Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Thanks for the link, Ryu. Good find. Against my better judgement, I glossed over the article at and my excitement for this game jumped up a couple notches, if that's possible. The spoilers I caught weren't major, but enough that if its a concern then don't read the article.
[quote name='Streetskillz']Yea ME1's inventory and equipment customization was pretty cool, but it did get tedious when you had to keep on turning armor and weapons into omni-gel. But in ME2, I feel that they dumbed down the whole customization portion in favor of DLC.... I feel that EA had a hand in this... :censored:[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm with you on the omni-gel part. It does kind of become daunting because you aren't sure if someone outside of the three-man party you have active can use the item or not. I just started making sure I go through and use everything worth using and then immediately break down or sell whats left.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Summarized details from the new Game Informer article:

Warning, it talks about what happens in a couple of missions, start to finish, so consider it spoiler material.[/QUOTE]

Those spoilers seem to synch up with the leaked script stuff from awhile back. I had hoped it was fake, since I wasn't too enthused about how the main story seemed to go.

Also, what kind of tables exist in the future that make for good cover from mass-accelerator powered weapons?
[quote name='Salamando3000']Those spoilers seem to synch up with the leaked script stuff from awhile back. I had hoped it was fake, since I wasn't too enthused about how the main story seemed to go.

Also, what kind of tables exist in the future that make for good cover from mass-accelerator powered weapons?[/QUOTE]Or beam weapons.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Those spoilers seem to synch up with the leaked script stuff from awhile back. I had hoped it was fake, since I wasn't too enthused about how the main story seemed to go.

Also, what kind of tables exist in the future that make for good cover from mass-accelerator powered weapons?[/QUOTE]

mass-decelerator surfaces? lol
[quote name='Salamando3000']Those spoilers seem to synch up with the leaked script stuff from awhile back. I had hoped it was fake, since I wasn't too enthused about how the main story seemed to go.

Also, what kind of tables exist in the future that make for good cover from mass-accelerator powered weapons?[/QUOTE]

try to think of an alternate way for them to bring the reapers down. Would you prefer they haxor the reapers like in independence day through some cheap vulnerability a highly advanced machine race would never have?

The plot, from what I've seen, supposed that a weapon is made using the mass relays, destroying them in the process. This is the one avenue the reapers would not calculate that sentient life would undertake because it would strand star systems from one another. This is very similar to the plot line from the first two Hyperion books and honestly it makes a lot of sense. You can see similar inspiration from Hyperion in the differing factions of geth, one that outright oppose organic life, and others that are somewhat neutral and would embrace a mutually beneficial relationship.
[quote name='Anexanhume']
try to think of an alternate way for them to bring the reapers down. Would you prefer they haxor the reapers like in independence day through some cheap vulnerability a highly advanced machine race would never have?

The plot, from what I've seen, supposed that a weapon is made using the mass relays, destroying them in the process. This is the one avenue the reapers would not calculate that sentient life would undertake because it would strand star systems from one another. This is very similar to the plot line from the first two Hyperion books and honestly it makes a lot of sense. You can see similar inspiration from Hyperion in the differing factions of geth, one that outright oppose organic life, and others that are somewhat neutral and would embrace a mutually beneficial relationship.

In case people are wondering, we're not discussing ME3's explanation for tables that are useful in cover situations....

From the spoilers I read, they find a Prothean archive on Mars, which contains schematics for an anti-reaper weapon. Weapon's been designed by sentient races from before every reapers-kill-everything event, and the Protheans finished the weapon, but ran out of time to build it. That much is more or less confirmed in the link.

At the end, they (spoilers within a spoiler)
find out the device can also be used to control the reapers, not just destroy them. That being the Illusive Man's goal all along (also confirmed in the above).
Just seems like this prothean anti-reaper weapon is one incredible deus ex machina. Reapers are a problem for an entire trilogy, but at the moment of mankind's doom, we're able to find a magical device to save everything...

How would I end it? I would much rather they properly weaponize the mass relays. ME2's The Arrival showed destroying one can destroy an entire galaxy. Use that. No fancy prothean gimmicks, just use the explosive power already present in ME's cosmos. Have Shep make proper sacrifices...destroy an ME relay in a highly populated galaxy, or attempt to lure the reapers out? Have your ME3 file graded on how many people are left standing once the last reaper's been killed.

Though I'd also respect Bioware if the decided to just let the Reapers win. They did kind of write themselves into a corner, what with Sovereign, just one reaper, being able to cause quite a bit of havoc by himself.
[quote name='Streetskillz']I just can't wait to use that omni-tool blade to fuck shit up[/QUOTE]
And then have conversations that are meaningful as SHIT :cool:
[quote name='Salamando3000']In case people are wondering, we're not discussing ME3's explanation for tables that are useful in cover situations....

From the spoilers I read, they find a Prothean archive on Mars, which contains schematics for an anti-reaper weapon. Weapon's been designed by sentient races from before every reapers-kill-everything event, and the Protheans finished the weapon, but ran out of time to build it. That much is more or less confirmed in the link.

At the end, they (spoilers within a spoiler)
find out the device can also be used to control the reapers, not just destroy them. That being the Illusive Man's goal all along (also confirmed in the above).
Just seems like this prothean anti-reaper weapon is one incredible deus ex machina. Reapers are a problem for an entire trilogy, but at the moment of mankind's doom, we're able to find a magical device to save everything...

How would I end it? I would much rather they properly weaponize the mass relays. ME2's The Arrival showed destroying one can destroy an entire galaxy. Use that. No fancy prothean gimmicks, just use the explosive power already present in ME's cosmos. Have Shep make proper sacrifices...destroy an ME relay in a highly populated galaxy, or attempt to lure the reapers out? Have your ME3 file graded on how many people are left standing once the last reaper's been killed.

Though I'd also respect Bioware if the decided to just let the Reapers win. They did kind of write themselves into a corner, what with Sovereign, just one reaper, being able to cause quite a bit of havoc by himself.
The mass effect destruction in Arrival destroyed a star system, not a galaxy. 300K Batarians on the main planet in that system, so if we don't see that answered to by the Batarians in ME3, I'll be disappointed.

And yes, destroying the mass effect relays would isolate star systems when they're gone, though it would reduce travel across the galaxy to only ships that could go FTL without the need of a relay. Since the Reapers don't think the current races would go that far, they shouldn't think it would be an outcome they would need to worry about.

The Reapers can travel to our galaxy without the need of the relays, so to them, it just extends the time they would need to get to us and isn't as much of an issue for them.

Since we've seen how well we can fight a single Reaper with current technology, I would think that someone besides Cerberus would have been working on anti-Reaper technology in some fashion. The Illusive Man would be happy to control the Reapers to his own ends, though I think as time goes on, it's not as simple as he might think and will hopefully figure out that it's a horribly bad mistake to try that.

The Citadel will probably play into the anti-Reaper scenario in some way, maybe it ends up being the control to the anti-Reaper weapon and there's a fight to control it.

Do I think that Bioware will do a deus ex machina to have the sentient races win in the end? Not likely, though there may be some minor moments of it here and there.
There's a neat little cross-promotion to occur between ME3 and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Play one games demo, unlock unique armor and a weapon in the other game.

The Mass Effect 3 unlocks are
Reckoner Knight Armor: This armor will maximize damage done in close-quarters combat while a beefed–up power cell feeds energy into weapon systems to increase projectile velocity.

The Chakram Launcher: This weapon uses a fabricator to manufacture lightweight, explosive ammunition discs. This weapon is earned after completing the Reckoning demo and watching the trailer at the end.

More details :
That's very cool. I actually like the set on the right better, I wish that was the ME unlock. :) I wonder if the Blood Dragon Armor will make a return.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Interview with Casey Hudson. It's mostly PR speak and nothing we didn't know about the game really, but it's kind of interesting.[/QUOTE]Very good read, and thankfully, less spoiler-laden than other articles we've seen.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']That's very cool. I actually like the set on the right better, I wish that was the ME unlock. :) I wonder if the Blood Dragon Armor will make a return.[/QUOTE]Never know, it might end up as future DLC, if we're lucky.

[quote name='GamerDude316']will definitely be trying the Kingdoms demo. More loot for ME3 is ALWAYS a good thing :D[/QUOTE]Agreed.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Kotaku has more pictures of the suits.[/QUOTE]
Nice looking armor.
[quote name='shrike4242']Very good read, and thankfully, less spoiler-laden than other articles we've seen.

Never know, it might end up as future DLC, if we're lucky.


Makes sense to do it that way. Otherwise, they're missing out on the ebay market where people are buying and selling those codes to get the items anyway.
I'm pretty excited but havent read much so i can be suprised. One thing i do not know is will this game have 3D support? I bought one of the ps3 3d tv's and would like to play this on there in 3D. Thanks
[quote name='tukai']I'm pretty excited but havent read much so i can be suprised. One thing i do not know is will this game have 3D support? I bought one of the ps3 3d tv's and would like to play this on there in 3D. Thanks[/QUOTE]

No mention, so sources point to no. They could always announce it last minute though. It's not really worth the effort though unless it's a PS3 exclusive (IMO) so it functions as a system/feature seller.
Heads up to either (or both) the collectors of Mass Effect merch or the folks who have to have all of the exclusive DLC......the new action figures, that being series two featuring Garrus among others, and the reissue of series one will all feature character exclusive DLC. Here's a few links and a blurb about it.

"Each character includes updated photos, character bio, storyline, and logo, and is packaged with Mass Effect 3 branding. Each has a pack-in card and bonus downloadable in-game content, which is exclusive and different for each character. "

Just Garrus
All the fig's
With DA2, you were able to get the origin/ea reps to give you most of the DLC free. I wonder if that will happen again. I really hope they just make it all one item pack. I'd even pay $10 just to have everything.
[quote name='Anexanhume']With DA2, you were able to get the origin/ea reps to give you most of the DLC free. I wonder if that will happen again. I really hope they just make it all one item pack. I'd even pay $10 just to have everything.[/QUOTE]

Not that I want to get something for nothing, but how the heck did you accomplish this? I can't afford to get all of the figures, but would like the dlc.....whatever it may be.
I was interested in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, now I'm even more interested. That kinda sucks about the action figures. I wonder which ones will have the extra DLC?
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Not that I want to get something for nothing, but how the heck did you accomplish this? I can't afford to get all of the figures, but would like the dlc.....whatever it may be.[/QUOTE] support livechat, you can just ask for DLC and sometimes they'll feel like giving it to you.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Heads up to either (or both) the collectors of Mass Effect merch or the folks who have to have all of the exclusive DLC......the new action figures, that being series two featuring Garrus among others, and the reissue of series one will all feature character exclusive DLC. Here's a few links and a blurb about it.

"Each character includes updated photos, character bio, storyline, and logo, and is packaged with Mass Effect 3 branding. Each has a pack-in card and bonus downloadable in-game content, which is exclusive and different for each character. "

Just Garrus
All the fig's[/QUOTE]

I was thinking about getting the Garrus and Miranda figues, but that just made them a must-buy.
I was going to get the Garrus fig anyway and was considering Mordin and Legion. But, with ME3 packaging, I may end up buying more. Maybe a Shepard for mint-in-package display.

I wish they would've done a Wrex figure. Maybe for wave 3. And, I'd love a pudgy little volus.....maybe that drunk punk volus from Garrus' loyalty mission in ME2!! And, a hanar is a must have, too.
Yeah, but I hadn't seen any confirmation about him in ME 3 so I thought it was interesting at least. EA has been keeping the cast a secret.
The biggest issue I've heard about the cast of ME3 is that they didn't get Mordin's voice actor back. If true that's a real shame because the character had such a distinct voice and speaking style, it's really going to show if it's a different person in the role.

I thought there was some doubt about Yvonne Strahovski as well but given that the entire character of Miranda was designed and built around her, I can't possibly imagine that they didn't contract her up front for all planned sequels.
I haven't seen it personally yet, but a friend on Facebook told me the new issue of Game Informer has an article about the first 6 hours of ME 3 in the new issue. I'm assuming it's written in a style similar to what they did with Dragon Age 2 this time last year.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']The biggest issue I've heard about the cast of ME3 is that they didn't get Mordin's voice actor back. If true that's a real shame because the character had such a distinct voice and speaking style, it's really going to show if it's a different person in the role.

I thought there was some doubt about Yvonne Strahovski as well but given that the entire character of Miranda was designed and built around her, I can't possibly imagine that they didn't contract her up front for all planned sequels.[/QUOTE]Oh, that's so not cool that they couldn't get the VO back for Mordin. :wall: I'm wondering if they'll pull a "I Dream Of Jeannie" with the change in actors and pretend no one notices.

There was no question that Yvonne Strahovski was locked in for ME2 and ME3 when her contract was signed. I'm sure that was done because she wasn't sure how long her work on Chuck would be going on for, and as it's ending with this current season, residuals from the game sales (which I hope she managed to negotiate) will be a nice income stream. Must have more Miranda... :drool:

Any other VO changes that have been rumored? I'm assuming they have Kaiden's and Ashley's VOs back for ME3. I can't imagine them changing any other VOs for the game, or it would just sound much too odd.
[quote name='shrike4242']Oh, that's so not cool that they couldn't get the VO back for Mordin. :wall: I'm wondering if they'll pull a "I Dream Of Jeannie" with the change in actors and pretend no one notices.

There was no question that Yvonne Strahovski was locked in for ME2 and ME3 when her contract was signed. I'm sure that was done because she wasn't sure how long her work on Chuck would be going on for, and as it's ending with this current season, residuals from the game sales (which I hope she managed to negotiate) will be a nice income stream. Must have more Miranda... :drool:

Any other VO changes that have been rumored? I'm assuming they have Kaiden's and Ashley's VOs back for ME3. I can't imagine them changing any other VOs for the game, or it would just sound much too odd.[/QUOTE]

Carrie Ann Moss has been on Chuck a lot lately and she was Aria T' I would imagine she's coming back and possibly Adam Baldwin (Kal Reegar) again. Yvonne must have been contracted for sequels and frankly if Sheen is back, there is no reason she should not be. Plus he basically spilled the beans by stating "oh yeah...we're all back". Enough said.

I'm not too concerned about Mordin's voice but I do hope it isn't a night and day difference from the actor that used to voice him.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I think pretty much every other actor has confirmed on their Twitter that they're still in. :)[/QUOTE] Good to know that we're good other than Mordin's replacement.

[quote name='MSUHitman']The first 6 hours article isn't on the Game Informer website, but an interview with Casey Hudson is:[/QUOTE]Ryuu beat you to it a few days ago:

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Interview with Casey Hudson. It's mostly PR speak and nothing we didn't know about the game really, but it's kind of interesting.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='masterd919']Carrie Ann Moss has been on Chuck a lot lately and she was Aria T' I would imagine she's coming back and possibly Adam Baldwin (Kal Reegar) again. Yvonne must have been contracted for sequels and frankly if Sheen is back, there is no reason she should not be. Plus he basically spilled the beans by stating "oh yeah...we're all back". Enough said.

I'm not too concerned about Mordin's voice but I do hope it isn't a night and day difference from the actor that used to voice him.[/QUOTE]Agreed on all counts.
I'm reallly disapointed we not only ARE NOT playing the demo right now, but that we haven't heard jack squat about it. I have a feeling the folks who picked up Batlefield 3 for early access to the demo are gonna get hosed.
It's only going to be 48 hours early access just like it was for MoH people with the BF3 beta, said that as soon as it was announced.

If we don't hear something this week then I'm going to be pissed off since they would have had 2 full weeks since they got back from holiday. Plus I'm jonesing to play because of watching my old roommate play SWTOR on Christmas Eve and I watched the leaked beta that someone loaded the whole thing to YouTube. I didn't think it was super spoilery, it was just more in-depth looks at the two scenes Bioware showed off at E3 (there was a ME 1 recurring character in the 2nd scene.)
Anybody having any luck downloading the Kingdoms of Amalur demo? I keep getting the "Oops, you found a glitch in the system" error page on
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']No, I got through that on just fine. Try again in a bit. I wont get to the d emo until tonight ;([/QUOTE]It was erroring out on me a little bit ago, though we're good now.
Demos are Gold exclusive for 1 week. You should be able to get it next Wednesday.

GTTV is supposedly having an exclusive clip on ME 3 gameplay tomorrow night according to Bioware's Twitter.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Demos are Gold exclusive for 1 week. You should be able to get it next Wednesday.

GTTV is supposedly having an exclusive clip on ME 3 gameplay tomorrow night according to Bioware's Twitter.[/QUOTE]Hopefully it'll be a good clip.
Ugh... my most anticipated game of all time comes out at the WORST possible time for me: the week before spring break. Midterms, exams, and projects galore. :fridge:
[quote name='Arikado']Ugh... my most anticipated game of all time comes out at the WORST possible time for me: the week before spring break. Midterms, exams, and projects galore. :fridge:[/QUOTE]

3 weeks before first baby here. Feels good man.
Had no issues downloading the demo for kingdoms today. Downloaded it for the 360 and PC. I wonder if ME3 will be the same as ME2 with promo downloads. Everything that was a promo or with my CE was linked so I could use it on all systems I bought the game for. Only downloads that were not were paid downloads. Might end up picking up ME3 on the PC as well as the 360. Really looking forward to the demo when ever it comes out.
Man... I just can't get excited for this game. I was so pumped for Mass Effect 2 and then, I felt let down. Now I'm just meh... Can't believe I am at that point because Mass Effect 1 was easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time.
bread's done