Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread


OK so I am a six foot three 250lb 31 year old grown man, and I almost fucking cried when Mordin started singing the Scientist Salarian song while activating the shroud after stating that he would have liked to "Test those Shells."

This game (as stated before) is fucking amazing. I have never been so enthralled and attached to characters in any medium than I have here. Some of the powers that be and big wigs in teh entertainment industry may still think that games are not art... fuck you. Play this series beginning to end and tell me it does not kick Star Wars' ass, has just as good imagery and cinema quality as Lord of the Rings, and characters more endearing and engrossing than 15 Seasons of your favorite prime time drama.

MP note - promoting your MP guy resets ALL of that class to level 1. So if you have a Turian Sentinel, promote them, ALL of your unlocked Sentinels go back to 1, just a heads up to ayone that hasnt done this yet.
Listened to the soundtrack a few times at work. Oh man is it good. Certain tracks gave me shivers up my spine and that good ol' feeling of energized tingle escaping your body. A Future for the Krogan track reminds me something I'd hear from the LoTR franchise. Also one track has the inception bass motive and it's powerful stuff.
[quote name='opterasis']I can't decide if I should
sabotage the genophage cure
or not.[/QUOTE]

That depends if you
want to help your friends or gain a larger war asset for teh greater good, i like how the decisions really carry weight and make you stop and think.
I pondered it for a long time.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']
I'm surprised they even went Garrus/Tali, since they could die in ME2. I figure they went with the core two there since it would be hard to program those other characters fully when they could be dead in 50% of games.

From what I've seen:
Grunt - small mission part
Mordin - big story part, see him across the span of a few missions early
Thane - big story impact, kinda limited
Miranda - only seen once so far
Kasumi - small mission part
Jack - small but cool mission part, saw her once after so far

It's more than a cameo walk-on TV role. You can have conversation wheels with most of them so far, get updates, and all that. I'm usually thrilled to see them.

Oh ok, well that sounds reassuring. Still kinda disappointed though, I mean, I was kind of hoping for a ship jam packed full of the people from the previous game, almost a Chrono Cross kind of deal where you had oodles of characters to party with.

As is though, it seems that in my opinion Bioware took the easy way out when it comes to some of the story...

According to the guide this is how certain story situations go down if you start a game fresh without data from previous games... (There are no ME3 spoilers)

Mass Effect 1
- Garrus and Wrex recruited
- Colony on Feros not saved
- Shiala, the Asari taken by the Thorian on Feros, was killed
- Rachni Queen was killed
- Wrex died on Vermire, killed by Shepard
- No Romance for Shepard
- Council died, Destiny Ascension was destroyed.
- Udina named councilor
- It is assumed that all side missions and DLC were not completed
Mass Effect 2
- It is assumed that Shepard completes no loyalty missions and as a result...
+No chance to save or destroy genophage cure
+Tali Exiled by her people
- Shepard did not have any romance
- Zaeed and Kasumi not recruited
- Grunt never awoken from tank and is never mentioned
- Jack died on suicide mission
- Tali was recruited
- Samara was never recruited, fought her way off illium and was eventually killed by Morinth
- Thane died during suicide mission
- Miranda is alive
- Jacob is alive
- Legion never reactivated and does not have the name legion as a result
- Shepard destroys collector base rather than handing it over to Cerberus
- Only Joke and Dr. Chakwas are left of the crew
- No optional assignments completed
- No DLC completed but the events of Arrival and Shadow Broker did take place.
I'm really liking Mass Effect 3 so far, but I wish I had replayed the first two to refresh myself on the plot. The bug about not being able to import the look your Shepherd had from Mass Effect 1 is really surprising - you'd think they'd have caught that early.
[quote name='Freemason']That depends if you
want to help your friends or gain a larger war asset for teh greater good, i like how the decisions really carry weight and make you stop and think.
I pondered it for a long time.[/QUOTE]

In the end,
I let him spread the cure, Eve lived, etc
I'll sabotage it the next play through when I do everything Renegade instead of Paragon.
My CE disc 2 just told me disc unreadable, yet I just plopped the sucker into the system?! I've restarted the Xbox and it now seems to recognize the disc and I'm attempting to install it now. Hmm should I go back to BB and get a replacement?! would they replace just disc 2 or a whole nother CE?
So thanks the the PUR coupon that let's you get (w/stacking promo) $140 for an old model 360, I'm the proud owner of a new Slim. Got the 320 GB HDD while it was on sale also, plus transfer cable.

My GS got another CE shipped from corporate so I was able to swap it out tonight also (no the unused codes went with my broken copy to the refurb center) and disk 2 on this tin is just as hard to get off as the original one was.

As I played with it for the last few days it seemed the more I messed with it, the easier it got to remove, so I carefully (w/struggle) got disk 2 off the bottom spindle and while the transfer is going on, I'm going to put on/remove repeatedly my MVP Baseball 2004 PS2 disc to get the spindle limbered up so I don't break another disk.
Finally got my CE a few hours ago.
Been tooling around a little in MP and just started SP.

Out of five, only one of my ME1&2 playthroughs shows up in the import Shepard list -Pure Paragon playthrough.
Also it says that I romanced Ashley in ME1 even though I didn't romance anyone at all with that profile in 1&2.

Question for those later in the game with Ash as a Love Interest.
Are the rumors going around about her "little secret" true?
Or is it one of those vague things they add so that it can be taken either way?
[quote name='MSUHitman']So thanks the the PUR coupon that let's you get (w/stacking promo) $140 for an old model 360, I'm the proud owner of a new Slim. Got the 320 GB HDD while it was on sale also, plus transfer cable.

My GS got another CE shipped from corporate so I was able to swap it out tonight also (no the unused codes went with my broken copy to the refurb center) and disk 2 on this tin is just as hard to get off as the original one was.

As I played with it for the last few days it seemed the more I messed with it, the easier it got to remove, so I carefully (w/struggle) got disk 2 off the bottom spindle and while the transfer is going on, I'm going to put on/remove repeatedly my MVP Baseball 2004 PS2 disc to get the spindle limbered up so I don't break another disk.[/QUOTE]

Thats what I'm trying to avoid. I might buy some cases but I don't want to buy more than one if I get a 2 disc case.
No lie i kind of teared when
Mordin stayed behind
. Damn idk i never realized how
much i liked his character, that last scene was perfect
. These cameos were pretty well done
(Thane too :()
, I have no complaints. I guess replaying 2 right before provides just that much more extra emotional investment.
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I liked that they had some more horror elements in this one, reminded me of Dead Space

I finished the game last last night
ending spoiler and rant
people don't like the endings at all(because ALL of them are bad), if the people were allowed to say what they really thought, there would be no one left to post on the Bioware forums

I hated them as well but it is a good game overall, just need to let the shock die down before I do another serious playthrough
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[quote name='sendme']Thats what I'm trying to avoid. I might buy some cases but I don't want to buy more than one if I get a 2 disc case.[/QUOTE]

The thing I don't understand is why the spindles on the ME 3 tin are different than the ME 2 one. On the ME 2 tin the spindles are the full piece and the disks are easy to remove. On ME 3 tin they're 1/2 spindles and are incredibly tight.
[quote name='sendme']Thats what I'm trying to avoid. I might buy some cases but I don't want to buy more than one if I get a 2 disc case.[/QUOTE]

That's what I did for ME2 CE and I'm going to pick up a regular case for this one eventually.
[quote name='MSUHitman']So thanks the the PUR coupon that let's you get (w/stacking promo) $140 for an old model 360, I'm the proud owner of a new Slim. Got the 320 GB HDD while it was on sale also, plus transfer cable.[/QUOTE]

Congrats on the new purchase! I am very glad I upgraded last fall to the slim. In fact, I just realized that I hadn't even installed disc 1 of ME3, but you'd never know because this new unit is so silent.
ok holy crap. Anybody else have had their game glitch an insane amount of times? I keep having events not being triggered, or after a battle all the people will disappear completely. Most of the time I get graphical errors where things just never render properly. I even got a glitch where my hand was going through my face in a cutscene while using the com systems. More glitches I've experienced in this than Oblivion and Skyrim combined haha. Oh well, still lovin it.
[quote name='AshesofWake']ok holy crap. Anybody else have had their game glitch an insane amount of times? I keep having events not being triggered, or after a battle all the people will disappear completely. Most of the time I get graphical errors where things just never render properly. I even got a glitch where my hand was going through my face in a cutscene while using the com systems. More glitches I've experienced in this than Oblivion and Skyrim combined haha. Oh well, still lovin it.[/QUOTE]

i experienced some minor glitching but the two main ones that really annoyed me happened when i tried to hijack the atlas (it said press a to enter but the a was always greyed out), and right outside the room
is in (i got locked out).
[quote name='AshesofWake']ok holy crap. Anybody else have had their game glitch an insane amount of times? I keep having events not being triggered, or after a battle all the people will disappear completely. Most of the time I get graphical errors where things just never render properly. I even got a glitch where my hand was going through my face in a cutscene while using the com systems. More glitches I've experienced in this than Oblivion and Skyrim combined haha. Oh well, still lovin it.[/QUOTE]

the only glitches i have experienced are when i try to go to the shooting range, it hangs and somehow when i was at on of the shops in Meridan Place, two Solarians blocked me in and i couldnt get out.

I dont think anything compares to what Bethesda does. I think they just do not know what TQM is.
[quote name='AshesofWake']ok holy crap. Anybody else have had their game glitch an insane amount of times? [/QUOTE]

I've seen some minor graphical glitches in SP, but the only major glitch I experienced was in MP yesterday. After defeating a 2nd wave of Geth no 3rd wave ever came. My squad pretty much covered every inch of the map to see if there was still an enemy hiding somewhere, but we found nothing and eventually had to end the session after 10 minutes of futility.
Almost hit a nasty bug in the quest Citadel: Hanar Diplomat last night. For anyone else: as soon as you get the quest, go to the Spectre computer, and then use another computer closer to the elevator before leaving. Apparently doing anything else will break the quest. Seems like such an easy bug to catch...
[quote name='pete5883']Almost hit a nasty bug in the quest Citadel: Hanar Diplomat last night. For anyone else: as soon as you get the quest, go to the Spectre computer, and then use another computer closer to the elevator before leaving. Apparently doing anything else will break the quest. Seems like such an easy bug to catch...[/QUOTE]
Hmm, that explains why I couldn't finish that quest.
[quote name='MSUHitman']The thing I don't understand is why the spindles on the ME 3 tin are different than the ME 2 one. On the ME 2 tin the spindles are the full piece and the disks are easy to remove. On ME 3 tin they're 1/2 spindles and are incredibly tight.[/QUOTE]

I think ME2 was a legit Steelbook case, and ME3 was one of the knockoff companies that does all the Disney metal cases.
[quote name='opterasis']I think ME2 was a legit Steelbook case, and ME3 was one of the knockoff companies that does all the Disney metal cases.[/QUOTE]

I noticed that. It reminded me of the Dragon Age: Origins tin case that came with the CE. It's functional, but less fancy, IMO.
[quote name='opterasis']I think ME2 was a legit Steelbook case, and ME3 was one of the knockoff companies that does all the Disney metal cases.[/QUOTE]

Great catch, you're right that's the issue.
I really wish Bioware would update us again on the face import issue. And now that I think about it, I might have more import issues that I thought. I did Jack and Miranda and I'm pretty sure the import screen said that I didn't do anyone....
U guys think 4 will start a new trilogy? And on that note, anyone else remember about bungie saying they wouldn't put master chief in another game after 3? And, well, "they" won't, but.....
[quote name='opterasis']I think ME2 was a legit Steelbook case, and ME3 was one of the knockoff companies that does all the Disney metal cases.[/QUOTE]
The top hinge on mine broke or was broken before I first opened it.
[quote name='6er']U guys think 4 will start a new trilogy? And on that note, anyone else remember about bungie saying they wouldn't put master chief in another game after 3? And, well, "they" won't, but.....[/QUOTE]

Bungie didn't....343 is.
Thane never appeared in my game, and now his name is on the dead people memorial wall. I'm assuming that he shows up in the Hanar diplomat sidequest that I never finished? And since I never met up with him he just died offscreen, and I somehow knew about it afterwards even though there was no discussion about it? Seems weird.

Kelly also never showed up for me, I thought you were supposed to be able to meet her on the Citadel. I was looking forward to seeing her again.
Playing the game yesterday, I had to swap disc 1 for disc 2 and vice versa like 3 times in the span of two hours. Please tell me this comes to an end...
[quote name='hufferstl']I really wish Bioware would update us again on the face import issue. And now that I think about it, I might have more import issues that I thought. I did Jack and Miranda and I'm pretty sure the import screen said that I didn't do anyone....[/QUOTE]

Did you switch back to Liara in the DLC? Or just break it off with your romance option?

It only imports a romance if you were still involved with the person at the end game. As I posted earlier, I romanced Miranda, broke it off with her and romanced Tali, and broke it off with her to go back to Liara in the DLC. As well as having the casual sex scene with Jack and dance scene with Kelly.

But since I had broken it off with Miranda and Tali, it just registered as romancing Liara in ME1 and no romance in ME2.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']So
Thane never appeared in my game, and now his name is on the dead people memorial wall. I'm assuming that he shows up in the Hanar diplomat sidequest that I never finished? And since I never met up with him he just died offscreen, and I somehow knew about it afterwards even though there was no discussion about it? Seems weird.

Kelly also never showed up for me, I thought you were supposed to be able to meet her on the Citadel. I was looking forward to seeing her again.

is either supposed to
die after the attack on the citadel from being stabbed by kai leng and being taken off life support
or if
the captain guy is the one who gets stabbed during the attack on the citadel then thane probably passed away in the hospital from kepral's
. since you
didn't see him at all
then i guess it's probably the second one?
[quote name='100xp']Bungie didn't....343 is.[/QUOTE]
My point exactly.

And I'm thinking 4 may be about the first contact war.
[quote name='hufferstl']I really wish Bioware would update us again on the face import issue. And now that I think about it, I might have more import issues that I thought. I did Jack and Miranda and I'm pretty sure the import screen said that I didn't do anyone....[/QUOTE]
You can "do" multiple people. Who your in a relationship with is defined by who you slept with before the finale of me2
Love how civil and game loving this thread is. So much nicer than any other thread I'm subbed to.

Edit: To those CE owners, my PS3 copy of the steelbook looks like it has extra little plastic casting pieces left on the disc holder. I trimmed them down with a nail clipper and plan to trim it down more with a razor. They're what's causing the discs to be so god damned hard to remove.
[quote name='shadowkast']You can "do" multiple people. Who your in a relationship with is defined by who you slept with before the finale of me2[/QUOTE]

It's defined by whether you're still in the relationship with them at the end of ME2.

If you break it off with the last person you slept with before your final save, then it just imports as having no romance in ME2.
It's killing me that I haven't been able to play this yet, though I know I will this evening, at least for a couple of hours. :bomb:

Too many spoilers right now.....
[quote name='simosaurus']I've seen some minor graphical glitches in SP, but the only major glitch I experienced was in MP yesterday. After defeating a 2nd wave of Geth no 3rd wave ever came. My squad pretty much covered every inch of the map to see if there was still an enemy hiding somewhere, but we found nothing and eventually had to end the session after 10 minutes of futility.[/QUOTE]
I've had three MP sessions glitch like that. On Firebase Reactor since Cerberus troops drop in from the pilings/supports overhead sometimes they glitch and never jump off or jump down to the bottom floor. They'll get stuck on the second platform or at the top platform. If you wait a while, which I did once, the last guys broke free and dropped down but if you look up you should be able to shoot them if you get a good angle. In areas where things come up off the side, I'd say probably look down, they might be stuck floating.

What I thought was a glitch as well was I wasn't getting grenades from all the ammo boxes. Ammo boxes only have 2 total grenades per box that replenish slowly where as they have two full refills of ammo that replenish quickly. If your teammates are using grenades and hit the ammo box, you won't get any grenade refills so you'll have to hit another box. It normally isn't a problem but Frag and Lift grenades are especially awesome and do a lot of damage to a huge area, so you may have to "fight" over ammo boxes.
God, I had to stop myself in the middle of the Tuchanka mission
at the Shroud
to go to work. One of the hardest thing I've ever done. So epic.
I know when I launched the game Wednesday evening to make sure my online pass was recognized and I could register the game on BSN, I received a title update for ME3. Any idea what that was about?
a mass effect 4 Google search turned up an Interview with OXM: ME dev says next game could cover a lot of background story. If they made one. Sounds like prequel to me.

On the the other hand, a suprise offspring shep( species based on previous romances) trying to impossibly live up to the name would be interesting.... Half quarian could be a hiccup though.
[quote name='shrike4242']Guess the facial glitch and some of the other issues are still pending a patch.[/QUOTE]

I don't think they picked the best examples to illustrate how ME2 faces can't be manually recreated in the ME3 character creator though. Apart from the goofy-looking female Shep, I'd say the other three look pretty good. The one in the top right corner is practically an exact match.
Haven't seen a response on this, so I'm asking this question again, spoilers if you have Ashley alive in ME3

I never bought the Tennyson poetry book for her in the hospital (thought it would be there for a long time and didn't expect it to disappear), does this mean I can't get her as an LI at all? I romanced Liara in ME1 and Miranda in ME2 but I wouldnt mind making Ashley an LI in this one if possible. I dont have any earlier saves so how screwed am I?
bread's done