Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='Soodmeg']HA! that were the line is drawn? You seem to think its the interactivity....that seems to odd to me. I guess I am again baffled by the art logic. If its art...even though its interactive then you can only agree or can not want them to change it because it would still fall within the realm of their expression. Your basically saying that their artistic expression is wrong and they should change it....which is the opposite of art. That confuses me.[/quote]

I'm just pointing out the flaws in using that as a defense. Could you imagine if in Lost if they took out all the Sawyer scenes and you could only watch them if you paid more money?

Speaking of Lost I liked the ending but I totally understand why people didnt. Its the same thing here its important to understand where the other side is coming from

Also, I thought there were many occasions through out the series including 3 that had plenty of decisions that mattered. There were several people you could save/not save/ several worlds you could save or not seem pretty legit to me. Is the problem that you want more decisions (because I think its unfair to say your decisions didnt matter) or did you just want different ending decisions?

What impact did that have on the ending? For example you can save or kill the Rachni and it has no impact on the rest of the series. Everyone gets the same ending (but with different colors!) no matter they did throughout the series. Bioware screwed up.

Keep in mind that they said the decisions would impact the end. See this post for more details
Victory packs are out. Actually not disappointed with mine. Got a bunch of equipment, which is good, because I'm hoping to get into some Gold matches later this week, because....

This week's "special" is the Premium Spectre Pack for 99000 credits. 2 rares or better with a better chance of an ultra-rare.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Also, I thought there were many occasions through out the series including 3 that had plenty of decisions that mattered. There were several people you could save/not save/ several worlds you could save or not seem pretty legit to me. Is the problem that you want more decisions (because I think its unfair to say your decisions didnt matter) or did you just want different ending decisions? [/QUOTE]

I think the game did a great job (for the most part, but there were some major missed opportunities during
the battle in London, where EMS really didn't mean a damn thing
) tracking choices and putting you on the spot for some truly gut-wrenching decisions. However, shouldn't these choices (at least the major ones) matter when everything is on the line at the end of the game? Yes, I
cured the genophage and brokered peace between the quarians and geth, but does it matter? Not really, I still have to taste the rainbow regardless. And what happens to the krogan, geth, and quarians? They're stranded in the Sol system, completely screwed in the long run with no mass relays, which should rack up quite a body count when they explode.
[quote name='Arikado']
Quotes from the Game Informer cover story months ago
“… part of what you’re trying to do is save the universe so you can live in it. That’s part of the promise, I think, for any great IP. It has to be a world worth saving… I think Mass Effect has that quality to it. If you get rid of the Reapers and win that, wouldn’t it be amazing to just live on the Citadel or just take a ship to Omega? That makes sense.”

Holy shit that's equally funny and sad. What a display of genuine understanding and empathy to what the Mass Effect universe is about.

At what point did they decide, "Hey you know what, screw all that. Let's just torch everything at the end."
99,000 f*cking credits? Holy shit. I'd better get a motherf*cking jet parked outside for the ridiculous amount of effort that's going to take with randoms. Ugh. If ANYONE wants to play ANY difficulty tonight hit me the f*ck up. For real.

I'm all for a Gold community event because I can finally stick it to all those equipment hording bastards when and where it counts. I'll pop in, wait for everyone to waste all their shit then drop out like a bitch or down myself and never use Medigel. I'll do it every chance I get that Friday with a smile on my face.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']99,000 f*cking credits? Holy shit. I'd better get a motherf*cking jet parked outside for the ridiculous amount of effort that's going to take with randoms. Ugh. If ANYONE wants to play ANY difficulty tonight hit me the f*ck up. For real.

I'm all for a Gold community event because I can finally stick it to all those equipment hording bastards when and where it counts. I'll pop in, wait for everything to waste all their shit then drop out like a bitch or down myself and never use Medigel.[/QUOTE]

I'll probably be on to do some gold since I haven't really played in a week, if Ian or XP are going to be on too we can get a full squad going.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Also, I thought there were many occasions through out the series including 3 that had plenty of decisions that mattered. There were several people you could save/not save/ several worlds you could save or not seem pretty legit to me. Is the problem that you want more decisions (because I think its unfair to say your decisions didnt matter) or did you just want different ending decisions?[/QUOTE]

For someone who claims to be annoyed with the constant bitching about the ending, maybe you should read some of the complaints first and realize what we are complaining about you. You just made our point, again.

Throughout the series, our decisions had dramatic impacts on the story. I would guess that almost no one in this thread experienced a story just like the one I played through in these three games. There were just too many choices that had serious impact on the way things played out for anyone to have made ALL the same decisions I did. For 2 games and 9/10ths of a game, we were led down a path where we felt like we were playing one of those "choose your own adventure" games on a grand and epic scale.

And then, in the end, nothing you did really mattered. The only thing that "mattered" is whether or not you got EMR up high enough to get the "ultimate" endings, which were all basically the same. For a lack of a better term, we were cock teased. And not just by their their words. It's not like we led ourselves astray and got our own hopes up. Bioware kept harping on how the endings would all be different...blah, blah, blah. And what we got were three short, cookie cutter endings.

Did you side with this race or that race? Did you save that person or let them die? Were you able to broker a truce in what seemed like an impossible situation? Did you betray a friend to get what you needed? Eh, none of that really matters, because everyone got the same ending...
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']For someone who claims to be annoyed with the constant bitching about the ending, maybe you should read some of the complaints first and realize what we are complaining about you. You just made our point, again.

Throughout the series, our decisions had dramatic impacts on the story. I would guess that almost no one in this thread experienced a story just like the one I played through in these three games. There were just too many choices that had serious impact on the way things played out for anyone to have made ALL the same decisions I did. For 2 games and 9/10ths of a game, we were led down a path where we felt like we were playing one of those "choose your own adventure" games on a grand and epic scale.

And then, in the end, nothing you did really mattered. The only thing that "mattered" is whether or not you got EMR up high enough to get the "ultimate" endings, which were all basically the same. For a lack of a better term, we were cock teased. And not just by their their words. It's not like we led ourselves astray and got our own hopes up. Bioware kept harping on how the endings would all be different...blah, blah, blah. And what we got were three short, cookie cutter endings.

Did you side with this race or that race? Did you save that person or let them die? Were you able to broker a truce in what seemed like an impossible situation? Did you betray a friend to get what you needed? Eh, none of that really matters, because everyone got the same ending...[/QUOTE]

It's like Harbinger was trying to tell us, everything we did ended up being irrelevant :lol:

Not that I ever actually wanted the Reapers to lose anyway
[quote name='gotdott']I'll probably be on to do some gold since I haven't really played in a week, if Ian or XP are going to be on too we can get a full squad going.[/QUOTE]

Great. I'm going to send you a friend request in a minute. I should be on later tonight. If I am just hit me up anytime you've got space man.

I can also pretty much sum up the "WHY THE F*CK DOESN'T ANY OF THIS SHIT ACTUALLY MATTER" argument pretty quickly for those who are baffled by it.

ME1 = We have to work together! It's time to start caring about those filthy aliens, settle our petty differences, and get it the f*ck together because WE ALL DON'T WANT TO DIE.

ME2 = Didn't I just f*cking tell you we need to work together? Didn't I just PROVE Reapers exist? Man... f*ck this shit I'ma holler at Cerberus. We still have to work together though so TIM better DEAL with me WORKING AND GETTING ALONG WITH ALIENS. Why? Because we STILL DON'T ALL WANT TO DIE.

ME3 = Oh... okay... so NOW that these big scary robots are here you want to start listening to me? Uh huh... right. Well I suggest you sit the f*ck back, shut the HELL up from now on, watch me work and see the POWER OF GALACTIC UNITY IN ACTION BOY! We all care, understand, and love each other damnit. Now we're about to get STUPID up in this bitch. Check it.

All of which actually occurs for 90% of the game until the ending where a certainly little ethereal space being resembling the form of a little demon spawn suddenly changes to channel to the Only Earth and Humans Actually Matter This Entire Time show! Brought to you by IIIIIITTTTT'ZZZZZ SPACE MAG-IC!

Pretty damn disappointing and not something you could see coming from the start.
Feel free add to me. I'd be down for some Silver or Gold. Better than playing with randoms. I might even dig out my headset...not that I'm sure it works...but I'll dig it out anyway...
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I can also pretty much sum up the "WHY THE F*CK DOESN'T ANY OF THIS SHIT ACTUALLY MATTER" argument pretty quickly for those who are baffled by it.

ME1 = We have to work together! It's time to start caring about those filthy aliens, settle our petty differences, and get it the f*ck together because WE ALL DON'T WANT TO DIE.

ME2 = Didn't I just f*cking tell you we need to work together? Didn't I just PROVE Reapers exist? Man... f*ck this shit I'ma holler at Cerberus. We still have to work together though so TIM better DEAL with me WORKING AND GETTING ALONG WITH ALIENS. Why? Because we STILL DON'T ALL WANT TO DIE.

ME3 = Oh... okay... so NOW that these big scary robots are here you want to start listening to me? Uh huh... right. Well I suggest you sit the f*ck back, shut the HELL up from now on, watch me work and see the POWER OF GALACTIC UNITY IN ACTION BOY! We all care, understand, and love each other damnit. Now we're about to get STUPID up in this bitch. Check it.

All of which actually occurs for 90% of the game until the ending where a certainly little ethereal space being resembling the form of a little demon spawn suddenly changes to channel to the Only Earth and Humans Actually Matter This Entire Time show! Brought to you by IIIIIITTTTT'ZZZZZ SPACE MAG-IC!

Pretty damn disappointing and not something you could see coming from the start.[/QUOTE]

In addition to...

Hey! Nice job brokering a bunch of peace accords and/or wiping out some errant species and/or leaving the various cultures at each others' throats. In the last 30 seconds of the game, a huge event occurs that completely upends galactic society! Or maybe even destroys it! So everything that came before doesn't really matter, the new reality is isolation, starvation, and resource wars. If the populated planets even still exist. You don't know!
[quote name='Ryuukishi']In addition to...

Hey! Nice job brokering a bunch of peace accords and/or wiping out some errant species and/or leaving the various cultures at each others' throats. In the last 30 seconds of the game, a huge event occurs that completely upends galactic society! Or maybe even destroys it! So everything that came before doesn't really matter, the new reality is isolation, starvation, and resource wars. If the populated planets even still exist. You don't know!


All those allies you've gathered over the years...that you've spilled blood with across the galaxy...that are basically Shepard's family...uh...yeah...we don't know what happens to any of them. Well, except for Joker and the two random people who hop out of the Normandy with him on some random planet for like two'd they get there? Where is there? Why were they in the middle of a jump when the battle was still going on? Wait...EDI was on Earth with me...but now she's on the Normandy...who

[quote name='Ryuukishi']In addition to...

Hey! Nice job brokering a bunch of peace accords and/or wiping out some errant species and/or leaving the various cultures at each others' throats. In the last 30 seconds of the game, a huge event occurs that completely upends galactic society! Or maybe even destroys it! So everything that came before doesn't really matter, the new reality is isolation, starvation, and resource wars. If the populated planets even still exist. You don't know!

Then there's the harsh realization that
the true best thing for Shep to have done was take as few assets to the Sol system as possible. All those people with 7500+ assets? Congratulations, you just increased the number of aliens stranded in our system, likely never to see their home again. Curing the genophage? That just means the Salarians get to keep their troops local. And's a barren wasteland as is...without relays, there's no trade to support it, and Wrex is stuck in another system.

And about one ending choice in particular...
How did the Synthesis ending work? Did it make Synthetics part organic?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']In addition to...

Hey! Nice job brokering a bunch of peace accords and/or wiping out some errant species and/or leaving the various cultures at each others' throats. In the last 30 seconds of the game, a huge event occurs that completely upends galactic society! Or maybe even destroys it! So everything that came before doesn't really matter, the new reality is isolation, starvation, and resource wars. If the populated planets even still exist. You don't know!

But Starchild's explanation was fucking FLAWLESS man. I totally get it now:

"My organic killing synthetics are SO MUCH better than the ones you'd eventually, possibly, no real way of knowing but COULD TOTALLY HAPPEN to create in the future to kill yourselves with guys. Trust me! Take the Geth for instance! They ALMOST eradicated the Quarians in self defense! They're so hostile and violent and uncompromising! Scary right? I know what I'm talking about here! Think of the CHA-OS!"

No... wait... there it is.

The same conclusion I came to the first time I heard it - incredibly asinine logic is incredibly asinine. My mistake bro.

I mean I know we're beating a dead horse here, but there's so many different problems and plot holes to choose from is there any surprise we've yet to run dry of viable complaints? I'm just saying if there's a way to explain any of this without creating more problems than said explanation solves then whoever wrote it deserves an Internet Hate Immunity For Life card.

Anyway I'm signed on Live now if anyone wants to create a party for MP. Hit me up. If you don't have a mic it's not a deal breaker by any means.
I'd be interested in playing tonight, if anyone else is.

However, I'm lacking in the high-leveled characters department, so I'd need to play some Bronze first.
not sure if this whole thing should be spoiler-ed but what the heck:

Are there any writings out there comparing Shepard to any of the great religion's heroes or leaders or what have you? Just wondering. It seemed like he became a "god" of sorts there with that grandpa telling the story to the kid. I'm not much of a religious man but those that are I think would argue that the one they worship didn't die for nuthin'. That the actions they took during life made an everlasting impact so on and so forth. They probably didn't necessarily think their actions were going to make such a huge impact - they were probably just doing what they thought was the right thing to do at the time.
I wish there were MORE in the ending but what happened didn't bother me. I still can't believe all the rage over it. I'm quoting the only person on here I've found that I can agree with so far with COMPLAINTS about the ending:

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Also...

All those allies you've gathered over the years...that you've spilled blood with across the galaxy...that are basically Shepard's family...uh...yeah...we don't know what happens to any of them.
That's really my only major complaint about the ending.

Well, except for Joker and the two random people who hop out of the Normandy with him on some random planet for like two'd they get there? Where is there? Why were they in the middle of a jump when the battle was still going on? Wait...EDI was on Earth with me...but now she's on the Normandy...who

Eh. While I can see that to a certain point, I think it's splitting hairs. We have no idea how long (in real time) passed between getting zapped and waking up on the citadel. Any number of things could have transpired that made those people get back on the normandy. There were also several missions throughout all three games where similar weird time issues arose - you just write that shit off as an edit.
Being in warp was a non issue - to me they had just jumped trying to escape what they saw was a massive explosion of something.
We don't need to know where they ended up and exactly how - I see that as future content to answer.

I remember a lot of the forums lighting up with similar complaints when BSG ended. I liked the ending. I'll never understand people that need a absolutely everything tied up in a satisfactory bow.

I can't wait for Game of Thrones to end it's run.... whooo boy. The internet will likely melt.
The BSG ending may have been unsatisfactory to some, but the series had trafficked in mysticism and the supernatural from the beginning, and it was also always hinted that the show's reality would tie in with our real world somehow. So it wasn't a sudden turn into new territory. It also pretty neatly finished the arcs of the major characters. I don't really see a comparison to Mass Effect.
I thought the BSG ending was good. The ME ending was just so unsatisfactory. I just don't know what happened in the end was it money, time, ego? All of the above? We might never know.
PAX starts on Friday, right? I'm looking forward to BioWare dinging the bell on "Round 2" of this mess. Hopefully it will end in a draw and we can all focus on the real enemy - the majority gamer who's been screwing us all for years by blindly supporting all the bullshit business practices we've had to deal with lately.

"Wow... Horse Armor? Sign me up pal! TAKE MY MONEY!"

"Wow... Weapon Skins? Sign me up pal! TAKE MY MONEY!"

"Wow... Costume Packs? Sign me up pal! TAKE MY MONEY!"

Yeah... fuck you buddy.

fuck you.
Yeah PAX would be a great community appeal place/time.

Man I was hoping for something better than what I got with my Reinforcement Pack, that I got from Operation Raptor, just a bunch of ammo, equipment and weapon upgrades.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Victory packs are out. Actually not disappointed with mine. Got a bunch of equipment, which is good, because I'm hoping to get into some Gold matches later this week, because....

This week's "special" is the Premium Spectre Pack for 99000 credits. 2 rares or better with a better chance of an ultra-rare.[/QUOTE]

Very high chance. I bought six packs and got two ultra rares. Scorpion and Paladin.
I got the Victory pack but not the one for personally promoting 2 characters yet. Anyone get both already?

And all I got in the pack was equipment, not even any upgrades >_
[quote name='goodbyetonight']I got the Victory pack but not the one for personally promoting 2 characters yet. Anyone get both already?

And all I got in the pack was equipment, not even any upgrades >_
Bought one of those 99,000 credit packs.

Shotgun ammo and Turian/Krogan Sentinel skins (already have all appearences).

Even though I have 500 MSP from Bing Rewards, so glad I didn't spend any on it.
Yeah... I've lost faith in Victory Packs personally. I wish they would give us an additional opportunity to earn another Commendation instead of those even if it means murdering a certain number of Banshees on Gold.
[quote name='KrizB']Bought one of those 99,000 credit packs.

Shotgun ammo and Turian/Krogan Sentinel skins (already have all appearences).

Even though I have 500 MSP from Bing Rewards, so glad I didn't spend any on it.[/QUOTE]


Thats some hard ass trolling right there.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']"Wow... Horse Armor? Sign me up pal! TAKE MY MONEY!"

What, you don't want some new outfits for Tali?
Technically you can't get away with those jokes anymore, Ryu. BioWare says our adorable thick hipped space gypsy
is a hot photoshopped super model in real life. [/Sick Official Canon Burned]

Seriously though that picture was just... wow. Really? I have no idea why they didn't just model her after Sroka, add some cybernetics, gray out the skin, chop off two of her fingers and call it a day. None of us would have had a problem with that shit.

My money is on the Retake Omega campaign as well.
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[quote name='gotdott']All commendation packs will be out by tomorrow. And everyone gets a victory pack, even those who didn't participate so you shouldn't expect too much from it.[/QUOTE]

Ahhhhh ic yeah that makes sense.
[quote name='KrizB']Bought one of those 99,000 credit packs.

Shotgun ammo and Turian/Krogan Sentinel skins (already have all appearences).

Even though I have 500 MSP from Bing Rewards, so glad I didn't spend any on it.[/QUOTE]

Geez, that's some bullshit. Should at least get one weapon for 99,000 credits...
[quote name='yankeessuck']I wonder if they think that people will be excited when they announce retake Omage DLC because thats probably what it will be.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']My money is on the Retake Omega campaign as well.[/QUOTE]

That's what I'm banking on as well, or that multiplayer pack that was rumored/leaked a while ago that includes playable geth, batarians, and justicars. Omega would normally excite me, but, well... you know.
Taking Omega back sounds like a blast. But I also want my playable geth in MP! I will name any and all geth "Legion."

EDIT: Got my pack...and another N7 Hurricane. I finally used the Hurricane the other day and kind of liked it, so I don't mind getting an upgrade to it.
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Ari - Yeah as much as I wanted to full achievement score the entire trilogy I can't in clear conscience justify spending anymore money until this business gets settled one way or the other. (still haven't bought the Javik DLC yet). I've got plenty of other games to look forward to later this year (Witcher 2 in another week and a half then Bioshock Infinite... oh baby) so if it goes south I won't lose sleep over it.

Plus there are plenty of games in my backlog that could use a little more attention and I just bought my first Assassins Creed game today along with LA Noire. I still haven't gotten around to beating KoA yet nor FFXIII (which I've been trying to do for YEARS). So there's plenty to play around here. I'm just too lazy to do it and I still haven't found a proper Gears alternative. Gotham City Impostors was pretty close until Gears tier lag killed my interest in it. ;\
I just played with the best randoms ever. I was Salarian Infiltrator and they were both Salarian Engineers. We took about five gold matches with our fourth almost always bailing out on us. It was amazing.

Bought a bunch of Premium Spectre Packs. Now I've got a Black Widow 2, Widow 9, Geth Plasma Shotgun 9, and Graal 9. My Salarian and Krogan are STOKED.
pick up a special spectre pack and 99k got me an asari vangard, a quarian eng, and a hornet...

got a crusader in my commendation pack - guess I'll try it out but they are so damn heavy.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Ari - Yeah as much as I wanted to full achievement score the entire trilogy I can't in clear conscience justify spending anymore money until this business gets settled one way or the other. (still haven't bought the Javik DLC yet).[/QUOTE]
The Javik DLC is pretty damn good. I hear you though.

Just beat
that little bitch Kai Leng. All I have left now is Priority: Earth. :D
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Here's a question....when going for an insanity run, do you have to go on RPG mode? I'm making this assumption so you have total control. At the same time don't things go faster and easier in story or action mode? Just a thought since we didn't have these modes in the previous games.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Just a thought since we didn't have these modes in the previous games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I had a friend I recommended the game to and said he might like the action mode since he plays CoD and other shooters as well. He's like yeah so there was a 30 minute video in the beginning lol. I'm like damn yeah those, for me with the normal RPG mode, were interactive cutscenes. He said with the action choice he couldn't customize his character. lol
bread's done