Max Payne 3 - Gen. Discussion & Info

I've been rolling with the Mini-30 since launch day. With a suppressor and extended mag (which you unlock early on if you're dedicated) it's super deadly. Couple that with Sneakers and Sneaky and you're taking folks out like crazy.
[quote name='HydroX']I've been rolling with the Mini-30 since launch day. With a suppressor and extended mag (which you unlock early on if you're dedicated) it's super deadly. Couple that with Sneakers and Sneaky and you're taking folks out like crazy.[/QUOTE]Got many kills with that gun. I keep trying the FAL. I want to like it, but I feel I was doing better with the Mini-30. I might go back to it for good.

Right now, I'm focused on SP. I may play some MP, but right now I'm too invested in the story. If you haven't played SP, GO play it. This is where the game truly shines. I don't know what/why people don't like about the graphics, but I think the game looks amazing. Very cinematic indeed. This might be one of, if not the best looking game Rockstar has put out to date.
I just finished the SP, HO-LY SHIIITTTT!!! One of the best game storylines of the year. From beginning to the end, I never felt bored. The ending is crazy & I'm actually kind of surprised they allowed the game to have that ending. Imo,
Rockstar shouldn't make another Max Payne game. Let him walk into the sunset.
Rockstar did a great job with the story. It's been a while since I've had a lot of fun playing SP.

It's likely I'll replay it, but on a much higher difficulty. I give it 9 out of 10, maybe a 9.5. The best Rockstar game of this generation of systems to date.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']
True dual wielding? What's that...?[/QUOTE]You can dual wield two different handguns from the get go, but what I meant by true dual wielding is having two of the same gun like two uzis or m9111s etc. Using two different guns isn't that great for dual wielding because you're always stopping to reload one gun then the other since the bullet counts are different.
My single player glitched on me last night. Thankfully I was only halfway into the nightclub, but it was still a PITA. Game would make me watch all the cutscenes and right before I would load into the game, I would be kicked back to the main menu, sometimes mid-cutscene. Solved this by deleting my save, installing the game to my HDD and I was good to go. Now on Chapter 4 and it's a pretty good story so far. Granted I feel like a bitch playing on Easy with Soft Lock, but for some reason I just get worked over any other way.

It really reminds me a lot of Red Dead Redemption, and that's not a bad thing by any means.
[quote name='jdawgg76']You can dual wield two different handguns from the get go, but what I meant by true dual wielding is having two of the same gun like two uzis or m9111s etc. Using two different guns isn't that great for dual wielding because you're always stopping to reload one gun then the other since the bullet counts are different.[/QUOTE]

Oh! I See what you mean now! Yeah, I was wondering why I couldn't equip the same weapon twice... Makes sense now.

I honestly have less of an issue with the odd bullet count for each weapon... but considering all pistol uses the same ammo in MP I would much prefer to have two of one gun for cosmetic reasons.

Anyhow... I upgraded to the Colt 1911 and got rid of the revolver... The revolver has some punch but the lack of range and long (and more frequent reloads) made it less than idea for my play style. (I'm an obsessive compulsive reloader.)

Also I think the sweet spot for weight is the medium load. Unlimited sprint really isn't that useful, or at least isn't as useful as body armor and since I had the weight I went back to real grenades... (I still don't use them that much but if I'm getting gang banged I always have that outside chance of getting on dropped close to my attackers feet.)
[quote name='CMoney™']I just finished the SP, HO-LY SHIIITTTT!!! One of the best game storylines of the year. From beginning to the end, I never felt bored. The ending is crazy & I'm actually kind of surprised they allowed the game to have that ending. Imo,
Rockstar shouldn't make another Max Payne game. Let him walk into the sunset.
Rockstar did a great job with the story. It's been a while since I've had a lot of fun playing SP.

It's likely I'll replay it, but on a much higher difficulty. I give it 9 out of 10, maybe a 9.5. The best Rockstar game of this generation of systems to date.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly!!!

I've seen a lot of talk about duel wields being overpowered and assaults underpowered. I have yet to be killed by a duel wielder. I try my best to use them because I want to rank up my pistol, but I always get out shot by assault rifles!
yeah sometimes the audio would cut out on cutscenes. kinda bs cuz unskippable cutscenes in 2012? and they are long ones. seem even longer with background noise but no vocal audio. it says loading but really? lol

yeah im just bout to finish my old school/hardcore run and then im gonna flip it.
beat it on hard first playthrough. good stuff, great set moments.
i love love love the final
airport lobby run. with the slow music and girl singing in the background and they give you 5 painkillers so you have tons of life to just go at it one final shootout against everyone in front and above you and diving and shooting. just perfect ending shootout, then tram rail gun sequence, then a final dis armed guy shootout and then final rail sequence.
great stuff all n all.

my grrl was like this is like kane and lynch and shitty and just another shooter, but i loved the character driven narrative and the shootouts were great. hardcore isnt as badass cuz i was constantly getting killed (til i had the +1 / +2 painkillers, lol, thankx r*) but bit by bit i got through it. old school is easier than hard/hardcore and i could finally get some melee / executions kills in. anytime i tried that shit on harder difficulties they would take me out in 2 shots as i tried to get close to them.

just beat oldschool and hardcore and got all clues, golden guns and a kill with every weapon.

hardest part for me by far was the middle of ch11, sun tan oil, stale margaritas, and greed when you are trying to get off the boat. damn took me 20 tries with all those shooters on the docks and then you gotta run up the boat with tons shooting ya and ya play the piano and grab two painkillers, but so many tries.
hotel/police station/airport were all easy compared to panama boat level.

last gun i was missing was super sport on ch 12 only once in the game. sawn off and law were hard too, but i already had those from ch7 and ch 13.

im not even gonna mess with nym or nym hardcore or level 40/50 online. i got all other trophies tho, woot. i was hoping to trade this in to best buy for 22+%60 so 35, but dropped to 20 so 32 and already have it locked in @ amazon for 34. yeps
so bb got it for 65, 20 egift hopefully, so 45, 35 tiv, hopefully it price drops and i make $10, lol. yay

just put this in ps3 thread, but i see you guys are more read... ;)
Just put in my request to join CAG Payne.

I first played the Max Payne series on the PS2. When I heard it's better on Xbox, I downloaded it to the 360 a few months ago to try it out.

They were right. Loads faster and looked better.

Going through Max Payne 3 and I'm loving it. It's great to hear music that isn't the same theme over and over and watch the comic panels come to life (speaking of animation, have any of you guys
watched Captain Baseball Bat Boy on the TV yet?
Great easter egg. The disorientation effect can get annoying at times, although I'm more focused on the gorgeous scenery that it doesn't bother me as much as it probably should.

I just finished the drive-by on the bus and started the escape on the boat.
[quote name='Survivalism']I hate sniper levels.[/QUOTE]I do as well only because the aiming switches sticks and while I like invert on the right stick for looking, I just can't adjust to invert on the left stick. Sux whenever I pick up any sniper rifle really.

[quote name='Velo214']beat it on hard first playthrough. good stuff, great set moments.

...old school is easier than hard/hardcore and i could finally get some melee / executions kills in. anytime i tried that shit on harder difficulties they would take me out in 2 shots as i tried to get close to them.

hardest part for me by far was the middle of ch11, sun tan oil, stale margaritas, and greed when you are trying to get off the boat. damn took me 20 tries with all those shooters on the docks and then you gotta run up the boat with tons shooting ya and ya play the piano and grab two painkillers, but so many tries.
hotel/police station/airport were all easy compared to panama boat level.
[/QUOTE]Also playing on hard, can't imagine NYM or NYM Oldschool.
Good to hear about melees on old school as like you I got very few melees in hard. By the time you close even a short gap you've already been put down.

I'm halfway through chapter 11 right now and there are some really tough segments for sure. In that segment on the boat I had to play it several times to get into the top floor. One time I did a shootdodge and found it hilarious that I actually went all the way over the rail and fell to my death. Several tries later I was much less amused that I did the exact same thing with one guy left. Luckily, I killed him as I went over the rail and it actually started me at the next checkpoint with me getting inside.
[quote name='Cage017']Just put in my request to join CAG Payne.

I first played the Max Payne series on the PS2. When I heard it's better on Xbox, I downloaded it to the 360 a few months ago to try it out.

They were right. Loads faster and looked better.

Going through Max Payne 3 and I'm loving it. It's great to hear music that isn't the same theme over and over and watch the comic panels come to life (speaking of animation, have any of you guys
watched Captain Baseball Bat Boy on the TV yet?
Great easter egg. The disorientation effect can get annoying at times, although I'm more focused on the gorgeous scenery that it doesn't bother me as much as it probably should.

I just finished the drive-by on the bus and started the escape on the boat.[/QUOTE]Invite sent.
I played the first two on PC and the pinpoint control and much better graphics was a big help. I really like how the loading screens are comic panels detailing recent events in the game as a nod to the previous style of the games.
I think the bus drive by achievement may have been the first kill so many bad guys in a slow mo sequence that I actually got. Always come up one short.
Are people playing the multiplayer?It's been pretty barren lately.Only finding 2 or 3 people per room in free aim.They must be playing in Hardcore or something.
[quote name='mrx001']Are people playing the multiplayer?It's been pretty barren lately.Only finding 2 or 3 people per room in free aim.They must be playing in Hardcore or something.[/QUOTE]
I've not been online in a few days, well, more like a week, so I'm really out of date with my numbers but a week ago it was about 200 people a playlist... I've seen games get ready to start only a handful of players but populate pretty quickly to full teams.

Note: That was free aim rooms in off peak times. (Mostly like dead of night US time.)
[quote name='mrx001']Are people playing the multiplayer?It's been pretty barren lately.Only finding 2 or 3 people per room in free aim.They must be playing in Hardcore or something.[/QUOTE]

A lot more people are playing soft lock to rank up faster.
Finally got around to playing and finishing this game. Took me 13 hours (according to Raptr) on free aim, hard difficulty. Some observations/rants/complaints/love letters:
-It's been a while since I've played MP2 on the pc but it's great to listen to Max again.
-Hard was....hard. And not console hard, but hard. I don't think I'll go for a Hardcore/Old School run (maybe).
-I was on a media blackout for the game. I enjoyed the flashback stuff in NY/NJ but I wasn't feeling the South America locales.
-Wish I looked at the manual first. Didn't realize I could change over which shoulder I was looking at until the second disc.
-I still can't believe you can "cheese" out some enemies using the shoulder view. You can see them but they can't see you because of a wall, therefore easy headshots.
-I was surprised the manual wasn't a black and white single sheet of paper, it was nice to look at for the 5 minutes that I did.
-I used a rifle (or whatever type of weapon uses the bottom slot) for most of the game and every single time a cutscene finished, I had to change back from the pistol slot to the rifle slot.
-Last man standing seemed less than useful since if there is still any other enemies while you get up, you're gonna take a few hits.
-Getting in and out of cover, especially after a LMS is a bit clunky.
-F those bullet sponge enemies, especially the last encounter. I know there are only three of em in the game, but still, f em.
-Not quite what I expected from MP3 but it's alright, I guess. I'll trade it in and get the GotY edition in a year or whenever.
Meh,I got bored.Seems somehow unbalance.People with golden or upgraded guns seem to down me with just a few shots, and sometimes behind cover.Now I just run around with a gorilla mask,a tin can,a pistol,sneakers and the shirt makes you less visible on the map.I never shoot my gun,just run around melee,and looting bodies.It's pretty fun.I die a lot,but at least I'm having fun.
Kept seeing the message to join a crew to gain more xp and couldn't make up my mind until I thought to finally search cag and glad I did. Now how in the hell do I play with fellow crew members?

Favorite quote so far was when Max said "If a tree falls in the woods and no one updates their status, should I give a shit?" I'm pretty sure there was no relevance to anything when he said it which actually made me laugh.
[quote name='theLeftStroke']Kept seeing the message to join a crew to gain more xp and couldn't make up my mind until I thought to finally search cag and glad I did. Now how in the hell do I play with fellow crew members?

Favorite quote so far was when Max said "If a tree falls in the woods and no one updates their status, should I give a shit?" I'm pretty sure there was no relevance to anything when he said it which actually made me laugh.[/QUOTE]Hadn't heard that one. You can be a member of up to five if you want. You select which one you're currently playing for under the crew options. You can view your party/friends/crew members with the RB/LB bumpers while in mp.
[quote name='mrx001']Meh,I got bored.Seems somehow unbalance.People with golden or upgraded guns seem to down me with just a few shots, and sometimes behind cover.Now I just run around with a gorilla mask,a tin can,a pistol,sneakers and the shirt makes you less visible on the map.I never shoot my gun,just run around melee,and looting bodies.It's pretty fun.I die a lot,but at least I'm having fun.[/QUOTE]

Having a golden gun doesn't make it more powerful (to my knowledge) .. it's just a color/tint option that you can unlock via single player.
[quote name='HydroX']Having a golden gun doesn't make it more powerful (to my knowledge) .. it's just a color/tint option that you can unlock via single player.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty much my belief of it too... I've played without them for quite sometime before I realized how to change them to gold and when i did change over I didn't feel anymore powerful.
gold is just a color in mp, but in sp they hold more bullets and 10% stronger? i read that anyway.

and the instruction manual was great. my gf actually said this is why girls don't buy video games when she saw the battlefield 3 guide, which was like a one page black n white slip. i dont even read that stuff but i showed her the max payne 3 guide and she was impressed. this doesnt mean much to equal quality tho as she was equally impressed with the brink manual which was blue and big and pretty shiny ;)
I keep glitching during the strip club, anybody know how to fix this? I can't seem to install the disc either, it freezes at like 44%
[quote name='Jav0r']I keep glitching during the strip club, anybody know how to fix this? I can't seem to install the disc either, it freezes at like 44%[/QUOTE]

If you know someone who has their own copy I would try caching theirs to your HD... if you don't try resitting the disc over and try caching again.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']If you know someone who has their own copy I would try caching theirs to your HD... if you don't try resitting the disc over and try caching again.[/QUOTE]

I don't know anybody with the game. There was a giant circular scratch on the disc. Does this cause the glitch? I ended up getting pass the strip club after 20 or so glitch attempts. Problem is the glitch is back in the next area. So I just sent it back to Gamefly and hope they send me a new one asap. I hope its just the disc being scratched causing the glitch.
[quote name='Jav0r']I don't know anybody with the game. There was a giant circular scratch on the disc. Does this cause the glitch? I ended up getting pass the strip club after 20 or so glitch attempts. Problem is the glitch is back in the next area. So I just sent it back to Gamefly and hope they send me a new one asap. I hope its just the disc being scratched causing the glitch.[/QUOTE]

Circular scratches are the worst. So, yes, that's likely it.
Just finished. Damn this was a great game. Maybe a chapter too long but thoroughly enjoyed it. Well worth $40 and glad I bought it at launch.
yeah great game! I need to go back and play on new york minute and new york minute hardcore sometime.
great soundtrack too. and the visual effects were fine, unlike kane n lynch 2 which made my grrl quesy.
npds said it was a flop, so that sucks, but great game. and so glad they had the same guy do max's voice.
[quote name='confoosious']Just finished. Damn this was a great game. Maybe a chapter too long but thoroughly enjoyed it. Well worth $40 and glad I bought it at launch.[/QUOTE]

You didnt Preorder to get 20 gc at bby then pm down to 40 to make it 20?
for any of you jive turkeys who play the MP its double xp this weekend (fri-sun) plus the new map pack is out and its pretty cool.
ha, didnt know that so thanks.

MP is really fun if you play with friends, my crew aint been into it lately though. Oh well.
[quote name='confoosious']what is the DLC that best buy just sent me?[/QUOTE]

First map pack? (I'm guessing)

Finally got this in yesterday's mail, complete :ps3: copy from GoHastings. Felt a little bad for not giving my money directly to Rockstar so I bought the season pass. Sounds like there's some decent content in there.
[quote name='confoosious']what is the DLC that best buy just sent me?[/QUOTE]

Local Justice Pack. Some new weapons, new faction to play as, and 3 new maps.

São Paulo's Imperial Palace is perfect for those that thrive on intense close-quarters combat. Packed with areas that allow you to creep up on unsuspecting enemies, as well as balconies and bars to catch the sluggish passerby, the Imperial Palace is designed for non-stop action, so equip a Loadout that can handle everything that this fast paced multi-level environment holds.

An expansive bi-level multiplayer map packed with tight corners, bulletproof glass and a balance of open spaces and scattered hiding places, the den of the ruthless São Paulo Special Forces has a seemingly endless number of jail cells, control rooms, and choke points for you to shoot your way out of. Dual wield some powerful pistols or equip a speedy shotgun to get the most out of your Loadout as you showcase your hit and run tactics.

Stave off enemies gunning for you through the sunglass kiosks, book stores, and vending machines that litter the Departure Lounge of São Paulo’s Piratininga Airport. Packed with plenty of strategically obstructed views, alcoves, and enough cover to hide you from certain death, this map has been tailored for intense Multiplayer action.
There is also a graveyard map that's 2 bucks I think. Pretty silly that they did 4 maps and only put three in the pack and have to pay for the other one seperately.

Anyone else get in in the double xp weekend? Didn't play that much but still got like 5 levels. Mostly played Hardcore mode which gives even more xp and is really quite fun. No map no health regeneration and free aim.
[quote name='kilik64']There is also a graveyard map that's 2 bucks I think. Pretty silly that they did 4 maps and only put three in the pack and have to pay for the other one seperately.

Anyone else get in in the double xp weekend? Didn't play that much but still got like 5 levels. Mostly played Hardcore mode which gives even more xp and is really quite fun. No map no health regeneration and free aim.[/QUOTE]
That map was a gs pre order bonus and they have put all pre order bonuses up for sale now.
[quote name='jdawgg76']That map was a gs pre order bonus and they have put all pre order bonuses up for sale now.[/QUOTE]

Ahh ok cool. Not so mad about it knowing that.
Finally finished it last night. This was a bad ass action game and one of my favorite games so far this year. Too bad it's considered a flop sales wise. =(
bread's done