost 300 year war with the Quarians and Geth along with uniting the rest of the galaxy's races to fight together in a Renegade style. That brings up the oh wait I ahh didn't actually cure the Genophage -- also letting the Krogan Female Eve die limiting the Krogan numbers even more -- the Krogans just think I did which I hope we see some implication of that, depending on the player's previous decisions, in Mass Effect 4.

Playing through the Citadel DLC I quite enjoyed the lesser Council Species, Vorcha/Salarian/Volus, with Javik's little side excursion on the Citadel. Haha, "You die now!"

Nice write up, Spy. I never tire of talking or thinking about the ending of the game. I like that it's open to interpretation.

All this talk is making me really want to jump back into these games. I'm itching to play 3 again, but there are some achievements in 1 that I need to get. And if they rerelease the trilogy on Xbox One....I guess I'll have some more achievements to nab....heh heh.
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Yeah I was thinking if they release the Trilogy for current-gen consoles, mainly Xbox One, would I go through and get all the achievements over again...

Yes. Lol, yes I would.

Oh and I finally made it to the number 10 slot on Raptr, Freemason had me for the longest time. You guys ahead of me, I'm just gonna give you your victory after seeing your hours. I did crack the 400 hours mark though, damn.


Haha, Raptr states 700+ hours for the Mass Effect trilogy for me and I'm sure I've had time not connected to the internet too.  fuck that's a lot of bang for your buck.

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I don't think they mindfucked us with the colors at the end for Control/Destroy. If you think about it Paragon was always about sparing lives, non-lethal combat solutions, and sacrifice. That's exactly what Control does. Renegade on the other hand was about doing the job by whatever means necessary and destroying Reapers was the job you set out to do.
I don't think they mindfucked us with the colors at the end for Control/Destroy. If you think about it Paragon was always about sparing lives, non-lethal combat solutions, and sacrifice. That's exactly what Control does. Renegade on the other hand was about doing the job by whatever means necessary and destroying Reapers was the job you set out to do.
Really don't agree with that. Control was about gaining the absolute power of the Reapers for yourself. Even if what you were planning to do with that power was noble, power corrupts. That's like the whole point of the Illusive Man.

If the game considered a human gaining the Reapers' power to be a Paragon goal, then there's no reason for Shepard to oppose the Illusive Man in the first place.

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I don't think they mindfucked us with the colors at the end for Control/Destroy. If you think about it Paragon was always about sparing lives, non-lethal combat solutions, and sacrifice. That's exactly what Control does. Renegade on the other hand was about doing the job by whatever means necessary and destroying Reapers was the job you set out to do.
Yet the Illusive Man represents control, Renegade, and Anderson represents Destroy, Paragon. Then there is synthesis which is Saren, indoctrinated lol. Like Bioshock Infinite you've got a great game but then it trips over itself at the end with the explanations. Open to interpretation is one thing but that's one big mind fuck if you ask me.
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I think forcing characters, colors, and ideals to correlate isn't a good way to approach a story. Despite the Illusive Man being the antagonist, he was always doing what he thought was right. If we were playing as him, half of the terrible shit he pulled would have been a Paragon trigger moment in his eyes. Still Renegade for us though. Shouldn't be swayed by the color swap.

It's not as black and white as blue and red.

And I couldn't agree less on BioShock Infinite. That game had one of my favorite endings in recent memory.

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I think forcing characters, colors, and ideals to correlate isn't a good way to approach a story. Despite the Illusive Man being the antagonist, he was always doing what he thought was right. If we were playing as him, half of the terrible shit he pulled would have been a Paragon trigger moment in his eyes. Still Renegade for us though. Shouldn't be swayed by the color swap.

It's not as black and white as blue and red.

And I couldn't agree less on BioShock Infinite. That game had one of my favorite endings in recent memory.
Right. It's the sort of thing where given a chance, someone on the team probably would have raised the point. "Hey, the ending choices seem to be color-themed, which is fine, except our series already has a color-coded morality system, and they don't really match up to the ideas we've already established over three games. So for the sake of coherency we should probably either rethink the choices if the intent is to fit into the previously established Paragon/Renegade philosophies, or ditch the color themes if it's not." But instead they charged ahead with something half-formed.

Also I loved the ending of Infinite. :)

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Really don't agree with that. Control was about gaining the absolute power of the Reapers for yourself. Even if what you were planning to do with that power was noble, power corrupts. That's like the whole point of the Illusive Man.

If the game considered a human gaining the Reapers' power to be a Paragon goal, then there's no reason for Shepard to oppose the Illusive Man in the first place.
Well yeah that's what Control really does, but I can see how the Bioware team got the harebrained idea of making it "Paragon" by using that criteria. Either way though, I'll choose Destroy every time.
Lol considering that with all the choices you have Bioware always seems to throw in the default Renegade choice for their sequels, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say in ME4 we'll be facing off against controlled Shepards.  :p I think the inconsistencies at the end is the result from loosing Drew unfortunately.

Shepard-Reaper being the final boss of Mass Effect 6 is probably the worst case scenario. Not just for the Mass Effect series, but for human society in general.

0% chance of it happening given how emphatically they've stated over and over again that Shepard will not appear.

Liara had better show up though. If BioWare knows what's good for them.

Depending on how long ME4 takes place after ME3, a number of previous characters could show up in ME4.  Liara's a given due to the long lives of asari.  The other races, it depends.

Though, we know who won't be showing up, except in flashbacks:

* Mordin

* Thane

* Ashley / Kaiden - depends on gameplay

* Wrex - depends on gameplay

Plus some others I know I'm forgetting.

Depending on how long ME4 takes place after ME3, a number of previous characters could show up in ME4. Liara's a given due to the long lives of asari. The other races, it depends.

Though, we know who won't be showing up, except in flashbacks:

* Mordin

* Thane

* Ashley / Kaiden - depends on gameplay

* Wrex - depends on gameplay

Plus some others I know I'm forgetting.
Unless ME4 is a prequel ;)

Nah, I expect the following will either show up or be heavily mentioned:





-Asari Councilor


-Hackett (if the game isnt set too far after ME3)

Liara had better show up though. If BioWare knows what's good for them.
Should we prepare the cart with pitchforks and crossbows, just in case they don't include Liara? I'm thinking yeah.

Also, I stumbled on a great video doc about indoctrination theory that has made me rethink my understanding if the end. I'll post it here later. Gotta finish watching it first, it's over an hour long.
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Despite not buying into it myself, I've loved most of the videos I've watched on the Indoctrination Theory. Pretty wild what you can infer when you put your head to it.

So I'm guessing I should play this after Borderlands 2? I'm WAY behind. Ugh.
LOL Well, stay away from this thread if you want to avoid spoilers. Personally I feel you're way to late to avoid them at this point, what have you been doing man!

As for the ending and indoctrination theory, yeah I watched a few good videos a while back and my perfect ending would be not finishing the game. Unfortunately I had to for the achievement and 100% it. I tracked how much I played, 40 hours of the main game and then 3 hours of the end mission and credits so that other 40 hours was hugely enjoyable. :p

My Insanity run clocked in at about 50 hours but that was with all the DLC. Plus, I explore a lot :D

Those of you who use Raptr, can it track your time on a game retroactive to signing up? I'd be curious to see what my ME3 total looks like (ME1 and ME2 I largely played offline so I don't think that would work)
My Insanity run clocked in at about 50 hours but that was with all the DLC. Plus, I explore a lot :D

Those of you who use Raptr, can it track your time on a game retroactive to signing up? I'd be curious to see what my ME3 total looks like (ME1 and ME2 I largely played offline so I don't think that would work)
Nah unfortunately it does not, it only tracks for however long you've been a member on Raptr. There's plenty of games I played before I signed up that'd be up there on the most played list. Your best bet is to hope that the game tracks it like we're seeing with newer titles.

I love the indoctrination theory because it made the ending so much better for me.
It went along with my denial phase lol.

I denied that the ending even happened, esp with the this is the story of the Shepard angle. I was like they're just mind fucking us.

I then became angry at Bioware, how could they screw up this royally? I mean they made one hell of a game, one hell of a series and then just face plant at the end makes no sense and let alone the responses from them about the whole situation.

I then bargained that I liked the game's multiplayer better than the single player and that I should have just stayed in the multiplayer lobby.

I was depressed with the series, not wanting to finish the game again because what's the point. I went back and finished up Mass Effect 1.

Then I accepted the game, with a few nicks and scratches it's still pretty great and decided to finish up Mass Effect 3 and the Insanity achievement.

All in all I actually really enjoyed my Insanity playthrough, god the practice I did with ME3's multiplayer made me almost unstoppable. God, it's such a great series and too bad that it was tarnished at the end. The analogy I always think of when it comes to Mass Effect 3 is when your parents told you to proof read your essays when you were a kid and you were like yeah yeah.

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It went along with my denial phase lol.

I denied that the ending even happened, esp with the this is the story of the Shepard angle. I was like they're just mind fucking us.

I then became angry at Bioware, how could they screw up this royally? I mean they made one hell of a game, one hell of a series and then just face plant at the end makes no sense and let alone the responses from them about the whole situation.

I then bargained that I liked the game's multiplayer better than the single player and that I should have just stayed in the multiplayer lobby.

I was depressed with the series, not wanting to finish the game again because what's the point. I went back and finished up Mass Effect 1.

Then I accepted the game, with a few nicks and scratches it's still pretty great and decided to finish up Mass Effect 3 and the Insanity achievement.

All in all I actually really enjoyed my Insanity playthrough, god the practice I did with ME3's multiplayer made me almost unstoppable. God, it's such a great series and too bad that it was tarnished at the end. The analogy I always think of when it comes to Mass Effect 3 is when your parents told you to proof read your essays when you were a kid and you were like yeah yeah.
Yeah the multiplayer was badass. I played it so much that it made the single player campaign so much easier. After the multiplayer, I just steamrolled those banshees and brutes on the last level. I just couldn't believed that the first time through it took me multiple attempts.

Here is that YouTube video I was talking about with the interesting take on indoctrination theory. And, look, ID or no, I loved the ending. Even before the EC. You have to put yourself out there a bit, but it's a deep and meaningful ending to Shepard's story.
That's no small amount of viewing, as it weighs in at 1hr 24min 57sec, so that's something for multiple watchings. There seems to be broken-out pieces of it off to the side on the YouTube page for the video.

so last night I was at BJ's and picked up a PH copy of Mass Effect 1 for $7.98...I now own 3 copies of the game (regular, LE, and now this backup edition).  I think I have a problem, haha.

so last night I was at BJ's and picked up a PH copy of Mass Effect 1 for $7.98...I now own 3 copies of the game (regular, LE, and now this backup edition). I think I have a problem, haha.
I know, it's sad and equally awesome. I have the CE, the trilogy pack and the first game digitally. Someone on this thread, Hitman maybe?, has foreign copies and a pretty nice collection.
I know, it's sad and equally awesome. I have the CE, the trilogy pack and the first game digitally. Someone on this thread, Hitman maybe?, has foreign copies and a pretty nice collection.
haha, I almost got the first game digitally during one of the last sales. I wanna get the trilogy pack but waiting for that PS4 announcement :D

My current tally is:

ME1: PH edition (x2), LE

ME2: Regular edition, CE


Somehow I dont own a vanilla copy of ME3 yet...maybe that will be my next investment.

So, what does everyone think the chances are of the trilogy coming to X1 and PS4 being announced at E3? I'm 50/50.... Mainly because I don't want to get my hopes up.
EA loves money, so yes we're going to get one. I probably would pick up both copies for my Xbox One and PS4. I will probably do the same for ME4 too.

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so last night I was at BJ's and picked up a PH copy of Mass Effect 1 for $7.98...I now own 3 copies of the game (regular, LE, and now this backup edition). I think I have a problem, haha.
On the plus side you'll at least have a physical copy of Bring Down the Sky to install if/when Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 goes down.

That's definitely how I'd justify the Platinum Hits purchase.

Hope that's not true. I'll play any ME but I'm just much less interested in reliving known events than in finding out where the universe goes next.

bread's done