Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Just having Contact in the title doesn't necessarily mean it's about the First Contact Wars and it's a prequel. You can most definitely contact other species later after everything is rebuilt or everyone has the space race again.

I'll be in trouble if they do Wrex.

Oh, you mean the voice actress who did Dr. Brynn Cole also did Marianne Hawke? Didn't know that.

This is intriguing because I think it's too late for new VO for DA:I at this point and she's too big a voice actress for a bit part. Who knows. It's fun to speculate, though.
Oh, you mean the voice actress who did Dr. Brynn Cole also did Marianne Hawke? Didn't know that.

This is intriguing because I think it's too late for new VO for DA:I at this point and she's too big a voice actress for a bit part. Who knows. It's fun to speculate, though.
They sent out a tweet that they're in Alpha testing, so I can't see that additional VO work wouldn't be possible at this stage. A couple of months from now, yes, though I think they could still squeeze it in.

If Jennifer Hale is doing VO work for ME4 then that's a very good thing. Makes me also wonder if we have Mark Meer coming up as well for VO work in ME4.

Sure it looks N7 armorish, but I don't know. Can't be Shepard and ME4. Huh, perplexing, that.
If ME4 is post-ME3, then there could be any number of scenarios where we'd have a message / flashback / video of Shepard. Anyway, I'm excited because I can't think of any reason to tweet that image if she wasn't there for a ME reason.

I would be cool with a Shepard-ghola type situation where he has the memories of his past life but everyone he cared about is gone. But I never saw it as necessary for canon Shepard to die so :whistle2:

Well any thread that's not about PS4 in the Sony section is dead so I'll post this here.

All the ME 3 DLC on PS3 is on sale for 1/2 off until Friday.
Alright so I just watched the Indoctrination Theory video, it's actually a 2.0 version, with elements from EC talked about, I originally saw the first one so I assumed that's what I thought you were talking about but yeah ah wow I really do believe the indoctrination theory holds up more than what we all get.

There is a lot of supporting information and there is a lot of good to be discussed, the biggest thing I like that he says is why would Bioware end it like this, also its just so weird that somethings match up so well like with the refusal ending which I never saw that you get the Harbinger voice "so be it" (also missed the serve us line before Shepard gets hit from Harbinger) and that would explain how he doesn't acknowledge the Quarian/Geth truce, the fact that the colors for this destroy and control are switched and that Shepard, if all things done accordingly, wakes up in rebar (which I tried to recreate in my Insanity Playthrough but never saw it so I figured they took it out for the EC).

Then there's that Major Coats thing and that they deliberately hid his head in the scene before the control room where Shepard meets TIM and Anderson (who are figments of Shepard's will)!
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To me, the most interesting case for indoctrination theory lies in the arrival DLC from ME2. shep's discussion with Harbinger spells out what is taking place in the third game. In those vids there is a crapton of fluff and pompous speculation by the clever noobs guy, but I'll be damned if there isn't a good case for ME3 being about the battle for Shepard's mind/will.
Yeah half of the stuff was Augh and he liked repeating himself over and iver. The end I closed the video because again just kept going on and on saying the same stuff lol.

It's not too far fetched to believe, with how much Shepard has been exposed to Reaper tech, that he was in the beginning stages of indoctrination. I don't think he was indoctrinated, even at the end he/she, in a sense we, are still fighting it.
It's about time you jumped on board with the indoctrination theory! I remember I got some flak for supporting this theory way back than and after the EC too. Some people thought the EC was going to debunk all of the indoctrination theory but I really didn't see anything concrete in the EC that would debunk the whole theory. They just don't want to admit that they got indoctrinated after spending so much time into this series. Shepard only gets indoctrinated if you choose the control or synthesis choices! If you choose destroy Shepard beats the indoctrination and wakes up! In ME1 Saran choose Synthesis and in ME2 the illusive man choose Control.

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I feel the single strongest argument for the Indoctrination Theory is the Control/Blue ending. It's just too unstable. It's what we've been fighting against for *two* full games (knowingly, unknowingly for all 3), then, right at the end: "No, it's totally cool if *you* do it. Go ahead, Control Them."

Thematically, that makes no sense.

Frodo arrives at Mt Doom and at the edge and pauses. Gandalf appears! "Frodo, the armies of men are failing, but you have the power to stop them! Hobbits are naturally immune to the power of the ring, we've seen your will hold strong. You can claim the power for your own! Or destroy it, and end the tyranny forever, but many men will die to the goblin hordes."

And Sam's all like WTF?

saw this on gaf, the Mass Effect 4 studio director is going to e3 this year....

The buzz on NeoGAF is that ME4 will be teased at E3, it's called Mass Effect: Contact but is not a prequel.

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Yeah I had already heard the title but I'd be down for some sexy E3 tease. The consort will see you now!
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I've said that I don't expect to hear or see anything mass effect at E3, but I would love to be wrong. A tease here and a bigger reveal at Spikes thing in the fall would be great.

On neogaf, where are they getting this info? Just the usual wild speculation or does somebody have a source? I'll read the threads over there to see what I can find out.
I remember Contact being rumored a while ago, I had posted that here when that happened. Yeah Neogaf=a bunch of amateur detectives lol.
Hmmm now that I think of it, they could show ME4 to behind closed doors only people so we wouldn't get a teaser and he would still be going to E3.
Apparently the new rumor is that the new ME game is going to be now called Mass Effect: Origins and it is not a prequel but a start of a new trilogy.

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bread's done